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高一英语unit 12 art and literature一周强化新人教版.docx

1、高一英语unit 12 art and literature一周强化新人教版Unit 12 Art and literature一周强化一、本单元重、难点单词及词组:1comedy n. 喜剧(C & U)主要用法:(1)一部喜剧(C)This is a comedy. 这是一部喜剧。(2)喜剧;喜剧性(U)The actor liked working in comedy because he loved to make people laugh.这个演员喜欢喜剧,因为他爱逗别人笑。(喜剧)I like Shakespeares comedy, even in his most seriou

2、s play.我喜欢莎士比亚的喜剧性,即使在他最严肃的剧本中亦然。(喜剧性)2exhibition n. 展览会;展览品主要用法:(1)展览会(a public show of objects)例如:an international trade exhibition 国际贸易展览(2)用于词组on exhibition 展览(being shown publicly)例如:Some of the childrens paintings are now on exhibition at the school.学生的一些图画正在学校展览。(相当于be on show)(3)用于词组make an

3、exhibition of oneself,意为“当众出丑”(to behave foolishly in public)例如:Get up off the floor and stop making such an exhibition of yourself.从地上爬起来,别再当众出丑了。派生词:exhibit v. 展览;显示(感情、本质)等3power n.(1)体能,智能(a sense /ability that forms part of the nature of body /mind),常作不可数名词。例如:Man is the only animal that has th

4、e power of speech.人是唯一能说话的动物。Some animals have the power to see in the dark.有些动物在黑暗中能看见东西。(2)(办事)能力,作此义词常与the连用,作不可数名词(the ability to do sth or produce a certain effect)。例如:She claims to have the power to see the future.她自称能预知未来。He did everything in his power to comfort her.他尽力安慰她。(相当于He tried his b

5、est /did all he could to comfort her.)(3)力量(force; strength)作不可数名词。例如:You can really feel the power of the sun sitting out here.你真正能感觉到太阳的力量。(4)军力(常与其它词连用构成合成式名词)。例如:Formerly, sea power gave big nations influence over others.以前海军的力量能使强国影响其它国家。(海军)(5)势力;影响力(control over others; influence),用作不可数名词。例如:

6、The power of the church in national affairs has lessened.教会对国事的影响力已减弱了。(6)权力(right to govern /to give orders)作不可数名词。例如:Which political party is in power now?现在哪一政党执政?(7)权限(right to act given by law, rule, or official position)例如:Only certain directors in the company have the power to sign company ch

7、eques.公司中只有几个董事有权签公司的支票。(8)有势力者(有时大写,a person, group, nation, etc. that has influence /control)Davis is a power in this firm, it would be unwise to quarrel with him.戴维斯在公司里很有势力,与他争吵是不智之举。There is to be a meeting of the Great Powers.列强势将开一次会。(the largest and strongest states in the world)(9)常用作结合式,指“

8、力”。Mills used to depend on wind power or water power.磨坊过去依赖风力或水力操作。(10)动力(作不可数名词the degree of this force produced by something)What is the power of this engine?这引擎的动力是多少?(11)(数学)乘方The amount 2 to the power of 3 is written 23, and means 222.2的三次方写为23,它的意思是222.(12)a power of n. (U),相当于a large amount o

9、f 或a great deal of 指“大量的”。例如:Your visit did me a power of good.你来看我对我很有益处。More power to your elbow!祝你成功!(相当于May your efforts succeed!)派生词:powerful adj. 强力的opp. powerless adj. 无力的,无能的相关搭配:power politics(常贬义)强权外交 power station发电厂4trick n.(1)戏法;把戏;花样。例如:No one understood how I did the card tricks.谁都不懂我

10、要牌的戏法是怎么回事。(2)窍门;决窍。例如:John taught me the trick of pouring wine without dropping any.约翰教我斟酒时不滴一滴的决窍。(3)诡计,圈套。例如:He got the money by a trick.他这钱是骗来的。(4)恶作剧。例如:The children loved playing tricks on their teacher.小孩爱跟老师恶作剧。(play tricks on;play a trick on拿恶作剧)(5)怪癖He has a trick of looking at people stra

11、ight in the eye to make them feel guilty.他有个怪癖喜欢盯着别人,使别人觉得不自在。(6)开无聊玩笑What a nasty trick to play on someone whos supposed to be your friends!对自己的朋友开这种玩笑太过份了!(7)用于词组do the trick,意为“有效;达到目的”。例如:This medicine ought to do the trick. 这种药应该很灵。(cure the disease)5series (1)n. 连续;系列;连续的(事物)。例如:a concert seri

