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1、人教版初中英语语法专题专练-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1人教版初中英语语法专题专练专题一句子成分基础巩固.单句填空1.The (nation) park has a large collection of wildlife, ranging from butterflies to elephants. 答案national空格处在句中作名词park的定语,故填提示词的形容词形式national。2.The (fail) was a big blow to him, but he wasnt discouraged and soon got as enthu

2、siastic as ever. 答案failure句意:这次失败对他来说是个沉重的打击,可是他没有气馁,很快他又像以前那样情绪高涨了。空格处在句中作主语,结合空前的定冠词可知,应填名词failure。3.Dashan, has been learning crosstalk, the Chinese comedic tradition, for decades, wants to mix it up with the Western stand-up tradition.答案who句意:几十年来,一直在学习中国喜剧传统相声的大山想把相声和西方喜剧传统融合起来。前两个逗号之间为非限制性定语从句

3、,先行词指人,关系词在从句中作主语,故用who引导定语从句。4.She asked me whether I had returned the books to the library, and I (admit) that I hadnt.答案admitted句意:她问我是否已经把书还给图书馆了,我承认我还没有还。空格处在句中与asked作并列谓语,且表示过去发生的动作,因此应用一般过去时态。故空格处填admitted。5.Mr. and Mrs. Brown would like to see (they) daughter settle down, get married, and ha

4、ve kids. 答案their句意:布朗先生和夫人想要看到他们的女儿安顿下来,结婚生子。空格处在句中作名词daughter的定语,故填形容词性物主代词their。6.We offer an excellent education to our students; in return, we expect them (work) hard.答案to work句意:我们为我们的学生提供良好的教育;作为回报,我们希望他们努力学习。空格处在句中作宾补,结合“expect sb. to do sth.”可知,空格处填to work。7.That young man is (honesty), coop

5、erative, and always there when you need his help. 答案honest句意:那个年轻人诚实、有合作精神,并且当你需要他的帮助时,他总是在那里。空格处在句中作表语,结合语境可知,空格处填honest。8.When the time came to make the final decision for a course, I (decide) to apply for the one that reflected my interest.答案decided句意:当最后决定课程的时候到了,我决定申请能反映我兴趣的课程。空格处在句中作谓语,且表示过去发生

6、的动作,故用一般过去时态。9.It was really (annoy); I couldnt get access to the data bank you had recommended to me.答案annoying句意:真令人烦恼,我无法访问你推荐给我的数据库。空格处在句中作表语,结合空前的It可知,空格处填annoying。10.Nicks guests, had heard their conversation, asked why they should not buy salt more cheaply if they could. 答案who分析句子结构可知,两个逗号之间为

7、非限制性定语从句,先行词“guests”指人,且在从句中作主语,因此应用关系代词who引导定语从句。故空格处填who。11.Five others on the bus began talking about what the boy had done and the crowd of strangers (sudden) became friendly to one another. 答案suddenly空格处在句中作状语,因此空格处应用提示词的副词形式。故空格处填suddenly。12.To warm (he), the sailor sat in front of the fire ru

8、bbing one bare foot against the other.答案himself句意:为了给自己取暖,那位海员坐在火炉前,光着的双脚相互摩擦着。空格处在句中作宾语,结合主语和语境可知,空格处填反身代词himself。13.September 30 is the day by you must pay your bill.答案which句意:9月30日是你必须付账单的日期。the day是先行词,关系词在从句中作介词by的宾语,故应用关系代词which。14.The witnesses (question) by the police just now gave very diff

9、erent descriptions of the fight.答案questioned句意:警察刚才询问的目击者对于打斗的描述出入很大。空格处在句中作名词的后置定语,且表示被动完成,故空格处填过去分词questioned。15.As Jack left his membership card at home, he wasnt allowed (go) into the sports club.答案to go句意:因为杰克把会员卡落在家里了,所以体育俱乐部不允许他进入。空格处在句中作补足语,此处实际上是“allow sb. to do sth.”的被动形式,即“sb. be allowed

