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1、介词的常用用法1、年月日-月日年 2003年2月1日 February 1st 2003. 2、日期中有几号的,前面用介词“on”,其余用“in” in the spring of 1987 in 1999 in May on May 5th 3、在具体某一天用介词on on 用于日、周日或某日中的一段时间: on July 2 7月2日 on Sunday 在星期天 on the morning of last Sunday 上星期天早晨 in 一日中的早、下午、晚,周、季、年、世纪例如: in the afternoon 在下午 in a week 一周 in summer 在夏天 at

2、点钟;一日中的黎明、中午、黄昏、半夜; at six(dawn)6点钟(在黎明)如果时间词前面有next,this,last every等修饰语时,常不用介词。介词用法知多少 介词是英语中最活跃的词类之一。同一个汉语词汇在英语中可译成不同的英语介词。例如汉语中的“用”可译成:(1)用英语(in English);(2)用小刀(with a knife);(3)用手工(by hand);(4)用墨水(in ink)等。所以,千万不要以为记住介词的一两种意思就掌握了这个介词的用法,其实介词的用法非常广泛,搭配能力很强,越是常用的介词,其含义越多。下面就简单介绍几组近义介词的用法及其搭配方法。 一.

3、 in, to, on和off在方位名词前的区别 1. in表示A地在B地范围之内。如: Taiwan is in the southeast of China. 2. to表示A地在B地范围之外,即二者之间有距离间隔。如: Japan lies to the east of China. 3. on表示A地与B地接壤、毗邻。如: North Korea is on the east of China. 4. off表示“离一些距离或离不远的海上”。如: They arrived at a house off the main road. New Zealand lies off the ea

4、stern coast of Australia. 二. at, in, on, by和through在表示时间上的区别 1. at指时间表示: (1)时间的一点、时刻等。如: They came home at sunrise (at noon, at midnight, at ten oclock, at daybreak, at dawn). (2)较短暂的一段时间。可指某个节日或被认为是一年中标志大事的日子。如: He went home at Christmas (at New Year, at the Spring Festival, at night). 2. in指时间表示:

5、(1)在某个较长的时间(如世纪、朝代、年、月、季节以及泛指的上午、下午或傍晚等)内。如: in 2004, in March, in spring, in the morning, in the evening, etc (2)在一段时间之后。一般情况下,用于将来时,谓语动词为瞬间动词,意为“在以后”。如: He will arrive in two hours. 谓语动词为延续性动词时,in意为“在以内”。如: These products will be produced in a month. 注意:after用于将来时间也指一段时间之后,但其后的时间是“一点”,而不是“一段”。如: H

6、e will arrive after two oclock. 3. on指时间表示: (1)具体的时日和一个特定的时间,如某日、某节日、星期几等。如: On Christmas Day(On May 4th), there will be a celebration. (2)在某个特定的早晨、下午或晚上。如: He arrived at 10 oclock on the night of the 5th. (3)准时,按时。如: If the train should be on time, I should reach home before dark. 4. by指时间表示: (1)不迟

7、于,在(某时)前。如: He will come by six oclock. Jack had made some friends by the time you came. (2)在间,在的时候。如: He worked by day and slept by night. 5. through指时间意为“从开始到结束”,此时与throughout相同。如: We work hard all through the year. 三. near, by, beside, at表示“在附近”时的区别 1. near表示相对的近,实际距离可能还很远。如: Suzhou is near Shang

8、hai. 2. by和beside都表示靠近,实际距离不可能很远,但beside比by更具体地表示出“在旁边”的意思。如: He was sitting beside her. 3. at也有“在旁边”的意思,但多表示有目的的行为所处的位置,而by和beside仅表示位置关系。如: The students are sitting at the desks listening to the teacher. Several students are sitting by / beside the window talking about a film. 四. at, in和on表示地点时的区别

9、 1. at表示地点: (1)用于指较小的地方。如: I shall wait for you at the station. (2)用于门牌号码前。如: He lives at 115 Zhongshan Road. 2. in表示地点: (1)用于指较大的地方。如: He lives in Shanghai. (2)虽然是很小的地方,如果说话人住在那里,也可用in。商店、学校、机关等,若看作一个地点(point)用at,若看作一个场所(place)用in。如: I met him at the post-office. Im now working in the post-office.

