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1、关于购物英语情景对话精选关于购物英语情景对话精选网络购物正成为购物的新潮流及大趋势,而在网络购物人群中,又以服饰类商品的购物者所占比例较高。小编整理了关于购物英语情景对话,欢迎阅读!关于购物英语情景对话一店员: Can I help you?需要帮忙吗?客人: Id like to buy some Chinese cakes.我想买些中式点心.店员: We have cream birthday cakes.ten yuan each. Do you like it?我们有奶油生日蛋糕.十元一个.你要来点吗?客人: Fine. Give me a cream birthday cake an

2、d two boxes of famous Chinese cakes.and help me to pick a variety of them.please.好的.给我一个奶油生日蛋糕和两盒有名的中式糕点.请帮我多选点品种.店员: All right. For Chinese style cakes.we have the Cantonese style and the Suzhou style. The skin of the Cantonese style cakes is sweet.soft.puffy palatable and filled with heavy stuffin

3、g. The famous Cantonese cakes are moon cakes from Guangdong. Sha-pi-ma.好的.中式糕点我们有广东糕点和苏州糕点.广式糕点的特点是甜.软.蓬松可口又很多馅儿.最出名的广式糕点是萨其玛.苏州糕点的皮酥馅儿全是坚果.我们不仅有甜的月饼.还有肉的月饼.客人: Well.will you wrap them up separately?好的.你能给我分开装吗?店员: Certainly. Any thing else?当然.还需要点什么吗?客人: Nothing more. How much altogether?没有了.一共多少钱?

4、店员: Nineteen yuan and forty-five fen.块4毛5.客人: Here are two ten-yuan notes. Keep the change.给你两张10块的.不用找了.店员: For me? We dont accept tips. But thank you all the same.给我?哦.不.我们不收小费.不过还是谢谢您.客人: O. K. . Good-bye.好的.再见!店员: Good-bye.再见.关于购物英语情景对话二逛街购物买衬衫JOY: Why dont we get you some shirts?LOUIS: I

5、want to leave. Weve already been here two hours.JOY: But we should get you some shirts while were here. You need summer shirts.LOUIS: I would rather buy them somewhere else.JOY: Why? They have everything here.LOUIS: I dont like shopping in malls.I like shopping on the street. There is more variety.J

6、OY: Lets just look and see what they have.LOUIS: Alright.JOY: What about these shirts? Do you see anything you like?LOUIS: The styles here are too boring for me. I told you. I like street shopping.JOY: Oh, come on! Dont be so sour. These are beautiful shirts.I know if we dont buy some today, you wil

7、l never go shopping by yourself.LOUIS: Sure I would.JOY: Here. Look at this shirt. Try it on.LOUIS: Do they have it in LARGE.JOY: I dont know. Let me look on the rack. Here is one. LARGE. Try it on.LOUIS: Where is the fitting room? I dont see it.JOY: The fitting rooms are over there.LOUIS: Okay, I w

8、ill try it on.JOY: It looks good on you.LOUIS: I look like a nerd.JOY: No, it looks great.Why are you always like this when youre shopping? You know it looks good.LOUIS: Well, I dont think its the best style for me.JOY: I think well buy this one. And I want you to try on this one too.LOUIS: Alright.

9、 Alright.JOY: You should be happy I want you to look good.If I let you shop for yourself, you would never buy anything.LOUIS: Yes, maybe. But I like street shopping. There is more variety.Im sorry. I just dont like malls.乔伊:给你买一些衬衫吧。路易:我想走了,我们已经在这里逛了两个小时。乔伊:但是我们需要给你买几件衬衫,你需要夏天穿的衬衫。路易:我宁愿在别的地方买。乔伊:为什


11、我。乔伊:我们就买这件吧,我要你也试试这一件。路易:好吧,好吧。乔伊:我帮你打扮你应该感到高兴。如果让你自已逛,你一定不会买任何东西。路易:也许吧。但我还是喜欢逛街购物,有比较多的东西可看。对不起,我就是不喜欢购物中心。关于购物英语情景对话三逛街购物买鞋IVY: I want to buy some running shoes. Maybe New Balance.DAVID: Why do you need running shoes? You arent a runner.IVY: But I exercise at the club. And I use the stepping mac

