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1、WI871081000063+RevC+主变压器电气试验 CSPC 南 海 石 化 项 目主变压器试验作业指导书MAIN TRANSFORMER TEST工作程序: WI-8710-8100-0063山东电力基本建设总公司 版次日 期出版原因编写校核审查批准AJanuary 13, 2004Issue For Review And ApprovalZhang .FGLi .WQXiao .TPTian .GHBMarch 10, 2004Issue For Review And ApprovalZeng .GYLi .WQXiao .TPTian .GHCApril 17, 2004Issue

2、 For Review And ApprovalZeng .GYLi .WQXiao .TPTian .GHRevision information修改记录Rev版次Section No.章节号Description of main changes主要修改内容ABAll pagesAdd and improve the work process.CSection 2.5Add all the sectionSection 2.6Add all the sectionSection 4.11Add the section “Earthing rod”All pagesReplace “2500V

3、 megohnmeter ”with“ 5000V megohnmeter” Section 7.3.2Add “The minimum acceptable insulation resistance value shall be 75Mohms”Section7.10.3Add “each sample shall be tested 6 times to breakdown voltage level using equipment and methods above”Section7.10.4Add “TEST FOR MOISTURE、DISSOLVED GAS ANALYSIS (

4、DSA)、ACIDITY and SLUDGING”Section9.0Add all the section “Appendixs”目 录Contents1.0 工程概况 Gnereral introduction 2.0 编制依据 References 3.0 施工准备 Construction preparation 4.0 主要施工机械及工具 Main machinery and tools 5.0 试验项目 Test items 6.0 劳动力组织 Labor force 7.0 施工工序和施工方法 Construction procedure and plans 8.0 工作安全分

5、析 JSA9.0 附表 Appendixs 1.0 工程概况:General introduction 中国南海石化汽电联产项目#1-#5主变采用上海ALSTOM公司生产的油浸式电力变压器,其中: Main transformer #1-#5 in Steam & Power unit for CSPC Nanhai petrochemicals project adopts the oil-immersed electric power transformer manufactured by ALSTOM Company of Shanghai, thereinto: 用于燃气机组(1台)变

6、压器型号:S-63000/35 (37+2X2.5%)/11 kV容量63MVA,额定电流983.1/3306.5 A,额定电压(37+2X2.5)/11kV,接线方式为YNd1,无载调压。 Transformer type used for gas turbine unit ( One ): S-63000/35 (37+2X2.5%)/11 kV Capability: 63MVA,Rated current : 983.1/3306.5 A,Rated voltage : (37+2X2.5)/11kV, manner of connection is YNd1,No-load volt

7、age regulation. 用于燃油机组(4台) 变压器型号:S-75000/35 (37+2X2.5%)/11 kV 容量75MVA额定电流1170.3/3936.5A,额定电压(37+2X2.5)/11kV,接线方式为YNd1,无载调压。Transformer type used for fuel oil unit ( Four ) : S-75000/35 (37+2X2.5%)/11 kV Capability: 75MVA , Rated current : 1170.3/3936.5A,Rated voltage : (37+2X2.5)/11kV, manner of con

8、nection is YNd1,No-load voltage regulation.变压器吊罩检查在厂家进行,现场安装完毕后进行交接试验。Checking with lift the cover finished in the factory, then to do the testafter installing in the site. 2.0 编制依据:References 2.1 DEP Field Commiss & Main of Elec Installations Equip.2.2 DEP Power Trans (AME_S

9、upps to IEC 76 & IEC 726)2.3 电气装置安装工程电气设备交接试验标准(GB5015091) Standard for electric equipment test of electric equipment installation engineering(GB5015091)2.4 电力建设安全工作规程DL5009.1-92 Safety work regulations of electric power constructionDL5009.1-922.5 ALSTOM提供的主变压器安装调试手册 Ex-factory technique information

10、 2.6 设备出厂实验报告Ex-factory test report 3.0 施工准备: Construction preparation 3.1 变压器已运至现场就位安装,绕组引出线与其他附件、周围搭设的脚手架等安全距离充足。 The transformer has been delivered and located and installed on the site, the safety distance is enough among of the lead-out wire of winding and other accessory, scaffolding built aro