10、3. on表示地点,一般指与面或线接触,意为“在上;在旁”。如: The picture was hanging on the wall. New York is on the Hudson River. 五. besides, except, except for, but表示“除外”之间的区别 1. besides表示“除了以外,还有”,具有附加性质。如: Besides Mr Wang, we also went to see the film.(王先生也去了) 注意:besides用于否定句中时,与except, but同义,可互换。如: We have no other books

11、besides / except these. 2. except表示“除外”,具有排它性质。如: We all went to see the film except Mr Wang.(王先生没去) 3. except for表示“除了”,即表示除去整体中的一部分。如: The composition is very good except for a few spelling mistakes. 4. but意为“除了”,与except同义,except强调被排除的部分,but则强调整句的内容,常修饰否定意义的代词。如: Nobody knew it but me. 六. above, o

12、ver, on, up表示“在上”之间的区别 1. above指“上方”,表示相对高度,不一定在正上方,其反义词为below。如: Were flying above the clouds. 2. over指“在正上方”,表示垂直上方,其反义词为under。如: The bridge is over the river. 3. on表示“在上面”,与物体表面接触,与beneath相对。如: There is a map on the wall. The earth felt soft beneath our feet. 4. up表示动作的方向往上,反义词为down。如: Please han

13、g the picture up. 七. by, through, with表示“方式、方法、手段”之间的区别 1. by表方式: (1)表示以一般的方法或方式。如: No one in those days could live by writing poems. (2)表示传达、传递的方式或煤介。如: How did you send the letter, by airmail or by ordinary mail? (3)表示用交通工具、通讯工具后接名词单数,不加冠词。如: He came by train, but his wife came by bus. 注意下面两句的区别:

14、Did you come by train? Did you come in his car / on my bike? “by +抽象名词”构成的词组有:by accident / by chance / by diligence / by effort / by force / by heart / by luck / by mistake / by hard work. 2. through表示“以;通过;经由”。如: He succeeded through hard work. 3. with表示方式 (1)表示行为方式,意为“以;带着;用”。如: We are well provi

15、ded with food and clothing. (2)表示使用具体的工具或手段。如: He writes with a pen. 注意:在表示手段时,by, through, with有时也可换用,但with的意思更明确。如: Through / By / With his efforts he succeeded in making so many useful inventions. 八. through, with, from, for, at表示原因的区别 1. through表示原因,作“因为”解,常和neglect, carelessness, mistake, fault

16、等词连用,表示偶然或消极的原因,如疏忽、过错、不慎等。如: He cut himself through carelessness. The experiment failed through one fault of ours. 2. with表示原因,指由于外界而影响到内部,意为“因为;由于”。如: The little girl was shivering with cold. 3. from表示动机、疲劳、痛苦、死亡等原因。如: She did it from a sense of duty. 4. for常表示为了某一目的、事业的原因。如: Forgive me for keepin

17、g you waiting. 5. at表示原因,指“听到;看到;想到”等。如: At the news they felt very glad. 九. 介词的搭配方式 1. 介词可与名词搭配。如:answer to, key to, the reason for, the cause of, advice on, by means of, lack of, a picture of等。 2. 介词可与形容词搭配。如:be afraid of, be active in, be tired of, be bored with, be prepared for, be suitable for,

18、 be familiar to / with, be free from等。 3. 介词可与动词搭配。如:talk about, preventfrom, belong to, get over, depend on, object to, refer to, look forward to, make up for, devote to等。with , by 的用法问题 悬赏分:5 - 解决时间:2006-8-27 17:17i was amazed with what he did. i was amazed by what he did. 哪一个句子正确? i was excited w

19、ith what he did. 这个句子介词用的正确吗? 在用be动词和动词的过去式表示心情的时候,到底什麽时候在动词过去式的后面用by,什麽时候用with?提问者: 岁月如song - 助理 二级 最佳答案1. by表方式: (1)表示以一般的方法或方式。如: No one in those days could live by writing poems. (2)表示传达、传递的方式或煤介。如: How did you send the letter, by airmail or by ordinary mail? (3)表示用交通工具、通讯工具后接名词单数,不加冠词。如: He cam

20、e by train, but his wife came by bus. 注意下面两句的区别: Did you come by train? Did you come in his car / on my bike? “by +抽象名词”构成的词组有:by accident / by chance / by diligence / by effort / by force / by heart / by luck / by mistake / by hard work. 2. through表示“以;通过;经由”。如: He succeeded through hard work. 3. w

