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1、远程英语下辅导1北京科技大学远成学院20092010年第2学期大学英语1试题辅导1姓名: 班级: 学号: 题目一二三四五分数注意事项:*答题卡中考试类型都涂成A卷答试卷一前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目用铅笔涂写在机读卡上。每小题选出答案后, 用铅笔把机读卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选其它答案标号。不能答在试卷上。Part I Reading Comprehension (30 %)Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some que

2、stions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage One “I have great confidence that by the end of the decade well know in vast detail how cancer cells ar

3、ise,” says microbiologist Robert Weinberg,an expert on cancer. “But,” he cautions, “some people have the idea that once one understands the causes, the cure will rapidly follow. Consider Pasteur. He discovered the causes of many kinds of infections, but it was fifty or sixty years before cures were

4、available.” 76)This year,50 percent of the 910 000 people who suffer from cancer will survive at least five years. In the year 2000, the National Cancer Institute estimates, that figure will be 75 percent. For some skin cancers,the five-year survival rate is as high as 90 percent. But other survival

5、 statistics are still discouraging 13 percent for lung cancer,and 2 percent for cancer of the pancreas(胰腺)With as many as 120 varieties in existence, discovering how cancer works is not easy. The researchers made great progress in the early 1970s, when they discovered that oncogenes, which are cance

6、r-causing genes(基因),are inactive in normal cells. Anything from cosmic rays to radiation to diet may activate a dormant oncogene, but how remains unknownIf several oncogenes are driven into action,the cell,unable to turn them off,becomes cancerous77) The exact mechanisms involved are still mysteriou

7、s, but the likelihood that many cancers are initiated at the level of genes suggests that we will never prevent all cancers. “Changes are a normal part of the evolutionary process,” say oncologist William Hayward. Environmental factors can never be totally eliminated; as Hayward points out, “We cant

8、 prepare a medicine against cosmic rays.”The prospects for cure, though still distant, are brighter.“First, we need to understand how the normal cell controls itself. Second, we have to determine whether there are a limited number of genes in cells which are always responsible for a least part of th

9、e trouble. If we can understand how cancer works, we counteract its actions.”1. The purpose of taking the example of Pasteur is to _.A. predict that the secret of cancer will be exposed in a decadeB. illustrate that the prospects for curing cancer are brightC. prove that cancer will be cured in ten

10、yearsD. indicate that there is still a long way to go before cancer can be conquered2. By the year 2000, it is possible that_.A. there will be a remedy to cure all the cancer. B. 90 percent of the skin-cancer patients today will still be livingC. the survival statistics will be fairly even among pat

11、ients with various cancersD. there wont be a drastic increase of survival rate of all cancer patients3. Oncogenes are cancer-causing genes_.A. that are always in operation in a healthy personB. which remain unharmful so long as they are not activatedC. that can be driven out of normal cellsD. which

12、normal cells cant turn off4. The word “dormant” in the third paragraph most probably is replaced by_. A. sleepy B. potencial C. dead D. inactive 5. It can be included that_. A. once someone understands the causes of cancer, the cure will rapid follow B. it is known that how to activate a dormant onc

13、ogene C. the prospect for curing cancer is not bright at all.D. we cant counteract cancers action unless we know how cancer worksPassage TwoKelley McKee of Steelton, Pennsylvania, never had any intentions of taking Distance Education courses. She had already obtained a certificate at a business scho

14、ol. She was married, had children and worked as a legal assistant. But her life changed forever when she broke her neck and became paralyzed. She was just 27 years old. 78)Over time, Kelley has learned to move her fingers enough to use a computer and to get around daily with the help of a wheelchair

15、. Although that progress is not enough to allow her to continue her previous career, other opportunities have opened up for her. Kelley said, The accident changed my outlook on life, and I immediately looked to education since I had no degree. Most traditional programs did not allow her to balance h