10、to do sth.”,故空格处填不定式to go。16.Id appreciate it if you would like to teach (I)how to use the computer.答案me句意:如果你教我如何使用电脑我将感激不尽。空格处在句中作宾语,结合语境可知,空格处填提示词的宾格形式。故填me。17.I made a promise to myself this year, my first year in high school, would be different.答案that句意:我向自己承诺,今年,我在高中的第一年,将会有所不同。myself之后为同位语从句,

11、从句中不缺少句子成分,且句意完整,故空格处填that。18.You can borrow my car as long as you promise not (drive) too fast.答案to drive句意:只要你保证不开得太快,你就可以借我的车。动词promise之后应该接动词不定式to drive作宾语。.单句改错1.Nowadays, cycled, along with jogging and swimming, is regarded as one of the best all-round forms of exercise. 答案cycledcycling句意:现在骑自

12、行车与慢跑和游泳一样,被认为是最全面的锻炼方式之一。前两个逗号之间的单词在句中作主语,故cycled改为动名词形式。2.Determining where we are in relation to our surroundings remain an essential skill for our survival. 答案remainremains动名词短语“Determining where we are in relation to our surroundings”作主语,谓语动词应用单数形式,故remain改为remains。3.A sudden stop can be a very

13、 frightened experience, especially if you are travelling at high speed. 答案frightenedfrightening句意:突然停止可能是一次可怕的经历,尤其是当你高速行进的时候。此处应用现在分词作定语,修饰名词experience。4.Mary was silence during the early part of the discussion but finally she gave voice to her opinion on the subject. 答案silencesilent句意:玛丽在讨论的前一部分是沉

14、默的,但是最后她说出了自己对这个话题的观点。was之后应该使用silent作表语。5.Studies have shown that the right and left ear process sound different. 答案differentdifferently句意:研究表明,左右耳处理声音的方式是截然不同的。句尾的词在句中作状语,用于修饰动词process,故different改为differently。6.Know basic first-aid techniques will help you respond quickly to emergencies. 答案KnowKno

15、wingwill之前的内容在句中作主语,故此处应用动名词。7.Whenever I think of the old days, I feel very happily. 答案happilyhappy系动词feel后应用形容词作表语,因此happily使用错误,happily改为happy。8.When Peter speaks in public, he always has trouble think of the right things to say. 答案thinkthinking此处为固定短语“have trouble (in) doing sth.”,意为“做某事有困难”,故th

16、ink改为thinking。9.Before driving into the city, you are required get your car washed. 答案requiredto根据“be required to do sth.”可知,get之前应该添加不定式符号to。10.I noticed that the carriage was noise and filled with people. 答案noisenoisywas之后应用形容词作表语,结合语境可知,名词noise应改为形容词 noisy。11.I also shared many photos taking in B

17、eijing with my friends. 答案takingtaken名词photos之后为非谓语动词作后置定语,且表示被动完成,故taking改为taken。12.After waiting for half an hour, I was beginning to get impatiently. 答案impatientlyimpatientget之后应该接形容词impatient作表语。13.He had time for a properly breakfast and was still the first to reach the factory. 答案properlyprope

18、r在名词breakfast之前应用形容词proper作定语。14.When I was a child, I hoped to live in the city; I think I would be happy there. 答案thinkthought根据语境可知,think使用错误,此处应用一般过去时态,故think改为thought。15.There, Katia will introduce me to some of her friends, one of who has been to China several times. 答案whowhom第二个逗号之后为非限制性定语从句,

19、先行词指人,关系词作介词of的宾语,故who使用错误,应改为whom。专题一句子成分教师备用题库单句填空The hospital has recently obtained new (medicine) equipment, allowing more patients to be treated.答案medical空格处在句中作名词equipment的定语,结合语境可知,空格处填形容词medical。单句改错1.A company where profits from home markets are declining may seek opportunities abroad. 答案wh

20、erewhose分析句子结构可知,where profits from home markets are declining为定语从句,关系词在从句中作名词profits的定语,故where改为whose。2.So if they had said was true, I would have a chance of winning the prize. 答案theywhat在题干中“they had said”为主语从句,从句缺少成分,引导词在从句中作said的宾语,故在they之前添加what。专题一句子成分综合演练.写出画线部分句子成分的名称1.Recycling is one way

