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1、英语A级写作模版英语A级写作模版写作:假如您是某公司销售部经理David Wang,给总经理写一封电子邮件,内容包括:1.本人参加了美国纽约电子产品展销会,为期一周;2.本公司设了3个展台,产品深受客户欢迎;3.有5家美国公司与我们签订了销售合同;4.我们的产品在美国市场一定会有良好的前景;5.客户希望我们能够提供优质售后服务。Words for reference:电子产品展销会 electronic products fair售后服务 after-sales service May 19,2011Dear General Manager,A few days ago I went to a

2、ttend the one-week electronics trade fair in New York. Our company set up three booths there, and our products greatly attracted many customers. So far five U.S. companies have already signed a sales contract with us. I think the products of our products in the U.S. market will be good. Our customer

3、s hope that we can provide them with high quality after-sales service. I am very optimistic about the prospects for the New York market.Yours faithfully,David Wang,Sales Manager 说明:假设你是某公司的员工Susan Waters, 根据下列内容给公司人事部经理Ms. Bush 写一封辞职信。写信日期:2010年12月19日内容:1表示要辞职;2解释辞职的原因(自拟);3告知离职的时间(一个月后);4对于在工作期间所得到

4、的指导和帮助表示感谢。Yours sincerely,Susan Waters说明:假设你是一个医疗设备公司的经理。你收到一家代理公司的经理Peter Smith 先生的信。 他想了解你公司的情况,你写信向他介绍并希望他能作为你公司的代理。公司简介:公司名称:广安医疗设备有限公司成立年份:1980年公司总部地址:中国神州市主要产品:医疗测试设备雇员人数:1000名,其中120人从事研究与开发销售市场:大部分产品销往东南亚和南美注意舒心格式!Words for reference:医疗测试设备medical testing equipment 总部 headquarters从事 engage i

5、n 东南亚 Southeast Asia代理 agentDear Mr. Peter Smith,Thank you for your letter of June 16, 2011. I am very pleased that you are interested in our company. Guangan Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. was established in 1980, whose headquarters is in Shenzhou, China. Its main products are medical testing equipmen

6、t, which are mainly exported to Southeast Asia and South America. It has 1,000 staff members, of whom 120 engage in research and development. That means we have our own powerful R & D team.You are a medical device trading firm and enjoy a good reputation all over the world. In addition, you operate

7、your own advertising agency. After careful consideration, I have decided to entrust you with the sole agency for our medial testing equipment in the above mentioned areas.To give you a general idea of the scope of our business and the available catalogue for export, I enclose a brochure and a price-

8、list separately.I am looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. Yours sincerely, Mike Lee General Manager Guangan Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. 说明:根据下面中文信息写一封询问信。发信人:Mark Zhang收信人:Mr. Smith发信日期:2009年12月22日内容:1.Mark 在最近的广交会上认识了Smith 先生;2.Mark 对Smith先生所在公司展出的新款手机很感兴趣;3.询问产品的详细信息,包括产品的规格、颜色

9、、价格和功能等;4.说明该款手机市场销售前景看好;5.希望和对方建立长远的商务关系。Words for reference:广交会 Guangzhou Trade Fair规格 specifications December 22, 2009Dear Mr. Smith,I am Mark Zhang, Manager of Import Department of Sunny Foreign Trade & Import Co. Ltd. Mr. Smith, recently, we met each other at Guangzhou Trade Fair, at which I ha

10、d the opportunity to see a display of your new style mobile phones which were very interesting to me.I am writing to you in the hope that we can establish long-term commercial business relations with your firm. We would like to offer you our service as a trading firm, and would mention that we are e

11、xperienced importers of our country, and are enjoying a good reputation all over the world.In addition, we operate our own advertising agency, and we can use the latest marketing procedures quite efficiently. If you allow us to promote sales of your products throughout China, you will be sure of inc

12、reasing your sales.We foresee a bright prospect for your products in our market and feel sure that we can sell large quantities of your new mobile phones if we could get your offers at competitive prices. We would be obliged if you send us detailed product information, including product specificatio

13、ns, colors and functions and so on as soon as you can. Yours, sincerely, Mark Zhang Manager of Import Department说明:假设你是某公司人事部职员王林,为安排一次职工的假期旅行,向某旅行社写信询问有关事宜。内容:1.询问旅游信息(如:线路、价格、折扣等);2.告诉对方参加旅游的人数和时间安排;3.索要相关的资料,特别是行程安排;4.告知联系方式。Words for reference:Travel Agency 旅行社Dear Sir/Madam, Im a Personnel staf

14、f member of ABC Company. We are now planning a 7-day trip for about forty employees from October 7. Could you please give me some information on holiday destinations, travel prices and travel discounts?Wed like to arrange the holiday with a travel agency that can provide us with a wonderful and safe

15、 trip. I would be grateful if you could kindly let us have your holiday travel arrangements, especially the itinerary. You can contact me at wangling. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely yours, Wang Lin 说明:请以王华的名义向商店经理写一封投诉信。内容如下:投诉人:王华投诉对象:第一百货公司投诉商品:SQ200手机投诉原因:不能拍照,不能收发短信,等等投诉要求:退

16、货或更换提出希望:及早回复写信日期:2008年12月21日Dear Manager, I am writing to inform you about the faulty mobile phone that I have purchased from your No. 1 Department Store last week.I am Wang Hua. On December 14,I bought a brand new SQ200 mobile. However, upon one week of using it, problems started to appear. It can

17、 neither take pictures, nor send and receive text/ sms messages, and sometimes a blank screen appears, which makes me annoyed. Therefore, I am writing to ask for refund or exchange. I hope you can give me a reply as soon as you can. Yours sincerely, Wang Hua说明:假定你是新蒂服公司(Cindy Garment Co.)销售经理丁志文,根据下

18、列内容给客户(Mr. John Smith)写一封信函。写信日期:2008年6月22日内容:1.告知原材料(raw material)价格上涨,产品价格上调;2.原订货物仍维持原价;3.希望今后继续向本公司订货;4.随函寄去调整后的价目单(price list);5.表示歉意,敬请原谅。June 22, 2008Dear Mr. John Smith,We regret to inform you of a price increase of our products due to a rise in the price of the materials. However, in view o

19、f our longstanding business relation, the order youve already placed for our products before will not be affected by the price change. And we would very much appreciate it if you could accept the change of the price understandingly and are still interested in ordering our products in the future.Enclosed is the current price list covering the full line of our goods.I apologize again for the inconvenience caused by the price increase. Thanks again for your understanding and trust. I hope well hear from you soon. Yours sincerely, Ding ZhiwenSales Manager of Cindy Garment Co.

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