21、ith表示方式 (1)表示行为方式,意为“以;带着;用”。如: We are well provided with food and clothing. (2)表示使用具体的工具或手段。如: He writes with a pen. 注意:在表示手段时,by, through, with有时也可换用,但with的意思更明确。如: Through / By / With his efforts he succeeded in making so many useful inventions.参考资料:正确,介词是甚么 悬赏分:0 - 解决时间:2006-11-29 08:19说明介词短语和介词

22、提问者: lxzj04w44 - 魔法学徒 一级 最佳答案介词 (preposition) 又称前置词,是英语中最活跃的词类之一,它表示的是它后面的名词或代词(或相当于名词的其他词类、短语或从句)与其他句子成分的关系。 介词可分为下列三类: 1. 简单介词,如: about, above, across, after, against, among, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, besides, beyond, but, by, down, during, except, for, from, in, like, near, of,

23、off, on, over, past, round, since, through, to towards, under, until, till, up, with 2. 合成介词,如: inside, into, onto, outside, throughout, upon, within, without 3. 短语介词,如: according to, along with, apart from, as for, as to, because of, by means of, in front of, in spite of, instead, in accordance wit

24、h, on account of, on behalf of , owing to, due to, together with, up to, with regard to, next to, prior to 介词不能单独充当句子成分,它必须与名词或相当于名词作用的成分构成介词短语才能充当 句子的成分。 二、介词短语的句法功能 1. 作定语,例如: I have lost the key to the door of my room. 我把房间的钥匙丢了。 三、介词的固定搭配 1. At be good at 精通于 be annoyed at 对烦恼 be angry at 对 (事)

25、发怒 (take) aim at 瞄准 laugh at 因而发笑 stare at 盯着看,凝视 at the best 充其量 at first 开始 at large 自由地 at least 至少,起码 at length 最后,终于 at once 立即,马上 at present 现在 at rest 休息,静止不动 at times 间或,有时 He was angry at his brothers remark. 他对他兄弟的批评很恼火。 I dont know him but he has been staring at me for ten minutes. 我不认识他,

26、但是他盯了我足有十分钟。 The foreign countries attempt at a blockade of the port was unsuccessful. 外国试图对这个港口实施封锁,但没有成功。 I know I am at fault. 我知道我错了。 The escaped prisoner is still at large. 那逃犯仍逍遥法外。 He is at present away on his holidays. 他现在到外地度假去了。 2. About careful about 小心 particular about 对讲究 careless about

27、 粗心 doubtful about 对怀疑 sure about 肯定 concerned about 担心 a complaint about 抱怨,叫屈 bring about 导致,引起 care about 关心,介意 leave about 乱放,乱扔 fuss about 大惊小怪 anxious about 担心,想念 例如: How did it come about? 那事是怎样发生的? She is crazy about pop music. 她对流行音乐着了迷。 English people are always making complaints about the

28、ir weather. 英国人老是埋怨天气不好。 He is enthusiastic about the music of Brahams. 他热衷于布拉姆斯的乐曲。 Harry likes eating very much but he isnt very particular about the food he eats. 哈里很爱吃,但对他所吃的食物倒并不讲究。 3. Against fight against 反对 immune against 免除 vote against 投票反对 protect against 保护免受 stand against 反对,经受住 an accu

29、sation against 控制,谴责 a prejudice against 偏见,万岁 guard against 防护 protest against 反对,抗议 rise against 起来反抗 run against 对不利,违反 strive against 和斗争 a defence against 防护,保卫 a protest against 抗议,反对 例如: I protest against their criticism. 我对他们的批评提出抗议。 He made a false accusation against his boss. 他诬告上司。 Those

30、clothes dont give you much protection against the cold. 那些衣服不能使你御寒。 He should guard against passing on disease to his family. 他应当注意别把病传给自己家里的人。 4. By abide by 遵守 pull by 拉住 by mistake 弄错,失误 by virtue of 靠,由于 by means of 使用 by aid of 借助于 by way of 经由 by force 以武力,强迫地 by marriage 联姻而产生的 例如: He is by n

31、ature a kind, generous fellow. 他是个天性和蔼慷慨的人。 They sent the letter to me by mistake. 他们误把那封信送给了我。 The old Roman armies had several generals who took command by turns. 古罗马的军队由几位大将轮流指挥。 By virtue of his victory, he felt he could do what he pleased. 由于胜利,他感到可以想干什么就干什么了。 I probably know him by sight but not by name. 我大概见面认识他,不过叫不上名字。 5. For competent fo

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