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1、英语父亲节手抄报内容英语父亲节手抄报内容 爸爸的关怀像一把伞,为我遮蔽风雨,爸爸的教诲像一盏灯,为我照亮前程,一起来看看出guo为大家的:英语父亲节手抄报内容,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多内容请关注出guo。 Fathers Day, contrary to popular misconception, was not established as a holiday in order to help greeting card manufacturers sell more cards. In fact when a “fathers day” was first proposed there

2、were no Fathers Day cards! 父亲节与普遍的误解不同的是,它并非是一个为了帮助贺卡制作厂商销售更多贺卡的节日。事实上,当“父亲节”的提议首先被提出时,父亲节贺卡根本就不存在。 Mrs. John B Dodd, of Washington, first proposed the idea of a “fathers day” in 1909. Mrs. Dodd wanted a special day to honor her father William, whose wife died while giving birth to their sixth child

3、. Mr. Smart was left to raise the newborn ;and his other five children by himself on a rural farm in eastern Washington state. It was after Mrs. Dodd became an adult that she realized the strength and selflessness her father had shown in raising his children as a single parent. 华盛顿州的约翰布鲁斯多德夫人在1909年首

4、先提出了设立“父亲节”的提议。多德夫人希望有一个特殊的日子来向她的父亲威廉斯玛特表示敬意。他的妻子在生他们第六个孩子时因难产而死。斯玛特先生在华盛顿州东部乡下的农场里独自养大了六个孩子。多德太太成人后她才意识到她的父亲一个人养大孩子所表现的力量和无私。 The first Fathers Day was observed on June 19,1910 in Washington. And it was in 1966 that President Lyndon Johnson officially declared the 3rd Sunday of June as Fathers Day.

5、 1910年的6月19日人们在华盛顿庆祝了第一个父亲节。林登约翰逊总统最终于1966年宣布每年六月的第3个星期天为父亲节。 Fathers Day has bee a day to not only honor your father, but all men who act as a father figure. Stepfathers, uncles, grandfathers, and adult male friends are all honored on Fathers Day. 父亲节现在已经成为向父亲及所有扮演父亲角色的人表达敬意的节日。继父,伯父,祖父所有成年男性都将在父亲节

6、受到尊敬。 父亲节简介 Brief Introduction to Fathers Day This is a day with a relatively short history in America and was established after it became obvious there were a Mothers Day, but no day for father. Like Motehrs Day, this day is celebrated on a Sunday and is highly in mercial. Stores offer sales, speci

7、al greeting cards are sold and the emphasis is on buy, buy and buy. Most children buy standard gifts for their father, whom they call dad, pop, pa, daddy, or papa. Unlike mother who can get a n assortment of gifts, father gets things like socks, neckties, underwear, and belts. The greeting card, how

8、ever, has special significance because of the nature of how men are reared in the USA. It is not easy for men to show emotions, and for sons to express love. Therefore, this is the one time in the year when a son can express feelings like love, admiration, respect and esteem to his father through a

9、greeting card. Even though fathers are important in society; the celebration of Fathers Day is dwarfed by Mothers Day. Much less attention is paid to this day because westerners, in general, view the role of mother as more important than that of father. it is changing in the United States, though, a

10、s more books and TV shows depict the role of a strong, yet sensitive, father able to suessfully municate with his children and wife. 父亲节,送祝福,愿爸爸,身体棒,笑口开,发问候,祝爸爸,平安伴,如意随,发短信,表心意,好爸爸,我爱你,希望你,开心驻,乐逍遥。 Fathers day, send blessings, let father, good health, Xiaokou open, send a greeting, I wish my father,

11、 panion is safe, with luck, texting, mind, good father, I love you, hope you happy in, happy. 父亲,家里的天,家里的顶梁柱,有父亲在,就有平安,就有安全,愿父亲平安健康每一天,开开心心到永远,您的健康就是我,最大的盼望,父亲节快乐。 Father, home of the day, a pillar of the home, father, peace, security, let father safe and healthy every day, happy forever, your healt

12、h is me, the highest hope, fathers day happy. 父亲节到,短信要送到,愿把平安送,健康为伴,身体健康;把幸福送,快乐一生,幸幸福福;把吉祥送,好运永伴,生活美满;祝父亲每天快乐。 Fathers Day is ing and messages to be sent, would like to send peace, health as partners, physical health; to give happiness, happy life, happy and lucky; to send auspicious, good luck for

