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本文(人教版七年级英语上册Units13单元同步常见考点失误解析与自我检测含答案.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、人教版七年级英语上册Units13单元同步常见考点失误解析与自我检测含答案 单元同步常见考点失误解析(七年级上册)Unit 1 My names Gina.1.杰克,你好!误:Jack, hello!正:Hello, Jack!解析:hello意为“你好;喂”,是朋友、熟人之间非正式的问候语。还可以用来引起对方注意,这时既可用于熟人、朋友之间,也可用于陌生人之间。应该注意的是:中国人把称呼放在前后均可,而英美人习惯于先打招呼,后说称呼语,有时将称呼语也省掉。如:Hello, Tom! 你好,汤姆!Hello, Jim! 你好,吉姆!Hi 也可以用于打招呼,比hello表示的语气更随和。如:Hi

2、, long time to see. 嗨,好久不见了。课文要点Hello, Alan. Im Mr. Brown. (P1)2. 你是吉娜吗?是的,我是。误:Are you Helen? Yes, Im. 正:Are you Helen? Yes, I am. 解析:am, is, are在句子中可以和做主语的代词缩写在一起。如:Im Jim Green. 我是吉姆格林。Youre a teacher. 你是教师。Hes twelve. 他十二岁。但在对一般疑问句作简略回答时,不能使用缩写形式。如:Is he a student? 他是学生吗?Yes, he is. 是的,他是。课文要点Ar

3、e you Helen? Yes, I am. (P3)3. 托尼是我的名字。误:Tony is my the first name. 正:Tony is my first name. 解析:first意为“第一”,用作序数词。序数词前面通常要加定冠词。如:The first lesson is easy. 第一课很容易。但有你称代词所有格修饰时,定冠词则要删去。如:This is our first lesson. 这是我们的第一课。first的反义词是last“最后的;末尾的”。如:The last page in the book is missing. 这本书的最后一页丢了。课文要点W

4、hats your first name?(P5)4. 你弟弟是个学生。误:You brother is a student. 正:Your brother is a student. 解析:you“你(们)”,是名词性物主代词,用作主格和宾格;不可以作定语,第二人称的形容词性物主代词应为your。如:Your school is very large. 你们学校非常大。课文要点Hi, whats your name? (P3)5. 艾伦的父亲在中国。误:Alans father is in the China. 正:Alans father is in China. 解析:在专有名词,如国家

5、、城市等前一般不加冠词。如:My brother works in Beijing. 我兄弟在北京工作。课文要点My friend is in China. (P5)6. 那女孩是玛丽布朗。误:The girl is Brown Mary. 正:The girl is Mary Brown. 解析:中国人的姓名排列顺序是:先姓氏后名字,翻译英语时可以直接用汉语拼音表示,且姓与名分开写,且姓与名的第一个字母都要大写。名字为两个汉字时,用英文表示的名字要连在一起写。如:Li Na 李娜Li Yundi 李云迪英美人的姓名排列顺序是:先名字后姓氏,翻译中文时中间加“”。如:Jack Smith 杰克

6、史密斯课文要点My name is Jenny Green. (5)7. 你的电话号码是多少?误:What are your telephone number? 正:What is your telephone number? 解析:are 用于第二人称和其它复数人称,而your telephone number“你的电话号码”为单数第三人称,谓语动词应该用is。如:Your books are new. 你的书是新的。My bike is new, too. 我的自行车也是新的。课文要点His telephone number is 357-5689.(P5)8. 我的名字叫戴尔米勒。米勒是

7、我的姓。误:My name is Dale Miller. Miller is my first name. 正:My name is Dale Miller. Miller is my last name. 解析:英语中的“first name”意为“名字”;“last name”意为“姓”。如:My name is Mary Brown. Mary is my first name. Brown is my last name. 我的名字叫玛丽布朗。玛丽是我的名字;布朗是我的姓。自我检测单项填空:1._you Miss Li? Yes, _. A. Are; Im B. Is; I am

8、C. Is; Im D. Are; I am 2. Is Kate a student? Yes, _. A. shes B. hes C. he is D. she is 3. Im Cindy Jones. Jones is my _. A. first name B. last name C. middle name D. full name 4. Whats _ telephone number? _ telephone number is 897-3786. A. your; Her B. his; Hes C. shes; Her D. your; My 5. Whats _ na

9、me? _ name is Alice. A. you; My B. your; My C. your; I D. you; I 6. _! I am Mary. A. Gina, hello B. hi, Gina C. Hello, Gina D. Gina, hi7. His name is Tony Black. His _name is Tony. A. the last B. first C. the first D. last 8. Is this _ ruler? No, it isnt. Its _ ruler. A. you; my B. your; her C. his;

10、 he D. my; you 9. My friends are _. A. at the London B. in a London C. in London D. in the London 10. What is your name? My name is _. A. Green Alan B. Alan Green C. Brown David D. Smith Gina 11. I _ Tom. My telephone number _ 967-3378. A. am; am B. are; is C. am; is D. am; are 12. I am Cindy Jones.

11、 Cindy is my _. A. last name B. full name C. first name D. middle name 选词填空下面对话中有些单词很调皮,跑出来玩却回不去了,现在他们都在方框中,你能帮他们回归原地吗?Thanks; are; my; no; what; am; her; is; yes; it A: Good morning, Gina!B: Good morning, Lucy!A: How _1_ you? B: I _2_ fine, thank you. A: Do you know(认识)Rose? B: _3_. Rose _4_ my fri

12、end and _5_ mother is my English teacher. A: Is her last name White? B: _6_. Her last name is Smith. A: Is Rose always in a yellow jacket?B: No. Rose is always in a red jacket. A: _7_is her telephone number? Is _8_389-6149? B: Oh, no. its _9_phone number. Her telephone number is 389-1645. A: _10_. U

13、nit This is my sister. 1.这是我的红色铅笔。误:This is my a red pencil. 正:This is my red pencil. 解析:可数名词单数被人称代词所有格修饰后,不可以再加不定冠词a(n)。如:That is his eraser. 那是他的橡皮。课文要点This is my friend, Lin Fang. (P10)2. 这是一张中国地图。误:This is a map in China.正:This is a map of China.解析:of用作介词,意为“属于;关于”,后跟人或物。of意为“的”。如:That is a phot

14、o of Jenny. 那是珍妮的一张照片。课文要点This is a photo of my family. (P11)3. 这些是他的照片。误:These are his photoes. 正:These are his photos. 解析:photo 意为“照片”,复数形式为photos。注意:以o 结尾的名词变成复数时有的加es,如:tomatoes“西红柿”; potatoes“马铃薯”。有的加s,如:radios “收音机”;pianos “钢琴”课文要点Here are two nice photos of my family. (P11)4. 格林先生与格林太太是汤姆的父母。误:Mr. Green and Mrs. Green are Toms parent. 正:Mr. Green and Mrs. Green are Toms parents. 解析:在英语中,名词分为可数名词和不可数名词,可数名词又分为单数和复数形式,表示一个事物时用单数形式,而本句中的主语是Mr. Green and Mrs. Green,因此表语parent应为复数形式parents。如:Jack and Tom

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