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1、广州版小学英语五年级下课本广州版小学英语五年级(下)课本教育科学出版社Module OneUnit 1 What Does Sue Do on Weekdays?VOCABULARY:former study Leeds early从前的 学习 利兹 早的subject hour practise piano学科 小时 练习 钢琴thanPenfriend glad比 笔友 高兴的Id be glad to. may e-mail each我很乐意 可以 电子邮件 各自的other each other noon其它的 互相 中午begin teach soon开始 讲授 不久Dialogue

2、:Whos the pretty girl in this photo,Miss White?Its my former pupil Sue.She studies at Rose School in Leeds,England now.Is her school near her home?No,it isnt.So she gets up early.How does she go to school?Does she go to school by underground?No,theres no underground in Leeds.She always goes to schoo

3、l by school bus.Does she study Chinese at school?No,she studies maths,English,science,music,art,P.E.and other subjects.Does she have lunch at school?Yes,she has lunch at the school canteen.Does she need to do her homework after school?Yes,she does.On weekdays she always does her homework for an hour

4、 after dinner.And she practises the piano for half an hour like you. Really?How old is she? Shes twelve.Shes one year older than me.I want to be her pen friend.Could you help me?Id be glad to.You may e-mail each other.Unit 2 What Should Jiamin Do?VOCABULARY:worried be worried about.闷闷不乐的 担心。tired ha

5、nd in on time do well(in.)疲劳的 交上来 按时 (在方面)做得好,进展好should worry catch up with应该,将要 担心 赶上together seldom shouldnt=should not finish共同 很少 不应该 完成Dialogue:Hello! May I speak to Mrs Chen?This is Mrs Chen speaking. Whos that, please?Its Miss White, Jiamins teacher.Hello,Miss White.How are you?Im fine,thank

6、you.And you?Im fine too.Thanks.Jiamin looks thinner now than before.Yes.Im worried about him.He looks tired and sometimes he sleeps in class.Really?Hes often late for school.Yes.He always goes to bed later than me.Does he have a lot of homework?I dont think so.But he always works in his bedroom afte

7、r dinner.Sometimes Jiamin cant hand in his homework on timeDoes he have a new computer?Yes,he does.I think he plays computer games too much.Oh,I see.What should I do,Miss White?Im worried about Jiamins study.Dont worry.Jiamin is a good boy.Im sure he can catch up with the others.Lets help him togeth

8、er.Thank you,Miss White.Module TwoUnit 4 Janet Feels IIIVOCABULARY:feel wake wake up ill感觉 叫醒 醒来 有病的matter Whats the matter? quickly问题 有什么问题吗? 很快地get dress bad hot cold穿衣服 坏的 热的 冷的have a cold sweet plenty感冒 糖果 丰富plenty of bath have a bath许多 沐浴 洗澡Dialogue:Good morning,Janet.Its time to get up.Zzzzzz.

9、Good morning,Janet.Wake up!Huh.oh,I feel ill.Get up,Janet!Its time for breakfast.I cant,Mum.Whats the matter?I dont know.I feel tired.Can I go back to sleep?OK.Wake up,Janet!Its time for school.Zzzzz.Wake up,Janet.Huh.oh,hi,Mum.Get up,Janet! Youre late for school.Eat your breakfast,Janet.Its for sch

10、ool.Yes,eat your breakfast quickly.I dont want to be late for school.Im not hungry.I dont feel well.Janet,its time for school.Get dressed,quickly.Mum,Im tired.I dont want to go to school.OK.Get dressed.Were going to see the doctor.Unit 5 Janet Goes to the DoctorsVOCABULARY:pale checkup first medicin

11、e苍白的 身体检查 首先 药take medicine time headache tooth-ache服药 次数 头痛 牙痛fever stomachache pain发热 胃病 痛苦youd better=you had better你最好.Dialogue:Hello,Mrs Webb.Hello,Janet.Hello,doctor.Whats the matter,Janet?You look very pale.Janet doesnt feel good this morning.Im tired.Let me give you a checkup first.Well,you

