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1、一般将来时练习题100道附答案亠般将来时练习题100道:a delay.一、选择题1.“ The meeting is scheduled to begin at 7 o “ BUt clock.A. It will be B. there d beC. there will be D. there is2.He ll leave for Paris before you next week.A. will come back B. will be backC. come back D. came back3.Our n ext meet ing on 甲 December.B. will h

2、oldD. is holdi ngB. has bee n thereD. there has bee nA. has bee n heldC. is to be held4.Where is a will, there is a way.A. there will haveC. there is5.It be Wedn esday tomorrow.A. is going to B. willC. is about to D. is to6.There a meet ing tomorrow after noon.A. will be going to B. will going to be

3、C. is going to be D. will go to be7.Charlie here n ext mon th.A. isn t workingB. doesn o wingC. isn t going to workinp won t work8.He very busy this week, he free n ext week.A. will be; is B. is; isC. will be; will be D. is; will be9.There a dolph in show in the zoo tomorrow eve ning.A. was B. is go

4、ing to haveC. will have D. is going to be10.- you free tomorrow?-No. I free the day after tomorrow.A. Are; going to; will B. Are; going to be; willC. Are; going to; will be D. Are; going to be; will be11.Mother me a nice prese nt on my n ext birthday.A. will gives B. will giveC. gives D. give12.- Sh

5、all I buy a cup of tea for you?- .(不,不要。)A. No, you won B. No, you aren t.C. No, please don D. to, please.13.- Where is the morning paper?-I if for you at on ce.A. get B. am gett ingC. to get D. will get14. a con cert n ext Saturday?A. There will be B. Will there beC. There can be D. There are15.If

6、they come, we a meeti ng.A. have B. will haveC. had D. would have16.He her a beautiful hat on her n ext birthday.A. gives B. gaveC. will givi ng D. is going to give17.He to us as soon as he gets there.A. writes B. has writte nC. will write D. wrote18.He in three days.A. coming back B. came backC. wi

7、ll come back D. is going to coming back19.If it tomorrow, we ll go -oketing.A. isn t rain B. won t rainC. doesn t rain D. doesn t fine20.-Will his parents go to see the Terra Cotta Warriors tomorrow?-No, (不去).A. they willn B. they won t.C. they aren D. they don t.21.Who we swim ming with tomorrow af

8、ter noon?A. will; go B. do; goC. will; going D. shall; go22.We the work this way n ext time.A. do B. will doC. going to do D. will doing23.Tomorrow he a kite in the ope n air first, and the n boati ng in thepark.A. will fly; will go B. will fly; goesC. is going to fly; will goes D. flies; will go24.

9、The day after tomorrow they a volleyball match.A. will watch ing B. watchesC. is watch ing D. are going to watch25.There a birthday party this Sun day.A. shall be B. will beC. shall going to be D. will going to be26.They an En glish eve ning n ext Sun day.A. are hav ing B. are going to haveC. will h

10、av ing D. is going to have27. you free n ext Sun day?A. Will; are B. Will; beC. Do; be D. Are; be28.He there at ten tomorrow morning.A. will B. is C. will be D. be29. your brother a magaz ine from the library?A. Are; going to borrow B. Is; going to borrowC. Will; borrows D. Are; going to borrows30.-

11、Shall I come aga in tomorrow after noon?- (好的).A. Yes, please B. Yes, you will.C. No, please D. No, you won t.31.It the year of the horse n ext year.A. is going to be B. is going toC. will be D. will is32. ope n the win dow?A. Will you please B. Please will youC. You please D. Do you33.-Let s go out

12、 to play football, shall we?-OK. I .A. will coming B. be going to comeC. come D. am coming34 It us a long time to lear n En glish well.A. takes B. will takeC. spe nds D. will spe nd35.The train at 11.A. going to arrive B. will be arriveC. is goi ng to D. is arrivi ng二、用所给动词的一般将来时填空36.I (leave) in a

13、minute. I (finish) all my work before I (leave)37.- How long you (study) in our country?-I (plan) to be here for about one more year.-I (hope) to visit the other parts of your country.-What you (do) after you (leave) here?-I (return) home and (get) a job.38.I (be) tired. I (go) to bed early tonight.

14、30. Mary s birthday is n ext Mon day, her mother (give) her a prese nt.40 It is very cold these days. It (snow) soon.41.- you (be) here this Saturday?-No. I (visit) my teacher.42.- I (get) you a copy of today s newspaper?-Thank you.43.I am afraid there (be) a meet ing this after noon. I can t joi n

15、you.44.Mike (believe, not) this until he (see it with his own eyes.45.Most of us don t think their team (win).三、 把下列各句译成英语46.我叔叔今晚要来。47.他没有打算住那座小屋。48.我们要读这本书。49. -你爸爸要去钓鱼吗?-不,他要去游泳。四、 填空。50.我打算明天和朋友去野炊。I have a pic nic with my frie nds.I have a pic nic with my frien ds.51.下个星期一你打算去干嘛 ?我想去打篮球。What n

