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1、七年级下口语句子综述英语七年级下册口语句子Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?1.I can sing,so I want to join the music club. 我能唱歌,所以我想参加音乐俱乐部。2.Can you play the violin? 您能拉小提琴吗?3.-Can you swim ?- Yes, I can./ No, I cant.你能游泳吗? 是的,我能。不,我不能。4.-What club do you want to join ? - We want to join the chess club.你想参加什么俱乐部? 我想参加象棋俱乐

2、部 。5.The boy cant play the guitar. 那个男孩不能弹吉他。6.Lets join the soccer club .That sounds great.让我们参加足球俱乐部吧。那听起来不错。7.Tom can play chess, so he wants to join the chess club.Tom能下象棋,所以他想参加象棋俱乐部。8.Can you draw? 你能画画吗?9.Lisa wants to join the art club ,but she cant draw. 丽莎想参加美术俱乐部,但是她不会画画。10.What sports ca

3、n you play?你能做什么体育运动? Unit 2 What time do you go to school?11.What time do you usually go to school? 你几点去上学?12.What time do you get dressed? 你几点穿衣服?13When do your friend exercise? 你的朋友什么时候锻炼?14He works at a TV station. 他在电视台工作。15.Thats a funny time for breakfast. 那真是有趣的早饭时间。16.They usually exercise

4、on weekends. 他们经常在周末锻炼。17.Im never late for school. 我上学从来不迟到。18.We go to school from Monday to Friday. 我们从周一到周五去上学。19.I dont like get up early in the morning. 我不喜欢早上起早。20.I sometimes play baskball for half an hour. 我有时我半个小时的篮球。21.She always eats ice cream after dinner. 她总是在晚饭后吃冰激凌。22.I have a very h

5、ealthy life. 我有健康的生活。 Unit 3 How do you get to school?23.How do you get to school? 你怎样去上学。24.I go to school by bike. 我骑自行车去上学。25.How does she get to school? 她怎样去上学。26. She gets to school by train. 她乘火车去上学。27.How long does it take to get to school? 到学校需要多长时间?28.It takes about five minutes. 需要5分钟。29.H

6、ow far is it from your home to school? 学校离你家有多远?30.Its about two kilometers. 大约2公里。31.Do your friends go to school by bike? 你的朋友们骑自行车去上学吗?32.Yes, they do . No, they dont. 是的,他们是。不,他们不是。33.It needs about one hour to get to school. 到达学校需要1个小时。34.My dream will be true. 我的梦想将要实现了。35.I take a taxi to sch

7、ool. 我乘出租车去上学。36.How do you think of the trip. 你认为你的旅行怎么样?37.It is easy to go to school. 去上学很容易。 Unit4 Dont eat in class.38.Dont be/arrive late for school. 上学不要迟到。 39.Dont eat in class. 不要在班级里吃东西。40. You must eat in the dining hall. 你必须在餐厅里吃东西。41.Dont listen to music in the hallways. 不要在走廊里听音乐。42.Wh

8、at are the rules in school? 学校的校规是什么?43.Its my first day at school. 今天是上学的第一天。44.What do you have to do? 你必须做什么?We have to be quilt in the library. 你必须在图书馆保持安静。45.We must be on time for class. 你必须准时上课。46.We dont wear skirts for P.E .class. 我们上体育课不能穿裙子。47.Dont stay outside the room. 不要呆在教室外面。48.Its c

9、old outside, you have to wear your coat. 外面太冷,你必须穿上你的外衣。49.I think I have too many rules at home. 我认为我家里有太多的规则了。50. What can I do? 我该怎么办?51.I can play only on weekends. 我只有在周末才能玩。52.I must read a book before I can watch TV. 我在看电视之前必须先读书。 Unit5 Why do you like pandas?53.Lets see the lions. 让我们去看狮子吧。5

10、4.Why does John like koalas? 为什么John喜欢树袋熊?Because they are kind of interesting. 因为它们有点儿有趣。55.Why do you want to see pandas first? 为什么你想先去看熊猫?Because they are very cute. 因为它们非常可爱。56.What can he do? 他能干什么?57.Why dont you like cats? 为什么你不喜欢猫?58.Where are they from? 它们来自于哪里?They are from Africa. 它们来自于非洲

