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1、考研英语写作套路与模板考研英语写作套路与模板一、“无形社会问题”的写作步骤:负面的展开:适用于不好的社会问题:社会责任、传统美德、品质的缺失可能用到的主题词:1.爱国主义(patriotism)2.努力工作(hardworking)3.勤俭(plain living)4.相信科学(belief in science)5.为人民服务的意识(consciousness of serving the people)6.团结互助(solidarity and helping each other)7.诚实守信(honesty,credibility and being trustworthy)8.遵纪

2、守法( observation of the law)9.中华传统美德(traditional Chinese values)勤 hardworking 俭thrift信 honesty 孝 filial piety/ filial duty/filial respect礼courtesy 忠loyalty 仁 benevolence/ humanity/ humaneness 爱 affection10.现代美德(modern virtues)志愿者精神(volunteer spirit)契约精神(spirit of contract, observation of the law, abi

3、ding faith of the law)第二段的展开:第一句:The picture does reveal thatlack of credibilityis in large measure detrimentalnot only to the personal life ,but to the further development of the whole society.第二句:In no country other than China, it has been said, is this problem more urgent and serious.或者:The past

4、decade has witnessed a huge development in economy owing to some policy being carried out, bringing some problems at the same time, with the above one being the foremost.或者:过去的三十年中,由于过分强调物质利益,忽视了诚信的重要性,而诚信对于健康的经济,稳定的社会和对于幸福的追求而言都是必不可少的。第三句More specifically speaking, individuals, enterprises, organiz

5、ations and even the whole society fail to notice the damaging consequences of dishonesty when undergoing the dramatic social transformation.更具体地讲,在经历剧烈的社会转型的过程中,个人、企业、组织甚至是整个社会都没能注意到诚信缺失带来的危害。第四句和最后一句It is not hard to notice that without honesty/credibility, hardly can individuals or organizations m

6、ake money, take profits, let alone obtain wealth in the long term, especially in this fiercely competitive modern world, I argue. That will be a sorry state of affairs.我认为,不难发现,要是没有诚信,在这样一个竞争激烈的现代社会中,从长期来看个人和组织是很难赚到钱,赚到利润的,更不必说获得财富了。那将是一个遗憾的局面。或者:第四句和最后一句任何一个有识之士都会承认,如果要致力于国家富强和个人幸福,就需要诚信这种驱动力形成流行和繁

7、荣之势。换句话讲,如果没有诚信,我们就不可能真正体会到真正的幸福和成功。第三段的展开:(超级无敌结尾段)Facing/Confronting with such an intimidating/threatening reality, we are expected to enhance the sharp awareness of consequently damaging effects of ignoringhonesty. It is imperative that this negative/unfavorable/evil trend, constituting a permane

8、nt menace to harmonious society construction, be harnessed and curbed/reversed by the corresponding laws and regulations. Only in a reasonable, prosperous and healthy atmosphere can we hope to witness the ideal scene in which people can enjoy their life to the uttermost. (72字)面对如此可怕的现实,我们应该清醒的认识到因为忽

9、视诚信而带来的严重后果。对于不断危害到和谐社会建设的这样一种负面潮流,我们应该用相应的法律和法规对其加以限制和控制。只有在一个理性的、繁荣的和健康的环境下我们才能见证一个理想的场景:人民能最大程度地享受他们的生活。正面的展开:为评价一种好的社会现象文化融合(Cultural integration)社会公德(public morals)第二段的展开:第一句:The picture tells us that volunteer spirit is and remains to be an integral partin this ever rapid changing modern socie

10、ty.这幅图画告诉我们在如此快速发展的现代社会中,志愿者精神将一直是不可或缺的部分。第二句:It isthe modern virtuesthat spark and fuel the sustained social progress and continuous betterment of culture when we are undergoing the ever most rapid economic growth. Volunteer spirit emerges as the most thriving one among them.当我们在经历着最快的经济增长的时候,正是一些现