11、und and so on. 3.2 现场已清理干净、道路通畅。 The site has been cleaned up, and the road is unblocked. 3.3 本作业指导书及安全技术措施已编制审批完毕,对所有参加试验人员交底并签字,交底记录齐全。 The preparation of the work instruction and safety technique measures has been completed, and the examination and approval also has been done. All personnel atten

12、ding the test have been told the real intentions and sign it up. The record is all ready. 3.4 试验仪器准备齐全,工作正常,试验人员熟悉仪器的使用方法。 The test apparatus has been prepared, and they work in gear. The test personnel are familiar with the using way of apparatus. 3.5 施工图纸及有关技术资料齐全。 The construction drawing and rel

13、ative technical information are all ready. 3.6 试验所需工具准备齐全。 Tools for test required are all ready. 3.7 试验区域拉好警戒绳,挂上明显的警示牌。 Set the warning rope in test area and hang the visible warning card. 3.8 试验用电源开关要悬挂“试验专用,严禁乱动”警示牌。 The warning card which is saying “ Special for use, dont fiddle with it” from t

14、he power switch used for test. 3.9 变压器注油前需测量铁芯引出套管对变压器外壳绝缘合格。 The insulation between lead-out thimble of iron core and transformer caseshould be eligible before transformer oiling. 3.10 变压器注油完毕后应进行本体油样的绝缘强度及介损试验,试验合格且静置24小时后方可进行绕组连同套管的介损、直流泄漏电流试验。 After filled up with oil, do the high voltage withst

15、and and dissipation loss test. 24 hours later, do the dissipation loss and DC leakage-current test of transformer winding after oil testing passed.3.11 变压器低压绕组连同套管的交流耐压试验应在介损、 直流泄漏试验合格后进行。 The high voltage a.c testing of transformer winding should be done after dissipation loss and DC leakage-curren

16、t test passed. 4.0 主要施工机械和工具 Main machinery and tools : 4.1 BM11D型数字兆欧表 Digital megohm meter 1块 One 4.2 变压器直阻测试仪 DC resistance tester 1台One 4.3 直流高压发生器 High voltage d.c tester 1台 One 4.4 绝缘油耐压机 High voltage pressure tester of oil 1台 One 4.5 介损测试仪 Dissipation loss tester 1台 One 4.6 变压器变比速测仪 Transform

17、er ratio tester 1台 One 4.7 50kV交流耐压机 High voltage a.c tester 50kV 1台 One 4.8 指针万用表 Pointer multimeter 1块 One 4.9 甲电池 Battery 1只 One 4.10 保险丝、绝缘塑料带、导线、电源盘、警戒绳、警示牌等,常用工具一套。 Fuse, insulated plastic tape, lead, power supply unit, warning rope, warning card and so on, a set of common tools.4.11 接地棒 Earth

18、ing rod 5.0 试验项目 Test items 本工程需要做以下试验,实验数据通过DEP中表格1和表格13记录(后附)。将试验数据与出厂报告中的数据组进行比较分析。验收标准应该遵照厂家提供标准和国标。The following tests shall be conducted and the test results shall be recorded in the attached form(2 sheets),Form 1 and form 13 of DEP test results shall be c

19、ompared with the test results performed at the factory.The acceptance criteria for each test shall be as per Alstoms/GB standards.5.1 测量铁芯引出套管对外壳的绝缘电阻; Measuring the insulation resistance between lead-out thimble of iron core and the earth; 5.2 测量变压器套管的绝缘电阻和介质损耗; Measuring the insulation resistance

20、and dissipation loss of transformer bushing;5.3 测量变压器绕组的绝缘电阻和吸收比; Measuring the insulation resistance and absorption ratio of transformerwinding;5.4 测量变压器绕组各分接位置的电压比; Measuring the voltage ratio for each tap positio; 5.5 测量变压器绕组各分接位置的直流电阻; Measuring the DC resistance for each tap position;5.6 检查变压器绕

21、组联接组别; Inspecting the connecting group of transformer winding; 5.7 测量变压器绕组连同套管的介质损耗角正切值; Measuring the tangent value of dielectrical loss angle for the transformer winding along with the bushing; 5.8 测量变压器绕组连同套管的直流泄漏电流; Measuring the DC leakage-current of the transformer winding along with thebushin

