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1、安全生产标准化中英安全生产标准化中英No. Item条款Score ValueScoreStandardDeviationOHSAS18001requirement1安全生产责任制Safety production responsibility15所有部门和人员都必须签署安全生产责任状All department and employees must sign the safety production responsibility.4.4.1资源、角色、责任、职责与权限:组织应确保所有的人员负责和遵守其控制的OHS因素,形成文件Resource, Role, Responsibility,

2、Function and authority: The organization ensures that all the employees must be responsible for and comply with OHSAS factors of their unction, documented.2职业安全健康规章制度 Occupation safety and health management15企业必须建立如下规程Enterprise have to establish regulations as below: 安全生产检查制度 Inspection of safety p

3、roduction4.5.1组织应建立和保持一个或多个程序文件以有规律监测和测量OHS绩效 The organization shall establish one or more program files for regular monitoring and measuring OHS performance伤亡事故管理制度;Injury accident management4.5.3组织应建立程序来记录调查与分析事件 Organizations should establish procedures to record the investigation and analysis of

4、 incidents职业安全健康教育制度Training of OHS4.4.6 组织应建立变更管理程序 The organization should establish MOC procedure建设项目安全健康管理制度Construction safety and health management4.4.2组织应建立培训程序 The organization should establish safety training procedure特种设备及人员安全管理制度Special equipment and operator safety management4.4.2组织应确保人员

5、具备相应的能力 The organization should ensure that staff have the appropriate capacity相关方安全管理制度 Interested party safety management4.4.2组织控制下执行可能影响的任何人员(包含相关方) The organization may affect any person(including interested party)防火安全管理制度 Fire proof safety management4.4.6 组织建立包含以下程序:消防管理The organization contain

6、s the following procedures: Fire management危险作业审批制度Hazardous work release permit 4.4.6 组织建立包含以下程序:作业许可制度The organization contains the following procedures: Work电气临时线审批制度Electrical temporary line release4.4.6 组织建立包含以下程序:用电管理The organization contains the following procedures: Electricity management厂内交

7、通安全管理制度Internal traffic safety management4.4.6 组织建立包含以下程序:交通安全管理制度The organization contains the following procedures: Traffic safety management职业病预防管理制度OH prevention management4.4.6 组织建立包含以下程序:职业健康管理The organization contains the following procedures: Occupation health management安全奖惩制度Safety encourag

8、ement and punishment 安全防护设备管理制度 Safety protection device management4.4.6组织建立包含以下程序:机械设备管理The organization contains the following procedures: Mechanical management防尘防毒设施管理制度Dust and poison proof facility management4.4.6组织建立包含以下程序:机械设备管理The organization contains the following procedures: Mechanical ma

9、nagement劳动防护用品管理制度PPE management4.4.6 组织建立包含以下程序:职业健康管理The organization contains the following procedures: Occupation health management女工和未成年人保护制度Woman and minor protection4.4.6 组织建立包含以下程序:职业健康管理The organization contains the following procedures: Occupation health management易燃易爆场所管理制度 Flammable and

10、explosive place management4.4.6组织建立包含以下程序:应急设备管理The organization contains the following procedures: Emergency facility management安全生产“五同时”管理制度Safety production Five simultaneity management4.4.6 组织建立包含以下程序:变更管理The organization contains the following procedures: MOC procedure劳动合同安全监督制度 Labor contract

11、safety supervision management4.5.1监测是否符合OHS方案、控制措施和运行准则4.5.1 Performance measurement and monitoring3规划与年度计划 Programme and annual planning15劳动保护措施经费(安措费)管理 Labor protection fee management 1.年度资金预算中有具备安全生产条件所必需的资金投入(安措费) The annual budget is includes the fund for safe production. 2.安措费的使用有针对性,且有名称、实施进

12、度、条件评估、责任单位(人)等内容。 The use of the fund needs to have the name, implementation process, condition assessment, the responsibility of units (people ) and other content.3.抽查执行情况。 Check the executing status4.4.1最高管理者应确保建立、实施、保持和改善体系所需要的资源(技术与财务)。Top management must ensure resource enough for system. 4.5.

13、4记录控制:组织应建立并保持相应的记录。 The organization shall establish and keep records4机构和成员Organization and member15安全管理人员应按企业从业人员的2及以上比例配备并取得相应的资额证书Safety management personnel needs to meet the requirement of 2 in enterprise employees and get the certification 4.4.1最高管理者应确保建立、实施、保持和改善体系所需要的资源(人力资源) Top management

14、 must ensure resource enough for system. 企业建有统一协调安全健康问题的组织机构:比如安全委员会Company establishes safety and health committee 各职能部门、各车间均有主管安全的领导和专(兼)职安全员,且履行职责Each departments set safety leader and safety coordinator 企业、车间、班组三级工会履行监督职能Enterprises, workshops, team three unions fulfill their supervisory functio

15、ns4.4.1所有具有管理职责的人员都应展示他们持续改进的承诺。 All staff with management responsibilities should show their commitment to continuous improvement.5安全培训Safety Training45Safety training include: 班组长教育Training for team leader新职工进厂三级教育Three level training中层及中层以上干部教育 Mid-level and above education 所有培训均应有培训教材、考核和记录All t

16、raining must include training materials, examination and records4.4.2能力,意识,培训,组织应为人员具备相应能力建立相应的培训 Capacity, awareness, training, the organize establish training system for employee6工伤管理 Accident management20工伤事故应按“四不放过”的原则进行处理,查:事故处理结案记录,应有事故原因分析、事故责任者及单位的处理决定、防范措施等内容。 For work injury, the root caus

