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1、表达思念的英语句子表达思念的英语句子导读:本文是关于表达思念的英语句子,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、你把花的形象留下,你把花的芬芳留下,你把我们共同浇灌的希望留下。想起你,我的岁月永远鲜艳,永远芳菲。You leave the image of flowers, you leave the fragrance of flowers, and you leave our hope of watering together. I think of you, the time is always bright, forever fangfei.2、思念是一种幸福的忧伤,是一种甜蜜的惆怅,是一

2、种温馨的痛苦。思念是对昨日悠长的沉湎和对未来美好的向往。Missing is a kind of happiness sadness, is a kind of sweet melancholy, is a kind of warm pain. Yearning is yesterdays long indulgence and longing for the future.3、你沐一身晨露,送我一束红玫瑰;你披一身阳光,送我登程去远方。如今,玫瑰依旧,人处两地,星月秋风,相思犹浓。You bathe a dew, send me a bunch of red roses; you dress

3、ed in sunshine, send me off on a journey far away. Today, people still rose, two places, and the autumn wind, Acacia still strong.4、我托空气为邮差,把我热腾腾的问候与思念装订成包裹,印上真心为邮戳,度恒温快递,收件人是你。I take the air as the postman, binding my hot greetings and missing into a package, printed on the sincere postmark, consta

4、nt temperature express, the recipient is you.5、我想把你拥抱,特别在梦里,我想亲吻你脸颊,特别在午夜,不是我不够勇敢,只是距离将你我分离,亲爱的,我好想你。I want to hug you, especially in the dream, I want to kiss your cheeks, especially at midnight, not Im not brave enough, just the distance between you and me, dear, I miss you.6、繁星点点跨越银河能否与你相见?不怕遥远只盼

5、此刻在你身边。往事如烟魂牵梦萦增添我的思念,追寻万年今生情缘不变。Stars across the galaxy can see you? Not afraid of distant, just hope that now at your side. The past, add my thoughts, for million years the same love this life.7、想君、念君、盼君、恋君、醉君、梦君!醉后方知酒浓,别后方知情重!You want to, I hope you love, Nian Jun, Jun, drunk, drunk behind Meng J

6、un! Know wine thick, after re informed!8、人生难得遇到知己,你的言语,眼神,一举一动,都会带来无尽的温馨。漫漫人生路从此,不惧严寒,不太孤独。Rarely encountered in life, intimate friends, your words, eyes, every move, will bring endless warmth. Long life road, from fear of cold, not too lonely.9、我那爱的书签,一千遍一万遍有一种感觉,它没有开端也没有结果,但它却时时刻刻占据我,那就是想你的感觉。My l

7、ove bookmarks, one thousand times, ten thousand times, there is a feeling, it has no beginning and no results, but it always occupy me, that is, the feeling of you.10、想你是痛苦的,那是在我寂寞时想你,想你是甜蜜的,那是在我开心时想你。Miss you is painful, that is in my lonely time miss you, miss you is sweet, that is when I am happy

8、 to miss you.11、我忽略时间,因为等你出现;我忽略距离,因为等你出现;我忽略语言,因为想你一直未变。亲爱的,想你了。I ignore the time, because wait for you to appear; I ignore the distance, because you appear; I ignore the language, because you have not changed. Dear, miss you.12、寒流冷却不了我的热爱,飓风吹不走我的思念,喧哗掩不了我的心声,黑夜盖不了我的深情,我真的好想你!The cold wind can not

9、cool my love, the hurricane can not blow away my yearning, the noise can not cover my voice, the night can not cover my deep feeling, I really miss you!13、你的脸是那么靓,你的人是那么棒,想你想得心慌慌,爱你爱得好紧张,不知怎么把口张。嫁给我好吗?Your face is so beautiful, you are so good, you want to get flustered, loves you so nervous, I do n

10、ot know how the mouth zhang. Will you marry me?14、月亮弯的时候,思念也弯,月亮圆的时候,思念也圆,不论月亮是弯是圆,思念都是一首皎洁的诗。When the moon bends, the yearning also bends, when the moon is round, miss is also round, regardless of the moon is curved, round, miss is a clear poem.15、是哪个粗心的调酒师,把无奈和牵挂调在一起,叫我醉不倒也醒不了,难道爱就是这样的无奈,就是在我想你的时候

