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1、剑桥10阅读解析Test3Passage1 The Context, Meaning and Scope of Tourism1. 难度分析:较简单2.文章标题:The Context, Meaning and Scope of Tourism 旅游业的意义3.文章话题:社会类4.词汇准备:第一段词性解释primitivea.原始的motivationn.刺激,鼓舞vitala.重要的civilisationn.文明economyn.经济第二段distinctlyadv.明显地,显著地phenomenonn.现象adventn.出现connotationn.内涵,暗示revolutionn.革


3、estica.国内的5. 题型分析:文章题型由三个题型组成:小标题配对题+判断题+句子填空,第一大题属于段落主旨题,后两题是细节题型。6.题目解析:Questions 1-4 小标题配对题1. Paragraph B2. Paragraph C3. Paragraph D4. Paragraph E答案解析:1. 选ii。定位到第二段第一句话:Tourism in the mass form as we know it today is a distinctly twentieth-century phenomenon. 表明就我们所知,广义的旅游业是一个二十世纪的现象。选项中的mass to

4、urism与原文中的tourism in the mass form是同义替换。2. 选i。定位到第三段第一句话:Tourism today has grown significantly in both economic and social importance. 即目前旅游业对经济及社会都非常重要。选项中的significance替换原文的importance。3. 选v。定位到第四段第一句话:However, the major problems of the travel and tourism industry that have hidden or obscured its ec

5、onomic impact are the diversity and fragmentation of the industry itself. 意思是旅游业的主要问题是这个产业本身的多样性和分散性,这使得其经济影响变得不那么明显。选项中的difficulty,effects分别替换原文的problems和impact。4. 选vii。定位到第五段第一句话:Once the exclusive province of the wealthy, travel and tourism have become an institutionalised way of life for most of

6、 the population. 表明旅游业曾经是富人们的特权,而现在已经变成大多数人们习以为常的一种生活方式了。选项中的world,impact替换原文的most of the population, institutionalised。Questions 5-10 判断题5. The largest employment figures in the world are found in the travel and tourism industry.6. Tourism contributes over six per cent of the Australian gross natio

7、nal product.7. Tourism has a social impact because it promotes recreation.8. Two main features of the travel and tourism industry make its economic significance difficult to ascertain.9. Visitor spending is always greater than the spending of residents in tourist areas.10. It is easy to show statist

8、ically how tourism affects individual economies.答案解析:5. 选TRUE。定位到第三段第三句话: According to the World Travel and Tourism Council (1992), Travel and tourism is the largest industry in the world on virtually any economic measure including value-added capital investment, employment and tax contributions。意思是

9、旅游业是全世界最大的行业,不管是用哪种经济学估算,其中包括资本增值投资,就业及税收贡献。题目中的figures替换原文measure。6. 原文没有提到Australian gross national product这个概念,所以选择NG。7. 原文没有提到recreation这个概念,所以选择NG。8. 选TRUE。定位到第四段第一句话:However, the major problems of the travel and tourism industry that have hidden, or obscured its economic impact, are the divers

10、ity and fragmentation of the industry itself. 意思是旅游业的主要问题是这个产业本身的多样性和分散性,这使得其经济影响变得不那么明显。题目中的two main features指代原文的diversity and fragmentation。9. 原文没有提到visitor spending 和residents spending的比较关系,所以选择NG。10. 选FALSE。定位到第四段倒数第二句,原文表明this problem has made it difficult .to estimate the contribution it make

11、s, 即估算旅游业对经济的贡献很困难,所以选FALSE。Questions 11-13 句子填空题11. In Greece, tourism is the most important _.12. The travel and tourism industry in Jamaica is the major _ .13. The problems associated with measuring international tourism are often reflected in the measurement of _ .答案解析:11. 填source of income/home

12、。定位到最后一段的第三句: For example, tourism is the major source of income in Bermuda, Greece, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, and most Caribbean countries. 说明旅游业在以下国家都是收入的主要来源,题目中的most important替换原文的major。12. 填employer。定位到最后一段的第四句: In addition, Hawkins and Ritchie, quoting from data published by the American Expr

13、ess Company, suggesting that the travel and tourism industry is the number one ranked employer in the Bahamas, Brazil, Canada, France, (the former) West Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Singapore. 说明旅游业在一下国家是最需要聘用雇员的行业,题目中的major替换原文的number one ranked。13. 填domestic industry。定位到最后一段的最后一句: In

14、 many cases, similar difficulties arise when attempts are made to measure domestic tourism. 说明测量估算国内旅游业非常困难,题目中的measurement, problems替换原文的measure, difficulties。Passage 2 Autumn leaves1. 难度分析:难2. 文章标题:Autumn leaves 秋天的叶子3. 文章话题:生物类4. 词汇准备:A段词性解释captivatinga.迷人的,有魅力的magnificenta.华丽的B段chlorophylln.叶绿素m


16、的defensen.防卫dullera.呆滞的F段paradoxn.悖论supremea.最高的pigmentn.色素salvagev.抢救G段exquisitea.精致的overwhelmv.淹没,压倒nutrienta.营养的deficiencyn.缺陷oversensitivityn.过敏vulnerablea.易受伤害的H段suspectv.怀疑cluen.线索I段spectaculara.壮观的5. 题型分析:文章题型由三个题型组成:单项选择题+句子配对题+判断题,都是细节题型。6. 题目解析:Questions 14-18 段落信息配对题14. a description of t