17、e analysis, accident responsible person, prevention measure and injury record must be kept.4.5.3组织应建立程序来记录调查与分析事件 Organizations should establish procedures to record the investigation and analysis of incidents7三同时管理Simultaneous所有项目设施都必须执行三同时 all projects and facilities must implement safety simultan

18、eous4.4.6 组织建立包含以下程序:变更管理The organization contains the following procedures: MOC procedure8班组安全活动Team safety activity 12安全活动 Safety activity每月两次安全活动。 Safety activity must be held twice monthly。4.4.3组织应建立不同层次与职能之间沟通。The organization shall establish communication between the different levels and funct

19、ions. 4.4.3工作人员应参与OHS相关事项 All employees should be involved in OHS related matters9安全操作规程Safety working instruction 13建立健全了岗位安全操作规程 Establish Job safety operation instruction 1.岗位安全操作规程,无遗漏岗位,None missing 2.岗位安全操作规程符合安全技术标准Safety operation instruction complies with safety technical standard.4.4.6文件化的

20、程序,涵盖如缺少他们时可能导致偏离的情况 Documented procedures to cover as they could lead to deviations is missing10特种设备管理Special equipment management 10特种设备需要每日进行点检 Special equipment must do daily checking before working 4.5.1组织应对重点设备检查,安全检测Key machine must be monitored11相关方管理Interested party management 4.3.1组织识别的管理应

21、该包含所有影响人员包括相关方 The organize management must include all employees and interested party.12现场监督管理Workshop management 4.5.1组织应建立和保持一个或多个程序文件以有规律监测和测量OHS绩效 The organization shall establish one or more program files for regular monitoring and measuring OHS performance13应急救援预案Emergency response plan10针对重点

22、部位,制订了应急救援预案,应急救援预案中有组织指挥机构;相关部门(人员)的职责和分工;潜在危险性评价;应急救援的组织、人员及装备情况;紧急救援措施;经费保障;训练与演习等内容Establish first aid preparation which will include command organization, responsibility for each interested party; assessment of potential hazard; information of emergency organization, personnel and equipment; em

23、ergency rescue measure; fund guarantee; training and drill4.4.7 组织建立包含以下程序:应急预案The organization contains the following procedures: MOC procedure14 危险源管理Risk management10确定了危险源的识别和评价原则,且组织了识别和评价 1.制定了危险源的识别和评价方法,查资料。 Identification and evaluation measure of hazardous 2.组织实施了危险源的识别和评价,且无遗漏。 Make sure

24、organization has implement the identification and evaluation of hazardous source 3.对重大危险源(符合GB182182000规定)已上报有关单位,查资料 Major hazardous source must be reported to related unit4.3.1组织应建立和风险识别和评估程序:The organization contains the following procedures: Risk identification and evaluation15 工业气瓶 Industrialcy

25、linder22 16 危险化学品库 Dangerous chemical warehouse 10 危险化学品应按其危险特性进行分类、分区、分库贮存,库房符合安全标准的要求Hazardous chemicals need to beclassified according to its character; separated storage, warehouse must comply with the safety standard requirements 电气设施应采用相应等级的防爆性电器Electrical facilities should adopt corresponding

26、 grade of explosion-proofelectrical equipment4.3.1 对危险源辨识、风险评价和风险控制的策划Hazard identification, risk assessment anddetermining controls4.4.6运行控制 Operational control17 油库、油罐 Oil depot,Oil tank 20 库房的电气设施均应防爆 The electrical equipment in warehouse shall be with explosion-proof 库内外应有醒目的安全警示标志和油品的名称、特性、数量、灭

27、火方法等 Both inside and outside of warehouse should have eye-catching safety warning sign and oil name, characteristics, number, fire fight method etc. 4.3.1 对危险源辨识、风险评价和风险控制的策划Hazard identification, risk assessment and determining controls 4.4.3 Communication, participation and consultation18 空压机 Air

28、compressor1619压力容器Pressure vessel16压力表指示灵敏、刻度清晰、铅封完整,在检验周期内使用; Pressure meter must be in the verifying period.4.5.1绩效测量和监视 Performance measurement and monitoring20工业管道 Industrial pipes8应有全厂管网平面布置图,标记完整,位置准确,管网设计、安装、验收技术资料齐全 Plant pipe network layout should be kept in addition, the mark needs to be c

29、omplete, position needs to be accurate. Besides, record of network design, installation, verifying of technique must be fully kept4.5.3记录和记录管理 Record and record management21工厂建筑 Factory building10耐火等级评定 Evaluation of fire resistance level 危险建筑面积 Hazardous building area4.4.6运行控制 Operational control22

30、工业梯台(直梯)Industry ladders2梯段高度超过3米时应设护笼,护笼、护笼条尺寸符合标准规定 When the ladder height exceed 3 meters, the cage needs to be installed. Besides ,the cage have to comply with the standard4.4.6运行控制 Operational control 23工业梯台(走台、平台)Industry ladders (walkway,platform)24.4.6运行控制 Operational control24探伤设备(磁粉探伤)Detection Device (Magnetic Detection)2.5N/A25探伤设备(射线探伤)Detection Device (Ray detection) 2.5N/A26探伤设备(着色探伤)Detection Device (Penetrant detection)2.5N/A27探伤设备(超声波探伤)Detection De

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