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新高考英语必备 精校word版课时提升作业 二十六 选修6 Unit 1.docx

1、新高考英语必备 精校word版课时提升作业 二十六 选修6 Unit 1新高考英语必备-课时提升作业 二十六选修6 Unit 1Art(限时35分钟). 阅读理解 AMartha Graham, born in 1894, was one of the most famous dancers and creators of dance, whose influence on dance has been compared with the influence Picasso had on the modern visual arts, Stravinsky had on music, or F

2、rank Lloyd Wright had on architecture. She created almost two hundred dance pieces. She is often called the Mother of Modern Dance. Earlier in her life, however, Martha did not know that she would become a dancer. At that time, the dancers were looked down on. So Marthas parents didnt approve of her

3、 desire to dance at the beginning. Until 1916, she began her studies at the newly created Denishawn School of Dancing and Related Arts, founded by Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn, where Graham worked very hard to improve her ability to dance because she was considered too old to begin dancing. In 1936,

4、 Graham made her defining work, Chronicle, which signaled the beginning of a new era in modern dance. The dance brought serious issues to the stage for the general public in a dramatic manner. Influenced by the Wall Street Crash of 1929, the Great Depression that followed, and the Spanish Civil War,

5、 it focused on depression and isolation, reflected in the dark nature of both the set and costumes. Graham continued to dance past the age of seventy. Once again, she was met with criticism from people who came to watch her shows. But she didnt give up. Her last completed ballet was 1990s Maple Leaf

6、 Rag. A Dancers World is an introduction to Graham and her work. She tells about her dances and her dance group shows some of their methods. Martha Graham received many awards during her lifetime, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1976. She was the first dancer to receive the countrys h

7、ighest civilian honor. She died in 1991. In 1998, Time magazine listed her as the “Dancer of the Century” and as one of the most important people of the twentieth century. 【文章大意】本文属于说明文, 作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了现代舞之母玛莎格兰姆的一生以及她在舞蹈方面的成就。1. Some famous artists mentioned in Paragraph 1 show Martha Graham _. A.

8、 was influenced greatly by themB. kept in touch with them regularlyC. had a great effect on modern danceD. liked to make more friends with them【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据第一段中whose influence on dance has been compared with the influence Picasso had on the modern visual arts, Stravinsky had on music, or Frank Llo

9、yd Wright had on architecture可知将玛莎格兰姆的影响和其他的一些伟大的人物相比, 暗示她的影响也非常大。2. Why didnt Marthas parents approve of her desire to dance at first? A. She was too old to learn American dance. B. American dance was seen as a lower art form. C. There was no academic school to teach dancing. D. Her family was too

10、poor to afford her tuition. 【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第二段中的第二句At that time, the dancers were looked down on. 舞蹈家在那时是被看不起的, 暗示舞蹈在当时是一种地位较低的艺术形式。3. When Martha Graham continued to dance in her 70s, she _. A. was warmly welcomed by the youthB. achieved huge success once againC. received many awards for her ageD.

11、was attacked by people【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第四段Graham continued to dance past the age of seventy. Once again, she was met with criticism from people who came to watch her shows. 知她70岁演出时, 她受到了一些人的批评, 可知她受到了一些人的攻击。4. The text is mainly about _. A. the background of modern dance in AmericaB. the development

12、of modern dance in AmericaC. Martha Graham and her achievements in danceD. the awards Martha Graham won in her life【解析】选C。主旨大意题。根据文章的内容, 是按时间顺序叙述了现代舞之母玛莎格兰姆的一生以及她在舞蹈方面的成就。B世纪金榜导学号79060323“Theres a mistake. Moonlight you guys won best picture. ”And with those words, producer Jordan Horowitz of La La

13、Land, told the cast and crew of a competing film that it had won the Oscars biggest award. Presenters Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway were given the wrong categorys envelope before they went on stage. Beatty was clearly confused about what he saw when he opened the envelope, but Dunaway read the name

14、 of the film listed below Stones name. The actors and producers from La La Land left their seats and filled the stage to accept their Oscar statues. They gave many speeches before Horowitz interrupted. “This is not a joke. Moonlight has won best picture, ”he said. He took the card from Beatty and he

15、ld it up for the cameras. “Moonlight. Best Picture, ”he said as the camera moved closer. The shows host, Jimmy Kimmel, made the best of the situation. He went up to Beatty, and exclaimed “Warren. What did you do? ” Kimmel also said, “Personally, I blame Steve Harvey. ”That was in reference to the mi

16、stake Harvey made in 2015 at the Miss Universe pageant. He announced the wrong winner, first saying it was the contestant from Colombia, and then realizing the correct winner was actually from the Philippines. Once order had been restored, Beatty tried to explain what happened, saying he had been gi

17、ven the wrong envelope. Barry Jenkins is the writer and director of Moonlight. Once he reached the stage, he said “Even in my dreams, this cannot be true. ” Stone, happy to have won the best actress award, later said, “Is that the craziest Oscar moment of all time? Cool! ”Many people are wondering h

