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1、版高考英语大一轮复习第部分模块考点复习Uniifestyles教师用书Unit 1 Lifestyles 对应学生用书P3话题:饮食健康话题单词 / b?l?ns/ n& v平衡;对比 / benft/ n& v利益;受益3health /hel/ n健康 / hel/ adj.健康的5comfortable / k?mft?bl/ adj.舒服的;安逸的 /kj?r ?st/ n好奇心;求知欲7strength /stre/ n强项;长处;力量 /n gri?d?nt/ n成分9smelly / smel/ adj.有臭味的 / vt?mn/ n维生素11limit / lmt/ n界限 v

2、t.限制 /nju tr?n/ n营养13energy / en?d?/ n精力;活力 / fab?/ n纤维;纤维制品话题短语 a lie/tell lies 说谎 frustrated 感到沮丧3follow a place 跟随某人进入某地 a place 迫使某人进入某地5do some research(on) 进行研究 使某人保持健康7a newly-opened restaurant 一家新开张的餐馆 food 主食9get married 结婚 at 怒视话题句型 is more precious than you keep fit.再也没有什么比你保持健康更珍贵的了。2Acc

3、ording to my personal experience,neither you nor I am likely to persuade him to deal with the matter immediately.根据我的个人经验,你和我都不可能说服他马上处理这件事。3Only in this way can we keep a balance between study and pleasure.只有这样,我们才能在学习和娱乐中保持平衡。4Why not sit down and have a talk?为什么不坐下来谈一谈呢?5Wed better have us runnin

4、g for half an hour every day.我们最好每天让自己跑步半小时。6As everybody knows,it is important to keep the balance of study and pleasure.大家都知道,保持学习和娱乐之间的平衡非常重要。7Exercise is beneficial to our health.运动有益于健康。8The rain made it quite difficult for us to go on a long journey.这场雨使我们长途旅行很困难。话题语篇请以“The Ways to Keep Health

5、y”为题,写一篇短文。提示:1.人人都想保持健康;2.饮食要健康;3.有良好的生活习惯。【话题模板】The Ways to Keep HealthyIn my opinion,everyone hopes to be in good how? Now,Ill share what Ive learnt about it with youYoud better eat more fresh fruit and vegetables,because they have a lot of fiber and should eat less butter,cheese,coffee or chocol

6、ate,for they contain too much sugar and fat,which will make you put on weight quicklySecond,we should form a good habit of life,such as doing exercise regularly and having enough ,dont be too tired and dont we all know,smoking is bad for our healthIn a word,if you want to keep healthy,you should hav

7、e a balanced diet and good living habits.对应学生用书P4.单词过关A拼写单词1 vi. 要紧,有重大关系2 vt. 认为,猜想3 vt. 转换,转变4 vt. 忍耐,忍受5 n&vt. 设计6 adv. 否则;另外7 vt. 减少;降低8 n. 专家9 n. 疾病10 n. 午夜,半夜B拓展单词11 vi.遭受(痛苦),感到疼痛 n苦难;受苦12 vt.更喜欢;宁愿 n喜好;偏爱13 vi.毕业 n毕业14 vt.&n.支持;支撑 n支持者;拥护者15 n挑战 adj.挑战性的16 adj.轻松的,令人放松的 vt.&vi.放松 adj.松懈的;放松的

8、17 adj.厌烦的,不感兴趣的 adj.令人厌烦的;无聊的 n厌烦;无聊18 adj.宁静的;和平的 n和平 adv.和平地;平静地19 adj.社交的;社会的 n社会20 n志愿者 adj.自愿的;志愿的C识记单词21volunteer n v 22diet n v 23social adj. 24formal adj. 25distance n 26urgent adj. 27organise vt. 28advertisement n 29accountant n 30paperwork n D语境运用31I dont want to work under and I am eager

9、 for a job that isnt (stress)32The people hoped that the dispute was to be solved and a agreement could be signed as soon as possible.(peace)33Nowadays with the development of society,many like to do work without any pay.(volunteer)34As a who from a key university,he was offered a satisfactory job a

