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1、大学英语四级阅读理解试题及答案一大学英语四级阅读理解试题及答案(一)一The are three kidsof gals: shorerm,eumrage andongterm goals、 Sort-rage as re those hatsullydeal wihcunt ctvit,whc e can appyon daily bss、uchgas an beachievd ina weekor less,ortwo e,or osiblmot、Ithuld b ebred that jut s a ungis ostrog thn its undation ,out longtem o

2、al nnot amoun to v unh without th achievement oli sortterm goals、pn pltin o shorterm goals,e shuld ate the ccaio and thennw shoterm goas will builnhosehat hae eeplted、 Te inemediatgoals bkd on h founaiono hesortrange goal、hey migt deawith ust oeterm ofsco or the entescholyea,orthey old evn exted r s

3、vral years、ny time ou ve ase a tme,ousou neer allow yoursfto be discourged or ovehlmed、Asyueteech tp,ou will nfrehbelifin our ailit to gro adn ucced、And s your ist tio atesgw,your motition and esire illncrease、Longrg oals ma b relaed to o dreas te future、Thy might cover five years ormore、 fe i not a

4、tatc hig、e sholdnvr lowa lonerm goalto limituo oouse of action、 1、Ourlongterm go meana lot、 a、if we eteourortrange ols b、f we canot rea solsho-term goa、iwwrie downth dates d、if ut rward some plas 、ew shtterm goalsaebulid pon_、 a、o yeas b、lngtrm goalsc、urentactivties、the goas tha have been eted、Whn e

5、 let each step o our goals ,_、 、we ill wi finalsucces b、e are overwlme c、 sld bildp coiden o successd、weshou strng dse for settinnew goals 4、Oe ouroals are draw up,_、a、e shuldtik totem untepleeeb、we my hangeou gos as we have nw dea and portuntiesc、we hdbeterwaifr thexcitin ews of succes 、we ae madeg

6、reat esin 5、It mplie bt no state inthe passage hat _、 、tosewo habe lngtm goas will cceeb、witng downth dates mayiouageyu 、te goal ionly a guidforus t rac ourdesination 、evey sholdhave a al 答案:adcb二The econo of th Unted sates ftr 192 was theconnyo elled,almost full emplod people、Desi ocaoal alarms, th

7、 contry escped anpstwarepresionan lived i stae o boom、 n economicsuvoftheyear55, tpica ea of he 10, ma be ticlasillsrating he rpideonmic gowh of the dad、Thenaionalutput asvale t 1 prcnt abe tat of 195 (1955outut was site t 39ldollas)、 he prdonof mnufactrerwa abot 40percent moe thn i d vragd in the y

8、ers mdiatelyfolwingWorl ar 2、 Te contrys busess sent aut 30biion ollrs frne fatoie ad machinery、Nationneaailbl fospndingwa lst thirdgrater ta it hadbeen haeen in 150、onsmes pentbou 256 illiondolars; that iabt 700 ili doara day ,rabout twen-e illondolar y hor , al und theok、 xty-fve milln pople heldj

9、obs oly alttlmoe than wo millionwatedjobsb ould ot find hem 、 Oly agiultueplain that i was osharing inhe rom、Tosome oserers his was n ominous eho of the mid-120s 、As fas sr f ther products cline , mrketing os rse、 But thre w , aongthobervers the atialcnomy, fwho wre ot as cniden sthe ajorty 、 Ths ew

10、 seeme o fa hthe boom couln lastn ol ventully lad o theoppitedepesion、 1、What s thebet titleof the passage? a、 The griculatura Trends f 150s、h nemplomnt Ratef 150s 、U、S、oomy in the 0s d、TeFederl Bugetof195 2、 In Lne4 , therd “boom”could best relad by_、 a、 eary eploon b、 tunersoisec、 general pubic sp

11、port d、rapd eonomic growth3、 Ican e ifered the natolfrom te passae ht t people tenited Stes in955 vew h nationaleconoy wit anair f_、 a、coidnc 、 confuso 、isapontmn d、 sspcion、Whi of the olowig we LEAST satisfied wth theatioal ecoomy the 1950s? a、 Economist b、Frmars、 Pltians d、 teelwrker 5、h psag tate

12、s that in availafr spendingn te U、 ws gratein 9 hn190、Ho much wa it ? a、 6 b、 50 c、 33%d、 0答案:dabc三 Women are lo unerreprsented in te dminsratin and this is ecausthere are oe woefullpofessors、 I 1985,ege Brl Milburn produea repor blastig teUnirsty ofTeasSystm adminration for nt enourging oe、he Unive

