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1、水产专业英语概述资料English for Fisheries水 产 专 业 外 语Editor: LIU JUNWuhan Polytechnic UniversityFeed Science Department水产专业英语概述何谓水产专业英语:用来记载水产专业文献的一种英语文体科技英语(English for Science And Technology)简称EST。一、科技英语的诞生和特点EST诞生于本世纪五十年代,第二次世界大战结束后不久,各国(特别是西方国家)迅速恢复国民经济生产,此时正是科技技术发展的好时机,随着科学技术的发展,科学文献以惊人的速度增长,而英语的世界光发表使用的语

2、言,目前用英语出版的科技文献占世界总量的60%以上(85%)。因此,科技英语应用而生,世界各地纷纷建立了科技英语研究中心,我国也在北京、上海等地建立了EST研究中心。 前面已述科技英语是英语的一种文体,英语就其文章的体裁来讲,可分为四大类:文学文体,政论文体,应用文体和科技文体。科技英语与普通英语或基础英语没有本质的区别,语音、词汇、语法是构成语言的三大要素。以语音而论,科技英语没有独特的语音的系统;以词汇而论,科技词汇是英语的组成部分;以语法而论,它虽具有一定特色,但仍未摆脱英语语法的法规。 (一)科技英语在词汇上的特点1、专业词汇出现的频率低 根据美国和伊朗两国的科技英语专家共同了一次科技

3、词汇的词频调查,发现专业词汇出现的频率最低,而功能词(冠词、介词、连词)出现的频率最高。我统计一下,Lesson One 共有单词211个,专业词汇出现27次,约占整个词汇的12.9%。 2、词义专一在文学英语中,一词多义和一义多词的现象很普遍,也正是因为这样,作家才能写出生动感人的作品来。而科技英语要求叙事明了,说理准确,所以科技工作者在表达一个科学概念时,都会不约而同地选择同一个词汇(指科技词汇),其原因是由于科技英语的词义专一所致。大家可以打开科技英语字典,就可以发现很少有一词多义的单词。在科技词汇中另一个特点就是词形越长,词义越专一。例如:mammal哺乳动物,shrimp虾,swim

4、-bladder鳔,plankton浮游生物,climbing fish斗鱼,pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis火山爆发超微粒尘肺病。3、科技词汇多源于希腊语和拉丁语根据美国科技英语学家Oscar的统计,在一万个普通英语词汇中,约46%的词汇源于拉丁语,7.2%源于希腊语,专业性越强的科技英语词汇中,这种比率越高。其原因是拉定语和希腊语的世界成熟最早,最发达的语种,词形、词义稳定。4、广泛使用缩写词在物理、化学专业中,缩写词用的多,水产上用的不多。据统计,科技英语的缩写词大概有2-3万个。5、前后缀出现频率高例如在Lesson One 中


6、被动语态可使描写对象位置突出。3、普遍使用形容词短语作后置定语例:sufficient to 足够的, suitable for 适于,difficult to 难,capable of 能力。4、动词非谓语形式使用频率高动词非谓语形式又叫为非限定动词,包括不定式,动名词,分词三种。(三)科技英语在修辞上的特点1、时态运用有限英语共有十六种时态,而在科技英语中只有九种。描述自然规律或事实,论述理论用一般现在时,叙述过去的研究上用过去时,间或用现在完成时;对于课题是研究展望用将来时。除此之外,还可用进行时,过去完成时,将来完成时,现在完成时,过去将来时。2、修辞手法较单调描述科学的语言注重事实和

7、逻辑,往往以图表、共市数学来表达可写概念。一切文学修辞手法(夸张、明喻、隐语、借喻、拟人,对照等)都会破坏科学的严肃性。3、逻辑语法词使用普遍(1)表示原因:as, due to, because of, caused of (2)表示转折:but, however, nevertheless, yet(3)表示秩序:so, thus, therefore, moreover(4)表示限制:only, except, unless, besides(5)表示假设:suppose, supposing, assuming, provided二、科技英语的翻译(一)何谓翻译翻译是把一种语言文字的意

