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1、河北省保定市学年八年级英语下学期期末调研试题人教新目标版河北省保定市2017-2018学年八年级英语下学期期末调研试题 注意事项:1、本试卷分卷和卷两部分。卷为选择题,卷为非选择题。2、本试卷共120分,听力30分,笔试90分;考试时间120分钟。3、听力部分共包括两小节;第一节在卷,第二节在卷。完成第一节后,请根据录音指令,在卷完成第二节。4、答案一律填在答题纸上,答在卷无效,交卷只交答题纸。卷I(选择题,共75分)听力部分(第一节). 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)1. A. homework B. housework C. hard work2. A.

2、12:00 B. 12:15 C. 12:503. A. put on B. go on C. try on4. A. I like collecting tea sets. B. I need some tea sets. C. Im buying tea sets.5. A. Students usually fight with classmates. B. Students want to fight with classmates. C. Students shouldnt fight with classmates. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)6.

3、 A. Never mind. B. Yes. Here you are. C. No, thanks. 7. A. Humorous. B. Sunny but cool. C. Tall and thin. 8. A. Certainly not. B. All right. C. Im sorry to hear that. 9. A. Me neither. B. Id like to. C. I hope not. 10. A. Three bottles. B. Three times. C. Three kilometers. . 听对话和问题, 选择正确答案。(共8小题,每小题

4、1分,计8分)11. What sport is the most popular in the womans country?A. B. C. 12. What will the girl eat?A. B. C. -13. When does the film start? A. At 7:00. B. At 7:30. C. At 8:00.14. Where will the speakers meet?A. In the cinema. B. In a cafe. C. In a park. -15. Where does the conversation probably take

5、 place?A. In the restaurant. B. In Mr. Smiths house. C. In Mrs. Kings house16. What does Mr. Smith think of the tea?A. Delicious. B. Strange. C. Sweet. 17. Where is the tea produced? A. In Yunnan. B. In Hainan. C. In Henan. 18. What is the cup made of?A. Glass. B. Gold. C. Silver. 听短文和问题,选择正确答案。(共7小

6、题,每小题1分,计7分)19. When did the speaker go to the beach?A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening.20. Why did the speaker go to the beach?A. To go for a picnic. B. To go swimming C. To see the sea. 21. How did the speaker go to the beach? A. On foot. B. By car. C. By bus.-22. When is th

7、e best time to go to the hotel?A. In June B. In July. C. In August. 23. Where is the hotel built?A. In a mountain. B. On a farm. C. On an island. 24. How many bedrooms are there in the hotel? A. 30. B. 36. C. 50.25. What is the hotel restaurant famous for? A. Its potatoes. B. Its tomatoes. C. Its fi

8、sh. 笔 试 部 分.单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。26. -How well she sings! -Yes, she has a very sweet .A. sound B. voice C. noise D. mouth27. Teenagers should learn to protect from all kinds of danger.A. them B. they C. themselves D. their28. Many old people often get up early to some fresh air. A.

9、take up B. take in C. take off D. take out29. The village is very famous. people visit it every year.A. Thousand of B. A thousand of C. Thousands of D. Two thousands30. Dont keep silent the face of the school violence(校园暴力).A. on B. with C. in D. at31. She used to in the morning, but now she is used

10、 to at night.A. read; read B. read; reading C. reading; read D. reading; reading32. -When will Tom get to the station?-Im not sure, but he will call you as soon as he .A. will arrive B. arrives C. arrived D. was arriving33. He didnt give me anything. , he asked me for something.A. Instead B. Instead

11、 of C. So D. Because34. I met a good friend of mine while I on the street.A. walks B. walk C. was walking D. were walking 35. Hurry up! The piano concert for five minutes.A. will be on B. began C. has begun D. has been onVI. 完型填空。(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。A group of frogs(

12、青蛙) were traveling through the forests, but unluckily two of them fell into a hole. The other frogs tried to help them. When they saw how 36 the hole was, they cried to the two frogs, “We cant save you.” The two frogs didnt 37 and tried their best to jump up out of the hole. The other frogs 38 sayin

13、g that they were sure to die. 39 , one of the two frogs, who he heard what the others frogs were saying, 40 . Then he fell down and died. The other one, however, 41 to jump as hard as he could, and at last he succeeded. When he 42 , the other frogs asked, “Didnt you hear us?” The frog, who had a poo