21、to protect the environment.:答案:主语:定语2.Word came that our team had won the tough match.:答案:主语:谓语:同位语3.I am writing to invite you to join our team to prepare for it. :答案:谓语:状语4., parents are giving their children too much protection.: :答案:状语:主语:谓语:宾语5.That is because he is always helping others out wh

22、en they are in trouble.:答案:表语:状语6.Susan made it clear that she wished to make a new life for herself.: :答案:主语:谓语:宾语补足语:宾语7. Believe me, I know how easy it is to begin smoking.:答案:独立成分:宾语.语法填空(2018山东济宁一模)Around three in five people in the UK will find1necessary to care for an elderly or a disabled lo

23、ved one at some point. This can be made much2(easy)by bearing in mind a few simple principles and pieces of advice.3(care)for an elderly loved one, most likely a parent,is never easy. It can cause great pain emotionally and4(physical)and the financial challenges can sometimes seem difficult to deal

24、with,too.Often one of the hardest things is striking a balance between your parents desire5(feel)independent and the need to ensure that they are safe and their health needs are being attended to. Sometimes this can create tensions and6(argue),only adding to the stress of an already difficult situat

25、ion. It is important here to make them feel that they are being listened to and7you only have their best interests at heart.The same applies8financial issues. In order to cover the costs of their parents careincluding bills and medicinemany people will investigate options such as selling the family

26、home. The most important thing here is communicationit is vital to make sure that everyone involved,including other brothers and sisters,9(be)aware of whats being proposed and cooperates to find a solution10satisfies everybody.答案语篇解读本文介绍了在照顾年迈的亲人时应该注意的事项。1.it句意:大约有五分之三的英国人都认为有必要

27、在某种情况下照顾年迈的或有残疾的亲人。本题考查代词。设空处用it作形式宾语,to care for an elderly or a disabled loved one at some point为真正的宾语。2.easier句意:通过牢记几个简单的原则和建议就可以使这件事变得更加容易。根据设空处前的much可知设空处用形容词比较级形式。修饰形容词比较级的副词有much, rather, even等。3.Caring句意:照顾年迈的亲人,最可能是自己的父亲或母亲,从来就不容易。本题考查非谓语动词作主语。设空处泛指某种行为而非具体某一次的行为,故填动名词形式Caring。4.physically

28、句意:那可能会给人们的身心造成很大的痛苦,并且经济挑战有时也可能很难处理。根据设空处前的emotionally可推知设空处需用副词与emotionally并列作状语。 feel本题考查非谓语动词作定语。名词desire后需用不定式作定语,故填to feel。6.arguments句意:有时这可能会造成紧张和争执,。argument(争执)为可数名词,根据设空处前的tensions(复数形式)可推知设空处需填名词复数形式,故填arguments。7.that句意:让他们感到他们在被倾听并且你把他们的最大利益一直挂在心上是很重要的。“7you only have their best in

29、terests at heart”和“that they are being listened to”并列作feel的宾语;设空处所在的宾语从句不缺任何成分,故用that引导,且不能省略。8.to本题考查动词短语。apply to为固定短语,意为“适用于”。9.is本题考查主谓一致。设空处为谓语,主语是everyone,属于单数第三人称,故填is。10.that/which本题考查定语从句。先行词为a solution,将先行词代入定语从句后可知关系词在定语从句中作主语,且指“物”,故填that或which。专题二长难句突破模拟闯关分析下面的长难句并写出每句的译文1.(2018课标全国卷)Wh

30、en combined with berries or slices of other fruits, frozen bananas make an excellent base for thick, cooling fruit shakes and low fat “ice cream”.本句为。句中非谓语动词combined作。【译文】 答案简单句状语【译文】当与浆果或者其他的水果片混合在一起时,冷冻的香蕉就会成为一种极好的用来制作浓浓的冷果昔和低脂“冰激凌”的基本材料。2.(2018课标全国卷)The eight-part series(系列节目), Save Money: Good Food, follows in th

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