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1、六年级英语月考试题无答案黑龙江省哈尔滨市2015-2016学年六年级英语3月月考试题考第I卷I.听力测试(20分,每小题2分)A.选出所听单词或短语( )1. A. film B. family C. poem( )2. A. left B. let C. get( )3. A. by taxi B. by train C. by plane( )4. A. get there B. go straight C. get together( )5. A. turn left B. take a trip C. turn rightB. 听句子,选出正确答语( )6. A. You can ta

2、ke the bus.B. Its next to the cinema.C. There is a hospital in my city.( )7. A. Thats good exercise.B. Theyre very interesting.C. I come to school by bus, too.( )8. A. Good girl! B. Good idea! C. Thank you.( )9. A. Tm going to have an art lesson.BI want to send it today.C. I come to school by subway

3、.( )10. A. He is going to see a film.B. She is going to do her homework.CHe usually goes to school by bike.II. 单项选择根据语境选择最佳答案(本题共20分,每小题1分) ( )11. It is interesting film. I like it very much. A. a B. an C. /( )12. -_ can I get to the zoo? -Sorry. I dont know. A. Where B. What C. How( )13.They_ buy a

4、 new Dag. A. want B. want to C. wants to( )14. Lets go to the hospital _. A. one B. the first C. first( )15. - Can you help me_ the bookstore? -Sure. A. find B. finds C. finding( )16. What are you going to do _tonight? A. / B. on C. at( )17. My friend _buy some books tomorrow. A. is going to B. are

5、going to C. goes to( )18. They are going to read books _. A. yesterday afternoon B. in afternoon C. tomorrow afternoon( )19. - I am going to Beijing for my holiday. -_. A. Im sorry B. Have a good time C. Thank you( )20. We will_ together this weekend. A. / B. are C. be( )21. - Where is the bookstore

6、? -Its_ the hospital. A. in the front of B. in front of C. in front to( )22. How many_ can you see on the map? A. place B. places C. a place( )23. We usually go to the park_. A. on foot B. on bus C. take taxi( )24. These students dont know _swim.A. how B. how go to C. how to( )25. Cultures (文化)are d

7、ifferent in different countries. When two people start a talk, they usually talk about weather (天气)in western countries. Which of the following fits the western custom?A. In the hospital Man: How old are you?Woman: I dont want to tell you.B. In the streetMan: How much money do you earn (赚) every mon

8、th?Woman: What about you?C. On the playgroundBoy: Its sunny, isnt it?Girl: Yes. Its fine.( )26. If we want to keep healthy (健康的),we should _ . eat meat without eating vegetables keep doing sports go to bed early drink much water watch a lot of TV shows (节目)every dayA. B. C. ( )27. From the form (表格)

9、,we can find that Lucy is _ years older than Mike.NameMikeJoeLucyAge19826A. 11 B. 7 C. 18( )28. Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has different sounds?A. must subway B. sled lesson C. space fast( )29. In the following words, which underlined letter has a different sound from the ot

10、hers?A. price B. pizza C. like( )30. Which word of the following doesnt have the same stress as the others?A. Attention. B. Crossing. C. Ferry.III.完形填空 根据短文内容选择最佳答案(本题共10分,每小题1分)Let me tell you how American students spend (度过) their time. On weekdays, they get up around (大约)seven. Then they wash 31

11、faces and have breakfast. After breakfast they go to school on 32 or by bus. They get to school at about half 33 seven. At 34 ,students have lunch at school. They go back to the classes 35 lunch. After school, they go home. They have supper 36 six in the afternoon. After supper, they do their homewo

12、rk. Sometimes they play or talk 37 parents. On 38 ,they go to the park with friends. Sometimes, they go 39 in the stores. The next day,they go with their parents to church (教堂) in the morning and have a big 40 at one oclock in the afternoon.( )31. A. a B. them C. their( )32. A. foot B. foots C. feet

13、( )33. A. passing B. pass C. past( )34. A. morning B. noon C. afternoon( )35. A. before B. during C. after( )36. A. at B. on C. in( )37. A. and B. about C. with( )38. A. Fridays B. Thursdays C. Saturdays( )39. A. shopping B. swimming C. boating( )40. A. breakfast B. lunch C. supperIV. 阅读理解(本题共15分,每小

14、题1分)(A)Jerry is a clever boy. Teachers and his classmates all like him. He often asks questions in class. But sometimes he makes some mistakes (错误).Today,Jerry has a history (历史)class. Look,he is having the class. His teacher is teaching something about nations (民族) The teacher says,“There is a nati

15、on._ They use hands to work, to wash and to eat. At this time, Jerry puts up his hand and asks, “Do they eat the hot pot (火锅)?” Hearing this, his teachers angry.根据短文所提供的信息选择最佳答案( )41. The underlined word “angry” in the passage most probably means_ A. happy B. not happy C. glad( )42. Jerry often ques

