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1、牛津英语新7BUnit5复习资料综述7BUnit5复习资料一、 单词默写1.令人吃惊的,惊人的 2.同一的,相同的 3.出生,诞生 4.停止做某事 5.倍 6.地球 7.骨头 8.后部,背部 9.脂肪 10.事实 11.和一样 12.通常的,平常的 13.照例,像往常一样 14.坐下 15.突然 16.低语,耳语 17.灌木丛 18.转身,(使)翻转 19.任何人 20.没有人,无人 21.答复,回答 22.奇怪的,陌生的 23.离开 24.迅速的,飞快的 25.在路上 26.发生 27.每件事,每样事物,一切 28.琢磨,想知道,感到诧异 29.仔细地,认真地,小心地 30.搜寻,搜查,搜索

2、 31.他自己 32.自言自语 33.虚弱的,无力的 34.(猫叫声)喵 35.拾起 36.拿起,举起 37.吃惊的,惊讶的 38.随后,后来 39.逃离,跑开 40.某人,有人 41.以前 42.前天 43.厘米,公分 44.渡渡鸟 45.蛇 46.骆驼 47.蚂蚁 48.不多的,少数的 49.干的,干燥的 50.没有 51.害怕 52.再也不,不再 53.听说,知道 54.那天,前几天 55.同时 56.三维,立体 57.粉笔 58.三明治 59.遍及全世界 60.不迟于,在之前 61.每,每一 62至少 63.像一样 64.英寸 65请求,要 二、 词组句子1.一个不明飞行物 一本有用的

3、书1. 看它的明亮的灯2. 飞机上的灯3. 充满,装满4. 把某物给某人看5. 和出生时尺寸一样6. 与一样7. 停止生长8. 睁着眼睛睡觉9. 在出生时10. 一个星期天的早上11. 和往常一样12. 认真地听(某人说话)13. 在房间里找钥匙(2)14. 在灌木丛中15. 转过身来16. 惊讶地做某事17. 迅速地跑开18. 某人发生了什么事?19. 自言自语20. 发出象低语的声音21. 听起来像鬼的声音22. 那天晚些时候23. 将小猫带到动物中心24. 朝某人喊25. 问题的答案26. 答/回复某人27. 很久以前居住在地球上28. 一会之前29. 昨天晚上(2)30. 到达某地 3

4、1. l回到学校里来32. 前天33. 11厘米高34. 像渡渡鸟一样的奇怪的鸟35. 这么多的令人惊奇的动物36. 它的长脖子只有七块骨头37. 嗅觉好38. 在寒冷的冬天吃的很少或不吃东西39. 没有水生存很久40. 听说某事41. 环游世界42. 那天,前几天43. 用一只手写字,另一只手画画44. 用粉笔画3D画45. 在同时46. 它的名字来源于(以来命名)47. 打牌48. 停下来吃饭49. 把肉夹在两片面包之间50. 第一个电视节目51. 这种食物52. 平均100个家庭有29台电视53. 至少拥有一台电视54. 一个叫的男士55. 像 一样大56. 变得全世界有名三、语法一 写

5、出下列动词的过去式:1. think_ 2. let_ 3. sleep_4. write_5. hold_ 6. study_7. win_8. sing_9. lie_10. plan_11. drive_12. ride_13. sleep_14. chat_15. speak_16. tell_17.feel_18.buy_19. study_20. swim_ 21.show_22.leave_23.enjoy_24.spend_25.learn_26.reply_27.bring_28. hear_29.swim_30. take_31. lend_32. grow_33.say_

6、34.eat_35.know_36. see_37.pay_38.keep_39.become_40. cost_41.draw_42.drive_43.give_44. read_45.run_46.sit_47.dream_48. smell_49.have_50. fly_51. catch_52. learn_53.choose_e_55. wake_56. get_57.sound_58.live_59. stop_60. make_61.put_62.cry_63.mend_64. catch_65.jump_66.catch_67.begin_68. build_e_70.dri

7、nk_71. find_72. hold_73.meet_74.play_75.stand_76. teach_77. wear_78. ride_79. ring_80.go_81.stay_82.worry_83. try_84. can _二、动词过去时 1、过去的动作 用行为动词的过去式 He lived here 3years ago.2、过去的状态 was ; were There was an old theatre in the street.3、时间状语: yesterday , last , just now , in 1999 ,规则动词的过去式+ ed1.绝大多数部分动

8、词+ed wait waited laugh laughed work worked borrow borrowed 2.以字母e 结尾的动词 + d live lived like liked decide decided invite invited 3.以一个辅音字母+y 结尾的动词把 y 改成 i + ed study studied carry carried try tried worry worried 但一个元音字母+ y 结尾的动词 + ed play played enjoy enjoyed 4.一个元音字母 + 一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词,双写结尾的辅音字母 + e

9、d stop stopped shop shopped plan planned 不规则动词的过去式原形背背默默原形背背默默am /ismakearemaybecomemeanbeginmeetbreakpaybringputbuildreadburnridebuyringcanrisecatchrunchoosesaycomeseecostsellcutsenddosetdrawshakedreamshalldrinkshinedriveshooteatshowfallshutfeedsingfeelsitfightsleepfindsmellflyspeakforgetspellforgi