8、义用另一种语言文字表达出来。翻译本身不是一门独立的创造性科学,但它即带有创造性,又具有科学性。它是用语言来表达一门艺术,是科学的再创作。翻译到底是否带有创造性和科学性?翻译过文章的人都有这样一种体会,读懂一篇英语文章并不难,但要把它翻译成中文,用恰当的中文完全把它表达出来却并不是一件很容易的事。例1:It is a cold winter 这个句子一看就懂,但往往容易把它译错,译作“这是一个寒冷的冬天”。汉语“冬天”的含义是季节,而不是指冬天的一天。译作“这是寒冬的一天”,也不对,因为cold 修饰的不是winter, 而是day。译作“这是一个寒冷的冬天的一天”,意思才对,但句子很别扭。懂得

9、翻译技巧,便会运用“抽词法”将它译成: 冬天,一个寒冷的日子。例2:All substances are not good conductors照字面上译:“所有的物质都不是良好的导体”。All 与否定词No 一起使用,并不是表示全部否,而只是表示部分否定,因此句子应译成:“并不是所有的物质都是良好的导体”。所以翻译确实是一门艺术,是一门即具有创造性,又具有科学性是艺术,是对原文的再创造,是用另一种语言对原意是正确表达。(二)我国翻译是历史和翻译是标准我国的翻译史是以佛教经典汉译为发端延续到今,历是仅两千年。最早主要采用照本直译法(所以经书难读,难背),后秦时该为意译,译文流畅易懂。唐代采用直


11、译”和“意译”相结合的放大将原文是内容表达出来。(1) 什么是直译既忠实原文内容,又忠实于原文形式是翻译就是直译。只有原文结构形式与汉语的结构形式一致时,才能直译。例:Most living fishes are bony fishes, members of the class Osteichthyes. 大多现存的鱼类是硬骨鱼类,属硬骨纲。(2)什么是意译在忠实原文的前提之下,摆脱原文结构的束缚,使译文符合汉语的规范。原文结构形式与汉语的结构形式不一致时,采用这种方法。例:Water is highway, byway, communications medium, nursery pla

12、yground, school, room bed, board, drink, toilet, and grave for a fish.水既是鱼类的交通道又是它们传递信息之媒介,既是鱼类抚养、玩乐、学习、生活的场所,又是它们饮食、排泄和葬身之地。Lesson OneWhat Fish AreFish are cold-blooded animals, typically with backbone, gills, and fins, and are primarily dependent on water as a medium in which to live. Their study

13、composes the pure and applied aspects of the science of ichthyology. Obviously not included in this field of learning are mammals, such as whales, seals, and porpoises; reptiles, such as aquatic turtles; and invertebrates, such as clams, shrimp, and lobsters (“shellfish”).Fishes are the most numerou

14、s of the vertebrates, with estimates of around 20,000 recent species, although guesses range as high as about 40,000. In contrast, it is commonly assumed that bird species number about 8,600, mammals, 4,500 (of which living man is only one ), reptiles, 6,000, and amphibians, 2,500, Thus, not only ar

15、e there many different fishes but they come in many different shapes and sizes. Included are pygmies such as the American percid least darter (Erheostoma microperca) which matures sexually at a length of 27mm, and a dwarf pygmy goby (Evlion) of the pacific which breeds at sizes less than 15mm. There

16、 are giants, too, such as the whale shark (Rhincoden), which has been judged to attain lengths near 21 m, and weights of 25 tons or more. Most fishes are torpedo-shaped, but some are round, others are angular.词 汇 backbone 脊椎骨 porpoises 海豚 breed 繁殖 pygmies 侏儒类(微小鱼类)gill 鳃 seal 海豹 ichthyology 鱼类学 shel

17、lgish 贝类 lobsters 龙虾词 组American percid least darter 美洲小河鲈cold-blooded animals 冷血性动物 torpedo-shaped 纺锤形的毫米millimeter厘米centimeter分米decimeter米meter公里kilometerLesson TwoHow Fish LiveWater is highway, byway, communications medium, nursery playground, school, room bed, board, drink, toilet, and grave for

