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新人教版英语高二上Module 5《Unit 5 First Aid》word教案.docx

1、新人教版英语高二上Module 5Unit 5 First Aidword教案2019-2020年新人教版英语高二上Module 5Unit 5 First Aidword教案Period OneTeaching aims:1. Do the listening and make sure that the Ss understand it.2. Improve the Ss, listening and speaking abilities.3. Let the Ss understand the common sense about the first aid.Teaching proce

2、dures:Step 1. Lead-inHello, everyone! In our last unit, we learned something about AIDS/HIVE that is doing great harm to human being. Today we are going to learn something about accidents that will also do great harm to human beings. Here are some of them. Look at the pictures on Page 57 and practis

3、e as the following.Step 2. Warming upPicture 1A: The drowning man has just been brought out of the water. He is dying.B: What would you do in the situation?A: We should lay him on his back and try to start his breathing at once.B: What could we do to prevent this accident?A: We should learn how to s

4、wim, never swim alone and dont swim in dangerous rivers.Picture 2A: The woman knocked off her bike by the passing car and was badly hurt.B: What could you do?A: Dont move her, and call the ambulance.B: What could we do to prevent traffic accident?A: Everyone should follow the traffic rules and be at

5、tentive and careful and never run in traffic.Picture 3A: The mans house catches fire and is burning down. He is running out of the house.B: What would you do in the situation?A: We should find the nearest telephone and call 119.B: What could we do to prevent the accident?A: Dont leave lamps and cand

6、les burning in your house, and be careful when you cook.Picture 4A: The girl is hurt and is bleeding badly.B: What would you in the situation?A: We should help her to press firmly on the bleeding point using a clean handchief.B: What could we do to prevent the accident?A: Dont play with knives or th

7、e sharp objects.Picture 5A: What should you do if you find the old man with a knife in his arm?B: Leave the knife in and get him to hospital as quickly as possible. If you pull the knife out. You may cause more damage.Picture 6 A: The man is choking while he is eating.B: What should you do in the si

8、tuation?A: If you are well trained in first aid, you can try to get out the thing in the mouth and clear the airway.B: What could we do to prevent the accident?A: Dont eat too fast and dont chew your food. Dont talk while having food in the mouth.Words and expressions to be used: drowning, bleeding,

9、 choking, situation, prevent poison, container, catch fire, electrical equipment, first aid Step 3. Listening1 Attention please! Now we are going to listen to dialogues in which a nurse is asking two people questions who have just arrived at the hospital, each with a child. Listen to the tape, what

10、happened to each child?2 Listen to the tape again and answer the questions.3 Listen to the nurses questions in the first dialogue and write them down.Step 4. SpeakingWork in pairs. Use the list of dos and donts below to tell each other what you should and should not do.Suggested answers:You must mak

11、e sure that electric wires are safe and the children cant reach them. If a child plays with an electric wire, it can get an electric shock and be seriously injured. If electric wires are damaged, they may cause a fire. You should also cover outlets and switches that a child can reach.Make sure that

12、your kitchen is safe. Dont let children cook alone and teach them what to do if an accident happens. For example, if a pan of oil catches fire, you should turn off the gas and cover the pan quickly. You should never use water to try to put out burning oil. Instead, cover the pan with a lid.You ought

13、 to make sure that everyone in your family knows how to call for emergency (110). If your family knows what to do when there is an accident, they will be much safer. You should have a plan for emergencies and you should learn more about first aid.You should not put poison into other containers, like

14、 empty bottles. A child or other family members may think that it is safe to drink. In fact you might forget that you put the poison there, too. If you must have poison in your house, you should keep it in a safe place and in clearly labeled container.You should never leave small things on the floor

15、 or table which a baby can put into its mouth. The baby may choke on them. You must never play with electrical equipment.You should never use ladders on a wet floor. The ladder may slip and you will fall and hurt yourself. If you are using a tall ladder, ask someone to hold the ladder for you.Period

16、 TwoTeaching aims:1. Improve the Ss ability of the reading comprehension.2. Let the students get enough first aid knowledge and learn what they should do and what they should do and what they should not do during the process of first aid.3. Let the Ss learn new words and useful expressions to talk a

