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高考英语专题训练 完形填空.docx

1、高考英语专题训练 完形填空完形填空专题训练一John lived all alone because his wife had died. He had worked hard as a tailor all his life, but misfortune had left him penniless. He had 1 sons, but they only had time to 2 and eat dinner with their father once a week. 3 the old man grew weaker and weaker, and his sons came b

2、y to see him less and less. He often worried 4 would become of him, until at last he thought of a plan.The next morning he went to see his friend, the carpenter, and asked him to make a large 5. Then the locksmith, and asked him for an old 6 . Finally the glassblower for all the broken pieces of gla

3、ss he 7 . The old man took the chest home, filled it to the 8 with broken glass, locked up tight and put it beneath his 9 .“Whats in this chest?” his sons asked, looking under the table.“Oh, nothing,” the old man replied, “just some things Ive been 10 .” They kicked it and heard a rattling inside. “

4、It must be full of all the gold hes saved over the years,” they 11 to one another.So they talked it over and realized they needed to 12 the treasure. They decided to 13 living with the old man, and 14 they could look after him, too. So the first week the youngest moved in, the second week the middle

5、 and the third week the eldest. This 15 for some time.82615980 At last the old father died. The sons gave him a very 16 funeral, for they knew there was a 17 sitting beneath the kitchen table. When the 18 was over, they hunted through the house until they found the key, and unlocked the chest. To th

6、eir astonishment, they found nothing but broken glass. But they didnt give up, and the eldest son turned over the chest to make sure if there was something valuable 19 among the broken glass. On the bottom he found an inscription 20 : Honor Your Father And Mother.1 Afour Btwo Cthree Dfive2 Astand by

7、 Bpass by Cgo by Dstop by3 AGradually BClearly CFortunately DHurriedly4 Awhat Bthat Chow Dwhich5 Ashelf Btable Ccupboard Dchest6 Achest Block Ccover Dsaying7 Amade Bbroke Cbought Dhad8 Atop Bbottom Ccenter Dinside9 Abed Bhouse Ckitchen table Dyard10 Amaking Bkeeping Csaving Dusing11 Awhispered Brepo

8、rted Cshouted Dpointed12 Afind Bown Cknow Dguard13 Atake chances Btake turns Ctake measures Dtake actions14 Aon the way Bby the way Cthat way Din the way15 Awent on Bkept on Cmoved on Dput on16 Asad Bdeep Crich Dnice17 Aold man Bfortune Cguest Dlock18 Aservice Bcelebration Cmeal Dcrying19 Amixed Bpa

9、inted Chidden Dgrown20 Awriting Breading Ctelling Dspeaking二While I was standing at the kitchen window , five-year-old Spencer , my oldest son , ran into the house 1 , “We need a doctor out here! We need a doctor! Hurry , Mom!” “Whats wrong?” I asked . Spencer anxiously told me he had found a dead b

10、ird that needed a doctor .20070124Dutifully (顺从地), I seized a small plastic bag from the cupboard and took Spencers hand 2 , thats the sort of thing mothers do ! While my son led me out of the door and 3 the bird , I explained that if the creature was indeed dead , a doctor could not 4 . When we arr

11、ived at the 5 scene, it was obvious that the baby bird was dead . Spencer and I could see the nest high up in the tree . My son and I 6 the probable age of the baby bird , its inability to fly well , and exactly how the 7 had caused its death . “I think his mommy and daddy really 8 him,” Spencer obs

12、erved . I 9 my boys hand and tried to ease his 10 by saying I was sure they did , 11 they would be okay because the little bird had gone to Heaven to be with God and Popo (my grandfather who had died ). I assured Spencer that the birds mommy and daddy knew that their little one would be 12 and loved

13、 . I told Spencer that PoPo loved little birds and that I 13 he was in Heaven holding and playing with the baby bird 14 . I picked up the little creatures body , slipped it into my plastic bag and 15 placed the bird in the rubbish bin . 16 was said about the matter for the rest of the day . Spencer

14、went right back to play 17 he had never been interrupted , and I returned to my work in the kitchen .At breakfast the next morning , Spencer sadly explained to his father that he had found a baby bird the day before that had fallen from its nest.“It was dead , Daddy!”Trying to 18 Spencers spirits an

15、d remind him that the little bird was really 19 , I asked our son to tell Daddy 20 the baby bird was . Spencer , looking solemn faced at his dad , stated, “In the rubbish bin with Mamas granddad, PoPo.” 1Asaying Bscreaming Cdeclaring Dtelling 2Ain fact Bat least Cof course Dafter all 3Aahead Btoward

16、 Cfor Dbefore 4Acome Bsave Chelp Dsupport 5Aaccident Bkitchen Cstory Dincident 6Awondered Bdiscussed Cstudied Dlooked 7Afall Btree Cmother bird Dother bird 8Ahate Blose Cmiss Dlove 9Apicked up Bturned to Cgot to Dreached for 10Aexcitement Bregret Csorrow Dsadness 11Abut that Band that Csoon Dthen 12

