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1、外研版七下M1M6重点短语句型整理Modulel Lost and foundI .重点词组:1.欢迎来到 welcome to2.失物招领箱 lost and found box3.小心对待 be careful with4.打电话找call sb. at + 号码5.在目前,此刻 at the moment6.例如 such as7.欢迎回到I学校 welcome back to school8.许多,大量a lot of9.从现在开始from now on10.几百,成百上千 hundreds of11.考虑 think of12.首先 first of all13.看着 look at

2、14.寻找 look for15.移动电话 mobile phone16.上车,船get on17.列出清单 make a list of18.匆匆忙忙in a hurry19.在飞机上on planes20.15 公斤 fifteen kilos of21.成千上万的thousands of22.许多其他东西 many other thingsn .重点句型:23.这是谁的书包? Whose bag is this?24.这些是谁的磁带? Whose tapes are these?25.这里有一个紫色的钱包。 Here s a purple wallet.26.这有一些漂亮的手套。 Her

3、e are some nice gloves.27.这些蜡笔是你的吗? Are these crayons yours?28.它也是你的吗? Is it yours, too?29.请从现在开始小心对待你们的东西。 Please be carefulwith your things from now on.30.那就是在飞机场及火车站有失物招领处的原因。 That swhy there are lost and found offices at airports and stations.Module 2 What can we do?1.拉小提琴 / 弹钢琴 play the violin

4、/ play the piano2.想要做某事 want to do sth. / would like to do sth.3.加入音乐俱乐部 join the music club4.我喜欢做饭。I like cooking.5.就这么多了。 That s all.6.哪个俱乐部 which club7.跳舞跳得好dance well8.加入汉语俱乐部join the Chinese club9.汉语讲得好 speak Chinese well10.为 而担心 worry about / be worried about11.别担心汉语 Don t worry about Chinese1

5、2.我们能教你汉语。 We can teach you Chinese.13.那是我的最爱。 That s my favourite.14.你呢? What about you?15.我打乒乓球。I play table tennis.16.用不同的方式in different ways17.So不与because连用18.三四个 three or four19.这是 的开始。It s the start of20.纪律/体育/卫生班长class monitor/P.E. monitor/cleaning monitor21.我想成为纪律班长。I want to be the class mo

6、nitor. / I would like to be the class monitor.22.和某人相处的好 get on well with sb.23.在某方面擅长 be good at / do well in24.乐意做某事 be ready to do sth.25.选我做你们的班长吧! Choose me as your classmoniror.26.承诺做某事 promise to do sth.27.跑得快 run fast28.在操场上 in the playground29.课间 between classes30.一个干净整洁的房子 a clean and tidy

7、 house31.我确信 I m sure32.我能使我们的教室漂亮。 I can makeour classroom beautiful.33.买/ 读/ 写点东西 do some shopping /reading / writing语法:情态动词can的用法。肯定句:主语+can动词原形否定句:主语+can t动词原形一般疑问句:Can +主语+动词原形?Module 3 Making plans1.在周末你打算干什么? What are you going to do at the weekend?2.制定计戈U make plans3.计划做某事 plan to do sth.4.复

8、习功课 go over lessons5.帮助干家务 help with the housework6.看电影 see a movie / film7.查收我的邮件 check my email8.在周六上午 on Saturday morning9.上一届钢琴课 have a piano lesson10.还有别人打算去吗? Who else is going to be there?11.玲玲和我打算野餐。 Lingling and I are going to have a picnic.12.你想要加入我们吗?是的, 我愿意。Would you liketo join us? Yes,

9、 I d like to.13.你的周末计划是什么? What are your plans forthe weekend?14.单独待在家 stay at home alone15.别傻了。Don t be silly.16.这将是一个精彩的周末。 It s going to be afantastic weekend.17.为运动员喝彩 cheer the players18.和其他足球迷见面 meet other football fans19.交朋友 make friends20.穿着球队衬衫 wear the team shirt21.希望去干某事 hope to do sth.22

10、.赢得比赛 win the match23.玩得高兴 have fun / enjoy oneself / have a good time24.在五一节期间 during the May Day holiday25.在五月一日的上午 on the morning of May 1st26.外出 go out27.散步 take a walk28.捡垃圾 collect litter29.它将是一个很棒的假期,忙并快乐着。 It s goingto be a great holiday busy but good fun.30.过暑假 spend the summer holiday31.去参

11、加一个夏令营 go on a summer camp32.去观光 / 观光 go sightseeing / do somesightseeing33.在海滩上 on the beach34.看一场足球比赛 watch a football match35.期待去干某事 look forward to doing sth.36.呆在床上 stay at home37.去散步 go for a walk38.做某事很开心 have fun doing sth.39.该做某事了。 It s time for + 名词 /It s time to do sth.40.看朋友 see friends

