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1、中美教育的不同英语版论文中美教育的不同(英语版论文)LTevery state has at least one state government or local investors founded by public universities, Although the source of funding and Mody University different, but the structure and the curriculum does not have much difference. Americas current institutions are largely ove

2、rlapping part of Chinese gown, 2002, or four years of academic, as more than two-year technical colleges and community colleges. The family is the most important place for the enlightenment education of children, it plays an important role in the future for good habit forming. The two countries have

3、 significant differences in family education, such as the relationship in the family, America parents pay more attention to equality with the children together; In the concepts, most parents in China hope their children can rise head and shoulders above others, but beautiful country attach more impo

4、rtance to improve childrens ability to adapt to survive; The way of education, China parents like an alternative, and America parents prefer to let the children hands-on.(Zeng Zhilan,1)1.1. Education Concepts are Different. In China, the parents are more concerned about their childrens future .they

5、think the most important is that their children can find a good job and have a happy life. So the parents do almost everything to make their children live wonderfully. They pay more attention to their childrens life and intelligence rather than childrens independence and ability. However, American p

6、arents focus on childrens experience and ability. There is am example A Chinese father saw his son, Denis, fighting with the son of his foreign boss. He let Denis to apologize to the bosss son. But his son refused .He gave his son a slap in the face. He did it out of respect to his boss, meaning tha

7、t because of you, I will punish my son. But this scene made his boss surprised and puzzled. Why a father to say that? A significant difference between the two countries in this is the family education existing. The traditional Chinese education emphasized benevolence and obedience, and America famil

8、y is focused on justice and freedom. Chinese parents usually like shape the child, wanting their children to develop according to their own will. They often use their reason to interfere with childrens natural development, thus largely deprive their children of the right to freedom of choice. Americ

9、an family is more emphasis on autonomy of the children, let ting the children learn in the community under the conditions allowed to make their own decisions, solving their own problems encountered by independent.1.2.The Goal is Different. Family education purpose restricting the direction of family

10、 education, to determine the overall effect, so the purpose of family education is the core of family education, is to determine the root cause of the family education differences between China and the United States. The purpose of family education is through the family education to train the educat

11、ees into what kind of person. Determine if purpose, education content, methods, according to the choice. So what is the purpose of American and Chinese family education, or what is the difference between the two parents expect their children? The purpose of the American family education is to produc

12、e a adapt to the environment and independent ability to survive social person, the purpose of the expected value is not high. Social person is not an ideal, but a plain, easy to operate and broad requirements. So American parents treat their childrens education more easily, the active ingredient in

13、their childrens personality maximum limit, let children realize self value, even if, is not for some utilitarian goals such as higher education, good career, but in fact, such education has many accidentally remarkable effect, in casual in genius. In addition, in under the guide of this purpose, can

14、 cultivate childrens independent consciousness and live independently. Look at each stage of American children: they grew up independent sleep; When walking, playing, few parents holding the play; Again big some, I have to have their own space, the decoration of the room, decorate and clean up the w

15、hole shall be the responsibility of the child; They grew up doing what paid services, such as cleaning, people see children, delivering papers, and so on, in high school or university after gong frugal to learn, in exchange for living expenses. Family education in China, by contrast, the purpose is

16、to produce only, have ambition in the future, have a good career, life can be spent in prosperity. First, the purpose of high expectations, and strong utilitarian, because the promise, good job, prosperity is not a general purpose, more difficult to achieve. For this purpose, Chinese parents particu

17、larly care about the childs academic performance, to the child the only requirement is to concentrate on, sit down quietly reading, learn skills, but ignore the childs talent, limiting their creativity, the results in order to develop the so-called talent instead of killing the genius, many many eff

18、ect. And because few consider the childs personality and social adaptation ability, citizen consciousness, even if the good academic performance, also not necessarily can be smoothly in the future based on society, sometimes, still can make the expectations of parents completely evaporated.1.3. The

19、Education Style is Different.The parents in China are influenced by the traditional education. They do all they can to protect their kids from harm. They do the housework rather than the kids. Being afraid of their kids getting harm,they limit the space in which the kids keep touch with others. They

20、 are so strict with their childrens study. But the American parents are cared their kids ability and wether they have the skills. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. (Lao-Tzu)I.There are Many Differences in Schooling.2.1. The Education

21、 Planning is Different.The difference between the educations is higher education. Due to the lack of hardware, especially the colleges of science and engineering, and lack of laboratory equipment, that restricts the quality of higher education greatly, especially in the stage of education. Since 198

22、5 Nobel science are all shown up in American, or major science technology work is completed in the USA, that should be attributed to that the USA focused on the basis of science and technology investment in hardware, they supported the outstanding talent. In addition, USA college education thought.

23、Who broke into the Wall Street of Harbin girl Chen Lei, with her American University 4 year experience, sums up: middle and primary education level in USA is far worse than that in China, but why USA can produce so many Nobel Prize winners? The answer is: university education in American is paying a

24、ttention to personal ability, being good at mobilizing the potential of personal study and research, and provide s students with large independent space. American students often learn to four or five in the morning, even all night. (Li Xianghong 4)American education stresses “wide, light, alive”, bu

25、t Chinese education focus on “narrow,strict, stiff”. The former can make students brave and confidence but pride, and the last let students modest and prudent but inferior. American students have more questions than Chinese students.2.2. Education View and Knowledge View are Different. In schooling,

26、 the most different is education view and knowledge view .In USA, basic operations are not taken seriously, so students can have a widen use of calculators in school. Americans think calculator is fast and accurate, and why bother trying to use the brain to calculate it. The human brain can be saved

27、 to do that machines cannot do. However, in China, our brain and calculators should be independent. The brain need store more knowledge so that we can extract it as soon as posibile. From the development of innovation capability perspective, China students prone to indulge in self controlling and se

28、lf control, for fear of error and used to stick to the rules. Good foundation can be favorable conditions for innovation, but also will be bound and hinder the barrier of creative thinking. Rigorous characteristics can bring comprehensive consideration, can also become the enemy of the jumping think

29、ing. America education is not to set up a fixed pattern to let the students from the real life to the inner world to carry out a full range of free imagination, but encourage students to create. And Chinese education set up model, and allow students to pursue like. Therefore, fundamentally, value di

30、rection of Sino US Education advocates is not consistent. Chinese education is imitation. the education idea is: a piece of white paper that a child what basis do not have,how to imagine? how to created? And how to carry out creation?III. Chinese and American Education has Their Own Advantages.3.1:

31、Chinese Education has Its Features.Chinese students with a solid foundation in math and science, and China students classroom learning time is very long. They have a good discipline and learning spontaneously, but, Chinese student to pursue higher education is also very strong. Chinese education enc

32、ourage students learning, progress, competition. It can absolute maximum play to individual potential with appropriate competition. There is a positive learning environment. China basic education teachers sense of responsibility for whetherthe class active or passive is very admired.3.2: American Ed

33、ucation has Its Features.Education emphasizes the parent involvement. The learning needs of schools, parents and the community to support the child. This point is Chinese parents lacked. It encourages innovation, and lets the children grew up feeling very good. They can be full of confidence. It pay more a

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