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秋九年级英语上人教版《Unit 8 It must belong to Carla》单元练习.docx

1、秋九年级英语上人教版Unit 8 It must belong to Carla单元练习 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.单元练习 一、听力(听力) 一、听力选择(一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听一遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出适合每个句子的答语。 1. A. I am going to the park. B. Id give it to charity. C. I dont think so. 2. A. It must be Tonys. B. It must be Tony. C. Its on the desk. 3. A. I dont mind.

2、B. How did you know? C. Because my bike broke down. 4. A. Yes, I could. B. Yes, I can. C. Yes, I might. 5. A. I dont think so. B. Yes, please. C. Thats a good idea. (二)录音中有五组对话,每组对话听一遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。 6. What color is the pen? A. Black. B. Blue. C. Green. 7. What does Elise prefer to do?

3、 A. Swim in the sea. B. Lie on the beach. C. Play beach volleyball. 8. What is the man? A. A student. B. A teacher. C. A lawyer. 9. How many people will go for a picnic this Saturday? A. 2. B. 3. C. 4.10. What happened to Lucy? A. She hurt her right leg. B. She hurt her left leg. C. She hurt her rig

4、ht arm. (三)录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。11. Why isnt the man interested in going sightseeing in Paris? A. Because he cant speak French. B. Because its very cold there now. C. Because he has been there for several times.12. Where would the man like to go? A. Hawaii. B. Hong Kong. C. Sydn

5、ey.13. When will the man get back? A. On February 15th. B. On February 21st. C. On February 25th.14. How many people will go on vacation in the family? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.15. How much should the man pay? A. 3,000 dollars. B. 4,000 dollars. C. 5,000 dollars. (四)录音中有一篇短文,听短文两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答

6、每个问题的正确答案。16. Where is Tom from? A. Italy. B. Korea. C. France.17. What does Tom love? A. Chinese food. B. Paintings. C. Operas.18. What does Fogy plan to do next year? A. Make a film. B. Make a new CD. C. Hold a concert.19. What kind of groups does Amy like? A. Groups that can sing. B. Groups that

7、wear cool clothes. C. Groups that write their own music.20. Why does Amys mother like country music? A. Because it has beautiful lyrics. B. Because its exciting. C. Because its relaxing.二、单项选择21. - Our class won the English speaking contest. - Congratulations! You be very proud of it. A. can B. need

8、 C. would D. must22. - Whos singing in the next room? Is it Lucy? - It be her. She has gone to New York. A. cant B. must C. shouldnt D. can23. it be true that Albert passed the test in geography? A. May B. Should C. Could D. Would24. You mustnt go off on your own, because you get lost in the mountai

9、ns. A. should B. must C. need D. might25. - I was from going to Mikes birthday party by the heavy rain. - Really? What a pity! A. caused B. allowed C. ordered D. prevented26. I a strange gift yesterday, and I still dont know who it was from. A. took B. accepted C. received D. bought27. I am greatly

10、interested in this painting. It the painters deep love for nature. A. expresses B. discusses C. expects D. imagines28. - Dad, must I practise the piano today? - No, you . You may do it tomorrow. A. neednt B. mustnt C. shouldnt D. cant29. You smoke. You are only 14 and it isnt allowed. A. mustnt B. d

11、ont have to C. neednt D. wont30. - Dad, can I go to the movies tonight? - Sure, but you come back home before 9 oclock. A. can B. must C. may D. might三、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)31. My father is the manager of the company, so he a lots of meetings every day.32. The watch cost me 1,000 dollars. Its v .33. My sist

12、er stayed up late last night, so she felt very s in class today.34. Obama is the l of America.35. He went to town with the p of buying a computer.36. The boy is full of e and never feels tired.37. We should e our thanks to others when they help us.38. Microsoft has taken the leading p in the world.3

13、9. Their basketball team had a great v last month.40. Miss Zhao said that Jack wasnt lazy and that he was a h student.四、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)41. Toby missed the time and didnt (参加) the meeting.42. They should get (医疗的) help immediately.43. Its nice of you to provide us with the (有价值的) information.44. The

14、 little girl has learned to (表达) herself by email.45. The (目的) of the meeting is to tell us to control the population.46. We should be (勤勉的) students and work hard at all our lessons.47. Mary told me where she worked, but I couldnt find the (位置).48. She looked round when she heard so much (噪音) behin

15、d her.49. He r (收到了) a story-book on his last birthday.50. His father has the ability to be one of the best (领导).五、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)51. 它们一定真的很有价值,我可以看一看它们吗?They really valuable. Can I see them?52. 这个包不可能是本的,里面的书是比尔的。(仅限2词)The bag Bens. The books in it are Bills.53. 如果你知道它可能在哪儿,请给我打电话。If you have any i