16、ext Mon day?I play basketball.52.你妈妈这个周末去购物吗?是,她要去买一些水果。 your mother go shoppi ng this ?Yes, she . She buy some fruit.53.你们打算什么时候见面。What time you meet?五、 按要求改句子54.Nancy is going to go camp ing. (改为否定句)55.Nancy is going to go camp ing. (改为一般疑问句)56.I go and join them.(改否定)57.I mgoing to get up at 6:30

17、 tomorrow. (改一般疑问句)58. We will meet at the bus stop at 10:30. (改般疑问句)59. She is going to liste n to music after school.(对划线部分提问)60.My father and mother are going to see a play the day after tomorrow.( 同上)六、 用所给词的适当形式填空。61.Today is a sunny day. We (have) a pic nic this after noon.62.My brother (go) t

18、o Shan ghai n ext week.63.Tom ofte n (go) to school on foot. But today is rai ning.He (go) to school by bike.64.What do you usually do at weeke nds?I usually (watch) TV and (catch) in sects.65.It Fsday today. What she (do) this weekend?She (watch) TV and (catch) in sects.66.What (do) you do last Sun

19、 day? I (pick) apples on a farm.What (do) n ext Sun day? I (milk) cows.67.Mary (visit) her gran dpare nts tomorrow.68.Liu Tao (fly) kites in the playground yesterday.七、 请在下列各题空格处填入 shall或will69.You not drive through a red light.70.I do everything for her.71 . you help me with this heavy bag, John?72

20、. I help you with that heavy bag, Madam?73.Lets go and take a walk after dinner, we?74.No one leave the classroom if I have nt said Okay, said the teacher.75.It soon be over, I am sure. 8 . Do what you , but dont go out.76. I take you there with me, if its OK with your mother.77. Rain or shine, I co

21、me.八、按要求完成下列句子78.I want to play table tennis with Gan Sha n. (把主语改为第二人称单数)79.Tom usually plays basketball with my frie nds.( 把主语改为第一人称复数)80.What do you usually do on Sun days? (把主语改为 Hele n)81.She reads magaz ines after school. (把句子改写成否定句)82.They have the same hobby.(把句子改成一般疑问句并做肯定否定回答) ? ./ .83.My

22、mother usually goes shopp ing on Sun days. (把句子改成一般疑问句) ?84.I usually make clothes in the eve ning.( 对划线部分提问 )85.He likes collecti ng an imal stamps.( 对划线部分提问 ) ?九、用所给词的适当形式填空。86.I like collecti ng Chin ese stamps. I usually ( collect) stamps.87.We (go) to school from Mon day to Friday.88.My parents

23、 (like) (read) scie nee magaz in es.89.Tom usually (watch) TV after school,90.She (want) to (go) to the park.91.I usually go (swim) after school.十、选择填空( )92. There a meet ing tomorrow after noon.B. will going to beD. will go to beB. doesn t workingD. won t work free n ext week.B. is; isD. is; will b

24、eA. will be going toC. is going to be)93. Charlie here n ext mon th.A. isn t workingC. isn t going to working)94. He very busy this week, heA. will be; isC. will be; will be( )95. There a dolph in show in the zoo tomorrow eve ning.A. was B. is going to haveC. will haveD. is going to be( )96. - you f

25、ree tomorrow?-No. I free the day after tomorrow.A. Are; going to; will B. Are; going to be; willC. Are; going to; will be D. Are; going to be; will be( )97. Mother me a nice prese nt on my n ext birthday.A. will givesC. gives( )98. -Shall I buy a cup of tea for you?- .(不,不要。)A. No, you won t.C. No,

26、please don t.( )99. -Where is the morning paper?T it for you at on ce.A. getC. to get( )100. a concert next Saturday?A. There will beB. will giveD. giveB. No, you aren t.D. No, please.B. am gett ingD. will getB. Will there beD. There areC. There can be参考答案:1. C2. C3.C4.C5. B6. C7. D 8. D 9. D 10. D1

27、1. B12. C13. D14.B 15.B16.D17. C 18. C 19. C20. B21. D22. B23. A24. D25. B26.B27. B 28. C 29. B30.A31. A32. A33. D34. B35. D36. amleaving ; will finish;leave37.will ; study ; pla n ; hope ; will ; do ; leave ; will retur n ; ; will39.will give40.will snow41.Will, be ; will visit42.Shall ; g

28、et43.will be44.won t believe ; sees45.will win46. My uncle will come tonight .47.He isnt going to live in the small house .48.We are going to read this book .49.- Will your father go fishing ? - No , he is going, going, to; will51.are, you, going, to, do; am, going, to52.Is, going, to,

29、 weeke nd; is, is, going, to53.are, going, to54.Nancy isn going to go camping.55.Is Nancy going to go camp ing?56.I won t go and join them.57.Are you going to get up at 6:30 tomorrow?58.Will you meet at the bus stop at 10:30?59.What is she going to do after school?60.When are your father and mother

30、going to see a play?61.are going to going to go63.goes; is going to, catch65.will, do; is going to watch, catch66.did, picked; will you do, am going to milk67.will visit68.flew 69. will 70. shall/will 71. will 72. shall/will 73. shall74. will 75. will 76. shall/will 77. shall/will78.You want to play table tennis with Gan Shan.79.We usually plays basketball with my frie nds.80.What does Helen usually do on Sun days?81.She doesn t read magazines after school.82.Do they have the same

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