1、出国留学导师推荐信范文出国留学导师推荐信范文To whom it may Concern,I am writing this letter to attest to Paulsskills in Ian guage and public relati ons. In the fouryearsI have known him, I have bee n con siste ntly impressedwithhis ability not only to n egotiate complex ideas in otherIan guages, but also to relate these
2、thi ngs in a person able,con scie ntious fashi on. His manner in these cases isbothprofessi onal and pers on al, two qualities which Ifindparticularly valuable in a professi onal sett ing. Hehaspers on ally helped me in professi onal n egotiatio n foreverythi ng from trai n tickets to con tract in f
3、ormatio n,andI have always bee n able to count on him.I first met Paul in school, where he was a studentat the university at which I taught. He was well-known tomost of the westerners in tow n, who could call fromdiffere nt uni versities to ask for his help. Sometimesthishelp invo Ived tran slati on
4、 of professi onal docume nts,sometimes it invo Ived pers onal help in making phone calls.Many of these westerners continue to call him today,eve nthough they live quite far away from him, because the y havecome to trust him very much. From this foundation inpublicrelatio ns Paul has found positi ons
5、 in variousprofessi onal capacities and has bee n highly-valuedin each place. He is gen erally the sort of employee acompa nyfinds most valuableinitsdeali ngswithbothforeig nand domesticclie nts.Heputspeople attheireasewith hisIan guage ability and manner, both of whichcom muni cate to people that t
6、hey can relax and simplycom muni cate. I would highly recomme nd Paul as an employee.His experienee and manner are rare and very valuable.2Dear Colleagues:MS. XXX requested a letter of referenee from me tosupport her applicati on for graduate studies at youruniversity. As her research adviser when s
7、he was a graduatestude nt in my school of scie nee Beiji ng Uni versity ofChemical Tech no logy, I am pleased to comply withherrequest.I have known Ms. Zhang since 2003, whe n she wasadmitted as a Master of Scie nee can didate into the school.As her research adviser, I directed her research and fou
8、ndher a promis ing youth radiati ng with in tellige neeandcreativity. During her first year, she got a verygoodrecord in major courses and earned good scores majo r andgeneral GPA 33 She particularly enjoyed challenging areasof studies such as Quantum Chemistry and Theory ofElectrochemistry.During t
9、he following two years, Ms. Zhang worked ona computati onal theory study of inorganic fun cti onalmaterials project for his degree thesis“ TheoreticalStudyof Electro nicStructuresof SeveralReprese ntativeMetalEleme ntinthe HydrotalciteSlabsTo make thetheorymodelmeetthe actualmaterialsshefaced down m
10、any practical problems, such as buildingreas on able module of inorganic materials, and calculationtech niq ues. Worki ng hard and in depe nden tly, she crackedtheproblemsone byone,and came up with athesis that was characterizedbyacademic excelle nee. Duringher M.S.period,shehadthreepapers published
11、 inin ternational journals.Judgi ng by her outsta nding performa nee while she studied with me, I am convinced that Ms. Zhang has a cquiredthe kno wledgeandin tellectual sophisticati ononthe baSISof whichshecanun dertake world-classtra ining.Ithereforelendhermy enthusiastic supportandwouldappreciate
12、yourfavorable con siderati on ofher application.3Dear Sir or x x x:I take great pleasure in recommending Ren Ren, oneof my favorite stude nts, for admissi on in to yourMr. Ren was admitteddisti nguished graduate program.in 1986 at 14 years of ageuni versit y& #39;s unique program that caters to thei
13、n tellectualneeds of unusuallytale ntedChin ese youn gsters.Itwas arare privilege heearned withhis n earlyimpeccableacademic performa neethroughthe years ofhiseleme ntaryand sec on dary school.Heimpressed me almost ashe en teredin to myuni versity,a major cradle of Chi na& #39;s scie ntificandtech n
14、o logical tale nts. At the time, members of the GiftedClass all had to spe nd half a month study ing by themselvestheprin ciples of calculus and the n take an exam sothat we could evaluate their self-study capability. Mr.Renscored the highest grade in that exam. He also exhibited akee nly whetted mi
15、 nd duri ng class discussi ons. To my r egretat the time, his English was not as good as his mat hematicsor physics. But I no ticed he made a point of w orki ngespecially hard in improvi ng his En glish duri ng hisfiveun dergraduate years with us. By now, he seems to be atleast as proficie nt in En
16、glish as most of his formerclassmates in the Gifted Class.In my experienee with Mr. Ren, I was impressed with not on ly his extraord inary in tellige nee but also hisambitions and persistenee. I am sure that Mr. Ren will bean outsta nding stude nt in any doctoral program that he maycare to enroll in
17、. So I would like to support him f irmly inhis quest recomme ndatio n in to acco unt whe n con sideri nghise toacceptElectrical ,ithim as he wishes.Yours sincerely4Dear Admissions Committee,As Director of the State Key Laboratory ofInsulation at ABC University in BLANK, Chinais my sin cere and disti
18、 net pleasure to recomme nd Ms.XiaoXiao for your graduate program in BLANK.I have known Ms. Xiao since 2001, when she was oneof eighty students who completed their undergraduate thesisprojects in my BLANK laboratory. Ms. Juans enthusiasmforand diligenee in learning helped her become one of the mosto
19、utsta nding stude nts in the en tire group, making a stron g,positive impressi on upon me. Ms. Xiao is a very drive nwoman and student who know what she wants to accompli sh anddoes not falter in her chose n path. Her in tellec tualcuriosity and desire to acquire new ack no wledgecontinuously have l
20、ed her to perform much study on her ownoutside the scope of her classes and research work;often times, I wit nessed her con sult ing scie ntificbooks and journals to help her discover how shecould improve her kno wledge and her work in the laboratory.Coun tless times, Ms. Xiao rema ined in the labor
21、atoryformore tha n twelve hours in a row to complete her work andmake sure there were no errors. With such devotionandfortitude, Ms. Xiao did not surprise me with her superiorperforma nee on her thesis paper. In terms of her character,Ms. Xiao is an amiable, courteous, and helpful young woma nMs. Xiao is ready to move on to a more rigorous program of graduate study. Her academic performa nee, research work, and upsta nding pers onal character havewonher my highest recommendation, and I hope you giveherapplication strong consideration. Thank you.出国留学导师推荐信范文
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