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本文(广东省乳源高级中学学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题 Word版含答案.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

广东省乳源高级中学学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题 Word版含答案.docx

1、广东省乳源高级中学学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题 Word版含答案2014-2015学年度第二学期高二年级期中考试英语试题考试时间: 120分钟 总分:150分 命题人 万小花I .语法知识及应用(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分 )1. This machine is very easy_. Anybody can learn to use it in a few minutes. A. operating B. to be operating C. operated D. to operate2. My ambition is _ in the computer industry whe

2、n I grow up. work B. to be working C. to have worked D. work3.Little Tom should love _ to the theater this evening. A. to be taken B. to take C. being taken D. taking4.The thief entered the room without _. A. noticing B. being noticed C. having noticed D. having been noticed5.This is the most i

3、nteresting story_ I have heard. A. which B. that C.what D. where6. I will tell you everything _ I know. A.that B. whose C. whichD. who7.I cant forget the days _ we spent learning English together. A. which B. when C. that D. where8.-Where did you last see Mr. Smith? -It was in the hotel_ I lived. A.

4、 that B. which C. where D. when9.Can you see the house _ roof was painted red? A. that B.which C. whose D. its10. Last night we saw two movies, _ was interesting. A. both of which B. neither of which C. both of them D. neither of them II. 完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分 )阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最

5、佳选项,并在答题卡上将对应的该项涂黑。 Yesterday afternoon John and I were walking along the road when we heard someone shout. “ 11 _!” He called out several more times 12 we could find him. He was in the lake, and there was a small boat nearby. At 13 we knew he had fallen from the boat and couldnt swim _14 _enough to

6、 reach it or to get to shore. As we ran toward the lake I saw him 15 _ , and I was sure that he had drowned. But after a moment his head 16 again.Quickly John took off his shoes, 17 into the water, and started swimming toward the 18 man. He reached him just as the man was 19 down again. He was 20 en

7、ough to stretch out his 21 and try to catch hold of the mans clothing or his hair before he sank. But the man 22 out his arms, caught John around the neck and began to 23 him down under the water. I was so nervous that my heart started to beat violently. To my _24_, John fought to keep his 25 above

8、the water. At the same time he 26 to swim toward the boat, pulling the man with him.I also jumped into the water to help, 27 the boat with one hand and swimming with the 28 . The man looked dead, with his heart 29 weakly. We did what we could to 30 him. At last we succeeded. 11 A. Save B. Help C. Go

9、d D. Dangerous12 A. before B. when C. since D. as13 A. first B. last C. once D. well14 A. quick B. fast C. far D. well15 A.float B. swim C. fall D. sink16 A. nodded B. missed C. appeared D.dropped 17 A. jumped B. rushed C. running D. setting18 A. dangerous B. drowning C. danger D. drowned19 A. falli

10、ng B. going C. dropping D. becoming20 A. close B. brave C. strong D. clever21 A. nose B. head C. foot D. hand22 A. took B. set C. got D. reached23 A. draw B. push C. drive D. ride24 A. surprise B. sorrow C. relief D. disappointment 25 A. legs B. head C. arms D. hands26 A. managed B. failed C. tried

11、D. continued27 A. holding B. smelling C. cutting D. making28 A. one B. others C.another D. other29 A. jumping B. knocking C. beating D. setting30 A. hear B. save C. beat D. killIII. 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将对应的该项涂黑。AI chose to study in Madrid because I had a desire

12、 to learn Spanish. My first impressions of Madrid were incredible. It was before the New Year that I arrived in Madrid for the first time. While traveling to my Spanish friends house in a taxi, I appreciated the buildings along the road which were different from those of my own country.There are an

13、incredible number of restaurants and bars from all over the world. If you are really into sightseeing, I hope you have rechargeable(可再充电的) batteries for your digital camera, because one week really isnt enough time to see everything here including a number of art, science, and historical museums as

14、well as parks, buildings, and amazing landscapes.What I liked best about life in Madrid was the fact that if you were frustrated with schoolwork and wanted to have some fun, you can easily go out. The nightlife never seems to stop and the people are all very friendly. You can meet people and practic

15、e Spanish while having fun at the same time.What I liked least was the fact that many people smoked in the streets. Also, coming from the US, I was used to having a big breakfast every morning, but while living with an actual Spanish family, I wasnt really satisfied with the food in the morning.I th