14、r 43 , explained, “I thought you were encouraging me all the time.”The story teaches us a 44 : There is power of life and death in the tongue. An 45 word to those who are down can help them out while a discouraging word can kill them.36. A. small B. deep C. big D. wide37. A. care B. refuse C. insist

15、 D. think38.A.kept B. finished C. practiced D. stopped39. A. Luckily B. Finally C. Suddenly D. Happily40.A. went on B. ran away C. jumped out D. gave up41.A.happened B. continued C. planned D. out B. ran away C. got off D. work up43.A.smelling B. eyesight C. hearing D. looking44.A. wa

16、y B. skill C. sentence D. lesson45.A. interesting B. exciting C. excellent D. encouraging.阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)阅读A、B、C三篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。AWe have now known something about computers-computers work for us at home, in offices and in factories. But it is also true that many children today are u

17、sing computers at schools before they can write. What does this mean for the future? Are these children lucky or not? Many people do not know about computers and they think of them as machines that children play with. They worry that children do not learn from experience but just from pressing a but

18、ton and that this is not good for them. They think that children are growing not knowing about the real world. And they are very worried about that their children will lose themselves in the computer games. But many people understand more about computers, they say that computers can be very good for

19、 children. A computer can help them to learn about the real world more quickly, to learn what they want to learn and think for themselves. And for the future, dont we need people who can think clearly, who know how to get information quickly and use it well? What do you think? For example, e-mail is

20、 very popular at this moment. Do you know about e-mail? E-mail is a way of sending messages to other people. E-mail is a fast and cheap way to keep in touch with friends and family members. Its much quicker than sending a letter. People who use e-mail have an e-mail address. This address must have l

21、etters and dots and the symbol “” meaning “at”. This is what an address looks like. People can send the messages across the Internet. It is quick, easy and fun.46. Who usually use computers at school? A. The old people. B. The teachers. C. The children. D. The parents.47. What can computers help chi

22、ldren to do? A. To think clearly, to do homework and to write. B. To play games, to do math and to copy. C. To think clearly, to get information quickly and to use it well. D. To count, to clean the house and to get information.48. If you know about computers, you must know the letter“”means_ A. a.

23、B. an. C. at. D. app.49. What does the writer think of the computers? A. Its a bad thing. B. Its a good thing. C. Its not good or bad. D. Sorry, I dont know.50. Whats the best title of this passage? A. Computers are Good for Children B. Computers are Bad for Children C. Are Computers Good or Bad for

24、 Children D. Computers are not useful for Children BThere are some easy things you can do to protect the environment and the earth. Choose ideas from the list or come up with a few of your own.Plant flowers, grass or trees.Whenever you visit a park or beach, take away what you bring there-keep rubbi

25、sh in a bag until you can put it in a dustbin(垃圾箱).Turn off the lights, TV sets when you leave the room. This saves a lot of electricity. Turn off the tap(水龙头) when you brush your teeth. You can save some water by not letting it run. Also, use a glass cup instead of a paper cup because this saves pa

26、per. Keep the doors and windows closed in winter to keep warm air in. Give your old books and magazines to a library instead of throwing them away.Give your old clothes to poor children you know instead of throwing them away.Use both sides of paper.Stop pouring dirty water into the rivers or the lak

27、es nearby.Encourage all your friends to do the same things you do to help protect the earth.You dont have to wait until Earth Day to do these things. Make every day Earth Day.If everyone makes a contribution(贡献) to protecting the environment,the world will become much more beautiful.51.From the abov

28、e,we know that this is .A. a sign B. a notice C .an advertisement D .a proposal(提议)52.The writer tells us .A. to throw rubbish into a dustbin B. to pour dirty water into the riverC. to save water by letting it run while we are brushing our teethD. that we cant do all these things until Earth Day53.W

29、e can to save paper.A. use a paper cup B. use both sides of paperC. give old books to a library D. pick up waste paper at school54.Which of the following is WRONG according to the writer?A. Turn off the lights when you leave the room.B. Close the doors in winter.C. Use a paper cup when you brush you

30、r teeth.D. Give your old cloths to the poor children.55.The main idea of this passage is how to .A. save money B. save water and electricityC. make better use of old things D. protect the earth CYou dont have to feel terrible all the time on school days. Your school days can be some of your happiest time! Yes, it is possible. Let me tell you what you should do. On every weekend, take a piece of paper and write down the title “My Schedule”. Under it, you write the days of the week. Next to the days you can write what you should

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