12、es 一连串的音乐会,相当于a series of concerts.a television series 电视连续剧,相当于a series of show on television.(2)常用于a series of 词组中。例如:a series of questions一系列问题a series of Long March memorial stamps一套长征纪念邮票(3)用于词组in series.意思是“连续地;按顺序排列”。6treat v.主要用法:(1)看待;待遇(to act /behave towards)例如:This firm has always treate

13、d its workers well.该公司一向对员工很好。She treats us as /like children.她把我们当小孩看待。(treatas /like把当看待)(2)处理;使用(deal with)。例如:We treat all requests in the order in which they are received.一切申请我们都依收到的前后次序处理。The glass must be treated with care.这个玻璃杯要小心使用。(3)以为,认为(to regard, consider)。例如:My employer treated our re

14、quests as a joke.老板把我们的要求当玩笑看待。(4)馈赠东西给(某人);请(某人)吃、喝、玩等。例如:Mary always treat her friends to ice cream.玛丽经常请她的朋友吃冰淇淋。(treat sb to sth.请某人)Im going to treat myself to a holiday in Spain next year.我明年要到西班牙度假去。(5)作名词,指“愉快的事”(sth that gives pleasure, joy, or delight, esp. when unexpected)。例如:Its a great

15、treat for her to go to London.到伦敦对她来说是件很开心的事。ones treat指“某人作东”。例如:Now remember this is to be my treat, so Ill pay for everything.别忘记这次由我作东,一切帐都由我付。7come across主要用法:(1)偶然遇见,碰到,相当于come upon. (to meet /discover, esp. by chance).例如:Ive just come across a beautiful poem in this book.我刚在这本书上偶然发现了一首美妙的诗。(c

16、ome across sth)I came across one of my old friends on the street yesterday.昨天我在街上偶然遇见了我的一个老朋友。(come across sb.)(2)发生效果;受欢迎(to be effective and well received).例如:Your speech came across very well; everyone understands your opinion now.你的演说相当成功,大家现在都了解你的看法了。(3)come across as(从行为判断)像是。例如:He came across

17、 (to me) as (being) quite a nice person, really.确实他给我的印象是一个很好的人。8believe in主要用法:(1)信仰;信任(to have faith /trust in sb.)。例如:Many people believe in Jesus Christ.很多人信仰基督教。(信仰)Do you believe in Maxism?你信仰马克思主义吗?(信仰)(2)相信(consider sth to be true /consider sb /sth to exist)。例如:Do you believe in everything t

18、he Bible says?你相信圣经上所说的每句话吗?(3)认为(某事物)有价值to consider (sth) to be of worth 。例如:Jim believes in fresh air and exercise for his health.吉姆相信新鲜空气及运动有益于健康。区别:believe /believe inbelieve相对believe in来说,只是强调表象上的一种相信,如某人的话。believe in 则重在强调对某人的一种内有品质、能力的信赖,也可指某人的一种信仰。例如:I believe him, but I dont believe in him

19、because he always tells lies to me.我相信他说的话,但我并不信任他,因为他总对我撒谎。9habit主要用法:(1)习惯,习性,可作可数名词或不可数名词。例如:I smoke out of habit /by habit, not for pleasure. 我因习惯而非为了乐趣而抽烟。(out of habit / by habit出于习惯)(2)fall /get into the habit of sth /doing sth. 染上习惯。例如:He fell /got into the habit of going away every Saturday

20、 morning.他养成了星期六上午出去的习惯。(3)have /be in a /the habit of 有的习惯。例如:He has the habit of getting up early.他有早起的习惯。(4)It is a habit with sb to do sth. 某人有的习惯。例如:It was a habit with Tom to put his hands in his trousers pockets.汤姆习惯把手插到裤子的口袋里。(5)“戒掉习惯”,例如:It is difficult to break away from a habit.改掉一个习惯是困难的

21、。(break away from a habit.)We must break the child of his habit of biting his nails.我们应该让这孩子改掉咬指甲的习惯。(break sb of ones habit of doing sth.)注意:habit一般指个人的习惯,而custom既可指个人的习惯,也可指团体、单位、民族等的风俗习惯。10shoulder主要用法:(1)n. 肩,肩部。例如:They walked on the street shoulder to shoulder.他们肩并肩地行走在街道上。(shoulder to shoulder

