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届高三英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Life in the future教师用书 新人教版必修5.docx

1、届高三英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Life in the future教师用书 新人教版必修52019届高三英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Life in the future教师用书 新人教版必修5一、单词写 得 准用 得 活(用所给词的适当形式填空)1.aspect n方面;层面 2.previous adj. 在前的;早先的3.uncertain adj. 不确切的;无把握的 n. 指导;向导;导游vt. 指引;指导5.lack vi.&vt. 缺乏;没有n. 缺乏;短缺的东西6.optimistic adj. 乐观(主义)的7.material n. 原料;材料8.recyc

2、le vt. 回收利用;再利用9.impression n印象;感想;印记impress v使留下印象impressive adj.给人以深刻印象的10.constant adj.时常发生的;连续不断的constantly adv.不断地11.surroundings n周围的事物;环境surround vt.环绕;包围surrounding adj.周围的 vi.& vt.按;压;逼迫 n按;压;新闻;印刷pressure n压力13.adjustment n调整;调节adjust vt.调整;调节14.tolerate vt.容忍;忍受tolerance n容忍;忍受tol

3、erant adj.宽容的;容忍的15.instant n瞬间;片刻 adj.立即的;立刻的instantly adv.立即;立刻16.settlement n定居;解决settle v定居;解决settler n定居者1.They have decided to make a few adjustments (adjust) to their travelling plan.2.As I walked through the town, I was constantly (constant) reminded of my childhood.3.We are in instant need

4、of help. Please tell us instantly they arrive.(instant)4.I will not tolerate that sort of behavior in my class and no one will be tolerant of that.(tolerate)5.The city of Hangzhou is really an impressive place. Especially the famous West Lake always leaves quite an impression on the visitors. I was

5、strongly impressed by its beauty the first time I visited it.(impress)6.The famous star was enjoying the pleasant surroundings when he was recognized and was surrounded by a crowd of fans. (surround)1.单复数意义不同的名词集锦good善行;利益;goods货物brain脑髓;brains 智者;智慧custom习惯;风俗customs海关;关税instruction 教授;传授instructio

6、ns用法说明;操作指南look脸色;看;looks容貌pain痛苦;pains 辛苦;努力sand沙子;sands沙滩time时间;times时代work工作; works工厂oil油; oils油彩2.press家族press v&n.按;压pressure n. 压力impress v留下印象impression n. 印象express v. 表达expression n. 表达;表情3.“容忍”的各种表达tolerate vt. 忍受bear vt. 忍受stand vt. 忍受put up with 忍受;容忍二、短语写 得 准用 得 活(选用左栏短语填空)1.take_up拿起;接

7、受;开始;继续;占用2.suffer_from 患有(疾病等);为受苦3.as_a_result 结果;因此4.be_greedy_for_._ 对贪婪5.(a)_lack_of 缺乏6.be_back_on_ones_feet (困境后)恢复;完全复原7.lose_sight_of_._ 看不见8.in_all_directions 向四面八方9.sweep_up 打扫;横扫10.slide_into (快捷而悄声地)移动;溜进11.remind_sb._of_. 使某人想起12.speed_up 加速1.Tom thought carefully for several days and

8、decided to_take_up the job.2.Nobody noticed when he entered the classroom; he slid_into it from the back door.3.She showed a_lack_of responsibility, so she lost the good opportunity.4.Dont leave her alone to sweep_up the house after the party.5.Many countries are faced with the problem about how to

9、speed_up economic development.6.I watched the plane go higher and higher until I lost_sight_of it.1.“v.from”短语荟萃suffer from遭受result from因而起adapt from 从改编escape from 从逃脱benefit from 从中获益die from 死于date from 始于hear from 收到某人的来信2.表示“结果;因此”的词汇大全as a resultas a consequenceconsequentlytherefore/thus三、句式背