17、bout accidents and first aid.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Lead-inHello. Everyone! Last time we discussed something about accidents and first aid. Now please tell what would you do in the following situations.What would you do if you find a person whose leg is bleeding?What would you do if you witness

18、 a traffic accident?What would you do if your younger brother is choking?Today we are going to learn more about first aid. First lets look at pre-reading.Step 2. Pre-reading1. Introduction In the Pre-reading activity, the Ss are asked to choose one of three outlines. Each outline could be used for a

19、 text about first aid, so the students are free to choose the one they like best as long as they provide reasons for their decision. 2. Which of the outline below would you use if you were to write a text about first aid? Why?The first outline would suit a persuasive or argumentative passage in whic

20、h the author is trying to get the reader to agree that first aid is important. The second outline is for a process essay in which the writer explains how to give first aid. The third outline would suit a comparison and contrast essay in which the writer first explains two types of first aid and then

21、 lists similarities and differences.3. Which one do you think will be used in the text below? Why?Step 3. Reading1. Skim the text and answer the question What do the letters DR ABC stand for?D stands for danger; R stands for response ; A stands for airway B stands for breathing; C stands for circula

22、tion.2. Read the text to get the topic of each part.Para. 1. First aid is very importantPara. 2 The most important is to stay calm. Para. 3-4 When we have to think fast, we must remember DR ABC to give first aid.Para. 5-6 When we have checked the DR ABC we should give the first aid that is needed an

23、d call an ambulance.3. Listen to the tape and scan the text to answer the following questions:What do we say that seconds count in an emergency when we meet someone in trouble?Because knowing what to so and acting out in an emergency can mean the difference between life and death.What is the most im

24、portant thing when dealing with an emergency?The most important thing to keep in mind is to stay calm.Before an ambulance comes, how can we save peoples life?If we know how to respond, we can save peoples life.Where can we learn first aid?Many hospitals and schools offer training classes for people

25、who are interested in learning first aid.How can we put the person in the recovery position.First, roll the person onto one side and keep the legs straight.Second, place the hand of the persons upper arm under his or her chin.Third, bend the persons leg so that he or she will not roll over and we sh

26、ould stay with the person and wait for an ambulance. Of course, we can cover the person with a blanket or a jacket to help him or her stay warm.What does the each letter of DR ABC mean?D danger The accident scene is no longer dangerous.R respond To know that he or she is conscious and can breathe.A

27、airway To make sure a persons airway is open and it is easy to breath.B breathing To start the person who is not breathing at once, using the mouth-to-mouth method.C circulation To make sure the persons blood is circulating by looking for color, coughing, eye movement, and checking pulse, stopping b

28、leeding.4. Read the text again and fill in the table below.Part 1 The importance of giving first aid.Point ReasonThe importance of giving first aid Seconds count in an emergency, and knowing what to do can mean the difference between life and death.Part 2 How to give first aid.Process WWhat to do Wh

29、y(how) to doFirst of all Stay calm Panic not be able to help;Think about to do;Make better decision.PReparations DDangerRResponseAAirwayBBreathingCCirculation (Scene) no longer dangerous;(Get hurt trying to save someone) not be able to help;be conscious and breath; calm the person; airway open and e

30、asy to breathe;(not breathing) try to start breathing at once;(not done within 5 mins) die;blood circulation;stop bleedingGGiving first aid Give first aid and call an ambulance. Give first aid that is neede;Call an ambulance;(not knowing how to do it.) never to reviveHHaving given first aid Put the

31、person in recovery position. Roll the person onto one side; keep the legs straight;Place the hand of the persons arm under his or her chin;Bend the persons legs;Stay with him/her;Wait for the ambulance;Help him/her stay warmPart 3 AttentionPoint ReasonNot enough information to do first aid correctly

32、. (to know enough to save other peoples lives) study with a teacher.5. Use what you have learnt from the text to explain what the people are doing in the pictures below. Match each picture with a sentence in the text.Picture 1 shows a man checking the persons pulse as described in paragraph 4, sentence 13: We can also check a persons pulse by putting a finger on the persons neck or wrist. Pi

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