16、dea where it , please call me.54. Look! The alien is (追赶) the man.55. 我们必须阻止这件事的发生。We must it happening.六、完形填空 Daddy, can I learn to play the violin? young Sarah asked her father. She was always 56 things and her father was not very pleased. You cost me a lot of money, Sarah, he said. 57 you wanted

17、to learn horse riding, then dancing, then swimming. Now its the 58 . Ill play every day, Daddy, Sarah said. Ill try very hard. All right, her father said. I know 59 Ill do. Ill pay for you to have lessons for six weeks. At the end of six weeks you 60 play something for me. If you play well, you can

18、have 61 lessons. If you play badly, I will stop the lessons. OK. Daddy, Sarah said. That is 62 . He soon found a good violin teacher and Sarah began her lessons. The lessons were very expensive, but her father kept his 63 . The six weeks passed quickly. It was time for Sarah 64 for her father. She b

19、egan to play. She played very 65 . She made a terrible noise. Her father had one of his friends with him, and the friend put his hands 66 his ears. When Sarah finished, her father said, 67 , Sarah. You can have more lessons. Sarah ran happily out of the room. Her fathers friend turned to him. Youve

20、spent a lot of money, 68 she still plays very badly, he said. Well, thats true, her father said. But since she started learning the violin, I 69 able to buy five apartments in this building very cheaply. In 70 six weeks Ill own the whole building!56. A. caring for B. preparing for C. sending for D.

21、asking for57. A. First B. Second C. Next D. Finally58. A. guitar B. violin C. piano D. game59. A. which B. that C. what D. how60. A. must B. can C. may D. might61. A. many B. much C. more D. fewer62. A. impossible B. unfair C. funny D. fair63. A. waming B. promise C. notice D. excuse64. A. for playi

22、ng B. to play C. to work D. for working65. A. badly B. well C. better D. worse66. A. off B. in C. behind D. over67. A. Terrible B. Too bad C. Well done D. Sorry68. A. or B. but C. though D. so69. A. will be B. was C. am D. have been70. A. other B. more C. another D. the other七、阅读理解A Its only $79.99!

23、 How many times have you heard those words on TV or read them in a newspaper ad? The word only is supposed to make you think that this is a great price for the product. But think about this how long does it take you to earn $79. 99? What do you have to do to get that money? The little thing thats on

24、ly $79. 99 is worth almost 12 hours of your work! And if you are making less than this, how long will it take to earn that much money? So as you stand in a store, telling yourself that you have to buy something, think about how long you must work to earn the money to pay for it. Is that $85 T-shirt

25、really worth the time to earn $85? You could probably find a similar shirt at another store for under $35, right? Even if your parents are still buying your clothes, someone has to work for the money. If you spend money on one thing, you dont have money to spend on anything else. So if you spend $85

26、 on those jeans, you cannot put it in the bank, and you cannot go snowboarding(单板滑雪) or to the movies with friends because you dont have the money to go.71. Saying that Its only $79.99 may make you think that it . A. is expensive B. is important C. is cheap D. cant be accepted72. Which is NOT mentio

27、ned in the passage? A. The newspaper ad may use some words to promote sales(促销). B. The $79.99 T-shirt doesnt have good quality. C. The T-shirt may make you spend the money you planned to use for some other things. D. You car find a similar T-shirt at another store for a lower price.73. From the pas

28、sage we know that . A. the T-shirt isnt worth buying B. the T-shirt is too expensive C. We shouldnt believe the newspaper ad D. before we buy something, we should think about what it is really worth74. We can probably find the passage in a(n) . A. advertisement B. Youth Newspaper C. Year-book D. sto

29、ry-bookBSaturday, 5th JuneDear Estelle, I hope youre well and not working too hard! Ive been preparing for my exams now for the last two weeks. Thats why I havent written for such a long time. Since the beginning of this year weve been doing a project called World Class. Have you heard of it? Not ev

30、eryone in the class could take part, but luckily I could. The school chose a twin school In a different area of the world. Our head teacher chose a school in Uganda, a country in Africa. They gave us someone to write to from that school. For three months, Ive written to a girl called Louisa, who is

31、the same age as me. Its been so interesting to hear about her life. Shes told me all about her school and described her daily life. I cant believe that her school doesnt have any electricity. She goes to school from eight oclock in the morning until six oclock in the evening. I cant believe how lucky we are here! I love it because its the first time Ive thought about what life must be l

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