10、fter (graduate)35Generally speaking,we feel while listening to some music.(relax)36Lucy sweets as her snacks while Lily has a for nuts.(prefer)答案:B;suffering;preference;graduation;supporter;challenging;relax;relaxed;boring;boredom;peace;peacefully;society;voluntaryC21.志愿者自愿提供;自愿做22.饮食;节食节食,按规定进食23.社

11、交的;社会的24.正式的,合礼仪的25.距离26.急迫的,紧急的27.组织28.广告29.会计(师)30.日常文书工作D;stressful;peacefully;peace33volunteers;voluntary;graduated;graduation;relaxing;preference.短语排查A短语翻译1 (铃、爆竹等)响2 占据;开始从事;拿起3 充满着4 忍受,遭受5 此刻,目前6 数年间7 弄清,查明8 结果9 换衣服,更衣10 轮流做某事11 在中起作用12 追上,赶上;想出,找到13 盼望,期望14 除之外还;和15 有影响;起作用B选词填空(选用A中短语填空)1We

12、 are really seeing you again.2The thieves ran away when the burglar alarm 3Marias mother isnt often headaches.4It is often the little details that 5They a good suggestion for putting out more cars at the meeting yesterday.6He horror when he heard the bad news.7He drank too much last night. ,he overs

13、lept this morning.8Im sorry Ive already so much of your valuable time.答案: off up filled with4suffer from the moment the years sure a result changed turns to do sth. a role/part in up with forward to well as a differenceB forward to off from4make a difference up with filled with7As a result up.句式仿写1教

14、材原句What kind of lifestyle do you think the people have?你认为这些人有什么样的生活方式?仿写运用你认为谁应该对这次事故负责? is to blame for the accident?2教材原句I always take my portable TV and I sit on the stone wall while the dog walks round in a circle.我总是随身带着手提电视,我坐在石墙上,而小狗围着我转圈。仿写运用儿子在家吃美食而父母却在田里辛勤劳作。The son was having a good meal

15、 at home the parents were working hard in the fields.3教材原句Usually,its so crowded that I cant find anywhere to sit.通常地铁很拥挤,以至于我找不到坐的地方。仿写运用歌曲小苹果如此优美,以至于我百听不厌。The song Small Apples sounds I want to listen to it again and again.4教材原句We dont have the same work hours that office workers in the city have.

16、我们和城市里在办公室工作的人的上班时间不同。仿写运用我们英语老师穿着昨天的那件衣服。Our English teacher wore he did yesterday.答案: do you think sweet that4the same clothes that.课文回扣语法填空In the morning Brian Blakey doesnt get up 1. (immediate)He turns on the television and watches the childrens programmes and old movies 2. about half past he 3

17、. (go)downstairs and switches on the TV in the 4. (live) noon he has biscuits and a glass of milk 5. lunch and watches the the evenings,he often watches TV series or sport and the news usually switches 6. the TV at about 2:00.Bob Black always gets up early and usually wakes up about 5 minutes 7. his

18、 alarm clock goes he is always the first person 8. (get)to the is very busy all minute of the day is filled with urgent . he gets home,he looks at some documents that he brings back from the office so that he can be ready for the next days seldom has time for family complains about it,10. he likes b

19、eing busy.答案: get 对应学生用书P51matter vi.要紧;有重大关系;n.情况;事态;问题(1)It doesnt matter. 没关系/不要紧。(2)a matter of . 的问题as a matter of fact 其实,事实上Whats the matter with .? 怎么样?(1)It doesnt matter whether you will come or not.你来不来关系不太大。(2)Of course we should reduce the effect of pollution,which is a matter of life a

20、nd death.当然我们应该减少污染的影响,这可是生死攸关的事情。(3)As a matter of fact,I was the one who did it.其实,做这件事的人就是我。即学即练单句语法填空(1)I cant say which wine is bestits matter of personal taste.(2)He went over and asked was the matter.(3) matters is not what you say but what you do.(4) a matter of fact,Ive never been there bef