17、Aenjoyed Bplayed Ctreated Dcared for 13Adoubted Bfound Cwas sure Dwas afraid 14Aright now Bright then Cfrom now on Dnow and then 15Agently Bloudly Cstrongly Dfirmly 16ANothing else BNobody else CEverything DSomething 17Aas usual Bas if Ceven though Dthough 18Abreak Brise Cshow Dlift 19Awounded Binju

18、red Cokay Dalive 20Awhere Bwhat Chow Dwhen 三The Quiet HeroIt was Mothers Day , the day we celebrate everything mothers are and everything we do .But Ill 1 that Sunday in 1996 was bittersweet for me . As a single mother I 2 to think of my shortcomings how many evenings I couldnt spend with my childre

19、n , and how many things I couldnt 3 my waitress salary to buy .But that 4 kids I had ! My daughter Maria was a senior in college , and Denny was home visiting from his freshman year at Harvard University . They were 5 impolite enough to complain , but there was so much more I 6 I had done for them.

20、I just hoped they 7 .As I walked into the 8 quietly to start breakfast , I was greeted by a vase 9 a dozen red roses ! When had Denny possibly slipped down to leave them ? But even their delicate beauty was overshadowed by the note sitting beside them , in the quick , manly 10 of an eighteen-year-ol

21、d. It was about a story that happened between Denny and me long ago . It 11 :She took a day off from her busy 12 to take the boy to see his hero in the flesh at the stadium . It took 3.5hours just to get there , and they had to be there early 13 he could see his hero take batting practice . 14 their

22、 arrival , she took her hard-earned money to buy an overpriced Tshirt on which was 15 his hero making a diving catch . After the game , of course he had to 16 his heros signature , so she stayed with the little boy 17 one olock in the morning It took me long enough to 18 it , but I finally know who

23、the 19 hero is . Mom, I love you !And suddenly , it was a 20 Mothers Day , after all .1Aadmit Badopt Cdeny Drefuse 2Aintended Bliked Ctended Dhesitated 3Astress Bspare Cstrengthen Dspend 4Apoor Bgreat Cfaithless Dpretty 5Amerely Busually Cnever Doften 6Awished Bhoped Cexpected Ddesired 7Asupported B

24、understood Capproved Ddisgusted 8Aliving-room Bkitchen Cbed room Dstudy 9Aincluding Bcontaining Cpossessing Dpinning 10Ahandwriting Bdescription Ctone Dscratch 11Awrote Brecorded Cmemorized Dread 12Aevent Bcontent Cschedule Dcircumstance 13Aor Bfor Cbut Dso 14AAt BIn COn DBy15Aimpressed Bprinted Cpr

25、esented Dpressed 16Abuy Babandon Cget Dswap 17Abefore Buntil Cafter Dwhen 18Asee Bhear Crealize Dtell 19Aactual Btrue Cimaginary Dvisual 20Asad Bbitter Chappy Dexciting 四Steve , a twelveyearold boy with alcoholic parents , was about to be lost forever , by the U.S. education system . He was a big bo

26、y , yet , went 1 until Miss White .Miss White was a smiling , young ,beautiful lady and Steve was in love ! For the first time , he couldnt take his eyes 2 his teacher; yet , still he failed .One day , Miss Whites impatient voice 3 into his daydreams .“Steve ! ! Pay attention!” “Steve 4 his gaze on

27、Miss White , as she began to go over the test 5 .“You all did pretty well,” she told the class , “except for one boy , and 41 breaks my heart to tell you this , but” She 7 , pinning ?Steve to his seat with a 8 stare , her eyes searching his face .“The smartest boy in the seventh grade is failing my

28、class !”Steve 9 his eyes and carefully examined his fingertips .After that , it was 10 ! Steve still wouldnt do his homework . Even as the punishments became more severe , he remained 11 .“Just try it ! ONE WEEK !” He was unmoved .“Give yourself a chance ! Dont 12 up on your life !” Nothing .“Steve

29、! Please ! I care about you !”Wow! 13 , Steve got it ! Someone cared about him ?Steve went home from school, 14 , that afternoon.The following Monday he arrived at school on time . Miss White , gave a quiz on the weekend homework . Steve was the first to 15 his paper . With a look of surprise , Miss

30、 White took his paper . Obviously 16 , she began to look it over . Steve walked back to his desk , his heart 17 within his chest . As he sat down , he couldnt 18 another look at the lovely woman .Miss Whites face was in total shock ! The 19 boy in the seventh grade had just passed his first test !He began to take off ! And he continued this 20 throughout his school life . From that moment nothing was the same for Steve .1Aunnoticed B uncommon Cunknown Dunacceptable 2Aalong Bfro

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