11、代社会的美德,引发和促进了持续的社会进步和不断的文化发展,而志愿者精神正是其中最醒目的一个。第三句People in the need can obtain financial aids, material support, mental comfort or spiritual back from volunteers work.有需要的人能从志愿者的工作中获得经济上的帮助,物质上的支持,精神上的抚慰和情感上的支持。第四句With the influence of this spirit, people who have benefited from others good deeds wi

12、ll treat others with love, sincerity, sympathy, enthusiasm, hospitality or generosity.在这种精神的感召下,那些从善行中受益的人将会用爱、用真诚、用同情、用热情好客和慷慨来对待其他人。或者:受益于这种志愿者的行为,会使我们用这样的方法对待第三个人,这样就为国家的健康发展提供了巨大的推动力。最后一句In other words, were there no volunteer spirit, never would we taste the civilization of the modern society.或

13、者:简单讲,这种力量激发并促进了我们国家的健康发展。第三段的展开:(超级无敌结尾段)Any thinking man would admit that our ardent love for life will further guarantee the prosperity of this life-affirming force which will usher a completely new horizon for the great renewal of our nation. In view of the importance of such a positive phenomen

14、on, we must, doubtless, establish a coordinated mechanism to ensure its everlasting rewarding effects on our society. Only in a reasonable, prosperous and healthy atmosphere can we hope to witness the ideal scene in which people can enjoy their life to the uttermost,(I argue.)(90字)任何一位有识之士都会承认,我们对于生

15、活的深深地热爱,将会进一步确保这种生命正能量的繁荣,这种力量将会为我们民族的复兴开创一个全新的局面。正是考虑到这种正面现象的重要性,毫无疑问,我们将确立一个协调的机制来确保其作用于我们社会的持久的回报效果。只有在一个理性的、繁荣的和健康的环境中,我们才有可能见证到一个理想的场景,人们能最大化地享受他们的生活.二、“有形社会问题”的写作步骤:可能用到的主题词:1资源保护(energy and resource saving/reservation)2环境保护( environmental protection)3人口增长(the growth of Chinas population)4家庭暴力

16、(the problem of domestic or family violence)5社会保障系统/资金(social security system/fund)6假冒伪劣产品问题( counterfeits and unqualified products)7食品安全(food safety)/粮食安全(grain security)8消费者权益保护问题( the protection of consumers rights and interests)9知识产权保护问题(intellectual property protection)10. 学术剽窃(academic plagiar

17、ism)11. 节约粮食 (grain conservation)“有形社会问题”绝对超级模式:第一段方式一:The picture presented above is quitenoteworthy/notable/striking/impressive/ spectacular. As is shown in it, the characters in the middle of it are doing something thought-stimulating/provoking and this will enlighten us persistently. The authors

18、 real purpose is not the fact itself, but to lead us to find the informative information behind it.上面的这幅漫画真的令人印象深刻。如图画中所展示的那样,图画中的中心人物正在做着令人思考的事情,这样的场景不断地在启发着我们。作者的目的不是图画本身,而是指导我们找到其背后的含义是什么。方式二:The picture presented above is rather upsetting/ quite stimulating. As is shown in it, such thought-stimu

19、lating/provoking scenes abound in our daily lives and usually prevail with the ever-rapid economic growth/social progress, which will draw our attention /enlighten us persistently. The authors real purpose is not the fact itself, but to lead us to find what hides behind the iceberg. /Simple as the p

20、icture is, the informative information is revealed in it.上面的这幅漫画真的令人印象深刻。如图画中所展示的那样,这样令人深思的场景在我们的日常生活中很常见,并且通常随着社会的快速发展会越来越常见,这将一直引发我们的关注/这将持续的启发我们。作者的目的不是图画本身,而是指导我们找到其背后的含义是什么。尽管图画很简单,但是一种有启发意义的信息却展现了出来。第二段超级模式延续:第一句With our adequate exploration of the meaning of the picture, the problem that lies

