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1、新视野大学英语第四册词汇复习题答案及解析 新视野大学英语第四册词汇复习题答案及解析 coarse1. She was very polite and, like the rest of her people , never laughed if an outsider said something . 像其他人一样,如果局外人说一些粗俗的事,她从来不取笑。 betrayed my trust.2. I still have bitter feelings for Robert. What can I say? He completely 我仍然对罗伯特心怀怨恨。我能说什么?他完全辜负了我的信任

2、。 in Las Vegas, our vacation was completely trouble-free. Apart from the incident3. 除了在拉斯维加斯发生的小事故之外,我们的假期没遇到别的麻烦。 4. In 1968, the Oscar ceremony was postponed for two days, following the assassination of Martin Luther King. 年,马丁?路德?金被刺之后,奥斯卡颁奖典礼延迟了两天。 1968 5. Now that we have approval we may execut

3、e the scheme as previously agreed. 既然我们已经得到批准,我们就可以实施先前协商好的方案。 statements reportedly made by the 6. Many of the papers focus their attention on the controversy surrounding Foreign Secretary. 很多报纸聚焦于外交部长的言论所引起的争议上。 As all the performers were either related to or known to the audience, each act was gr

4、eeted with loud and 7. . equal applause 由于所有的演员要么和观众之间有联系,要么为观众所熟知,所以每一场演出都收到了同样的欢迎。 The mans story was so extraordinary that I didn t know whether to believe him or not. 8. 这个人的故事如此不同寻常,我不知道是否应该相信他。 to use, but nowadays they are much easier to handle.clumsy 9. The first mobile phones were heavy and

5、 第一款手机沉重且使用起来不方便,但现在的手机操作起来就容易多了。 sparkedAnimal Liberarion, a nationwide debate on the way we think about animals. 10. His latest book, 他的最新著作动物解放在全国范围内引发了人类应如何看待动物的讨论。 competitiors in the British banking market, have all but disappeared.fierce 11. Japanese banks, once 曾经是英国银行强劲竞争对手的日本银行,现在几乎要消失了。 i

6、ts third air strike against the country yesterday.12. The army launched 昨天,军队对这个国家发动了第三次空袭。 speak highly of her.She does all her work in a careful manner, and her boss and colleagues 13. 她做事认真,赢得了老板和同事的高度赞扬。 means so he could buy it cheaply.14. He was accused of manipulating the price of a stock by

7、illegal 他被指控以非法手段操纵股票价格,从而可以低价买入。 from the fundedis partly by State, has many international students College, 15. The Community which Southeast Asia. 这所由州政府提供部分资金的社区大学有很多来自东南亚的留学生。 16. These leaders were very jealous of their power, and did whatever they could to shut women out of politics. 那些领袖唯恐失去

8、他们的权力,所以尽力不让妇女参与政治。 the spirit, and it will make you fitter, too.17. Simply going for a walk can relax the mind and refresh 散步可以放松大脑、提神,也可以让你更健康。 so t have been they without providing has local 18. The government been substantial support, which couldn successful. 当地政府提供了大量资助,如果没有这些他们不可能取得这么大的成就。 bes

9、ides must that the came educators 19.These finally to conclusion education sowwisdom, seeds the of providing knowledge and skills. 这些教育家最后得出结论:教育除了传授知识和技能外,还必须播撒智慧的种子。 Madam, I wish you would listen instead of jumping to 20.ridiculous conclusions! 1 女士,我希望你仔细倾听而不要下荒谬的结论。 I prefer to eat vegetables r

10、aw, not cooked, believe that is better for my health. 21. 我喜欢吃未经烹饪的生蔬菜,因为我相信这有利于健康。 If convicted of the charge he would face a prison sentence of six years.22. 如果被判有罪,他将面临 6年的有期徒刑。 must be made in writing to our head office within 28 days.Any claims for refund or compensation23. 天内将书面申请交至我们总公司。 如要求退

11、款或赔偿,必须在28 us by leaving message for Jan or notify If you will require childcare in order to attend the meeting, please 24. s office. Martha at Jordan 如果你为了参加会议而要求照看孩子,请到乔丹的办公室留消息给简或玛莎,这样我们就会知晓了。Act new Food Safety training The government attaches great importance to the of food handlers and the 25.

