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Units 78复习提纲及练习题.docx

1、Units 78复习提纲及练习题 Units 7 8考点复习及练习题 2014-12-5先确认一下1到3页,我有哪些记住了?哪些还要加油呢?【词汇】1. safety与safe, safely的词形变化。 2. smoke的各种用法。 3. 固定搭配get sth. done。 4. lift的用法。5. regret doing sth. 的用法。 6. keep. . . away from的应用。 7. chance的单词拼写及应用。8. make ones own decision的用法。9. educate与education的词形变化。10. manage与manager的词形变化

2、应用。11. get in the way of的用法。 12. support的用法。 13. choice与choose的词形变化及应用。14. whose与who, what, which的辨析。15. anybody与somebody, everybody等不定代词的辨析。16. noise, sound, voice等词的辨析。17. policeman的复数形式。18. wolf的复数形式。19. sleepy, sleep, asleep等词的辨析。20. suit的各种用法。21. not only. . . but also与both. . . and, neither. .

3、 . nor, either. . . or的辨析。22. receive的用法。23. leader与lead的辨析。24. medical与medicine的词形变化。25. prevent的用法。【句型】1. 含有情态动词的被动语态句式。2. 情态动词表示“推测”句型。3. whose引导的特殊疑问句。4. There be sb. /sth. doing sth. 句式。. 单词分类记忆1. _(n. ) 证; 证件 2. _(v. ) 冒烟; 吸烟(n. )烟 3. _(v. ) 扎; 刺破; 穿透4. _(v. ) 举起; 抬高(n. )电梯 5. _(v. n. ) 感到遗憾;

4、懊悔 6. _(n. ) 机会; 可能性7. _(v. n. ) 支持 8. _(v. ) 进来; 进去 9. _(v. ) 出席; 参加10. _(adj. ) 贵重的; 很有用的; 宝贵的 11. _(n. ) 野餐 12. _(n. ) 西服; 套装(v. )适合13. _(v. ) 接受; 收到 14. _(n. ) 目的; 目标 15. _(v. ) 阻止; 阻挠16. _(n. ) 精力; 力量 17. _(n. ) 胜利; 成功【联想串记】 1. safe(adj. ) _(n. )安全; 安全性 2. educate(v. ) _(n. )教育3. manage(v. ) _(

5、n. )经理; 经营者 4. choose(v. ) _(n. )选择; 挑选5. who(pron. ) _(pron. )谁的 6. noise(n. ) _(adj. )吵闹的7. policeman(n. ) _(复数形式) 8. wolf(n. ) _(复数形式)9. sleep(v. ) _(adj. )困倦的; 瞌睡的 10. express(v. ) _(n. )表情, 表示; 表达方式11. lead(v. ) _(n. )领导; 领袖 12. medicine(n. )_(adj. )医疗的; 医学的. 短语双语互译1. 回嘴; 顶嘴 _ back 2. 避免接近; 远离_

6、. . . away _ 3. 自己做决定make ones _ _4. get in the way of _ 5. not only. . . but also _. 句型1. 我认为16岁的青少年不应当被允许开车。我同意。他们不够稳重。I dont think sixteen-year-olds _ _ _ to drive. I agree. They arent _ _. 2. 你认为青少年应当被鼓励自己做决定吗? 不, 我不同意这种观点。青少年年龄太小了, 不能自己做决定。Do you think teenagers _ _ _ to make their own decision

7、s? No, I dont _ _ this. Teenagers are _ young _ make their own decisions.3. 这个排球是谁的? 它肯定是卡拉的。她喜爱排球。_ volleyball is this? It _ _ Carlas. She loves volleyball. 4. 那天晚上你见到了什么? 我不确定, 但是它不可能是狗。它更大。我认为它可能是熊或狼。_ did you see that night? Im not sure, but it _ _ a dog. It was bigger. I think it _ be a bear or

8、 a wolf. 【核心词汇】1. whose adj. pron. 谁的; (特指)那个人的 _volleyball is this? I dont know _that boy is. 答案: Whosewho(2014泰安中考)Which is your new neighbor, Liu Hua? The man _T-shirt is red. A. thatB. whoC. whichD. whose2. sleepy adj. 困倦的; 瞌睡的 【填一填 思维激活】选词填空(sleep, asleep, sleepy, sleeping)。Whenever I try to re

9、ad this book, I feel _. I often go to _late. I dont know when I fell _last night. Thats a _dog. 答案: sleepysleepasleepsleeping(2013青岛中考)The astronaut is so tired that he _for eleven hours. A. has been asleepB. has fallen asleep C. has gone to bed D. has gone to sleep3. prevent v. 阻止; 阻挠他们认为这些石头会防病保健。

10、 They think the stones can _ _and keep people healthy. 我们必须阻止这件事的发生。 We must _it _happening. 答案: prevent illnessprevent; fromprevent作动词, 意为“阻止; 阻挠; 禁止”, 后面可直接跟宾语, prevent. . . from doing sth. 意为“阻止做某事”。(2014烟台中考)我们必须采取措施遏制交通事故的增长。We must do something to prevent traffic accidents _ _. 答案: from increa

11、sing【重点句型】There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood, but what is it? 肯定有某物在拜访我们小区There be somebody/something doing sth. 为固定句式, 意为“有某人/某物在做某事”。There are some boys _ soccer on the playground. 有一些男孩正在操场上踢足球。【要点梳理】1. safety n. 安全; 安全性 选词填空。 safe, safely, safetyIm worried about your