21、 beneath the surface will unfold and definitely get a lot of publicity.充分地思考这幅图画的含义,这幅图画下面隐藏的问题将会展现出来,并一定会得到大量的关注。The reasons for this problem, if the possible ones are enumerated one by one, may be numerous.至于这个问题产生的原因,如果把可能的原因都一一数出来的话,可能是数不清的。Nevertheless I hold that the main/leading reasons deriv

22、e from the given social and economic circumstances.尽管如此,我认为主要的原因还是应该归咎于这个特定的社会和经济环境。或者:我们国家正在努力去实现达到中等发达国家水平的目标,这就要求建立起社会市场经济体制以带来快速的经济增长、持续的社会进步和人们生活水平的不断改善,Meanwhile,the market economy system is revealing its ugly faces either, among which are not only environmental pollution but also cheating, an

23、d such problems as food safety, corruption, taking bribes , compromising their conscience and the like.与此同时,市场经济体制的负面影响正在凸显,诸如环境污染、欺诈、食品安全问题、腐败问题、受贿问题以及良知的缺失等。The problem reflected in the picture is just one of them.而图画所反映的问题就是其中一个。第三段超级模式必杀技:总的来讲,尽管面临着这些环境和社会的挑战,我们仍应该有信心去解决这样的问题。首先,引入并执行相应的法律和法规来阻止

24、和控制这些紧急问题。其次,政府部门应该发起各项活动来加强人们对这一严酷事实的认识。回顾漫长的历史,我们中国人民用勤劳、勇敢和智慧创造了一个美丽的家园,培育了一种伟大的、充满活力的文化。我坚信,只要我们共同努力,这个问题迟早会解决。“有形社会话题”(正负)科技发展所带来的影响:(手机,互联网,微博,名人代言)第二段第一句:The picture does send us a distinctly clear message that our ordinary life is reshaped / has been greatly influenced by the mobile phone/in

25、ternet/microblog/celebrity endorsement.第二句:介绍主题的出现和发展Of all changes that have taken place in daily communication, during the past quarter-century, perhaps the most far-reaching has been the invention/introduction of_.第三句:Indisputably,mobile phoneshave indeed made communication convenient and quick,

26、but they have also brought about negative consequences. For example, students obsessed with apps perform poorly in school. Moreover, some college students waste hours, lavish days and even squander years for indulgence with some time-consuming games. Even some adults become estranged from relatives

27、and friends because of their obsession with . Those who are unaware of the bad effects can hardly fit into society, let alone establish their careers. That is not to say thatmobile phonealone is to blame for the sorry state of affairs. However were the situation to continue as it is, we would pay th

28、e high price.第三段Come what may, in one form or another, is here to stay; the risks of running/employing/living with it are far less threatening than the dangers of closing it down/abandoning it away, an act which would not only be impossibly unpopular, but also would be as counter-productive as drain

29、ing a pond to catch fish and burning down the forest to hunt game. So, we must treat it socially, economically and culturally, with the essence absorbed and the drawbacks neglected.无论如何,(主题)都将会以一种形式、或者另一种形式存在于我们的生活之中,经营它/使用它/或者与它共存的风险都要比关掉它/抛弃它的风险小很多,关掉它/抛弃它的行为不仅非常不受欢迎,而且所产生的副作用将好比是涸泽而渔,焚林而猎。因此我们必须取

30、其精华去其糟粕,从社会、经济和文化方面仔细对待。名人“代言”的非模板式表达:第二段Obviously, the message the picture tries to convey is that celebrity endorsement could bring about potential problems despite its many advantages. That is, without regulations, it could be used by those with bad intentions to trick people into buying commodit

31、ies that are either poor in quality or harmful to peoples health. 第三段With celebrity endorsement increasingly used by companies and manufactures in our society to promote their products, we, as customers, should always keep a clear mind and make sensible decisions. Meanwhile, it is also our governmen

32、ts responsibility to make laws and regulations for celebrity endorsement to ensure the rights of customers and create a safe and sound environment for the development of advertising business.“养老话题”的非模板式表达:第二段:The picture does reveal one of the most challenging problems of todays societythe question who should be responsible for our old people. It is not only

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