13、rsity wsrateamngthe lowes tesyst、In 87 update ,Milbrn mended te prrstha wamde and calledor enre mproveme、 Onethe posiive results rm he studyw a ytemwideprogramo informwomen of vailble admiitrte jobs、Colleg of municationssocite Dea ParicWiherspo,aid i is iportant at omn be fleile whe it eto relocatin

14、g iteywnt torise in t ranks、 Althogha woman may fac a chily clia oncmpus , mny imes in oder frher to ucceed , she utrie above theroblearoudher ad conenaton hr ok、 Unti wmen makeu agreaer peentage the snor ositins n the Unieity adallacemia,ineqitiswil est、 men n o spnd thei negiend tim dong sholarl a

15、ctivitestt aeimprtat ere at the Uniersy、 Spiruso said、 If y do that wil bucessul n this stem、If thy send their time i lite groups onnghe sel disrimina ht e think exist hre, they re watg valuae udy tme、 、Accodin to Sirdso,women ne t _、 a、pru rort on sexal discminain b、all for frther improvementnter w

16、orkng condtios c、pend the egies an im fgting aganst sxal isrimnatio d、spendore tie and erg doing sholalyacities2、Fom thispasge ,we know hat _、a、there are mny wmen full professorsin te Unvesity oexas b、omepy a importan par in admnitratngthUiveity c、the wather th apu s chily d、wmn mke up sall perceaot

17、e senior positns in t Universit 3、hich of th folowin ttemensi tue? a、the nbe of womn pofeorsinhUnivrsitin 1987 was grate thn tt o195 b、thenubr owoen rossors ite Univey in18 ws smle thntat o 195c、te nme ofomen proessr was thesame as that f15 d、mond more women profeors toughtht xuldisciminatiod exit i

18、n eniveriy、n of te ostie resus romMlbuns stdy washat _、 a、women wetold to cocetrat o eir work b、womn wre given inormatio bouavlle administative jobc、wome wereencouragdto akeon al the dminstative ob i h Unersity 、woen were eouage to domescholyctiie5、he titler thi psag shoube _、 a、Thenersit o exas b、i

19、lburs Reportc、Women oesors d、Sexual Disriiati in Acama 答案:ddabd四 Tday ,asin ery oter daof te year ,mrethn 300 U、S、descet wll soke theiirst cgaette ontr wy obeng ega mkers as aus、Dung their lifeime, cne exdthat of the 300 bou3 ill be murdere,30 wil dieinaffi cident, and nrly 750 will e klld y asokig-

20、reaeddisease、Thenumber f deths atribue t cigarette mkig otwhts alotrfaors, whthr olunr r invluntay, s a ause of det、Sie th lat 970, whe diy smoking monighchol sios reched 30 pcent , smoking rt monyout haveeclined、W the deline s impessi,evea imprttisue mt e raised、First,inhe past sver yer,skingrats a

21、mon yo have inveylittl、 Scod,in the late170s ,smokng amng maehig scool eiorseceede thtmong emalbynealy0 prce 、 The sttiicis reersng、Third,eea ecet tudies hae inicate high scol dropoutshave xcesively high smn rates,as much as 75 prcen 、 Fialy, hth sigificantdec in adolesntsmokn have ccred in the pst

22、ecad,no definite rasons foedeclie xist、 Withihiscntext,the aionlCncrInstute (NCI)egan ts current ffrto dtermie te mos effcive measures o redcesmo levelamongyuth、 1、Ardi t auhor, the deatamong yoth remainly caused b _、 、taffic acciets b、sokin-reld desasec、urer 、ll of thee 2、ery daytherear or_highchoo

23、l strdentswho ill b rela smoker、 a、5 b、3 c、 d、3000 3、By dropout thauhor means_、a、stdet wo fd te examnaonb、tudens wo ef school c、uentwho lost tira d、tent wh we divenout of scol 4、The reason or declinadolsentsmong s tha _、NCI hasteneffectie maures、smokng is revented amng hig sholnio 、tr aremany smoers

24、 whohavdie o cancer d、no o ese、hat s implibu no statd by the ator hat _、a、smokin aes mon yut ave dclined very lite 、thee are now mr feale than ale smkers amon high cooniors 、high smoin raes ede toe nceasein weath d、skingathgh school re rm o socoecoomi ckrounds答案:bddb五 The fo e t sem hae profondefects on our alth、lug sience a a enrmoustps n making oodmoefit oeat ,it , at

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