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1、写好英文简历你应该知道的技巧写好英文简历你应该知道的技巧写好英文简历你应该知道的技巧在简历中,用人单位的招聘官们最想看到的就是人才的技术能力,技术能力直接关系到求职者能不能胜任工作。如果在目标在职位上,有完全适合的技术能力,基本上求职就能够成功。而技术能力方面,是最为具有价值的体现,就是通过研发类型项目。如果求职者在某个研发项目上有成就,对求职帮助非常大,以此可以排在前面。以下是XXX我和大家分享的写好英文简历你应该知道的技巧,更多相关信息请访问。1 resume Setion 简历结构You have some flexibilit ith the setion on our resume.

2、 There are 3 setions that ou must have: our ontat information our eduation and some kind of experiene.简历的结构设置有一定的灵活性,但是联系方式、教育背景以及实践经历这三个模块是必不可少的。Other setions are optional. Your hoie to use ill depend on ho ell the ould onve our fit for the position. These optional setions inlude the objetive, the

3、skill summar, or summaries of qualifiations, relevant ourse ork, projets, extraurriular ativities, honors and XXrds, and interests.其它模块是选择性的。你的使用选择取决于模块将传达你和职位很高的匹配度。这些模块包括求职意向、技能综述、资历综述、相关课程、项目、课外实践活动、荣誉奖项、兴趣爱好。2 Developing resume Content 简历内容的编写For ontat information at the top of our resume, put o

4、ur name, address and phone number and e-mail. If ou are still in shool, ou an inlude both our urrent address, and our permanent address.简历最上方的联系信息需要包括姓名、联系地址、电话号码以及电子邮件地址。如果你还是在校学生,你可以在联系地址这一栏写上你的暂住址以及籍贯。If ou inlude objetive on our resume hih should e next, it an simpl be hat ou ant to do for our n

5、ext job.如果你要在简历上写求职意向,它应该写在联系信息模块后,而且只需简短描述意向的工作行业、职位。Everthing inlude belo the objetive should help sho that ou have the qualifiation and experiene to support our objetive.求职目标以下的内容都应该帮助证明你有足够的资质和经验支撑你的求职意向。If ou appling for a position ou found on advertise. You an just list the job title.如果你申请的职位是

6、在招聘广告上看到的,你可以列明职位名称。If ou give our resume to netorking ontat or representative at the areer fair, ou an just name the tpe of position ou ant.如果你通过网上或招聘会递交简历,你仅需列出应聘职位的类型。You an also inlude the tpe of organization here ou d like to ork. It ould be obvious to an emploer hih position ou are appling for

7、.你还可以说明你的意向企业,这可以使HR明白你申请的职位。You do not need to inlude the objetive.这就你就不用写求职意向了。If ou are still in shool or reentl graduated, the eduation setion goes near the top of the . The need to fit the objetive.如果你是在校生或应届毕业的学生,教育背景应该被放在简历的前面,教育背景应该匹配你的求职意向。If it has been a ear or more sine ou graduated put

8、this or add near in our resume unless ou ant to bring it to the emploers attention right on front.如果你毕业已经有一年以上了,教育背景可以被搁置在后面,除非你要利用这点吸引HR的注意力,则可以提前。In the eduation setion ou usuall list the eduation institution ou graduated or ill graduate from. Degree or degree is earned, and the month and ear of g

9、raduation.在教育背景这一栏,通常你应该列明你毕业学校或者即将毕业的学校,已获得学位以及即将获得的学位,以及毕业的年月。You an also inlude our GPA, the title of our subjet to be honored thesis.你也可以在教育背景这一栏列出你的GPA,获奖毕业论文题目 。And in the eduation abroad ou partiipated in. Remember the name of the shool ou attended, here and hen, and in the ourseork related t

10、o the objetive.至于你的海外学习,应该列明学校名称,时间地点,以及参加的与求职目标相关的课程。You don t need to inlude our junior or munit ollege eduation unless it ould help mark ou from the plae ou are seeking or if omitting it ould be onfusing.你不需要写出你的初中以及社区大学的教育经历,除非这些经历使你非常出彩或略去这些经历会让HR产生疑惑。If ou ant to highlight our transfer GPA, li