12、_. Its not _to swim in the river. All the students have arrived here _. 答案: safetysafesafely2. smoke v. 冒烟; 吸烟 n. 烟我可以在这里吸烟吗? May I _here? 屋里有很多烟。There is lots of _in the room. 答案: smokesmoke(2013广安中考) _(吸烟)is bad for your health. 答案: Smoking3. choice n. 选择; 挑选 选词填空。 choose, choiceI should be allowe

13、d to make this _myself. I dont know which sweater to _. choicechoose【练一练 走近中考】 have no choice but to do sth别无选择只能做某事(2013常州中考)他别无选择只能严格要求他的学生。 He _his students. 答案: has no choice but to be strict with4. not only. . . but also不但而且 Not only he but also I _(have, has)been to the Great Wall. Not only th

14、e students but also the teacher _(like, likes)football. 答案: havelikesnot only. . . but(also). . .可连接名词、动词、形容词副词等。 它连接主语时, 谓语动词的数要与邻近的主语保持一致。(2014盐城中考)李明不仅聪明而且勤奋。 Li Ming is _. To achieve a bright future, we should _study hard _keep in good health. I agree with you. A. not; butB. not only; but also C

15、. neither; nor D. either; or 答案: not only clever but also hard-working5. get their ears pierced打耳洞Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears _(pierce). I got my car _(repair). When are you going to get your hair _(cut)? 答案: piercedrepairedcutGet,make或have, 意为“使, 让”。“get/have+sth +过去分词”结构意

16、为“使某事被做”或“让某人做某事”。6. regret v. n. 遗憾; 懊悔 (1)regret to do对要做的事感到遗憾(未做) (2)regret doing对做过的事感到后悔。(已做)我后悔与妈妈顶嘴, 而不是听从妈妈的建议。I regret _(talk)back, instead of listening to Mom. 我很遗憾必须这样去做, 但我别无选择。I regret _(have)to do this, but I have no choice. talkingto have U7-8提升练习 (成功串完一遍了,进行一下自我检测吧! 40分钟,满分100分). 单项

17、选择(30分)1. What animals do you like best? I like. A. trucksB. rabbitsC. chancesD. wolf2. Dont make a. All of the students are having a test. A. voice B. sound C. noise D. coat3. Youllthe test if you dont study hard. A. take B. pass C. fail D. succeed4. I felt sothat I fellsoon after going to bed last

18、 night. A. sleepy; asleep B. sleepy; sleep C. sleep; asleep D. asleep; sleepy5. I want to be a basketball player, but I cant practiceit asas I can. A. to play; many B. to play; much C. playing; many D. playing; much6. (2014临沂)TomMary speaks good Chinese, so they can communicate with these Chinese st

19、udents very well. A. Neither; nor B. Not only; but also C. Both; and D. Either; or7. Lily wants to get her ears. But her mother doesnt allow her to do that. A. pierce B. pierced C. to pierce D. piercing8. (2014泉州) - If we take a shower instead of a bath, more water. -I agree with you. A. has saved B

20、. can saveC. can be saved9. can help their parents do some housework. A. Ten-year-olds B. Ten-year-old C. Ten-years-olds D. Ten-years-old10. Look at the students. They mightfor exercise. A. to run B. be running C. running D. are running11. The photo belongs to. This is her uncle. A. her B. hers C. A

21、lices D. his12. Look at the math book. Do you knowit might be? A. where B. who C. whose D. what13. (2014安庆一模)This pair of shoesLi Gangs. Its too big for him. A. mustnt be B. cant be C. wasnt D. wont14. We called the police, they didnt findstrange. A. but; something B. and; something C. but; anything

22、 D. and; anything15. I think our teachers should allow us to play sports in the afternoon. Its good for our health. A. I dont agree. B. I disagree. C. I agree. D. I dont think so. . 完形填空(10分)When you are a teenager, it seems that every time you say, “Mum and Dad, I want to. . . ”, your parents answe

23、r, “No, you cant. ”or“You cant do. . . ”Young people complain that their parents do not1them. When something goes wrong, most parents just dont believe in their children. 2asking why, they think their kids are wrong. And not many parents allow their children to make a decision for3. Yes, 4is true th

24、at your parents always treat you as a little child. You5to do what you like. But remember that not long ago you were really a child. Your parents still remember the childish mistakes you used to6. They want to protect you7you dont want them to do so. So, if you want to get8freedom, please try to und

25、erstand your parents and dont lie to them. Try a more friendly way. If you want them to allow you stay out late, dont just say, “All9kids in my class can stay out late. ”Tell them as much as you can about what you want to do and where you will be and10it is important for you to stay out late. Then t

26、hey will say, “Yes, but be more careful and give us a call if possible. ”1. A. enjoy B. prefer C. understand D. decide2. A. Except B. Instead C. With D. Without3. A. they B. their C. themselves D. theirs4. A. it B. this C. that D. one5. A. dont allow B. arent allowed C. werent allowed D. didnt allow

27、6. A. take B. make C. do D. try7. A. if B. though C. because D. since8. A. most B. least C. more D. less9. A. another B. the other C. others D. the others10. A. which B. what C. when D. why. 阅读理解(10分)There is a small school near our village. There are twenty students in the school. Because the villa

28、ge is far from the town. The children cant go to school in town. So the government built this small school. Mr. Zhang is the head teacher of the school. He and another teacher, Mr. Li, work in the school. They work very hard and are very busy every day. Although there are only twenty students in the

29、 school, they are in different grades(年级). It is winter now and the weather is very cold. Today is Monday, when people woke up, they saw everything was white. There was a heavy snow last night. After breakfast, all the students got to school, they all thought they should spend much time cleaning up the snow in the

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