10、原 句明 句 式学 仿 写1.Which problems do you think people will have overcome in one thousand years?你认为一千年后人们将会克服哪些问题?特殊疑问词do you think特殊疑问句的其他部分。你认为谁是做这项工作的最佳人选?Who_do_you_think is the best person to do the work?2.Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.我感到累极了,爬上床很快就睡着了。形容词(短语)作状语。又累又渴,他走进一家茶馆,一个机器人

11、侍者迅速过来招待他。Tired_and_thirsty,_he went into a teahouse and a robot waiter quickly came up to serve him.3.Inside was an exhibition of the most uptodate inventions of the 31st century.太空站里展出了31世纪一些最前沿的发明。完全倒装。坐在前面的是一位老人,他给我们讲述了长征的故事。Ahead_sat_the_old_man who told us the stories about the Long March.4.We

12、ll, now theres a system where the waste is disposed of using the principles of ecology.现在,这里有一种装置,能利用生态学原理来处理掉废弃物。where引导定语从句,修饰抽象名词。学生应该参加社区活动,他们从中能获得成长经验。Students should involve themselves in community activities where_they_can_gain_experience_for growth.For lack of selfconfidence,Tom lost interes

13、t in English;as a result, he reached a point where he should make adjustments,or he had to give up. Fortunately,the instant Mr. Smith, a new teacher,took over his class,he got greatly encouraged and took up learning actively and confidently;at the same time,Smiths lively and vivid teaching sped up h

14、is progress.1lack v没有;缺乏 n缺乏;短缺的东西(1)for lack of 因缺乏a lack of 缺乏(2)lacking adj. 短缺的;缺乏的be lacking in 缺少More and more highrise buildings have been built in big cities for_lack_of_space.由于缺少空间,大城市里建起了越来越多的摩天大楼。When there is_a_lack_of food, there is hunger.当食物匮乏时,就会有饥饿。Though Jack was lacking_in experi

15、ence, he made up for it in enthusiasm.虽然杰克缺乏经验,但是他以满腔的热情来弥补不足。名师指津lack作名词时常与介词of连用;作动词时可用作及物动词直接加宾语(不用被动语态),也可作不及物动词用;形容词lacking常与in连用。2instant n瞬间;片刻 adj.立即的;立刻的 (1)in an instantinstantly 立刻;马上for an instant 一瞬间(2) 一就He paused for an instant before continuing. 他停顿了片刻才接着往下说。In an instant, he took of

16、f his coat and jumped into the water.他马上脱掉外套跳进了水里。Much to my surprise, she burst into tears the instant she read the letter.Much to my surprise, she burst into tears instantly (instant) she read the letter.让我非常惊讶的是,她一读那封信就哭了起来。3take up拿起;接受;开始从事;承担;继续;占用(时间、物品等);占据(空间)一词多义写出下列句中take up的含义We tried to

17、 find a table for seven, but they were all taken up.占据(空间)She took up the story where Tim had left off.继续I always take up the book and read when I am in my low spirits.拿起Peter will take up his post as the head of the travel agency at the end of next month.开始从事;承担Are you going to take up the challeng

18、e of lasting a whole week without arguing?接受take down 写下;拆除take in 收留;吸收;欺骗;领会;理解take off 脱掉;起飞;成功take on 雇用;呈现;承担take over 接任;接替;采用He didnt take_in what he read because his mind was focused on something else.他没有领会他阅读的东西,因为他的思想在其他事情上。4speed up加速(1)reduce speed/slow down 减速pick up speed 逐渐加速(2)at hig

19、h/low/full/top speed 以高/低/全/最高速at a speed of . 以速度Obviously, a good learning habit can help us to speed_up to reach our destinations.(2013四川高考书面表达)显而易见,一个好的学习习惯能帮助我们尽快达到我们的目标。The car slowed_down/reduced_speed at the turning, so I speeded_up_to catch up with it.那辆车在拐弯的地方减速了,于是我加速赶上了它。Our physics teac

20、her said that light travels at_a_speed_of 300,000 km per second.我们的物理老师说光以每秒30万千米的速度传播。名师指津speed的过去式、过去分词有两种形式:speeded, speeded 或sped, sped。Last Sunday our class organized a trip to the Daming Lake Park. It was so crowded in the park that we soon lost sight of our monitor. It took us quite a while t