11、st the institution and inlude our GPA.如果你想要突出你的交流成绩,你可以在学院旁注明。Don t realulating in bining GPA from the munit ollege.不要把社区学院的GPA加在一起来重新计算你的GPA。3 Experiene Setion 经历概述Your experiene an inlude paid and unpaid ork and ativities. If ou don t have muh job experiene, onsider hat ou develop valuable transfe

12、rable skill doing lass projets or partiipating in the students lub.你的个人经历可以包括带薪和不带薪的工作以及活动。如果你没有充足的工作经历,你可以写你在做课程项目或者参与学生社团过程中获得的有价值的可迁移技能。Some of our experiene ma fit ell in the separate projets and ativit setions.如果你的经历足够丰富,你可以单独列出一个部分写明。First list all our experiene, both paid and unpaid inluding

13、job internships and volunteer ork, ork on behalf of the student organization as a member or offier and lass projets hih ould be relevant to our objetive. Free hik s projet, ativit inlude our job internship and volunteer title。首先,列明你所有的经历,无论是带薪还是不带薪;是工作、实习还是志愿者活动;是学生组织或课堂项目中的成员还是领导;只要与你的申请职位有关即可。这些工作

14、经历都需要列明名称。For eah experiene, projet or ativit, inlude our job, internship, volunteer title, emploer or ourse and dates for emploment or time inferred for the ourse.对于每一次经历,无论是项目还是活动,要将你工作、实习或志愿者的职务名称、雇主、工作或课程的时间列出。Desribe for hat ou did in terms of the aplishments.通过描述你所做过的事来展示你所获得的成就。Use ation ords

15、, in past tense lasted on going, to onve the skills reused.使用动词的过去式来传达你的技能。Sho the sopes of our aplishments b stating the results of our efforts,using the quantitative or qualitative details.使用定量或定性的细节,阐述努力的成果来显示自己所获的成就的范围。Leave a balane of a oniseness and neessar speifis to reate lear, basi piture.

16、为了制作简明扼要的简历,协调好简洁与必要细节。After ouve put our experiene don on paper, ou ant to tailor the information of tpe of job or internship ou are seeking.当把自己的实践经历写在纸上后,你应该针对申请的工作或实习职位来调整相关信息。Do this b analzing the job desription for the skills and experiene being ited.这需要你针对申请职位来分析与职位相关的技能和经历。And in ooperate i

17、th the language and ideas from the desription into our resume.并且根据职位描述来调整简历要用的语言及理念。4 Skills Setion 技能总结In Skills summar of qualifiation setion should inlude skills and other qualifiations that support our andida for the job ou ant.技能总结的这一部分,应当包括能够提高简历支撑度的技能和其他资格证书。You an get ideas from job desripti

18、on and our knoledge of given field or the position usuall entails.你可以从职位描述、自己对于给定行业领域的了解,以及职位要求领会制作简历的理念。The most mon tpes of skills students inluded are puter and foreign language profiienies.学生普遍使用的技能有计算机技术和精通的外语。You an also have separate skill setions for speialized skills suh as laborator skills

19、.你也可以为自己的专业技能如实验室研究技能而单独开设一栏。5 Summar Of Qualifiation Setion 资历概述In summar of qualifiation setions are more lapped and developed emersion of skills setion.资历概述的内容比技能总结的更加的丰富。It an inlude information suh as the number of ears of related experiene, relevant speial areas of expertise, tehnial skills an

20、d unique personal qualities based on the past feedbak ouve reeived.涵盖的信息包括相关经历的实践年数,相关特殊领域的专业知识,技术技能和独特的个人能力品质。这些都基于你的过去工作的反馈。Tpiall, skills setions go to near the bottom or the top of the resume, hile the summar of qualifiation usuall goes near the top follo the objetive.通常, 技能总结 放在简历的顶部或底部。而 资历概述

21、要靠近顶部,在求职意向的下面。6 resume Formats and Stles 简历格式和样式resumes an be formatted at one of the three as: reverse hronologial, skills based or hbrid, a bination of the other to.简历可以按照以下三种样式来排版:时间倒序型,技能型或混合性。混合型是前面两种方式的结合。The ou hoose depends on hih one best onves our qualifiation for the position.所选择的方式取决于哪一