16、tions in class.A. asks B. answers C. teaches( )43. Today, Jerry and his classmates are having a(n) class.A. English B. math C. history( )44. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Jerry sometimes makes some mistakes.B. Jerrys teacher is teaching how to use hands.C. Jerry puts up his hand and answers a qu

17、estion.( )45. “ can be the missing sentence in the passage.A. They often clean hands.B. They never use their hands.C. They use their hands to do many things.(B)Four Students HolidayNamePlaceWeatherFoodActivityAmyDalianCloudy and rainyFish, pizzaVisit the museum and the beachEricBeijingDry and windyD

18、uck,pieVisit the Great Wall and the Summer PalaceJennyHangzhouSunny and windyFish, snackVisit her aunt and the West LakeJacobShanghaiSunny and humidSnack, pizzaVisit the beach and Remin ParkWord box: weather 天气 activity 活动 beach 海滩 snack 小吃 humid 潮湿的 根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案( )46. Amy goes to for a holiday.

19、A. Dalian B. Beijing C. Hangzhou( )47. The weather in Shanghai is .A. dry and windy B. cloudy and humid C. sunny and humid( )48. Jenny eats in Hangzhou.A. duck and pie B. snacks and pizza C. fish and snacks( )49. Amy needs when she visits Dalian.A. a pair of sunglasses B. an umbrella C. a pen( )50.

20、Which of the following is NOT true?A. We can eat fish and pizzas in Dalian.B. Eric visits the Great Wall and the West Lake.C. Its windy in Beijing and Hangzhou.(C)Mr Green is a teacher of a middle school. He teaches English. He likes his students very much. In his class, he often teaches his student

21、s some English songs. And sometimes, he plays games with his students. All the students like his classes. He is a kind but strict (严格的)teacher. He hopes his students can get high marks (高分)in the test (考试). There are thirty-two students in his class. Most of the students get high marks in the Englis

22、h test. 根据短文内容判断正误,正确的写(A),错误的写(B)( )51. Mr Green is an English teacher in a middle school.( )52. Mr Green often plays games with his friends.( )53. There are thirty students in Mr. Greens class.( )54. Mr Green hopes his students to get high marks in the English test.( )55. All the students get high

23、 marks in the English test. V. 交际运用(本题共15分,每小题1分)(A) 从A-J选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话(选项中有两项是多余的)A: Hi, Li Jun! Tm going to the Xue Fu Bookstore. 56B: Its next to Heilongjiang University (黑龙江大学).A: 57B: You can take the No. 61 bus and get off at Heilongjiang University.58 A: Thanks. 59B: Some pictures from

24、my friend in America.A: 60B: A helmet. 61A: Oh, I see. 62 Bye!B: Hey, donl go at the red light!A: OK. 63A. How can I get there?B. Whats this?C. Its on the right.D. What are you going to do?E. Where is it?F. The bus is coming!G. What are you looking at?H. In America people on bikes must wear one.I. I

25、 must pay attention to the traffic lights.J. Turn right.56 57 58 59 60. 61_62._63._ (B) 填入适当的词补全对话,每空一词A: I want to go to the post office. _64_ is it?B: Its near the bookstore.A: Is it _65_ from here?B: Yes, it is.A: _66_ can I get there?B: You can go _67_ bus. Get off at the hospital, and then turn

26、 left. You can see it.A: Oh, I_68_ B: What are you _69_ to do there?A: Im going to send a postcard to my cousin. Thank you very _70_ B: Youre welcome.64. 65. 66. 67. _ 68. 69. 70. VI.任务性阅读体题共15分,每空1分)先阅读(A) (B) (C)三篇短文,然后根据题目要求及所给语境完成下列五项任务( A )lights pays be your slowlyYou must keep the traffic rul

27、es. You must _71_ attention to the traffic lights if (如果)you want to walk in a city. There_72_ always three kinds of traffic lights. 73 can cross the street at a green 74 and you must stop at a red light. . The yellow light means “ _75 down and stop”.(B)Tomorrow is Sunday. Wang Jie isnt going to sch

28、ool. But he is going to get up early. In the morning, he is going to take the subway to visit a science museum. He is going to have lunch in McDonalds. In the afternoon, he is going to play football with his friends. He will go home at about 15:30 and then he will clean his room.(C)I work in a small

29、 shop. It is near a factory. Every day, many people come to the shop to buy things. My home is not very far from the shop. I usually get up at six, have breakfast and then go to work by bike. I put some food in my lunch box. I get to the shop at about six fifty. At seven people begin to come to the

30、shop. They buy meat, eggs and many other things. I have my meal at noon from my lunch box. The shop closes (关闭)at seven in the evening. Then I go home for supper.I think my work is interesting. And I like it very much.In a small shop 81_ a factoryThe working place 72 up at six_82_ up at sixMy Work _83_a bike to go to work Daily (日常的) life _Getting to the _84_ at about 6:50 _85 _supper at home任务1:阅读短文(A),用方框中所给

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