16、er education with a growing family. Then, Kelley found Penn State Distance Education. Distance Education is hard work, but my children make it all worthwhile. Even if for some reason I cant work after obtaining my degree, I will be an educated person, setting a good example for my children and havin

17、g gained the knowledge that can help them in their future efforts. Distance Education has changed my life from tragedy to triumph, she said. Distance Education affords me an opportunity to pursue my own goals and personal work. My education is separate from my issues regarding my disability or my fa

18、mily life and caring for my children. Commenting on McKees experience, Gary E. Miller, vice president for Distance Education and director of the World Campus, noted, Kelleys story is a wonderful reminder about the impact of Distance Education on the lives of our students who cannot meet their needs

19、through traditional on-campus programs. Jane Ireland, academic advisor for Distance Education and the World Campus, added: Kelley reminds us of the mission we have in Distance Education-to bring a quality education and experience to students regardless of their geographic vocation or life circumstan

20、ces. Kelley is a wonderful example for us of the great effect we have on the lives of a great many students who truly need access to education. Kelley is a successful student, carrying credits each semester. She plans to complete her bachelors degree in letters, arts, and sciences, then continue on

21、to obtain an online masters degree. After graduation, McKee hopes to work with injured or disabled individuals, possibly in counseling in a rehabilitation setting. Jane Ireland has no doubt Kelley will achieve her goals. 79) Kelley is thankful to her outstanding instructors and a number of student s

22、upport services, including financial aid, disability services and vocational rehabilitation. Many of these faculty and staff, however, say that it is Kelley McKee who has been outstanding. Susan Waitkus, instructor in English at Penn States DuBois Campus, stated, Kelley inspires not only other stude

23、nts, but also faculty fortunate enough to know her. She reminds us how privileged we are to teach.6. Kelly McKee didnt think of taking Distance Education courses because_.A. taking distance Education Courses was a lot of workB. she was satisfied with her previous educationC. there was nothing she pa

24、rticularly wanted to learnD. she had a suitable education for her previous career7. Kelleys life was changed so much by the accident that she_.A. needed constant help in daily lifeB. couldnt live without her doctors helpC. needed to use a wheelchairD. had to hire a person to take care of her8. Kelle

25、y didnt choose traditional education because_.A. she didnt like itB. her family needed her at home C. it wouldnt take married studentsD. she was disabled9. Distance Education was of great importance to Kelly because_.A. she could become a better educated personB. she could set a good example to her

26、children and help themC. she could have other opportunities to work and achieve her goalsD. all of the above10. According to the academic advisors for distance education, their mission is_.A. to help any student who cannot go to the campus to have quality educationB. to provide the students with the

27、 best education they can offer on the campusC. to bring education to a great geographic distance using modern technologyD. to help disabled students who cannot otherwise have their educationPassage ThreeAs a resource, the World Wide Web (Web) contains huge amounts of information. The Web is extensiv

28、e, relatively easy to access, and provides virtually unlimited information. An excellent resource to gain knowledge, the Web is leading the information revolution. It has made a huge difference in the world, and will continue to do so. When you need current information and you need it now, there is

29、no alternative. Over the past 12 years I have been involved in technology research. Originally, I obtained software information from printed reference materials and then from CDs. The advent of the Web as a research tool has greatly expanded the availability of information while reducing the amount

30、of time needed on each task. The majority of my time on the Web involves looking up technical computer information, which I use for teaching Microsoft applications classes and providing technical advice at work. Outside of work, I really like following all aspects of the financial world, and the Web

31、 has turned into a great resource for this hobby. I cant imagine being without it. Although it takes time to sift through the multitude of sources, I find that after years of use I can quickly analyze the search results to find the most appropriate site. The amount of information on the Web is stagg

32、ering, so it is important to remember what it is you are searching for and not get sidetracked. The Web is a wonderful resource when you can substantiate that the information provided is accurate and true. Like any other resource, the Web has good and not so good information to share. Depending on what you are looking for, you have to judge for yourself how relevant the material is for you. It is important

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