21、o find him. He said he was helping the dustmen clean the park. Some people threw away rubbish here and there though this sort of behavior was not tolerated. Two hours later, we went back to school, tired but happy.5tolerate vt.容忍;忍受 (1)tolerate (sb.) doing sth. 容忍/忍受(某人)做某事(2)tolerance n. 宽容tolerant

22、 adj. 宽容的In some experts opinion, living conditions on the Mars are very hard to_tolerate (tolerate)(2013广东高考写作)在一些专家的眼中,火星上的生活条件非常艰苦难以忍受。I cant tolerate working (work) with Kate in the same office. She just refuses to stop talking while she works.我无法容忍和凯特在同一个办公室工作。她工作时间一直在讲话。Instead of blaming the

23、child who had broken the vase, she gave him a tolerant (tolerate) smile and let him go.(2014湖北高考多选)她没有指责打破花瓶的男孩,而是给他一个宽容的微笑让他走了。联想发散表示“忍受”的词语还有:stand, bear, put up with等。6lose sight of看不见;忽略;忘记 (1)catch sight of 望见;看到lose ones sight 失明come into sight 进入视野内;映入眼帘(2)at first sight 乍一看at the sight of 看到

24、out of sight 看不到in/within sight 在视野内It was so crowded in the cinema on Sunday that we soon lost_sight_of him.星期天,电影院里的人那么多以至于我们很快看不到他了。At_first_sight,_there is nothing special about the watch, but in fact it is a mobile phone.乍一看,这块手表没有什么特别之处,但实际上它是一部手机。At the railway station, the mother waved goodb

25、ye to her daughter until the train was out_of_sight.在车站,母亲向女儿挥手告别直到火车从她的视野中消失。7形容词(短语)作状语Exhausted,_I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.我感到累极了,爬上床很快就睡着了。形容词(短语)作状语可以表示方式、原因或伴随状况等,可位于句首、句末或句中,常用逗号与句子其他成分隔开。Too_nervous,_I couldnt think of anything at the beginning of the exam. However, I didnt worry

26、but tried to calm myself down.(2014四川高考书面表达)由于太紧张,考试刚开始时我什么也想不起来。但我没有着急,而是努力使自己平静下来。To our relief, the missing child returned home ten days later, tired_but_healthy.让我们感到宽慰的是,那个丢失的小孩子十天后返回了家里,疲惫不堪却很健康。名师指津形容词作状语时常用来说明句子主语的状态,即和主语常可构成系表关系。如果用来修饰句子的谓语动词或整个句子,则应用副词作状语。试比较:Helpless, we watched the house

27、 being destroyed before our eyes.我们看着那栋房子在我们眼前被毁,很是无助。(helpless说明主语we的状态)The old building was burned down as crowds watched helplessly.在人群无助地观望中那座旧建筑物烧毁了。(helplessly修饰从句谓语动词watched).单句语法填空1Nobody can tolerate being_cheated (cheat), and thats why he has no friend.2Did you recognize your former classm

28、ate whom you hadnt seen for many years at the party yesterday?Yes, I recognized him instantly (instant) I saw him.3Lacking (lack) such experience will constantly trouble you in your business.4Guided (guide) by the sun, they walked towards their destination through the woods.5Since you have settled d

29、own in a new country, you have to make an adjustment (adjust) to the new environment.6If you constantly (constant) regret things you did or didnt do in the past, then you wont be able to move forward.7It is more complicated than we previously (previous) thought.8As far as I know, the government will

30、 speed up the pace of our economic reform.9When not in a room, youd better switch_off_all the lights and the fan.10Jennifer is having a hard time getting accustomed to new surroundings (surround) in Australia.单句改错1Sales director is a position which communication ability is just as important as sales skills. which前加in或whichwhere2As far as I know, the school cant tolerate cheat in the exam.cheatcheating3We must never lose the sight of the fact that man must live in harmony with nature.去掉第一个the4Basing your li

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