22、种样式更能体现你与该职位的匹配度。Reverse hronologial format is the most mon used b students and some of the emploers prefer it.时间倒序型是学生普遍采用的样式,有些HR偏喜欢这种形式的简历。If ou have never reated a resume before, start ith this format.如果你从未做过简历,可以按这种样式来做。It orks best hen ou have reent experiene that related to our urrent job obj

23、etive or the internship objetive.如果你最近从事的工作与你的求职目标或实习目标相关,时间倒序的样式更有用。And in this format our experiene ill be listed in reversed hronologial order, based on the indeed of eah of our experienes.这样,你的实际的经验经历要按照倒序的时间来进行排列。Put our most reent experiene at the top.把最新的经历放在最前面。The skills based are the most

24、benefiial if our ork experiene isnt diret related to our areer objetive.如果你的工作经历与你的求职目标匹配度不高,那么技能型的简历样式是比较好的。If ou are making a areer hange, this mabe the best for ou.如果你要换工作,这种形式是你最好的选择。In this resume , ou identif the top 3 or 4 skills that required for our areer objetive and using these settings i

25、thin our resume.在这种简历样式中,你需要根据你的求职目标确定前3到4项技能,依照这些设定来完成简历。Put bullet points on our eah adding desribing hat ou did and hat ou aplished that illustrated ou have demonstrated the skill.运用点句,通过描述你做了什么,完成了什么,表明你提过的技能。The bullet point an be from ou XXdemi, atual areer munit servie experiene as ell as fro

26、m jobs.这些可以从自己的学习、社区服务或工作经历中挖掘得到。In this , list our ork histor in reverse hronologial order in the separate setion of the bottom of the resume.这种模式下,你的职业史以时间倒叙的方式单独在简历底部列出一栏。A hbrid form at ill be best for ou, if ou have experienes that support our areer objetive but it isnt our most reent experiene

27、.当你的经历与你的求职目标相关,但不是最近的经历,混合型简历最合适。And in this format ou ill have more than one in experiene setion ith headers that desribes the tpe of the experiene.在此样式中,你的经历概述可以通过列小标题对不同类型的经历进行阐述。For example, Teahing or Sales Marketing.如教学经历或市场销售经历。You an also suggest our related experienes and other experienes

28、in these headers.你也可以利用标题阐述相关经历或其他经历。Under eah header, ou lists our experiene in reverse hronologial order, similarl, to have hat ou struture in reverse hronologial resume.在每一项小标题下面,你可以按照时间倒序的方式来罗列自己的经历,这与时间倒序型的简历结构类似。This format enables ou to put our most relevant experiene at the top of our experi

29、ene setion.这会帮助你把相关度最高的经历列在经历概述这一部分的最前面。A real benefit of this format is hat ou ant the emploer to see is the most relevant experiene first.Do omit experienes that ou ould not ant to repeat in future positions and last there the neessar for speifi job opportunit留下对应聘职位有用的工作经验,略去与应聘职位不相关的。Do use bull

30、et points to help make it eas to visuall san our resume利用 点句 提高简历的阅读性。Do make a reasonable effort to fit our resume on one but don t ram information in this base or miss essential information for the sake of length尽量合理地把简历控制在一页,但切忌为了拼凑篇幅填塞信息或略去重要信息。Do proofread our resume and have least a ouple of o

31、ther people, inluding a areer ounselor revie it to make sure that it has no tpos, make sense and highlight the most important information校对简历,请至少两个人包括就业指导老师审查,保证简历拼写正确,语义通顺,重点信息突出。Don t rite long objetives or inlude unneessar or vague information in our resume, suh as our desire for hallenging, grot

32、h opportunit, or a fast paed environment求职意向简明扼要,不要过长,切忌空泛,如:期望富有挑战性,具有发展前景的工作或喜欢快节奏的工作环境。Don t list high shool eduation and don t inlude high shool experienes unless ou re first or seond student or aplish something uniquel signifiant during high shool不需介绍高中教育背景和实践经历。如果在高中时期你名列前茅或经历独特,可以列出。Don t use phrases suh as duties inluded or responsibilities inluded切忌以下短语如 职责包括 Don t use long plex sentenes in ou paragraphs切忌复合长句。

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