16、ink I have definitely become more independent since I came back from Spain. Living in a big city like Madrid I found that it is necessary to plan ahead and to make a schedule for future. There is so much to see, not just in the Spanish World, but in the European World as well. 31. Where is the write

17、r of the passage from? A. US B. UK C. Spain D China32. Why did the author suggest taking rechargeable batteries? A. Its difficult to deal with the used batteries. B. Its not convenient to recharge batteries. C. There are few stores that sell ordinary batteries. D. You will find lots of places worth

18、taking pictures of.33.Which of the following is NOT true? A. The writer chose to study in Madrid because he wanted to learn Spanish. B. The writer was very glad to see many people smoking in the streets. C. The nightlife in Madrid never seems to stop and the people are all very friendly. D. The writ

19、ers first impressions of Madrid were great.34. Which of the following in Madrid didnt please the author?A. Parks and buildings. B. Restaurants and bars.C. Breakfast. D. Nightlife. 35. Whats the purpose of the text? A. To attract people to tour around Madrid. B. To describe the authors life in Madrid

20、. C. To give advice on how to study Spanish. D. To show how to enjoy Spanish culture.BEat nuts, live longer. Researchers have found that those who eat a handful of peanuts every day significantly decrease their risk of dying from all causes compared to those who do not eat nuts. A newstudyconcludes

21、that all types of nuts seem to be protective. Researcher Ying Bao is with the Department of Medicine at Brigham and Womens Hospital and Harvard University Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts. She and her colleagues looked at the impact of nut consumption by analyzing two huge studies that began

22、in 1980 - the Nurses Health Study, which tracks the well-being of more than 76,000 women, and 42,000 men enrolled in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study. Among the questions asked at the beginning of the studies was, how frequently do you eat nuts? The information was updated every two to four

23、years. Bao says the participants were followed for three decades. “What we observed is that people who eat more nuts are less likely to die over the next 30 years, said Bao. So, for example, if a person eat(s) nuts once per day, that person has a 20 percent lower risk of dying.” Bao says eating a ha

24、ndful of nuts five or more times per week was associated with a 29 percent reduced risk of dying from heart disease and an 11 percent lower risk of cancer death. A serving size is 28 grams. Nuts contain nutrients, including high quality proteins, vitamins and minerals, all of which have anti-cancer

25、effects and may help protect the heart. Bao says researchers are planning studies to find out how nuts are beneficial to human health.The study on the health benefits of nuts was funded by the International Tree Nut Council Research and Education Foundation.36. People who often eat nuts _.A. are mor

26、e likely to live longer than people who often eat fruitsB. dont need to go to hospitalC. dont have to do sportsD. may live longer than people who dont eat nuts37. The underlined word “well-being” in Paragraph 2 shares the same meaning as “_”.A. illness Bweight Chealth Dhabit38. Which of the followin

27、g is TRUE? A. A new study suggests that all types of nuts seem to be protective. B. Nuts contain nutrients like protein, vitamins, minerals, salt, sugar, etc. C.Eating nuts regularly can help lose weight. D.If people want to keep fit, they must eat as many nuts as they can.39. Eating nuts may help u

28、s stay away from _. A. cancer Bfever Cflu Dheadache40. The passage is most probably from a journal of _ .A.entertainment Bbusiness Csports DdietC “Hurry, mommy! Lets go trick-or-treat!” My daughter waited by the door in her pink princess costume while I prayed(祈祷) in the living room. Usually I liked

29、 taking her out on Halloween, but this year I was sad. I was worried about my mother, who was in China on vacation. I got a call that afternoon that she had slipped and fallen on the hard floor of her hotel and broken her leg. She was taken to a hospital in Beijing. Mom was nervous because she could

30、nt understand any of the doctors. If only I could do something to help her!I knew I couldnt let my worries ruin my daughters fun. There was nothing I could do for Mom except pray, I thought. We left the house and headed down the block. I was so upset that I barely took notice of the kids around me.

31、There came the man to whose son Id once given piano lessons. “Hello there,” I said, greeting him and the boy at his side.“Hello,” the father answered. “Having fun?” “Im trying,” I said. “Why, whats wrong?” he asked. I told him the whole story. “My mother, in China, broke her leg and didnt understand

32、 any of the doctors. And Im too far away to do anything!” I said.He raised his eyebrows. “Beijing, you said?” he asked. I nodded. He smiled. “Believe it or not, my sister is a doctor at an English-speaking hospital there. If you want, Ill make a call right away and well try and get your mom transferr

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