12、 provisions on this. contains specific 政府很重视对食物生产者进行培训,新的食品安全法对这一点有明文规定。 in case there is something wrong with it and you want to bring it back. 26.Keep your receipt 保留好收据,这样商品出问题时你可以拿收据来更换。 paste labels on them. Her job in that company was to merely fill the containers and then 27. 她在公司的工作就是把罐子装满,然

13、后在上面贴上标签。 alerted28. When he realized that one engine was not working, the pilot air traffic control. 当飞行员意识到一个引擎坏了时,他向空中交通管制部门发了警报 29. My garden is too dry and shady thrive in such environment.not many plants 我家的花园既干燥又阴凉,没有多少植物可以在这样的环境中茁壮成长。 that the holder of this certificate has been awarded top

14、prize in the English-speaking contest.This is to certify 30. 这可以证明该证书的所有者在英语演讲比赛中获得了第一名。 skimmed31. Although this report only the surface of the subject, it has already sparked a nationwide debate. 虽然这个报告只是触及了这个话题的表面,它却已经引发了全国范围内的讨论。 her bills through parliament. 32.Mrs. Cresson will need all her ne

15、gotiating skills to steer 克莱森夫人需要运用她的一切谈判技巧以使议会通过她的议案。 33.International Aid Agencies have chartered ships to transport supplies to the area stuck by natural disaster. 国际援助机构已经租了轮船向受灾地区运输物资。 , of course, the whole thing looks suspicious.Viewed from that particular 34. angle 从那个特殊的角度来看,当然,整个事件看起来是可疑的。

16、 of secrecy surrounding the minister35. The government has been urged to lift the veils unexpected visit abroad. 政府被要求揭开部长突然出国访问的秘密。 , a taxi pulled up.I was just wondering how I could get home, when suddenly, as if by 36. magic 我正在想如何回家,突然就像变魔术一样,一辆出租车在我身边停了下来。 s work. In the We all have a very hig

17、h opinion of Dr. Franklin realm of surgery, he has no equal. 37. 我们对富兰克林医生的工作都有很高的评价,在外科领域,他是无人能及的。 But the advertisements that really 38. annoy me are not the ones aimed at women but ones aimed at men. 但是真正让我烦恼的广告不是针对女性的广告,而是针对男性的广告。 , damp forest in the dark in search of the wild puma, fully-equip

18、ped“ 39.These youngsters ,”dense, went into a(n) which was reported to have been observed. 那些全副武装的年轻人进入茂密、潮湿的森林搜寻野生美洲狮,据报道有人曾看见过它。 its during years past the 20 and outlined achievements s ChinahighlightedThe 40. article educational development plants for the next ten years. 年里中国在教育方面取得的成就,并概述了未来这篇文章

19、强调了在过去的 20 年的发展规划。10foreign local 41.The as so infrastructure of the to priority given has government construction attract to more 2 . investment 当地政府优先发展基础设施建设,以吸引更多外资。 during ay holidays. He placed his house at my disposal42. 在我休假期间,他把自己的房子借给我用。 a great deal of material into just over 100 pages an

20、d presented it in a reasonably condensed43. The writer has readable style. 100多页,以一种合理的、易读的方式呈现出来。 作者把大量的材料压缩到key areas identified as strategic vision and insufficient customer focus were two other absence 44. An of problems facing this wireless phone service company. 缺乏战略眼光和对顾客关注不够,呗看做是这家无线电话服务公司面临

