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1、八年级英语下册重点总结第一单元一、 学习目标通过做预言,谈论未来发生的事情。用一般过去时、一般现在时和一般将来时谈论过去、现在和将来发生的事情。能用上述三种时态谈论自己或他人的过去、现在和未来。二、 词汇和短语I dont agree. = I disagree. 我不同意。I agree (with you). 我同意。in five years 五年后on computers 在电脑上on paper 在纸上besides 除此之外on vacation= on holiday 在度假no more= no longer 不再 as a reporter 作为记者free time 空闲时

2、间fall in love with 爱上,喜欢上like doing sth= enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事keep a parrot 养鹦鹉be able to do. 能够Are you kidding? 你开玩笑的吧?三、 知识点 1in prep在之后(用于将来时) in l00 years 在一百年后 People will have robots in their homes in 100 years 一百年以后,人们家中会有机器人。 比较:after在之后(用于过去时,表示从过去某时间起一段时间之后) He will come back in two hours他

3、两小时后会回来。 He came back after two hours 他是两小时后回来的。2fall in love with. 爱上 Last year l visited the art exhibition and fell in love with the work Of Picasso 去年我参观了艺术展,爱上了毕加索的作品。3a kind of. 一种 some kinds of. 几种 a kind of book 一种书 five kinds of flowers 五种花 many different kinds of golden fish 各种不同的金鱼 (fish单

4、复数相同,此处是复数)4as well as 也;与too同义。 He likes this book and he likes that book, too Or: He likes this book as well as that hook他喜欢这本书,也喜欢那本书。 She can come here, too Or: She can come here as well她也能来。5worth 值;值得;相当于的价值 This house is worth $l0 000这个房子价值一万美元。 be (well)worth doing sth(很)值得做 That film is (we

5、ll)worth seeing那部电影(很)值得看 These books are worth reading twice这几本书值得看两遍7knock down. 击倒,撞倒;拆除 knock down the pins击倒球柱 knock down the machine拆除机器 knock组成的词语还有: knock on(at)the door敲门 knock into sb撞了某人四、 语法小结1用be going to do表示将来:主要意义,一是表示打算做某事。 Are you going to post that letter? 你准备去寄那封信吗? I am going to

6、 book a ticket. 我准备去订票。 另一意义是表示“预见”,即现在已有迹象表明将要发生某种情况。 Its going to rain. 要下雨了。2. 用will/ shall do表示将来: 主要意义,一是表示预见。 You will feel better after taking this medicine. 吃了药之后,你会感觉好点. Do you think it will rain? 你认为会下雨吗? 二是表示意图. I will not lend the book to you. 我不会把这本书借给你的。 Take it easy, I will not do it

7、any longer. 放心吧,我不会再这样做了。 基本结构: She will come to have class tomorrow. 她明天来上课。 Will she come to have class tomorrow? 她明天来上课吗? She wont come to have class tomorrow. 她明天不来上课。 What will she do tomorrow? 她明天打算做什么?3、There be结构 1. therebe结构中的be是可以运用各种时态的。 There is going to be a meeting tonight. 今晚有个会议。 The

8、re was a knock at the door. 有人敲门。 There has been a girl waiting for you. 有个女孩一直在等你。 2. 动词be单复数形式要跟there be之后的真正的主语一致。并且要根据就近一致原则来变换be的单复数形式。 如: Thereisabookonthedesk.课桌上有一本书。 Howmanypeoplearethereinthecity?这个城市里有多少人口。 Thereisapenandtwobooksonthedesk.课桌上有一个钢笔和两本书。 Therearetwobooksandapenonthedesk.课桌上

9、有两本书和一个钢笔。 3、Thereisnodoing. (口语)不可能. Thereisnotellingwhenhewillbeback. 无法知道他什么时候回来。 Thereisnoknowingwhatheisdoing. 无法知道他在做什么。 第二单元一、 学习目标学会谈论有关生活中的问题。学会针对别人的问题给出建议。能针对所提出的建议做出评价。二、 词汇和短语want sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事 stay at home 呆在家argue with sb / have an argument with sb.和某人争论 be out of style过时 write

10、 sb a letter/write to给某人写信 on the phone 在电话里pay for sth 给某物付钱get a part-time job 得到一份兼职borrow sth. from sb.从某人那里接到某物 ask sb. for向某人要某物 find out找出;查明 the same as 像一样get on well with sb.与某人相处好 have a fight with sb. 和某人打架prepare for为做准备 be used to doing 习惯于做某事 三、知识点1argue v争论;争吵argue with sb与某人吵架I argu