17、he substance responsible for the red colouration of leaves题解:题目的意思是一种对叶子产生红色的物质的描述,定位在C段首句:the source of the red is widely known: it is created by anthocyanin,所以答案选择C。15. the reason why trees drop their leaves in autumn题解:题干定位drop leaves in autumn在B段第六行:the tree saves its precious resources and disc

18、ards them 树节省了资源并且把他们丢弃,所以选择B。16. some evidence to confirm a theory about the purpose of the red leaves题解:题目的意思是证明红叶目的的理论证据,出现在H段第二行:there are clues out there.所以选择H。17. an explanation of the function of chlorophyll题解:题目的意思是对叶绿素功能的解释,定位在B段第一行:the molecule that captures sunlight and converts that ener

19、gy into new building materials for the tree,的意思是一种分子用来捕捉阳光并转变成树木成长所需的能量。所以选择B。18. a suggestion that the red colouration in leaves could serve as a warning signal题解:定位在E段第二行:they are healthy and robust and would be easily able to mount chemical defences against infestation,树木是健康和强健的并且能轻松分泌出化学物质来抵抗感染。

20、所以选择E。Questions 19-22 句子填空题The most vividly colored red leaves are found on the side of the tree facing the _19_.题解:题目定位most vividely在原文H段第三行the reddest, 所以答案填sun。The _20_ surfaces of leaves contain the most red pigment.题解:题目定位the most red pigment在原文H段第四行the red is brighter,所以答案填upper。Red leaves are

21、 most abundant when daytime weather conditions are _21_ and sunny.题解:题目定位and sunny在原文H段第五行intense red colors are dry, sunny days and cool nights,所以答案填dry。The intensity of the red color of leaves increases as you go further _22_.题解:题目定位increases在原文H段倒数第三行get much redder the more north,所以答案填north。Ques

22、tions 23-25判断题23. it is likely that the red pigments help to protect the leaf from freezing temperatures.题解:题目定位在D段第三行increases a leafs tolerance to freezing. However there are problems with each of these theories.的意思是增加叶子抵抗寒冷的能力,但是这些理论有很多问题,所以答案选FALSE。24. the light screen hypothesis would initially

23、 seem to contradict what is known about chlorophyll.题解:题目定位在F段第三行it sounds paradoxical, paradoxical替换contradict所以选择TRUE。25. leaves which turn colors other than red are more likely to be damaged by sunlight.题解:原文没有找到相关信息,所以选择NOT GIVEN。Questions 26 单选题For which of the following questions does the writ

24、er offer an explanation?A why conifers remain green in winterB how leaves turn orange and yellow in autumnC how herbivorous insects choose which trees to lay their eggs inD why anthocyanins are restricted to certain trees题解:答案选B,定位在B段最后一句this unmasking explains the autumn colours of yellow and orang

25、e,这个解释揭露了叶子在秋天变黄变橙。Passage3 Beyond the blue horizon1. 难度分析 中等偏难(难:选择题)2. 文章标题:Beyond the blue horizon3. 文章话题:历史地理类4. 词汇准备:第一段词性解释archaeologicaladj.考古学的seafaringadj.航海的ancestorn.祖先plantationn.种植园derelictadj.废弃了的cemeteryn.墓地、公墓scrapev.刮、擦remain(s)n.残骸第二段pioneern.先锋livestockn.家畜rovev.流浪stretchv.伸展、展开、延

26、伸第三段cluen.线索burial urnn.骨灰瓮uncoverv.发现conclusivelyadv.令人信服地、确凿地identifyv.识别第四段puzzlingadj.伤脑筋的anthropologyn.人类学migrationn.迁徙representv.代表descendantn.后代、后裔第五段stubbornadj.顽固的、棘手的equivalentadj.与相当的、相等的canoesn.独木舟riggingn.绳索、装备oraladj.口头的、口述的insightn.洞悉第六段marinern.海员archipelagon.群岛horizonn.地平线distinguis

27、hv.区分、区别第七段thrustn.猛冲、推力prevailingadj.主要的、盛行的naggingadj.挑剔的、使人不得安宁的swiftadj.迅速的detectv.查明、发觉到twign.细树枝indicatev.象征、暗示第八段overshootingn.言过其实intervisibleadj.可通视的backstopn.增援第九段presupposev.预设、预先假定prehistoryn.史前时期第十段El Nion.厄尔尼诺现象disruptionn.分裂、瓦解scatterv.散布、散播coraln.珊瑚、珊瑚礁expansionn.扩张reversev.使反转第十一段qu

28、itv.离开、放弃thinlyadv.稀疏地、勉强地venturev.冒险、前进emptinessn.空白、空虚encounterv.遇见、邂逅5. 答案解析:27 通过Pacific island of fat; 定位到文章第一段。通过3,000-year-old定位到句An agricultural worker, digging in the grounds of a derelict plantation, scraped open a grave-the first of dozens in a burial ground some 3,000 years old.,发现该句中derelict是题目中abandoned的同义替换,都用来修饰plantation,因此答案选B。28 通过agricultural worker和cemetery可定位到文章第一段。读题发现第一段第一句An important archaeological discovery on the island of fat in the Pacific archipelago of Vanuatu.中imp

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