21、的两大主要问题。 of $250 million in the The San Francisco-based company said the contract is expected to generate revenue45. first year. 亿美元的收入。 旧金山基地公司说预计合同将在第一年内带来2.5 the surface. 46. We had only two weeks to tour Malaysia, which was hardly enough to scratch 我们只有两周时间在马来西亚旅游,走马观花的时间都不够。 47. Monopolies in i

22、ndustries like railways and various utilities need breaking up. 像铁路和各种公用事业中的垄断局面需要被打破。 48. To head off competition, the telecommunications companies have invested heavily in high technology. 为了遏制竞争,电信公司已在高科技方面投入了巨资。 s prices for national and international calls are now among the lowest in the world,

23、 although local call 49. BTL prices are nowhere near the cheapest. 英国电信国内和国际电话的价格现在是世界最低的,虽然其市内电话的价格不是最便宜的。 and reception of transmission50. Manufacturers currently are working to establish industry standards for digital the signals. 生产商目前正在制定数字传输和信号接收的行业标准。 51. Now people can transmit information m

24、uch more quickly than ever before. 如今人们比以前传送信息要快得多。 insure that all information was correct at the time of publication.52. Every effort has been made to 竭尽全力来确保所有消息在公布时都是准确的。 53. s success is their system of finding and looking after new talent. A crucial part of Germany 德国成功的关键是他们可以寻找和发现新型人才的系统。 re

25、ceive learning process and they are out When carrying such exercises, students actively involved in the 54. about their constant 在做这些练习时,学生积极地参与到学习的过程中,并不断地获得关于他们进展的反馈。 55.I start my day by reading correspondence and writing replies. 我一天的工作就从阅读和回复信件开始了。the with Professor In 56. his

26、 academic career, Smith had specializedin international politics an emphasis on politics of East Europe. 史密斯教授在自己的学术生涯中专攻国际政治,研究方向是东欧政治。 whom they normally meet two or three times a term for an 57. In our university, each student has a personal tutor individual review of general progress.在我们大学,每名学生有

27、一个私人导师,学生要和导师一学期碰两到三次面,回顾个人学业的总体进 展。 the name Hillside.The town is built by the side of a hill, 58. hence 这个小镇依山而建,因此取名“山坡” 。 of the academic day wording Beginning in fourth grade, students are expected to spent a considerable 59.portion 3 independently. 学生们从四年级开始,就被要求把相当一部分学习时间用在独立学习上。 to be dealt

28、with, he should not have gone to the movie with you.60. With piles of files 有一大堆文件要处理,他本不应该和你一起去看电影的。 their s closely watch words and 61.Employees at humble jobs have to carefully weigh up the employer expression. 那些做着卑贱工作的员工必须仔细斟酌老板的每句话,小心谨慎地看他们的脸色行事。 to In Paris, the Eiffel Tower closed to the pub

29、lic for four hours after a morning snowfall made it too slippery62. climb. 在巴黎,因一天早晨的大雪导致太滑而不能登塔,埃菲尔铁塔关闭了四小时。 63. Children and, later, teenagers have to learn to put a brake on their impulses, to tame their desires. 孩子们以后会长成青少年,他们必须学会控制冲动以抑制自己的欲望。 inspiration in it.64. Some poets and philosophers ch

30、oose to live in solitude because they can find 一些诗人和哲学家选择独处,因为他们能在独处中找到灵感。 No one noticed that the little boy had crept into the room and was sitting there, listening. 65. 谁也没注意到那个小男孩已溜进房间,坐在那儿听。 from the police. 66.Blake was wrongfully arrested and is now demanding an apology 布莱克遭到误捕,他现在正要求警察道歉。 ,

31、I personally can conclude that it was pretty much an arbitrary policy.After months of observation67. 通过数月观察,我个人可以断定,那几乎是一项专制政策。 , he went at a pace slow enough for the listeners to take down a lot of what he said.Though he did not dictate68. 他虽不是做口述,但他已足够慢的速度说话以便听众能记下他所说的大部分内容。 inadequate69. Some people feel tot

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