11、ed with my best friend我和我的好朋友吵架了。2either adv.(用于否定句)也 He doesnt have any money, and I dont, either他没有钱,我也没有。too 也(用于肯定或疑问句)Im a teacherHe is a teacher, too我是老师,他也是老师。3ask (sb)for sth向某人寻求某物;要 Dont ask for food every dayGo and find some work别天天要饭,找点儿工作做。 I dont think you should ask your parents for s

12、ome money我想你不应该向父母要钱。4the same as. 与相同The clothes are the same as my friends这些衣服与我朋友的一样。Tom is the same age as Anna Tom is as old as Anna汤姆和安娜一样大。5except 除以外;(不包括在内)My class has been invited except me Only I havent been invited除我以外,我的同学都被邀请了。All the students went to the park except him Only he didnt

13、 get to the park 除他以外,所有的学生都去了公园。besides 除以外(包括在内) We all went there besides him He went thereWe went there, too除他去以外,我们也都去了。6wrong adj错误的;有毛病的;不合适的 Whats wrong with you? 你怎么了?(你哪里不舒服?) Ive got a headache我头痛。adv错误地;不正确地;不对地 He answered wrong他答错了。7get on well with sb与某人相处融洽The students get on well wi

14、th the teacher学生会和老师相处得非常好。We get on well with each other我们彼此相处融洽。8have a fight with sb fight with sb与某人打架I dont want to have a fight with my cousin我不想和我的堂兄打架。四、语法总结情态动词(Modal Verbs )* 情态动词也可称为“情态助动词 (Modal Auxiliaries)”,因为它和基本助动词(be,do, have)都属于助动词类。* 情态动词和其他动词连用,可表示说话人的语气。* 情态动词可表达建议、要求、可能和意愿等。* 情

15、态动词没有人称和数的变化。* 常用的情态动词有:can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would这九大情态动词;其他的还有ought to, need, dare 等。 一、九大情态动词的时态关系:1. 现在式 can - 过去式 could2. 现在式 may - 过去式 might3. 现在式 shall - 过去式 should4. 现在式 will - 过去式 would5. 现在式 must - 过去式 must (常用had to来代替) 二、情态动词表示“可能”或“预测”(can, could, will, woul

16、d, shall, should, must, ought to) (1)can 和 could 用于表示“可能”或“预测”:1. He cant be at home. (否定句) 他不可能在家。 2. Can the news be true ? (将情态动词 can 置于主语 the news 前就成疑问句) 这消息可能是真的吗? 3. Anybody can make mistake. (只表示理论上的可能性) 任何人都可能犯错误。 (2)may 和 might 用于表示“事实上的可能性”或“预测”:1. It may rain tomorrow. (表示可能会发生) 明天可能会下雨。

17、 2. It may snow later this afternoon. (表示预测) 今天下午可能会下雪。 3. You might be right. (表示有可能) 你可能是对的。 (3)will 和 would 用于表示“预测”或“习惯性”:1. I think he will be all right now. (will be 表示一定会) 我想他现在一定好了。 2. That would be his mother.(would be 表示肯定是) 那肯定是他母亲。 3. He will sit there hour after hour looking at the rive

18、r.(will 表示经常的) 他经常一连几个小时坐在那儿看着河水。 (4)shall 和 should 用于表示“会是,应该是”:1. I shall be rich one day. (shall be ) 总有一天我会发财的。 2. That should be Sam and his mother. (should be) 那应该是Sam 和他的母亲。 (5)must 用于表示“必定”,“必会”:1. This must be good for you.(must be 肯定) 这肯定对你是有益的。 2. All mankind must die.(表示必然会发生的事) 所有的人一定会死

19、的。 3. Mustnt there be a mistake ? (mustnt 多用于疑问句) 那肯定会有错误吗? 三、情态动词表示“许可”、“请求”(can, could, will, would, shall, should, may, might, must) (1)can 和 could 用于表示“许可”、“请求”:1. Can I go with you ? (请求) 我能跟你一起走吗? 2. Father said I could go to cinema. (表示过去的许可) 爸爸说我可以去看电影。 3. Could I ask you something ? (请求,用 c