11、?Which careless bartender, the helpless and worried tune together, called me drunk can not wake up, love is such a helpless, that is, when I miss you?16、世上最凄绝的距离是两个人本来距离很远,互不相识,忽然有一天,他们相识,相爱,距离变得很近。The longest distance is two people was far distance, strangers, suddenly one day, they met, fell in lo

12、ve, the distance becomes very near.17、和你坐在公园的长椅上,一边看我们各自的书,一边听着我们喜欢的音乐。Sitting on the park bench with you, reading our books, listening to our favorite music.18、岁月如梭,带走了多少快乐,悲伤,带不走的只是记忆,于无声处淡淡的清香。Time flies away, how happy, sad, do not go with just memory, silent faint fragrance.19、不见你娇美的姿容已经一个星期了,真

13、如七年一样。在这七天里,你的倩影无时不刻在我心海浮现!Dont see your charming looks for a week, as the seven year. In these seven days, you have no time to emerge in my heart!20、我那爱的书签一千遍一万遍有一种感觉,它没有开端也没有结果,但它却时时刻刻占据我,那就是想你的感觉。My love bookmarks one thousand times, ten thousand times, there is a feeling, it has no beginning and

14、 no results, but it always occupy me, that is, the feeling of you.21、有些事,有些人,如果刻意的去忘,那麽表示根本不想忘掉,感情到底,真的是自己的事情。Some things, some people, if deliberately forget, so that does not want to forget, the feelings in the end, is really their own thing.22、我不知道离别的滋味是这样凄凉,我不知道说声再见要这么坚强。只有分离,让时间去忘记这一份默契。I do no

15、t know the taste of parting is so desolate, I do not know to say goodbye to be so strong. Only separation, let time to forget this tacit understanding.23、孤单的魂,流泪的眼,寂寞似海,忧伤如帆,欲笺心事无从寄,欲诉相思终无言,好想见,你的脸。Lonely soul, tears in the eyes, lonely as the sea, sad as sail, want to write on the mind, can not sen

16、d, want to appeal to love, finally speechless, good to see, your face.24、假如我变成黄土,黄土也爱着你;假如黄土上长满青草,青草也爱着你;假如青草上挂满露珠,露珠也爱着你。If I become loess, loess will love you; if the grass grows green on the loess, the grass will love you; if the grass is covered with dew, the dew will love you.25、每一段记忆,都有一个密码,而我

17、却忘记了属于你我之间那仅剩的密码。Every memory has a password, and I forget the only password that belongs to you and me.26、你的眼睛眨一眨,我就死去,你的眼睛再眨一眨,我又活了过来,你的眼睛眨来眨去,于是我就死去活来。Your eyes blink, I die, your eyes blink again, I live again, your eyes blink, and I die again.27、想你,思绪如连绵的流云飘向你,时间仿佛不再流动,停留在那美妙的一刻。Think of you, t

18、houghts such as the continuous convective clouds drift to you, time seems to no longer flow, stay in the wonderful moment.28、没有比别离更痛苦的东西了,爱却在遥感与思念中日益深刻,日见清晰。No more painful than parting things, but love is in the remote sensing and missing more and more profound, more clearly.29、日日思君不见君,君可知我一片心,见君心中

19、倍感亲,和君投缘若比邻,思念之心常来侵,赋诗一首为君吟。Do you think Japan and Japan, do you know what I see you a piece of my heart, heart feel close, and you hit it off if the neighbor, the thoughts of the heart to invade, compose a poem for Yin Jun.30、山川河流可以使人与人互相阻隔,却无法将心与心阻隔,无论你走到天涯海角。我的心永远陪伴着你。Mountains and rivers can mak

20、e people and people obstruct each other, but can not be separated from the heart and heart, whether you go to the ends of the earth. My heart is always with you.31、离别时,希望你能记住我。不要问,善变的世界,明天是否依然如故。When you leave, I hope you can remember me. Dont ask the world tomorrow, would it be the same.32、想你的时候,我强

21、迫自己喝下一整瓶的酒,把自己放倒,让思维停止,让思念停止,可醒来后,想你的梦依旧在延续。When I think of you, I forced myself to drink a whole bottle of wine, put myself down, let the mind stop, let the yearning stop, but wake up, want your dream is still in the continuation.33、在童年的那首歌谣里,在翻开却忘记合上的童话里,在花间呢喃的草丛里,我知道,你的笑很美丽,悄悄开在我心里。In the ballad