12、/ visit friends语法:一般将来时 be going to do sth. 结构主语+ be going to + 动词原形 +其它Module 4 Life in the future1.在家学习 study at home2.与不同 be different from3.将来 in the future4.二十年后 in twenty years5.在网上获取信息 get information on the Internet6.询问某人问题 ask sb. questions7.通过网络by Internet8.交朋友 make friends9.检查学生的水平 check

13、the students level10.电脑将不能做到这些。 Computers won t be able todo that.11.使用某物做某事 use sth. to do sth.12.许多作业要做 a lot of homework to do13.在某人空闲时间in one s free time14.那将太棒了。That ll be great.15.学校很有趣。 School is good fun.16.和某人交谈 talk to / with sb.17.谈论 talk about18.未来生活 life in the future19.未来生活将是怎样的? What

14、will life be like inthe future?20.这有一些想法。 Here are some ideas.21.天气的变化 a change of weather22.衣服的变化 a change of clothes23.一种新型衣服 a new kind of clothes24.不再 not any more25.小雨 light rain26.海平面也将会上升。 The sea level will rise aswell.27.坐公共汽车旅游 travel by bus28.乘飞机到处旅游 travel everywhere by plane.29.不仅 而且 no

15、t only but also30.在空中 in the air31.长假 long holidays32.繁重而困难的工作heavy and difficult jobs33.轻松而容易的工作light and easy work34.工作时间将会缩短。Working time will be short35.进入太空 go into space36.看书 read books37.在农村 in the country38.新的旅游方法 new ways to travel39.没有人使用钢笔。No one /Nobody will use pens.语法:一般将来时构成:肯定句主语+wil

16、l+动词原形否定句 主语+won t+动词原形一般疑问句Will + 主语+动词原形?回答 Yes,主语 + will. / No, 主语 + won t.There will be / There is going to be Module 5 Shopping1.在母亲节 on Mother s Day2.想要做某事 would like to do sth. / want to do sth.3.给某人买某物 buy sth. for sb. / buy sb. sth.4.给某人制作某物 make sth. for sb. / make sb, sth.5.我能为你做点什么? What

17、 can I do for you?6.我可以帮助你吗? Can I help you? / May I help you?7.她穿多大号码的? What size does she take?8.这件怎么样? What about this one?9.试穿 try on10.太多 too much11.太 much too12.稍等一会儿 wait a minute13.今天降价出售。 There is a sale on today.14.半价 half price15.我买了。I II take it / them.16.这件衬衫多少钱? Howmuchis the shirt? /

18、Whats the price of the shirt?17.多少how many +名词复数,how much +不可数名词18.你还想要什么? What else would you like? / What other things would you like?19.一共 30 元。That ll be thirty yuan.20.看起来新鲜 / 不同 look fresh / different21.网上购物 online shopping22.许多新的购物方式 many new ways of shopping23. 之一 one of 24.为某物付钱 pay for sth

19、 / pay + 钱 + for sth.25.几天后 a few days later26.通过邮寄的方式 by post27.几个优点 several advantages28.在任何时间at any time29.在网上 on the Internet30.比较同一个产品的价格 compare the price of thesame product31.大把消费spend a lot32.省钱 save money33.外出 go out34.网购正在改变我们的生活方式。Online shopping is changing our way of life.35.总有一天 one da

20、y36.能够做某事 be able to do sth.37.不再 not any more38.在世界上 in the world39.网上支付 paying over / on / by the Internet因为 because of + 名词短语,because + 句子Module 6 Around townI.重点词组归纳:1.劳驾 excuse me2.穿过(表面横穿)go across3.沿着 go along/up/down4.在第三道街 at the third street5.向左 / 右转 turn left/right6.在 对面 opposite/across f

21、rom+ 某地7.我不确定 I m not sure.8.怎样到达 how to get to + 某地9.玩得开心 have a good time10.为什么不 Why not+ 动词原形? =Why don t you+动词原形?11.到的路the way to+ 某地12. 的大多数 most of13.超过,多于 more than=over14.经过 pass=go past15.做 的最佳方式 the best way to do sth.16.在晴朗的一天 on a clear day17.多高 How tall/how high 18.在广场 at the square19.

22、这是 的地点 This is where 20. 的名字 the name of 21.在你的左 / 右 on your left/right22. 的一部分a part of 23.在 的另一边 on the other side of 24.在 的两边 on both sides of25.了解 learn about26.公共汽车站bus stop27.去看油画 go and see the paintings28.要求某人做某事 ask sb. to do sth.29.向某人寻求 ask sb. for sth.30.伦敦之旅 tour of London31.在 的中心 in th

23、e middle of 或 in the centreof32.穿过(内部或纵穿) go through33.一个地铁站 an underground station34.在那边 over theren .常用问路句型:1.Can/Could you tell me the way to+ 地点,please?2.Which is the way to + 地点,please?3.Where is the + 地点?4.How can I get to + 地点?5.Is there a + 地点 near here?6.Do you know the way to + 地点,please?it is?7.1 want to go to the 地点.Do you know the way?8. I m looking for + 地点.Can you tell me where

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