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1、专升本翻译讲解一、把握和理解句子结构1.What can be done has been done.正译:能做的事情都已做 了。2.Having been given such a good chance, how could she let it get away?正译:人家给了她这样一个 好机会,她怎么能轻易放 过?3.The police forced the way into the room, only to find the safe empty.正译:警察破门而入, 结果 发现保险箱已被洗劫一空。4.It is impolite not return telephone cal

2、ls regardless of whom they are from.正译:不回电话是不礼貌 的,不管电话是谁打来的。5.The increase in international business has created a need for managers with skills in cross-culture communication.正译:国际贸易的增加需要 具有跨国文化交流技能的 经理。6.Learning how to use the Internet effectively as a marketing tool means that you need to learn

3、tow different but related bodies of language.正译:学习有效地使用因特 网作为营销工具,意味着要 学习两类互不相同却互相 关联的知识。7.I could not but admit that it was a wise decision.正译:我不得不承认那是个 明智的决定。8.These reports provide information on your courses and activity planning for the year.正译:这些报告为你提供本 年度的课程与活动计划的 信息。9.This book is divided in

4、to sixteen units that deal with topics of everyday conversation.正译:本书共分为 16 各单 元,内容涉及日常生活会 话。10.Unless the problem of talents and funds is solved, talking about the task is useless.正译:不解决人才和资金问 题,谈论这项任务是无济于 事的。11.For all the panic that SARShas generated, it has not fundamentally undermined China sec

5、onomy.正译:尽管非典引起了种种 恐慌,它并没有从根本上动 摇中国经济。12.How a person gets money matters as much as the quantity of money he gets.正译:一个人怎样挣到钱和 它挣多少钱同样重要。13.You can no more swim than I can fly.正译:你不会游泳,就像我 不会飞一样。14.As regards our foreign policy, it is no less our interest than our duty to maintain good relations wit

6、h other countries.正译:至于我国的外交政 策,维护同其他国家的友好 关系,不仅是我们的义务, 也符合我们的利益。15.You couldn t have come at a better time.正译:你来得正是时候。16.After five years of recession, the Ministry of Finance was widely considered too powerful for the country s own good.正译:在五年经济衰退之 后,人们普遍认为财政部权 利过大,对国家不利。17.Left to their own in th

7、e wide many domestic animals will begin to behave like their undomesticated cousins.正译:许多家畜被置身于野 外环境靠自己生存后, 其习 性会开始变得和它们的野 生同类一样。18.The importance of environmental protection cannot be overemphasized.正译:环境保护的重要性再 怎么强调也不过分。19.“ John didn t come today did he?” “ Nothat I know of.正译:“约翰今天没来,是 么?”“就我所知他

8、是没来”20.I know better than to trust such a man.正译:我不会傻到去相信那 种人。(或:我是不会相信 那种人的。)21.When it came to the issue of how to raise the fund there was a reflective silence.正译:在谈到如何筹集资金 时,大伙思索起来, 不再言22.We like him none the less for his fault.正译:尽管他有过错, 我们 还是同样喜欢他。23.As with other diseases, we may have to lear

9、n to deal with SARS and get on with our lives.正译:如同对付其他疾病一 样,我们也得学会对付 “非 典”,继续过我们的日子。24.But for these interruptions our meeting would havefinished half an hour ago.正译:要不是被中断了好几 次,我们半个小时以前就结 束了。25:Wehave been told that Richard was anything but honest.正译:有人告诉我们,Richard是极不诚实的。二、注意词语的确切意思1.They talked o

10、ver a cup of tea.They had a pleasant talk/conversati on over the meal.正译:他们边喝茶边谈话。2.The output value inthe first seas on was ten perce nt over the same period of last year.正译:第一季度的产值比去年同期高10%3.Some million small firms have opened their doors over the past six years of economic growth.正译:在过去经济增长的六 年中

11、,有大约 120 万家小公 司开张营业。4.We admire him for his ambition to become a first-rate scholar in American Studies.China expert/Chinese expert正译:我们很赞赏他雄心勃 勃,要做一个美国问题研究 方面的一流学者。Hand in glove with5.He has in mind not a particular group of readers but menand women in general.正译:他所考虑的不是一个 特殊的读者群,而是一般的 男女读者。6.Today

12、 s young people generally have morepurchasing power thantheir parents, and they are more prepared to use it.正译:如今年轻人的购买能 力一般都超过他们的父母, 而且更乐意消费。7.If you are buying a car, you maypay for it out of正译:如果你要买一辆汽 车,尔可以用自己的储蓄存 款支付。Savings accountWithdraw/overdrawone s account8.Computer databases and electron

13、ic mail systems have bee n around since the late 1970s.正译:计算机数据库和电子 邮件系统自二十世纪七十 年代后期就已存在exist 。Appear/9.While office technology is changi ng certain aspects of thesecretary s work, it is not altering itfun damentally.正译:尽管办公室技术正在 改变秘书工作的某些方面, 它却未能使其在根本上改10.Owing to the family pla nning policy, the“

14、day” in China wasdelayed four years.正译:由于计划生育政策, 中国的十一亿人口日推迟 了四年。11.Some products defy easy classification. Classify the files正译:有些产品很难归类。12.His word is his bond. 正译:他言而有信 / 说话算 数。13.I know he is the last man to accept bribes.正译:我知道他绝对不会接 受贿赂。You are the last person I want to see.Football match is t

15、he last programme I want to see/.14.I believe she will be a tremendous asset to your company.正译:我相信她将会成为贵 公司极有价值的员工。 Beauty/wealth is her only asset.15.Quarreling parents present disturbing scene for children.正译:父母吵架会让孩子感 到不安。16.We have had a most/very enjoyable and informative visit.正译:我们这次参观非常愉 快,学到了不少东西。17.For an old doctor of over 70, the busy workload day after day was physically demanding.正译:对一位年逾 70 的老 医生来说,日复一日的繁忙 工作是很吃力的。18.For epidemiologists, the epidemic is the gunshot and the gunshot (is) the order.正译:对流行病学专家来 说,疫情就是枪声,枪声就 是命令。19.You will have to pay

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