10、vespendgetstandgivestealgostickgrowswimhave/hastakehearteachhidetearhittellhold thinkhurtthrowkeepunderstandknowwakelearnwearleavewilllendwinletwritelosebeatbeatbeatenbleedbledbledbendbentbentblowblewblownspreadspreadspread三、动词专练1. Look! One of the students _ _ (have) wonderful toys in his hands.2._

11、 _(be)there anything wrong with your washing machine just now?3. Nobody _ _(know) what _ _(happen)to us in a hundred years.4. I often _ _(hear) them sing in the open air last summer in our hometown.5. He _ _(not remember)to turn off the lights twenty minutes ago6. Its so sunny outside. What about _

12、_(drive)to the park to have a picnic together?7. When and where _ _you_ _(bear)? In Jiangyin in 1995.8. Who _ _(teach) you English last term ? Mr. Zhang did.9. Im sure there _ _(be) some interesting things to do in the coming holiday.10. We _ _(not buy) anything in the shopping mall on the way home

13、yesterday.11.When _ _ (be)your uncle free? Two days ago? No, Last week. 12. Its spring now. Its time for us _ _(plant) .rees in our city _ _(make) the air fresh.13. He _ _(not do) his homework carefully as usual yesterday.14. Where_ _(be)he a moment ago? He _ _(stay) here to read an email.15. My dau

14、ghter _ _(take) plenty of photos when she travelled to Australia.16. Many children _ _(play)the piano in the Childrens Palace a months ago.17. _ _you_ _(have) a parents meeting on the evening of April 2nd? No, we didnt.18They _ _(go)there the other day. They _ _(go) there again.20.He _ _(plan) a tri

15、p to the Fun World Museum with his family the day before yesterday21. It takes them about two hours _ _ (get)a to Nanjing from Beijing by air.22. Exercise me, sir. This is a non-smoking room.-Oh, sorry. I _ _ (not see)the sign.23. Mike_ (study) in a middle school at the moment.24. My father_(listen)

16、 to the radio just now. 25. She always _ _ (enjoy) _ _(take) Eddie for a walk after supper.26. Simon _ (pass) the ball to Daniel in two minutes27. Miss Li_ (teach) Chinese last year.28. He_(stop) to listen but_(hear) nothing.29. The old man often_(do) morning exercises last year.30. There_(be) a foo

17、tball match on TV tomorrow evening.31. Tom_ _(not do) his homework with Simon yesterday.32.Where_(be) Tom last night? He_(take) a walk in the park with his parents.33. Look! How hard the students_(work) on the farm.34. I _ _ (be) born in 2000. 35. Tom _ _ (put) the books in the bag and left the clas

18、sroom.36. Now I am not afraid of _ (see)snakes. I would like _(learn) more about them.37. Mr. Green left without _ (say) a word.38. (not let) him (go) because I need him (help) me with my study.39. 9. Stop _ (talk), please. Lets begin our meeting.四、 词汇练习1. The sun is shining. So its b_ outside.2. Wh

19、ats the date of your _ (出生).3. Look at your legs, too much _ (脂肪).4. This is an _ (amaze) film.5. Jack knows many fun f_ about the world.7. We must keep the door _ (close).8. Your coat is the _ (同样的) colour as mine.9. Our school is three t_ larger than theirs.10. Hunters(猎人) hunt tigers for their b_

20、 and fur(皮毛).11. Our classroom is as clean as u .Our teacher is very happy.12. The question is so easy, but n can answer it.13.The dog is so (虚弱的) that it cant make any sound any more.14. She is a girl. She studies very (care).15. Can you hear anything (奇怪的) in the museum?16. _(突然), a car hit the tr

21、ee in front of me.17. I felt _(surprise)that they can sing the English song.18.My father always_(回复) to my e-mail in time.19.The teacher _( 想知道) why Jim is always late for school.20. Im sorry shes out. Can you call her _(late) again.21. The students are _ to know that there are no bones in the back

22、of elephants feet (surprise)22. I hope _(一切) goes well and that we can have good luck.23. What _ (发生) to me last night? he said to _(他自己). 24. There are some _ (bush) in our school.25. I cant understand what you say because you speak too _(quick).26. She s_ for her pen in the classroom, but she didn

23、t find it. 27. Is there _(somebody) in the bushes?28. A c_ is called “the ship of the desert”. It can live in very d_ places.29. Im afraid of s_.30. He went to school w_ breakfast this morning.31. Teachers usually use c_ to write words on the blackboard.32. _ (蚂蚁) can smell things _ (good).33. Im hungry, Mum. Please give me some p_ of bread to eat.34. Rooms cost $50 p_ person.35. Many people in China like eating _(三明治).36. Her hair is sixteen _(英寸) long. It makes her look beautiful.37. I like traveling all o_ the world.38. They didnt want to stop for m_ because of much work.五、 单元测试一

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