13、ever with and have a happy life; Zhu father every day happy. 为了儿女的成长,您的脊梁不再那么挺拔;因为生活的压力,您的额头布满了白发;您是一棵树,为全家遮风挡雨;父亲节到,亲爱的老爸,请您也休息一下吧!祝您节日快乐! To the growth of the children, your spine is no longer so tall and straight; because of the pressure of life, your forehead covered with white hair; you are a t

14、ree, shelter for the family, fathers Day is ing, dear father, please you can rest! I wish you a happy holiday! 送你一杯长寿酒,健康快乐长长久;送你一根无忧烟,幸福开心永相随;送你一件保暖衣,合身合心有暖意。老爸,祝你父亲节快乐。 Send you a cup of longevity wine, healthy and happy long; send you a worry free smoke, happy forever; send you a warm clothing, f

15、it Hexin warm. Dad, I wish you a happy fathers day. Fathers Day Blessing SMS 爸爸的教诲像一盏灯,为我照亮前程;爸爸的关怀像一把伞,为我遮风蔽雨。父爱如山,父爱无言,你是我背后的一座山,是我永远的依靠。父亲节到了,祝您节日快乐! Fathers education is like a lamp, I illuminate the future for me, my fathers care is like an umbrella, for me to cover the wind and rain. Father, s

16、ilent father, you are a mountain behind me, I will never rely on. Fathers day, I wish you a happy holiday! 您也苦,但是一般都咽在了肚子里;您也累,但是一直都放在里心里;你就是这样不言不语,诠释着“父爱无声”的含义;父亲节了,道一声:“老爸您辛苦了,孩子永远爱您!” You are bitter, but generally swallow in the stomach; you also tired, but keep in mind; you are such a wordless,

17、interpretation of the meaning father silent; fathers day, say: Dad, you work hard, kids always love you! 过去 Past times 在那个我还梳着双马尾,没事就唱歌的的年纪时,您的眼睛是透明的,您喜欢陪我散步,给我讲生硬的笑话,唱着自编的摇篮曲哄我睡觉。 In that I wore pigtails. When you sing the age all right. Your eyes are transparent. Would you like to aompany me to wa

18、lk, give me stiff jokes, singing self lullaby to coax me to sleep. 那个年纪您的标志是大拇指,虽然没有很棒的意思,可是却是您赋予我的勇气的标志。那时我对黑夜有一种莫名的恐惧感,所以每当您关上我房间的灯时,我便一溜小跑到您那屋,您也每晚都留着门,然后我躺倒床上时,您就伸出大拇指,我就小心地同时也莫名的骄傲地牢牢的握住它,后来就进入了梦乡。梦里的爸爸眯着眼笑呵呵的,又粗又黑的眉毛下有一双明亮透彻的眼睛,就像那时躺在我身旁的您一样。 Your sign is the thumb, although not great, but it

19、is a sign that you have given me courage. Then I of the night have a sense of fear, so whenever you shut the light in my room, I was trotting went to your house you every night left the door open, and Im lying on the bed, you a thumbs up, I carefully and sense of pride to firmly hold it live. Later

20、he fell asleep. Dream dad squinted to smile ha ha, with thick black eyebrows have a pair of bright eyes, this is like when lying in my side of you. 现在在我留着一头清爽的短发,整天读书的现今,您的眼睛是黑色的,您不再有空陪我,不再总是在每天回家时先笑着说“我回来啦!”,可同样的,我也不再是那个蹦跳着扑到您身上喊爸爸的无知女孩了。 Now in my keep fresh hair, reading all day today, your eyes

21、are black, you no longer have to aompany me empty, no longer always in every home first smiled and said Im back!, the same, I will no longer be the jumping a flutter to you shout dad ignorant girl. 我想,时间带给了我们什么,除了年龄,外貌,阅历等一些客观改变,恐怕还有距离这一主观改变,是人心与心间的距离。就像您变得不苟言笑了,整天皱着眉,接各种单位的电话,我也变得对您有点惧怕,变得沉默不语了,我们之

22、间的距离也越变越大。虽然您一直都尽量不把公司里的不悦带到家里来,可您也总会使家里变得很压抑。我不理解,究竟是什么使我们回不到过去了,您那黑色浑浊的眼睛,我无法看透的眼睛,它又是否藏着答案呢。 I think, what time has brought us, in addition to age, appearance, experience and other objective changes, I am afraid there is a subjective change from the heart, the distance between people and heart. A

