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1、最新版人教版高中英语必修五Unit3单元综合检测题及答案精编试题必修五 Unit 3Life in the future单元测试2笔试部分:I. 单项选择1. I suppose hell pass the exam, _? Of course he will.A. will he B. wont heC. dont I D. do I 2.The _ on her face suggested that she was greatly shocked at the news.A. introduction B. impressionC. description D. expression3.

2、 Since everything develops, we have to make adjustment _ the changing situation. A. in B. on C. to D. through4. They havent seen each other for ten years, but they still keep in _ contact with each other.A. constant B. instantC. content D. consistent5. To tell you the truth, every one, including me,

3、 wont _ your selfness and rudeness.A. fasten B. press C. suffer D. tolerate 6. _ confidence resulted in his failure in the interview. A. Lack of B. Lack forC. Lacking of D. Being lacked 7. Considering that you have no _ experience, its doubtful that youll get the job.A. efficient B. previous C. orig

4、inal D. unusual8. She first _ singing and dancing, but soon lost interest and became a businesswoman.A. took up B. took inC. took over D. took down9. I watched the plane go higher and higher until I lost _ of it.A. view B. scene C. vision D. sight 10. The match is going to start in a minute. Lets _.

5、 A. hurry on B. go on C. speed up D. sweep up11. It seems to be rather hard for the old man to _ from French to Japanese.A. change B. exchange C. switch D. transform12. With the help of the Internet, we can get all kinds of information we need _.A. at times B. in good time C. at a time D. in no time

6、13. The first textbook _ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century. A. had written B. to be written C. being written D. written14. _ in thought, he didnt notice his teacher coming into the classroom at all.A. Losing B. Having lost C. Lost D. To lose15. Although they jus

7、t met for the first time, they talked _ they had been friends for many years.A. as if B. even if C. such as D. so long asII 完形填空Nine years ago around Christmas, I was on a Captiva Island beach at sunrise. I crouched (蹲) low there and immersed (沉浸于) myself in the false hope of finding a treasure (宝物)

8、 larger than the small 16 on the shore.A man jogged along the waves 17 my direction. When he came near me, he slowed to a walk. I didnt 18 him until he was almost standing over me. Too young to be 19 of strangers, I got on my feet and looked at him. It was then that I saw what was in his 20 , a beau

9、tiful bright cream-colored shell, the kind of thing that I was looking for. He smiled as I stared in 21 , and then, to my shock, he handed it to me. I held it 22 before me like a diamond, not 23 my eyes. “I think you will like it,” he said, and then continued his 24 down the beach.I do not 25 his vo

10、ice, his clothes or even his face, 26 I do still have the shell, and the greatest lesson Ive ever 27 . Now the shell sits on my bedside table, not as 28 and big as it was, but it is still there, a 29 reminder that there is 30 in the world. That man saved my belief in the kindness of people, and he s

11、aved my belief that one can find what means something in life. I see my shell every day, and I know that I can 31 bad days because there are good things in my life. In the end, all that we have is 32 we have done for others. The shell is 33 to me, as important as another man who returned to the plan

12、e to 34 me my lost jacket. I know that 35 a difference in someones life, no matter how big or small, is what truly matters, and that it is worth all the treasure in the world.16. A. fish B. frog C. shell D. diamond17. A. to B. for C. through D. in 18. A. recognize B. know C. notice D. follow19. A. t

13、ired B. shy C. fond D. proud20. A. hand B. coat C. clothes D. bag21. A. despair B. fear C. amazement D. disappointment22. A. formally B. calmly C. carefully D. hopefully23. A. imagining B. presenting C. thinking D. believing24. A. walk B. run C. ride D. drive25. A. remember B. realize C. respect D.