20、ould 比 can 更婉转) 我可以问你一件事吗? (2)will 和 would 用于表示“请求”1. Will you kindly tell me the way to the post office ?(表示客气请求) 请问到邮局怎么走? 2. Would you give me your address ? (用 would 比 will 表示更客气) 请你告诉我你的地址,好吗? (3)shall 和 should 用于第一人称,表示征求对方的意见1. Shall we talk? 我们谈谈好吗? 2. What should we do next ? (用should 比 sha

21、ll 表示更客气) 下一步我们该怎么做? 3. Shall he come to see you ? (用于第三人称疑问句) 要不要他来看你? (4)may 和 might 用于表示“许可”(口语中多用 can )1. You may take a walk. (表示给予许可)=can 你可以散散步。 2.May I make a suggestion? 我可以提个建议吗? 3. Might I take a look of your work? (比may更婉转) 我看看您的大作行吗? 4. Students may not make noise in the library. (may n

22、ot 表示不许可或禁止) 学生不得在图书馆里吵闹。 (5)must 用于表示“禁止”,“不准”:1. Cars must not be parked here. (must not表示不许可) 此地不准停车。 2. All of you mustnt fishing in the pool. (must not 语气方面比 may not 更强) 你们不准在池里钓鱼。第三单元一、 学习目标学会过去进行时的基本结构与用法学会简单描述过去发生的事情学会讲简单的故事二、词汇和短语get out (of)从中出来 in front of / in the front of在前面 take off起飞

23、land on着陆 shout to / at对大喊大叫 run away逃跑 come in进来 hear about 听说sth happen to sb某人发生某事 take place发生as. as 和一样三、知识点1cut v切;剪;割 Be carefulDont cut yourself小心,别切到自己。2alien n外星人 Nobody knows whether there are aliens or not没人知道到底有没有外星人。3land v登岸;登陆;降落 The plane will land in ten minutes飞机将在十分钟后降落。4while co

24、nj当的时候;在之时 While I danced, she sang我跳舞,她唱歌。5right adv正好;恰好 The accident happened right over there事故正好发生在那里。6surprised adj惊奇的;吃惊的 I was surprised that he was late for the party我很惊讶他聚会居然迟到了。7kid v欺骗;哄骗 Im not kidding you我没有骗你。8anywhere adv到处;无论哪里(用于否定句中) Did you go anywhere yesterday? 你昨天去没去过什么地方?9hap

25、pen v发生 A funny thing happened in the subway yesterday 昨天地铁里发生了一件有趣的事。 happen to +名词 发生于身上 She hoped nothing bad would happen to him她希望不会有坏事发生在他身上。10get out of 从出去 She tried to get out of helping her mother她尽量逃避帮助她的妈妈。11run away 跑开;迅速离开;逃走 The thief ran away when someone noticed him当有人注意到他的时候,那个贼立刻逃

26、走了。12at the doctors 在诊所;在医院 在表示诊所、店铺或某人的家时,经常用名词所有格的形式。Im thinking of going to the tailors.我在想到裁缝店去一趟。 She is staying at Marys她住在玛莉家。四、语法小结过去进行时表示过去正在进行或发生的动作,常和表过去的时间状语连用,如: I was doing my homework at this time yesterday.昨天的这个时候我正在做作业。 They were waiting for you yesterday.他们昨天一直在等你。 过去进行时的构成:肯定形式:主语

27、+was/were+V-ing否定形式:主语+was not (wasnt)/were not (werent)+V-ing疑问形式:Was/Were+主语+V-ing。基本用法:1.过去进行时表示过去某一段时间或某一时刻正在进行的动作。常与之连用的时间状语有,at that time/moment, (at) this time yesterday (last night/Sunday/week), at+点钟+yesterday (last night / Sunday),when sb. did sth等时间状语从句,如: What were you doing at 7p.m. yes

28、terday?昨天晚上七点你在干什么? I was cooking when she knocked at the door.她敲门时我正在做饭。 2. when后通常用表示暂短性动词;while后通常用表示持续性动词,谓语动词常用进行时态,如: When the car exploded I was walking past it.= While I was walking past the car it exploded. 第四单元一、 学习目标了解直接引语和间接引语会用以上两种方式转达别人的话语二、 词汇和短语first of all 首先pass on 传递be supposed to 被期望或被要求. .do better in 在.方面做得更好be in good health 身体健康report card 成绩单get over 克服;恢复;原谅open up 打开care for 照料;照顾

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