18、ow the mistake was made. The accounting firm Pricewaterhouse Coopers has been handling Oscar votes for over 80 years without any problems. The firm apologized to all of the people who were made uncomfortable by the mistake. It promised to investigate what caused the error. Horowitz is being credited

19、 for staying calm and stopping the show to correct the error. People are calling him “gracious, ” “a great producer, ” and “classy. ”Even Jenkins said “much respect to that dude. ”【文章大意】文章讲述了2017奥斯卡最佳影片奖颁奖时的乌龙事件, 因为交到两位颁奖人手中的信封是错误的, 所以导致他们犯了一个错误, 宣布爱乐之城获得最佳影片奖, 而真正获奖的是月光男孩。5. What can we know from t

20、he words of Horowitz? A. La La Land won the best picture. B. Beatty and Dunaway made a mistake. C. The Oscars biggest award belongs to Moonlight. D. Horowitz was given the wrong envelope. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段“Moonlight, you guys won best picture. ”可知最佳影片是月光男孩。6. How did Jimmy Kimmel deal with the si

21、tuation? A. He was confused and opened the envelope. B. He saved the embarrassing occasion. C. He made fun of the situation. D. He pointed out Warrens mistake. 【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据文章第四段第一句话“The shows host, Jimmy Kimmel, made the best of the situation. ”以及以下内容可知吉米金梅尔及时掌握颁奖大局, 使得颁奖秩序很快恢复。故选B。7. It can be i

22、nferred from the text _. A. Beatty made the mistakeB. Barry Jenkins suspected the resultC. The fault is due to Pricewaterhouse CoopersD. Horowitz is being respected for his reaction【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段可知普华永道会计师事务所80多年来一直处理奥斯卡投票从没出过问题但这次却表示道歉, 并承诺调查是什么原因导致了这一错误, 可知颁奖乌龙事件归咎于普华永道。8. The best title of

23、 the text should be “_”. A. Who made the mistake? B. The Oscars biggest awardC. A mix-up in the Academy AwardD. Pricewaterhouse takes the responsibility【解析】选C。主旨大意题。文章主要讲述的是2017奥斯卡最佳影片奖颁奖时, 因为交到两位颁奖人手中的信封是错误的, 所以导致他们犯了一个错误, 宣布爱乐之城获得最佳影片奖, 而真正获奖的是月光男孩。故选C。. 阅读填句根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多

24、余选项。How to Help a Teenager Make Good DecisionsHabitually poor decision-making is common in teenagers. Naturally, such a habit makes parent-teen relationship difficult, especially when a parent wants his teen to do what a “responsible adolescent” would do. 1Distinguish real problems from “childish” a

25、cts. 2 By making small and harmless mistakes, like a recently-developed habit of careless consuming, a teen learns good decision-making skills on his own via self-correction. Next time, hell be more likely to think twice before making his buying decision. 3 More likely, it is out of a real inability

26、 to determine whats best for him. Set clear expectations. 4 For example, if your teen refuses to study for his math final because “math is pointless”, explain that you expect him to perform well in school, even in the “pointless” classes. Avoid saying “Lets just give up on math, then. ”5Trade insign

27、ificant freedoms, such as clothing style for the promise that hell live up to academic and family responsibilities. If your teen could realize it, allow him to be himself. Not only does giving up a bit of control solve many conflicts, but the extra freedom you give him can also improve his decision-

28、making. A. Find a middle ground. B. Learn to solve problems. C. Point out your expectations and his responsibilities. D. A responsible adolescent must have role models to learn from. E. Dont think the teen is making bad decisions just to challenge you. F. Therefore, its important to guide them with

29、problem-solving strategies. G. Teens often make poor decisions simply because they dont have the experience. 【文章大意】很多青少年不太擅长做决定, 这些不好的习惯对亲子关系不利, 文章介绍了几种帮助孩子做决定的方法。1. 【解析】选F。根据上文可知, 很多青少年不太擅长做决定, 这些不好的习惯对亲子关系不利, 因此帮助他们找到解决问题的方法是很重要的。2. 【解析】选G。这段的主题句为Distinguish real problems from “childish” acts, 要把真

30、正的问题和孩子行为区别开来, 因为很多孩子缺乏生活经验才导致做出错误的决定。3. 【解析】选E。根据后面一句话More likely, it is out of a real inability to determine whats best for him. 可知, 可能, 孩子没有能力决定什么对他是最好的, 所以你不要认为孩子做出的不好决定是在挑战你。4. 【解析】选C。从该段主题句Set clear expectations可知, 要设立清晰的期望值, 并告诉孩子你的期望和他的责任。5. 【解析】选A。根据最后一段可知, 让孩子有机会做自己, 有一定的自由, 即找到一个折中的方法, 这样

31、可以提高他们做决定的能力。. 短文改错世纪金榜导学号79060324假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(), 并在其下面写出该加的词。删除: 把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。Time and tide wait no man. My mother is becoming a middle-age

32、 woman quietly. She had been busy running after us all the years. My father is very busy every day outside. But the heavy burden falls on my mothers shoulder. Because my school is far from my home, I have to go to school by the train and my mother sees me off at the station every time. I often choose a seat where is close to the window, so I can see her. However, I always c

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