23、s you bee stern the all day, frowning, units of various types of phone calls, I also became a bit of your fear, bee silent, the distance between us are being bigger and bigger. Although you have always tried not to bring the pany inside the disfort, but you will always make the home bees very depres

24、sed. I do not understand, what makes us can not go back to the past, your black muddy eyes, I can not see through the eyes, it is hidden answer it. 有时我会静静的看着您,在您所不知道的熟睡的夜里,我看见您眼角的皱纹,在淡蓝色的月光的照耀下,它像一条条流淌的小溪,从您眼的这边流向那边,我也看见您的白发,一根根闪耀着银白色的光芒,像一个个挺直的哨兵,板板正正的站在灯塔上放哨。我明白了您的辛苦,也明白了你的努力,您想要变成一个温暖的太阳守护全家,可却无法

25、兼顾夜晚,那这样的话,我的父亲,我愿变成独守黑夜的皓月,鼓起勇气去帮助您驱散整个夜晚的混沌。 Sometimes I will quietly looking at you, in you dont know the sleeping at night, I saw your corner of the eye wrinkles, in the light of blue moonlight shining, it is like a flowing stream, from the side of your eye flow there, and I have seen your white

26、 hair, a root shining silvery white light, like one straight sentinel, plate board precisely on the lighthouse sentry. I understand your hard work and also understand your efforts, you want to bee a warm sun Guardian family, but can not take into aount the night, that so, my father, I would like to

27、bee jealously guarding the night of the bright moon, courage to help you break up the chaos of the night. 有人说,父爱像茶,温和而深韵;也有人说,父爱像烈火,残酷而绚烂;而我所感受到的父爱更像是一杯咖啡,它苦涩而醇香。我相信,您对我的鞭策会成为我前行路上的加速器,使我更快速的冲向目标。 It is said that father like tea, gentle and deep rhyme; also said that the father is like a fire cruel

28、and gorgeous; and I feel the fatherly love is more like a cup of coffee, bitter and mellow. I believe you, I will be on the spur of the aelerator on the road in front of me, so I quickly rushed to the target. 未来 The future 我无从知的是未来,它像一团混在一起的星云,神秘又梦幻。 I dont know is the future, it is like a group of

29、mixed together nebula, mysterious and fantasy. 但我所期望的未来的您的眼睛是白色的,我多希望这双白色的眼睛可以温柔的接受一切美丽的色。它可以包容,如绿色;它可以善良,如粉色;它可以热情,如红色;当然,它也可以悲伤,如蓝色。 But I hope the future of your eyes are white, and I hope that this pair of white eyes can be tender to aept all the beautiful color. It can be inclusive, such as gre

30、en; it can be kind, like pink; it can be warm like red; of course, it can also sad, such as blue. 我希望到您老的时候可以每天都笑呵呵的,每天都无忧无虑的,做尽自己想做的事。 I want you to when you are smiling every day, every day do you want to be light of heart from care, do. 父亲,您的眼睛啊!包含了太多景象。它时而像初升的太阳,蓬勃而有力;时而像绵薄的白云,明媚而温柔;时而像广袤的天空,深邃而

31、远大;它时而像灰色的乌云,悲伤却壮观!我的父亲啊!我虽然不曾说过,可我现在就要大声的告诉您,我深深的爱着您。无论您眼中的色彩如何变换,您都一直是我心里那个,可以陪着我乱跑弄了一身泥的,最好的父亲! Father, your eyes, it contains too many images. Sometimes it is like the rising sun, vigorous and powerful; sometimes like a mite Baiyun, bright and gentle; sometimes like a vast sky, deep and broad; s

32、ometimes it is like a gray cloud, sadness, but spectacular! O my father! Although I have ever said, Im going to loudly tell you, I deeply love you. No matter how the eyes of your color changing, you will always be my heart that can aompany I run to get covered with mud, a good father! 今天,正是父亲节。在这个6月的第三个星期天里,忽然觉得,有太多的话想跟父亲说,却不知如何说出口。或许你也试过在这个特殊的日子里,拿起电话想跟家中的父亲说上一两句祝福的话语,可一听到话筒中传来的父亲那一贯威严的声音,你终于还是没能将心中那句深埋已久的话说出来。那么好吧,把你心中的爱用另外一种方式表达出来吧,让你的礼物告诉你的父亲,你是多么多么地爱他! Today, it is fathers day. In

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