22、g;5.9 变压器低压侧绕组连同套管的交流耐压试验(本试验进行与否以厂家要求为准);Measuring the AC pressure test of the low-voltage winding along with theBushing(Whether or not carry out the test, abide by the request of transformer manufacturer);5.10 绝缘油试验。Insulating oil test. 6.0 劳动力组织 Labor force : 试验指挥 Test director : 1人 One people 试验

23、监督 Test supervisor : 1人 One people试验记录 Test recorder : 1人 One people 试验操作 Test operator : 1人 One people7.0 施工工序和施工方法 Construction procedure and plans : 7.1 测量铁芯接地线引出套管对变压器外壳的绝缘电阻 Measuring the insulation resistance between lead-out bushing of earth wire for iron core and earth 7.1.1 注油前测量铁芯接地线引出套管对变

24、压器外壳的绝缘。 Measuring the insulation between the lead-out thimble of earth wire for iron core and transformer case before oiling. 7.1.2 解开铁芯引出套管与本体的连接,用5000V兆欧表测量其对变压器外壳的绝缘电阻,持续时间1min,应无闪络及击穿现象。 Unfasten the connection between lead-out thimble of iron core and the noumenon, measure the insulation resis

25、tance with 5000V megohmmeter between the thimble and the transformer case. The duration is for 1min, there should be no flashover and breakdown phenomenon. 7.2 测量变压器套管的绝缘电阻和介质损耗Measuring the insulation resistance of transformer thimble and the dissipation loss7.2.1 本试验在套管安装之前进行。 The test should be d

26、one before installing the thimble.7.2.2 用5000V兆欧表测量变压器套管主绝缘的绝缘电阻,一般不低于1000 M。 Measuring the resistance of main insulation for transformer thimble with 5000V megohmmeter, generally it cant be lower than 1000 M。7.2.3 按介损仪使用方法接好试验接线,并检查接线正确。启动仪器,均匀升压至10kV,测量套管的介质损耗角正切值及电容值,介质损耗角正切值应不大于出厂试验值的130%。 Link

27、the test connection according to the using method of dissipation loss meter, and examine whether the connection is right. Start up the apparatus and increase the voltage equably to 10kV, measuring the tangent value of dielectrical loss angle and capacitance value for thimble, the tangent of dielectr

28、ical loss angle should be not more than 130% of ex-factory test value. 7.3 测量绕组连同套管的绝缘电阻 Measuring the insulation resistance of the winding along with the thimble7.3.1 本试验需在变压器充油后静置20小时后进行。 The test should be done after settling 20 hours when the transformer oiling is completed. 7.3.2 将高、低压绕组分别首尾短接。

29、用兆欧表5000V档分别测量高压对低压及地、低压对高压及地的绝缘电阻与吸收比,绝缘电阻值应不小于75兆欧(根据DEP63.10.08.11),吸收比不小于1.3。 Short-circuit the high-voltage winding and the low-voltage winding respectively from beginning to end. Measuring the insulation resistance and absorption ratio respectively with 5000V megohmmeter between high-voltage a

30、nd low-voltage & earth, low-voltage and high-voltage & earth, The minimum acceptable insulation resistance value shall be 75Mohms,and the absorption ratio is no less than 1.3。7.3.3 试验温度与出厂试验温度不同时,换算至同一温度下比较。 Convert it into the same temperature for comparison if the test temperature is different fro

31、m the ex-factory test temperature.7.3.4 测完一组充分放电后,方可进行下一组测量。 Measure a group of insulation resistance and discharge adequately, then start the next group of measurement.7.4 测量变压器所有分接头的变压比Measuring the transformer ratio of any tap 7.4.1 按仪器使用方法正确接线,严防高低压绕组测试线接反。 Connecting the wire according to the using method of apparatus in order to prevent connecting the private wire of the high-voltage winding and the low-voltage winding in reverse.7.4.2 记录变压器分接位置,按仪器操作方法测量变压器各相在该分接位置时的变压比。 Record the tap position

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