22、of childhood, in the fairy tale of opening and forgetting, in the grass of whispering flowers, I know, your smile is very beautiful, quietly open in my heart.34、然后有一天,不再相爱了,本来很近的两个人,变得很远,甚至比以前更远。Then one day, no longer fell in love, the very close two people, far away, even farther than before.35、宿命

23、的安排,曾让我们很幸福,到幸福过后,却是永恒的黑暗。The fate of the arrangement, has let us very happy, after happiness, but it is eternal darkness.36、是那个粗心的酒保,把无奈和牵挂调在一起,叫我醉不倒也醒不了,莫非这滋味,就是想你的时候。Is that careless bartender, the helpless and worry tune together, call me drunk can not wake up, can this taste, just think of you.

24、37、思念,是穿过山涧的风,回旋不已,无孔不入。Miss, is through the mountain wind, whirling unceasingly, get in by every opening.38、缘分让我遇见你,感觉让我喜欢你,时间让我爱上你,思念让我记住你,心痛让我想起你。Fate let me meet you, I feel like you, time makes me fall in love with you, miss Let me remember you, heartache reminds me of you.39、你是春天在我的回忆中灿烂,你是水在我

25、的心底温柔,你是远方在我的思念中走近,你是风景在我的人生中永远!You are the spring in my memory brilliant, you are the water in my heart gentle, you are far away in my thoughts, you are the scenery in my life forever!40、人生由多少个偶然构成,有谁能说清楚?每一个偶然带给你的酸甜苦辣,都是你今生最宝贵的财富。How many accidents make up of life, who can say clearly? Every chanc

26、e to bring your ups and downs, is your most valuable wealth in this life.41、若不是因为爱着你,怎么会深夜还没睡意,每个念头都关于你,我想你,好想你。If not for love you, how can the late night not sleepy, each thought is about you, I miss you, miss you.42、自从那次见了你之后,我的灵魂好像被你摄去了一般,你的影子,占据了我每一个记忆。你能理解我的痴心吗?Since the time I saw you, my sou

27、l seems to have been photographed by you, and your shadow has occupied every memory of me. Can you understand me?43、蓝天碧海终有涯,你我之情无时尽,我将浓浓长思念,化作期盼与祝福。The blue sky and the blue sea are bound to last. You and I are in love. I will miss you long and turn into hope and blessing.44、美丽的相聚如期而至,那隽永的抒情挂在疲备的吉他上

28、,往事成了一首悠远的歌,总在有夕阳的日子里出现。Beautiful day arrives, the meaningful lyrical hanging in the tired guitar, past into a distant song, always appear in the days.45、忘掉心的人究竟需要多?很多人淡一切,句其是的。要忘一人,前提是必真的想去忘。做到忘不,但要下定心是很困的。Forget the heart of the people actually need more? Many people dilute everything, the sentenc

29、e is yes. To forget a person, the premise is must really want to forget. Its very difficult to forget what you want to do.46、回想我们在一起相聚的日子,我的心绪迷迷朦朦。你那充满朝气的身躯总是伴着月光入我梦来,让我牵挂不停。When we met in the day, I am in a daze. Your vibrant body is always with moonlight into my dream, let me worry about non-stop.

30、47、我的心里已是,万山红遍层林尽染,这个干燥季节,思念是火,不经意地想起你。My heart is, wanshanhongbian cenglinjinran, in the dry season, missing is the fire, inadvertently think of you.48、哦,这思念之河,是一条永不枯竭的河!它日夜地流,不停地流,都流向你的心田,都流向爱的大海!Oh, the river of yearning is a river that never dries up! It flows day and night, flows continuously,

31、flows to your heart, all flows toward the love sea!49、告诉我一个地址,让我到你心里;给我一个密码,让我打开你的心门。Tell me an address, let me go to your heart, give me a password, let me open your heart.50、星星知道我的心,我的一颗痴心,静等你的芳心,即使海枯石烂。Stars know my heart, a silly me, waiting for your heart, even if haikudanlan.51、多么希望,时间停住它的脚步,让我们重温过去;多么希望,还能与你在一起,共叙你我之友情。How I wish time, stop its steps, let us revisit the past; hope, but also with you together, you and I talked about the friendship.52、这几天,我真正知道什么叫坠人情网,那种思念那种渴盼那种迷乱那种不安,是怎样的缠人撩人折磨人啊。These days, I really know what people falling in love, that miss th

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