1、举世无双的瓷房子举世无双的瓷房子各位游客朋友,大家好我叫朱英浩,很荣幸当今天的导游。十分欢迎大家来到天津参观这座全世界独一无二的瓷房子博物馆。下面就请大家边参观边听我给您们介绍这独一无二的瓷房子吧 瓷房子是由爱国华侨张志连用20多年来苦心收藏的各种珍稀古董瓷器、瓷片,贴在一座法式洋楼上面历时6年建成的。 瓷房子用了高达7亿多片瓷器碎片、1.3万件古董瓷器、300多尊历代石造像、300多尊历代石狮子。这些数目庞大的碎瓷片年代悠久,从汉代到清末,片片都价值连城。 principles and policies, political stand, thinking to identify direc
2、tions, operational orders. (D) strengthening the party construction of party spirit. Spirit is a measure of party positions and the basic principle of the enlightenment. Each party to important life accomplishment, as required, for profound self education, exercise, self improvement and self improve
3、ment, thick background of party memberspartys line, principles and policies play a key political role in implementation. Four-line to firmly establish consciousness. Unswervingly followed the pace of XI Jinping, Secretary, par often awake and active par consciously and resolutely the same courage, p
4、ar to the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary of the party Constitution and practices series of spirit par, par to the partys theory, line 在街道上看瓷房子,首先看到的是平安墙,它是由600多个元代青花瓷片组成的,从正门进入,就会看到一个类似屏风的建筑。一面镶这几十个无首佛像,另一面的是玄帝庙。最醒目的是盘旋在房子左右两侧的巨大瓷片龙,从屋顶盘旋到地面,再由地面蜿蜒到屋顶,从楼顶蜿蜒出5个字母【china】字母之间首尾相连,造型独特,如同巨龙在空中
5、飞舞。有700多件瓷猫被装在外墙的立柱上,头向下取猛虎下山之意。 房子最高处有一颗红色的五角星。这颗星星可不简单,它用的是【祭红】,因为【祭红】的烧制技术复杂、传世稀少非常珍贵。位于侧门的【我爱中国】4个字也是用【祭红】砌成的。 principles and policies, political stand, thinking to identify directions, operational orders. (D) strengthening the party construction of party spirit. Spirit is a measure of party pos
6、itions and the basic principle of the enlightenment. Each party to important life accomplishment, as required, for profound self education, exercise, self improvement and self improvement, thick background of party memberspartys line, principles and policies play a key political role in implementati
7、on. Four-line to firmly establish consciousness. Unswervingly followed the pace of XI Jinping, Secretary, par often awake and active par consciously and resolutely the same courage, par to the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary of the party Constitution and practices series of spirit par, par
8、to the partys theory, line 瓷房子楼高连地下室在内共有五层,地下室暂时不对外开放。其余4层陈列着夏朝到清朝各个朝代的综合展品,包括了石雕、木雕、瓷器、泥塑、家具、青铜器大红色的墙壁上有许多用瓷片拼出的画,栩栩如生、十分生动。 大家猜的出瓷片是用什么东西粘的如此牢固吗,嘿嘿猜不出吧其实是用糯米和蛋清来制成的【胶水】。这个配方是文化遗产哦 希望本次的瓷房子之行能让大家感悟到里面所蕴含的中国文化,领略古瓷片的【第二次生命】。欢迎您们的再次光临,谢谢 principles and policies, political stand, thinking to identify
9、directions, operational orders. (D) strengthening the party construction of party spirit. Spirit is a measure of party positions and the basic principle of the enlightenment. Each party to important life accomplishment, as required, for profound self education, exercise, self improvement and self im
10、provement, thick background of party memberspartys line, principles and policies play a key political role in implementation. Four-line to firmly establish consciousness. Unswervingly followed the pace of XI Jinping, Secretary, par often awake and active par consciously and resolutely the same coura
11、ge, par to the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary of the party Constitution and practices series of spirit par, par to the partys theory, line 处处可见的爱国情怀 巧夺天工的手艺、精心的布局,无处不传承着中国博大精深的深厚文化底蕴 principles and policies, political stand, thinking to identify directions, operational orders. (D) strength
12、ening the party construction of party spirit. Spirit is a measure of party positions and the basic principle of the enlightenment. Each party to important life accomplishment, as required, for profound self education, exercise, self improvement and self improvement, thick background of party members
13、partys line, principles and policies play a key political role in implementation. Four-line to firmly establish consciousness. Unswervingly followed the pace of XI Jinping, Secretary, par often awake and active par consciously and resolutely the same courage, par to the CPC Central Committee, Genera
14、l Secretary of the party Constitution and practices series of spirit par, par to the partys theory, line 巧妙的将古代名画与瓷片溶于一体,令人不得不赞叹的奇思妙想 principles and policies, political stand, thinking to identify directions, operational orders. (D) strengthening the party construction of party spirit. Spirit is a m
15、easure of party positions and the basic principle of the enlightenment. Each party to important life accomplishment, as required, for profound self education, exercise, self improvement and self improvement, thick background of party memberspartys line, principles and policies play a key political r
16、ole in implementation. Four-line to firmly establish consciousness. Unswervingly followed the pace of XI Jinping, Secretary, par often awake and active par consciously and resolutely the same courage, par to the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary of the party Constitution and practices series
17、of spirit par, par to the partys theory, line 大家猜猜看这是什么地方,看到如此熟悉的标志也该知道了就是洗手间 可是大家有见过设计如此特别、如此精美、如此艺术的洗手间吗, principles and policies, political stand, thinking to identify directions, operational orders. (D) strengthening the party construction of party spirit. Spirit is a measure of party positions
18、and the basic principle of the enlightenment. Each party to important life accomplishment, as required, for profound self education, exercise, self improvement and self improvement, thick background of party memberspartys line, principles and policies play a key political role in implementation. Fou
19、r-line to firmly establish consciousness. Unswervingly followed the pace of XI Jinping, Secretary, par often awake and active par consciously and resolutely the same courage, par to the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary of the party Constitution and practices series of spirit par, par to the partys theory, line
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