12、are fine,Janet.But Janet looks very pale and tired today,Doctor.How much fruit do you eat every day?Oh,Janet eats plenty of fruit.She eats fruit at school.Whats the matter,Janet?I dont eat my fruit.I dont like it much.OK.Do you eat a lot of vegetables,Janet?Oh yes.Janet eats vegetables at school and

13、 after school.Whats the matter,Janet?I dont eat my vegetables.I dont like them much.OK.Do you walk a lot every day?Oh yes.The children walk to school with their father every morning.Whats the matter,Janet?We dont always walk to school.We usually go by bus.OK.Do you go to bed early?Oh yes.The childre

14、n go to bed early every night.Whats the matter,Janet?I dont go to bed early.I read for a long time every night.I see.Take the medicine three times a day,Janet.And stay at home for one day.OK,Doctor.Thanks.Module ThreeUnit 7 Is Yongxians New School Larger?VOCABULARY: large international meednt=need n

15、ot more大的 国际的 不必 更多more than bright pupil thousand多于 光亮的 学生 一千ours his hers我们的 他的 她的better theirs更好的 (它)们Dialogue:(Rose and Tom visit Guangzhou again.Now Rose,Tom and Yongxian are talking at the hotel.)Do you still study at Guangzhou International School,Yongxian?Yes.But were going to move to the ne

16、w school next Monday.Really?Is it nearer to your home?Yes,it is.So I neednt go to school by bus.I can walk there.Is your new school much larger than the old one?Yes,its much larger.Does it have more buildings and more classrooms?Yes,it does.And the classrooms are bigger and brighter.Is the playgroun

17、d larger than the old one?Yes,and the swimming pool is larger too.Is there a library in it?Yes.The library and the clinic are much bigger than the old ones.And the library has more books than the old one.Do you have any trees in the new school?Yes,quite a lot.But the trees there are younger.I think

18、your new school is beautiful.I think so.How many ppupils are there in your school?There are about one thousand and wighty pupils this term.Wow!There are more pupils in your school than in ours.Would you like to visit our new school next Friday?Yes,Id love to.Unit 8 What Time Do Yongxians Classes Beg

19、in?VOCABULARY:country language tidy have to国家 语言 整齐的 不得不hard mine its努力地 我的 它的Dialogue:Tom and Rose are in Yongxians new school.They are now in Yongxians new classroom.Hello!Hello!This is Rose and this is Tom.Theyre my friends from Britain.Welcome to our class.Thank you.Do some of your classmates co

20、me from the other countries?Yes.Were from more than ten countries.What languages do you usually speak at school?We speak Chinese or English.Your classroom is beautiful.Its bright,clean and tidy.This classroom is much better than the old one.We like it and we clean it every day.What time do your clas

21、ses begin? At a quarter to eight.Then you have to get up earlier than us.What time do you leave school?At about five.Then you leave school later than us.How many pupils are there in your class?There are forty-five.Your class is bigger than ours.There are only thirty poupils in my class.Your tachers

22、have a harder job to do.I think all teachers are hard-working.Module FourUnit 10 What Are the Biggest Animals in the World?VOCABULARY:whale blue whale land 鲸 蓝鲸 陆地on land dinosaur metre weigh在陆地上 恐龙 米 称.重量over ton bone越过 吨 骨Dialogue:Are elephants the biggest animals in the world,Miss White?No.Blue w

23、hales are biggest animals in the world.Elephants are the biggest animals on land.Which is bigger,a blue whale or a dinosaur?A blue whale is bigger than a dinosaur,I think.A blue whale can be more than thirty metres long and weighs over 150 tons.What do whales eat?Well, some whales have teeth and eat

24、 large animals.Some whales have no teeth and eat only small fish and plants in water.A blue whale eats four tons of food each day. Wow!Id like to see a whale.You can see one at our park.What?We can see whakes at the park?Blue whales live in the sea.But we can see the whales bones in our park.Unit 11 What Animals Run Fastest?VOCABULARY: cheetah kilometre 猎豹 公里leopard crocodile shark eagle豹 鳄鱼 鲨鱼 鹰Dialogue:What are you doing,Ben?Im drawing a horse.Horses are my favourite animals.Of all animals they run fastest.I dont think so.Some animals run faster than horeses.What animals can run faster than

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