22、 肩并肩地)相关词组:side by side肩并肩地face to face面对面地hand in hand 手拉手地(2)v. 肩负(重担等)。例如:He shoulders the responsibility of high political office.他在担负着高级官职的责任。He shouldered his way through the crowd.他用肩膀在人群中挤过去。(3)be up to ones shoulders深深地陷入。例如:He is up to his shoulders in work.他工作忙得不可开交。11whisper主要用法:(1)vt. &

23、 vi. 低声说话,耳语;交头接耳;嘀咕。例如:Stop whispering in the corner; say whatever it is out loud.不要在角落交头接耳了,有什么话就大声说出来。(vi.)She whispered a few words weakly before she fell down.在她倒下前,她有气无力地说了几个字。(vt.)(2)(通常指风)飒飒、沙沙地响。例如:The wind is whispering in the roof.风在屋顶上沙沙地响。(3)将(秘密)传开His adventures have been whispered thr

24、ough the village.His adventures have been whispered about /everywhere.他的历险事迹已经传遍了全村/传开了/传遍各地。将(秘密)传开,常用被动语态(4)n. 耳语,低声,私话(作可数名词)例如:She said it in a whisper, so I couldnt hear.她低声地说,我听不清。(in a whisper)I can hear the whisper of the wind in the roof.我能听到屋顶上沙沙地响的风声。Ive heard a whisper that old Bills goi

25、ng to lose his job next month.谣传说老比尔下个月要丢差事了。(流言,谣言,传闻)12character主要用法:(1)字。例如:Chinese has no alphabet and is written in characters.中文没有字母,是“字”写成的。(2)文字或图形。例如:I wish this book were written in bigger characters, these are so difficult to read.这本书的字体大一点就好了,念起来很吃力。(3)性格;品质。例如:The king is a man of good

26、and noble character.国王有优良高贵的品德。(4)人(非正式)。例如:Some character just walked up and stole her bag.有一个人就这样走过来,偷了她的皮包。(5)(书、剧中)人物。例如:I find all the characters in his new play amusing and interesting.我觉得他的新剧中的人物都很有趣。(6)职位,地位He was there in his character as a town of official. 他以地方官身份出现。(7)用于词组in character中,指

27、“合乎个性”。out of character指“与个性不符”派生词:characteristic adj. 典型的,有特性的n. 典型;特征二、重难点句子1fill in the missing information below.填出下面省略了的信息。(1)missing在句中作定语意为“省略的”,below作后置定语,类似的有above, else等置于所修饰的词后。miss的意义较多,注意掌握。如:Ten hit and one missed.十次打中,一次未中。(错过)That was a lucky miss.幸免于难,真是侥幸。(逃脱)He missed the 9:30 tra

28、in and therefore missed the accident.他没赶上九点半的那班火车,也正因此而逃过那次车祸。(错过)I missed the first part of the speech.我没听到演说的第一部分。We missed seeing that film when it was at the local cinema.那影片在本地电影院上映时我们没去看。(miss doing sth)(2)missing adj. 找不到的,失去的,失踪的。例如:a book with two pages missing 掉了两个页码的一本书the dead, wounded a

29、nd missing 伤亡与失踪的(官兵)missing persons 行踪不明的人2Use the role cards below to act out the situations. 用下面的角色卡片,表演这些情景。act out表演出来c.f. act as 充当担任(角色)。例如:They will act out some folk dances.他们将表演一些民间舞蹈。These men will act as guards in time of danger.这些人在危难时会充当警卫。3His friends help him when he is in trouble.他的

30、朋友在他有麻烦时帮他。be in trouble处于困境之中拓展:be in danger处于危险之中be on fire在着火/失火之中be at breakfast在吃早饭be at school在上学be at table在吃饭be at /out of work上班/失业4If only they could find a way to get to the room, or whatever it was, behind the wall.如果他们真的能够找到一条通向房间的路,或弄清楚那堵墙后面到底是什么就好了。if only“要是,假设”常用来表示愿望或未实现的条件,尤用于感叹句。

31、例如:If only she would marry me!但愿她能嫁给我。If only he had known about it (but he didnt know)!他那时要是知道(但他不知道)这事就好了!5and that not all of them were safe. 并且并非所有的人是安全的。not all of them 意为“并非所有的人”(部分否定)。例如:Not all of us like this film.我们不是都喜欢这部影片。(相当于:All of us dont like this film)注意:not all 和allnot均表示部分否定。如要表示完

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