11、。59.The elephants are very friendly to people. 这些大象对人们很友好。60.What other animals does he like? 他还喜欢其他的什么动物?61.The lions work at night and sleep in the day. 狮子们晚上工作,白天睡觉。62.I like lions ,but I like tigers a lot. 我喜欢狮子,但是我喜欢老虎更多一些。63. What animals do you like? 你喜欢什么动物? Unit6 Im watching TV.64.What are

12、you doing? 你正在做什么?Im watching TV. 我正在看电视。65.Are you doing your homework? 你正在做你的家庭作业吗?Yes , I am. No, I am not. 是的,我是。/不,我不是。66.Is she reading a newspaper? 她正在读报纸吗?67.Do you want to join me for dinner?(邀请) 你想加入我们一起吃晚餐吗? Sure./ It sounds great./Id love to. 当然。/那听起来不错。/我很愿意去。68.Lets meet at my home fir

13、st. 让我们首先在我家见面吧。69.Lets go to the movies. 让我们去看电影吧!70. Hes living with his parents in America. 他和他的父母一起住在中国。71.Who are you talking with? 你正在和谁谈话?72.Lets go at seven oclock. 让我们七点出发吧。73.This book is really interesting. 这本书真的很有趣。 Unit7 Its raining.74What the weather like today? 今天的天气怎么样?Its rainy. 今天是

14、多雨的。75.Hows the weather in Beijing? 北京的天气怎么样? Its sunny. 天气是晴朗的。76.How is it going in Beijing? 北京的情况怎么样? The weather is pretty good. 天气相当不错。77.We are on vacation in Canada. 我们都在加拿大度假。78.Some of the people are taking photos here. 人们中有一些正在拍照片。79.I am having a great time visiting my aunt. 我正在愉快的拜访我的姑姑。

15、80.Hows your summer vacation? 你的暑假怎么样? Its great. 非常棒。81.The weather here is a little cold and windy. 这里的天气有点儿冷而且还有风。82.Im having a great time in Europe. 我在欧洲玩的很愉快。83.I am so happy to see my friends again. 我很高兴再次见到我的朋友们。 Unit8 Is there a post office here?84. Is there a bank/post office/school near h

16、ere? 这附近有一个银行/邮局/学校/吗?Yes, there is. No ,there isnt. 是的,有一个。不,没有。85. Where is the pay phone? 付费电话在哪里? Its next to the supermarket. 它在超市的旁边。86.The bank is between the school and the library. 银行在学校和图书馆之间。87.Tom sits behind me. Tom 坐在我的后面。88. I sit in front of Tom. 我坐在Tom 的前面。89.Can you tell me how to

17、go to the bank? 你能告诉我怎样去银行吗? =Can you tell me where the bank is? 你能告诉我银行在哪里吗?90.Its not too far from here. 它离这里不太远。91.Just go along the street and turn right at the first crossing. 就是沿着这条街道走,在第一个十字路口右转。92.There is a zoo in my neighborhood. 有一个公园在我家的附近。93.You can walk along Xingping road. The bank is

18、 on your left. 你可以沿着兴平路走。银行就在你的左面。 Unit9 What does he look like?94.What does he look like? 他长相如何? He is of medium build, and he has short hair. 他中等身材,并且是短发。95.What does your father look like? 你爸爸长相什么样?He is a tall man with black hair.他是一个高个男人有着黑头发。96.What does your sister look like? 你姐姐长什么样? She is

19、a thin girl of medium height and wears glasses. 它是一个中等个瘦瘦的女孩并且戴着眼镜。97.You really look like your father. 你看起来真的像你爸爸。98.Tom has short and curly hair. Tom有着短而且卷曲的头发。99. Does he tall or short? 他是高个还是矮个?He isnt tall or short. He is of medium height. 他不高也不矮,他是中等个。100.He looks a little like his father.He 他

20、看起来有点儿像他的爸爸。 101.He is really cool and fun. 他确实很酷而且有趣。102. I dont think he looks like his father. 我认为他长得不像他的爸爸。103.What does your favorite teacher look like? 你最喜欢的老师长什么样? She is really tall and she has long straight hair. 她真的个子很高而且有着长而且直的头发。 Unit10.Id like some noodles.104.some mapo tofu with rice 一

21、份麻婆豆腐加米饭105. May I take/have your order?你要点菜吗?106.I like dumplings and fish.我喜欢饺子和鱼。I dont like onions or porridge.我不喜欢洋葱和粥、107.-What kind of noodles would you like?-Id like beef noodles, please.你喜欢什么种类的面条。我喜欢牛肉面。108.-What size would you like?- Id like a large bowl 你要多大碗的。 我要一碗大碗。109. -Would you lik