18、a fish. All of the fishs vital functions of feeding, digestion, assimilation, growth, responses to stimuli, and reproduction are dependent on water. For a fish, the most important aspects of water are dissolved oxygen, dissolved salts, light penetration, temperature, toxic substances, concentrations

19、 of disease organisms, and opportunity to escape enemies.Although humans are able to absorb oxygen directly from air through the vascularized walls of the lungs, few fish have lungs or other devices for utilizing oxygen from air. Most fish, including those with lungs, depend mainly upon gills to ext

20、ract oxygen dissolved in water. Fish can not live long in a habitat rare or deficient in dissolved oxygen any more than humans can survive in the upper atmosphere or the space beyond unless they carry an oxygen supply with them.The pasturage that the sea, lake, and steams afford to fish depends init

21、ially on the penetration of light into water, even as growth of grass on the open range relies upon the sun. The “grass” of the waters is microscopic plant life-diatoms and algae, collectively termed phytoplankton.The beginning of life leading to fish production is generally in the bodies of the phy

22、toplankters. They utilize light energy and dissolved carbon dioxide to manufacture organic matter that eventually becomes food for fish. Besides proving energy for food production for all fishes, light is also known to trigger mechanisms of reproduction, growth, and many kinds of behavior, including

23、 that of feeding.Unwanted materials such as toxins produced in nature and pollution from human activities are serious menaces to fish life. The aquatic habitat provides no places of escape from damaging substances in solution. The threat to fish of water-borne toxic materials is comparable to that o

24、f air-borne pollutants to human beings. Although fish are able to detect many such chemical contaminants, they are often unable avoid them.Like all animals, fish have a very full complement of diseases with which to contend. Many of these are due to external agencies; others arise internally. From o

25、utside come viruses, fungi, bacteria, parasitic protozoan, worm, crustaceans and lampreys. From within arise almost all the common organic and degenerative disorders that plague man himself. Included are cancer, rickets, and degeneration of the liver, blindness, and a host of developmental anomalies

26、 such as Siamese twinning and spinal flexure. And even if not killed by a disease or disorder such as the foregoing, the fish must still survive periodic adverse chemical conditions in water, predators, and the capturing devices of fisherman.词 汇diatoms 硅藻类 phytoplankton 浮游植物(总体)lamprey 海七鳃鳗 rickets

27、佝偻病pasturage 牧场 vascularized 脉管化的phytoplankter 浮游植物(个体)词 组degeneration of the liver 肝功能退化host of developmental anomalies 大量畸形发育Siamese twinning 连体双胞胎spinal flexure 脊柱螺旋卷曲Lesson ThreeThe Breeding of FishFish have developed many different ways for gaining nearness of sperms and eggs to each other in o

28、rder to facilitate and insure their union. Outstanding among these ways are the nicely timed relations of the various reproductive functions. In the prolific open-water spawners, for example, the millions of eggs do not all mature at one time; just enough mature in each batch so that at the final st

29、age of the eggs, the female is not too greatly distended with the enlarged sex products. If all ripened simultaneously, they would occupy a space much larger than the parent fish, so batches are timed in ripening to accommodate the parent. Many fishes have a very short breeding season, occurring onl

30、y once a year as we saw, yet the males and females are on fully ripe condition at the same instant and both then are capable of exhibiting their complex breeding reactions. The secondary sexual characteristics and accessory structures which are used in courtship, clasping, or intermission develop si

31、multaneously with the reading of the primary sexual products.Perhaps the most famous case of accurately timed relationships in reproduction is in the palolo worm which swarms to the surface of the open seas once a year at a certain phase of the moon to breed. A few fishes show similar marvelously ti

32、med relationships for breeding. The best known of these is the grunion (Leutrsthes tenuis) of the California coast. This fish spawns just after the turn of high tide at certain times of the year. It spawns almost literally out of water, as far up on the beach as the largest waves will carry it at this time of high tide. It deposits eggs and sperm in pockets in the wet sand at just such a time and in just such a position that the e

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