14、remind26. A. so B. or C. unless D. but27. A. accepted B. learned C. taken D. received28. A. dirty B. bright C. hard D. soft29. A. noisy B. quiet C. wise D. stupid30. A. equality B. honesty C. bravery D. kindness31. A. get down B. get through C. turn down D. turn off32. A. where B. how C. what D. why

15、33. A. necessary B. essential C. valuable D. important34. A. sell B. buy C. remove D. give35. A. telling B. making C. doing D. gettingIII 阅读理解A Every night Johnny entered “Thought for the Day” in the computer and then printed fifty pages. Johnny cut out each quote and signed his name on every one of

16、 them. Then he put them in a paper bag he kept beside him at work. When he finished bagging someones food, he put his “Thought for the Day” in the customers bag.It touched me to think that this young man had made his job important by making good memories for all his customers.A month later the store

17、 manager called me. He said, “Barbara, you wont believe what happened today. When I was making my rounds, I found Johnnys line was three times longer than anyone elses! So I got more cashiers (收银员) out here and got more lanes (通道) open, trying to get people to change lanes. But no one would move. Th

18、ey want Johnnys Thought for the Day.”He continued, “I got a lump in the throat when one woman came up to me and said, I used to shop at your store only once a week, but now I come in every time I go by for Johnnys Thought for the Day.”A few months later, the store manager called me again. “Barbara,”

19、 he said, “Johnny has changed our store. Now when theres a broken flower, therell be an elderly woman or a little girl to repair it. All of our cashiers now have their own personal signature (签名). Our customers are talking about us . in a good way, coming back, and bringing their friends.”36. Johnny

20、 cut out those quotes to _.A. encourage himself to work hard B. make good memories for his customersC. get his managers praiseD. draw others attention37. How did Johnny deal with those quotes? A. He handed them to customers before they left. B. He let others hand quotes to customers. C. He put them

21、in customers shopping-bags. D. He put them in customers pockets.38. What did the store manager see a month later? A. Customers didnt buy anything but asked for “Thought for the Day”. B. Many customers chose Johnnys line to pay for their food. C. The store was once out of order because there were too

22、 many customers. D. All of his cashiers had their own personal signature.39. The underlined part “a lump in the throat” (in Paragraph 4) probably means “_”.A. sorry B. sad C. worried D. moved B It was in 1865 that two Frenchmen were looking into the future. Edouard de Laboulaye, who studied history,

23、 admired the United States greatly. Frederic Auguste Bartholdi was a famous artist. De Laboulaye was thinking about 1876, when the country he respected so much would celebrate its 100th birthday. What gift would be good enough for the people of France to give? Right away, Bartholdi thought of a gian

24、t statue.Bartholdi kept thinking about a statue for several years. Then, in 1871, he visited the United States and saw the perfect place for a huge statue. It was Bedloes Island in New York.The project the Statue of Liberty got started almost immediately, and Bartholdi went home to France to begin w

25、ork. However, the statue was not finished in time for the 100th birthday. The United States Congress approved (批准) the use of Bedloes Island on February 22, 1877. During the 100th celebration in 1876, the arm of the statue that would hold the torch was shown in Philadelphia. In 1879 the huge head wa

26、s put on display in France. For the face of the statue, Bartholdi used his mother as a model. The statue was finally completed in 1884. The work had been difficult enough, but then some really hard work began. The statue had to be taken apart and packed into boxes. It was not until May 1885 that the

27、 statue in pieces left France for its new home.The statue arrived in June. However, the Americans fell behind on their part of the project. They hadnt raised enough money for building the base of the statue. People wondered if the country really needed or wanted such a gift. Finally, though, the mon

28、ey was raised and the base was completed. The last piece of the statue was put in place on October 28, 1886. 40. Whats the right order of the following events?a. The arm of the statue that would hold the torch was shown in Philadelphia. The United States Congress approved the use of Bedloes Island.c

29、. The huge head of the statue was put on display in France.d. Bartholdi visited the United States.A. dabc B. dbac C. bacd D. bdac41. When did the work on the statue begin?A. As soon as Bartholdi thought of it. B. After the United States Congress agreed to it.C. After Bartholdi saw Bedloes Island. D.

30、 Not until the US had raised enough money.42. What happened after the Statue of Liberty was completed?A. It was put together for shipping. B. It was taken apart and packed for shipping.C. It was cleaned up for shipping. D. It was put in place on its base in France.43. How many years did it take for

31、the Statue of Liberty to be put in place on its base after it was completed?A. 19. B. 15. C. 1. D. 2.C Last July, we asked what you dream of doing as an adult. Thanks for your great responses! We wish we had room to print them all. Here are just a few.Work and PlayMy dream job is being a construction worker, but only on an amusement park. James Martian, Age 9AlaskaRoyal Fashion DesignerMy dream job is to sew dresses for a queen. I could make whatever design I wanted. Her breakfast dress would be blue and long. Her lunch dress is purple and medium. Her di

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