22、e some tomatoes?你想要一些西红柿吗?- Yes, please. Id love /like to. 是的。我乐意。No, thanks. 不了,谢谢。110.-Is there any meat in the soup? 汤里面有一些肉吗?-No, there isnt any. -No, there is no meat. 不,一点也没有。 不,没有肉。111.What sizes do you have? 你们有多大尺寸的? We have large ,medium and large small bowls. 我们有大,中和小碗的。Unit 11 How was yo

23、ur school trip?112.-How was your trip? -It was great. 你的旅行怎么样?很好。113. -Did she go to the zoo? -No, she didnt. Yes, she did. 她去过动物园吗?不,她没有。是的,她有。114.-Were the strawberries good?- Yes, they were./ No, they werent.草莓好吃吗?是的,好。不,不好。115. I didnt like the trip at all.我一点也不喜欢这次旅行。116.I visited my grandpa in

24、 the countryside. 我昨天拜访了我在乡村的爷爷。117.How was the weather there? 那里的天气怎么样?118.It was great, and the air was so clean. 天气很棒,并且空气很新鲜。119.I fed the chickens with my grandpa. 我和我爷爷一起喂鸡。120.Did you watch TV yesterday? 你昨天看电视了吗?121.Did you see any cow? 你看见一些奶牛了吗? Unit12 What did you do last weekend?122.What

25、 did you do last weekend? 上个周末你干什么了?123.I played badminton on Sunday morning. 我在周日的早上打羽毛球了。124Did you went to the beach? 你去海滩了吗?Yes, I did. No , I didnt. 是的,我去了。不,我没去。125.How was your weekend? 你的周末怎么样?Its very interesting/great/terrible. 很有趣/很棒/很糟糕.126.I had a busy weekend. Im kind of tired. 我有一个繁忙的

26、周末,我很累了。127.What did you do yesterday? 你昨天做什么了?128.I went camping with my parents. 我和爸爸妈妈去野营了。129.On the first night, we sat under the moon and told each other stories. 在第一天夜晚,我们坐在月亮下面互相讲故事。130.I was so tired that I went to sleep early. 我太累了,因此我睡得早。Unit2 What time do you go to school?1. get up 起床 2.

27、go to school 去上学 3.get dressed 穿衣服 4.brush ones teeth 刷牙5. eat breakfast 吃早餐 6. take a shower 洗淋浴7. so early 如此早 8. Have an interesting job 有一份有趣的工作 9. work at a radio station 在电台工作 10. at night 在晚上11. Thats a funny time for breakfast. 那时候吃早餐的确很有趣。12. be late for work / be lare for school 上班迟到、 上学迟到

28、13. do ones homework 做作业14. take a walk 散步 15.go to bed late 很晚才睡觉 16.clean my room 打扫我的房间 quickly 吃得快 18. half an hour 半小时 19. either. or.不是。就是。 computer games 打电脑游戏 TV 看电视 22. lots of = a lot of 许多23. get home from school 放学回到家24. It tastes good. 尝起来很好25. -What time do you usu

29、ally get up?-I usually get up at six thirty. 你通常什么时候起床?我通常六点半起床、26. 时间表达法: 顺读法:6:30 six thirty 逆读法: 分钟小于30分钟 6:15 fifteen past six a quarter past six 分钟大于30分钟 6:45 fifteen to seven a quarter to seven Unit3 How do you get to school?1. take the train/ bus/subway 搭火车、公车、地铁= do sth by train/ bus/subway2

30、. ride a bike = do sth by bike 骑自行车3. walk = do sth on foot 走路 4.every day 每一天 5.Its good exercise. 这是好的锻炼。6.Its easy to get to school. 很容易到达学校。7.The river runs too quickly for boats. 河水流得太急,不适合小船通过。8.One 11-year-old boy 一个11岁的男孩The boy is 11 years old. afraid of sth 害怕某物 10.dream comes true 梦想成真11.Thank you for doing sth 因某事而感谢你12.-How do you get to school ?-I ride my bike. 你怎样到达学校?我骑自行车。13.-How long does it take to get to school? It takes about 15 minutes. 到达学校话费多少时间? 大约15分钟。It takes sb sometime to do sth. 做某事花费某人多少时间。14.-How far i

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