21、ore.答案:(1)a(2)what(3)What(4)As2suppose v认为;猜想;假设;假定(1)be supposed to . 应该;被认为是be supposed to have done . 本该做(但实际上未做)I suppose so(not). 我想(不)会的。(2)suppose/supposing(that) 引导条件状语从句,相当 于if,表示“如果,假设”。(1)You look air and the seafood in Sanya must agree with you,I suppose.你看起来气色很好。我想三亚的空气和海鲜一定适合你。(2)You s

22、hould apologize to her,Barry.I suppose so,but its not going to be easy.Barry,你应该向她道歉。我认为如此,但那不会很容易的。即学即练(1)单句语法填空 (suppose)she doesnt come,what shall we do?The message is very important,so it is supposed (send)as soon as possible.Alice,you are supposed (take)part in the party in time.Sorry,but I had

23、 an unexpected visitor.(2)同义句改写He should help me,but he didnt.(用suppose改写) 答案:(1)Supposing/Supposeto be sentto have taken(2)He was supposed to have helped me.3switch v转变;转换(change;exchange);n.开关;转换(1)switch on 接上;打开switch off 切断;关掉switch over 转换频道;转变switch to 变换到(2)make a switch 进行改变(1)Switch off wh

24、en youve finished using the electric typewriter.电动打字机用完后,要关掉开关。(2)The switch to a free market economy will not be easy.向自由市场经济的转变并不容易。即学即练单句语法填空(1)When we switch electricity,we get heat from an electric heater.(2)Mobile phones must be switched before you enter the golf courses.(3)The law would encou

25、rage companies to switch from coal cleaner fuels.答案:(1)on(2)off(3)to4suffer v(因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦,受难,受折磨(to be badly affected);遭受,经受(experience);感到疼痛;得病(1)suffer pain/defeat/hardship 遭受痛苦/失败/艰难suffer from 受折磨;患病(2)suffering n. 痛苦;苦恼;让人痛苦的事(3)sufferer n. 患者;受害者(1)His leg was broken and he suffered great pa

26、in.他的腿断了,遭受了巨大的痛苦。(2)This act hurt the people of all countries that once suffered from Japanese aggression and colonial rule.这种行为是对曾经遭受日本侵略和殖民统治的各国人民感情的伤害。注意suffer和suffer from一般不用于被动语态。即学即练完成句子(1)这条河流已经遭受了如此严重的污染。The river has already.(2)现在才清理这条河流恐怕已为时已晚。It may be clean up the river now.(3)用with复合结构

27、把(1)、(2)合并为一个高级句式。 ,it may be too late to clean up the river now.答案:(1)suffered such heavy pollution(2)too late to(3)With the river having suffered such heavy pollution already5prefer v更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物);宁愿(1)prefer to do/doing . 更喜欢做prefer do . 喜欢让某人做prefer doing A to doing B 和B相比更喜欢做Aprefer to do

28、 .rather than do .宁可做也不做(2)have a preference to 优先考虑(3)would rather do .than do .would do .rather than do . 宁愿做而不愿做(1)With this experience,they will certainly prefer to help others in future just like the laundry woman has done.有了这样的经历,他们在将来一定会像这位洗衣女工一样去帮助别人。(2)I prefer red wine to white.我喜欢红葡萄酒,不太喜

29、欢白的。(3)I prefer you not to go there alone.我倒更愿意你不单独前往 。(4)I have a preference for wild release,because it is very convenient for the other persons who want to read books.我更喜欢自由分享,因为这对其他喜欢读书的人来说非常方便。即学即练(1)句型转换I prefer walking to driving to work.I rather than drive to work.I prefer to take some exercise outside rather than play computer games at home on Sundays.I take some exercise outside play computer games at home on Sundays.I take some exercise outside play computer games at home on Sundays.(2)一句多译她更喜欢和我们一起去而不愿独自留下。 (prefer to do than do sth.) (prefer doing doing sth.

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