12、hine.So I need good running shoes.DAVID: Thats not the same.Maybe you want to buy running-shoe-style shoes, but not real running shoes.IVY: Whats the difference?DAVID: There isnt much difference. But there is some difference.For one thing, real running shoes are much more expensive.They have very li

13、ghtweight materials.Theyre designed for serious runners, people who run ten kilometers a day.IVY: And what are running-shoe-style shoes?DAVID: They look like running shoes.They have the same shape. And you can use them for running too.But theyre not so serious. They arent designed for serious runner

14、s.You can use them for exercising.IVY: But they arent as light, right?DAVID: Thats right.If you want a really lightweight shoe, you should buy a high-quality running shoe.IVY: Thats what I want.For exercising at the club. I can even spend 100 dollars on them. I dont care.DAVID: But its a waste of mo

15、ney. You wont really run in them!You dont need such a shoe to use exercise machines. Its just a waste of money.IVY: My sister has New Balance running shoes. I want shoes just like hers.I dont care if theyre expensive. And they look cool too.DAVID: Well, do what you like.There are different kinds of

16、New Balance shoes though.You dont have to buy the most expensive.IVY: I want the best.My sister said good shoes are very important. For support. They support your feet.DAVID: Your sister is a fitness expert, huh?IVY: No, but she exercises more than me.DAVID: I really think you are stubborn about som

17、e things.But here. Lets look at the New Balance shoes.IVY: Here it is. This is what my sister has.DAVID: Yes, thats it. Thats their top model.IVY: I wonder if they have my size.DAVID: Well, we can wait for the assistant to help us,or we can look through the boxes down here. What is your size?IVY: He

18、re in America, its six.DAVID: Well, here you are. Size six. Womans. 137 dollars.Wow, what a waste of money!IVY: Its none of your business. Let me try them on.艾薇:我想买跑鞋,纽巴伦牌子的。大卫:你为什么需要跑鞋?你又不跑步。艾薇:但是我在俱乐部运动,而且我用踏板的器材。所以需要好的跑鞋。大卫:那不一样。也许你想买的是跑类的鞋子,不是真的跑鞋。艾薇:有什么差别吗?大卫:没有太大差别,但有一点点差别。差别在于真正的跑鞋贵很多,它们的材质很轻

19、,是为热衷跑步的人设计的,一天跑十公里的人。艾薇:那什么是跑类的鞋子?大卫:它们看起来像跑鞋。外观一样,也可以用来跑步。但是不是专门的,不是专门为跑家设计的。你可以用来运动。艾薇:但是没那么轻吧?大卫:没错。如果你想要很轻的鞋子,就要买高级的跑鞋。艾薇:我就是要那个。为了在俱乐部运动,我甚至可以花 100 美元买鞋,我不在乎。大卫:那太浪费了,你又不是要跑步!你不需要买这种鞋来踩运动器材,那只是浪费钱罢了。艾薇:我姐姐穿纽巴伦的鞋子,我就是想要她那种鞋子。我不在乎贵不贵,而且看起来也很有型。大卫:好吧,只要你喜欢。纽巴伦的鞋子有很多款式。你不必买最贵的。艾薇:我要最好的。我姐姐说买双好鞋是很重要的,要用来支撑,支撑脚部。大卫:你姐姐是健康专家啊?艾薇:不是,但是她比我常运动。大卫:你在一些事情上真的很固执。在这里,来看看纽巴伦的鞋子吧。艾薇:这就是我姐姐穿的。大卫:是的,没错。那是最好的款式。艾薇:不知道有没有我的尺寸。大卫:你可以等店员过来帮忙。或是我们找底下的盒子看看。你穿什么尺寸?艾薇:在美国是六号。大卫:这里有,六号,女鞋,137 元。哇,好浪费钱喔!艾薇:不关你的事,让我试穿。

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