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1、大学英语六级考试试题七大学英语六级考试试题(七)一、Writing (本大题1小题每题106.0分,共106.0分。 For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition . You should write at least 100 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: )第1题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to writ

2、e a short essay entitled My View on Postgraduate Craze. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:1.目前考古正形成热潮2. 分析这股热潮产生的原因3. 你的看法My View on Postgraduate Craze【正确答案】:范文 My View on Postgraduate Craze For many college students, at the beginning of each fall semester, they w

3、ill repeatedly be haunted by pamphlet ad distributors employed by various postgraduate tutoring schools. Indicative of those postgraduate tutoring ad is the popularity of college students applying to take the entrance examination for postgraduates. Undoubtedly, those postgraduate applicants have man

4、y concerns. Firstly, due to the fierce competition in the job market, many college graduates believe postgraduate degree holders will have a competitive edge in the job market. Secondly, as many college students are not satisfied with their current degree education, they want to pursue their studies

5、 in prestigious universities. In addition, many white collar workers decide to quit jobs and study in college again, which increases the boom of masters degree pursuers. However, a masters degree is not a guarantee of a decent job. As the number of masters degree graduates increases, many will have

6、difficulty in finding their ideal jobs after investing so much time, energy and money.本题分数: 106.0 分 【答案解析】写作点拨 本文要求考生就大学生热衷考研这一现象发表自己的看法。在布局上,根据题目中给出的提纲来展开即可。第一段指出考研热这种现象,可以从自己或者身边的同学说起,也可用其他的实例或报道来说明;第二段分析造成这股考研热潮的原因,比如圆名牌大学梦,逃避就业压力等;第三段阐明对这一问题的看法,并说明理由。二、Cloze(共20小题,共70.0分)There are 20 blanks in t

7、he following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. 第1题 In recent years, researches have

8、 suggested more health value from vitamin D than had once been thought.Vitamin D is (1) naturally in the blood. Sunlight is a (2) source. It is also found in some foods. Vitamin D helps to increase levels of calcium in the blood. It helps build strong bones and teeth.It also (3) to do more than just

9、 protect against rickets (软骨病). That serious bone disease was the reason why vitamin D was added to milk. Rickets is now (4) in the western world. But it is still a common childhood disease in developing countries. Rickets can and is also (5) to cause bone pain and weakness, teeth problems and muscl

10、e (6) According to the study by the Harvard School of Public Health, Vitamin D might protect against multiple sclerosis (硬化症), also called MS.MS is a (7) disease of the central nervous system that (8) about two million people around the world. There is no (9) . The level of severity can differ from

11、person to person. But is usually seriously disabling.The study iii Boston found that people with higher levels of vitamin D had lower (10) of MS. It found that the chance of developing MS was sixty-two percent lower among those with the highest level of vitamin D (11) those with the lowest level.Vit

12、amin D may become a future (12) for MS. But, he says first scientists must carry (13) a large, controlled study in which some people get vitamin D and others (14) not.This is not the first study to show a possible (15) between vitamin D and multiple sclerosis. But it has (16) the clearest evidence o

13、f a direct (17) . The National Institutes of Health says some studies also suggest vitamin D (18) protect against some kinds of (19) . But it says more human studies are needed to learn if a lack of vitamin D (20) the risk of cancer.A madeB producedC createdD manufactured【正确答案】:B【本题分数】:3.5分【答案解析】精解

14、动词辨析题。本句意在表达“维他命D是在血液中自然产生的。”四个选项为同义词,故需要找出适合此语境的最佳答案。produce意为“产生,生产”,可用来描述人体中各成份的合成产生。故B)为本题答案。第2题 A majorB minorC mostD surplus【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:3.5分【答案解析】精解 形容词辨义题。前句说明维他命D在血液中自然形成,所以该句表达的应该是太阳光是维他命D产生的主要来源。A)为本题答案。第3题 A showsB appearsC looksD appeals【正确答案】:B【本题分数】:3.5分【答案解析】精解 动词辨义题。appear to do与s

15、eem to do意思相近,意为“似乎做了某事”。该句表示维他命D似乎不仅仅能预防软骨病。故B)为本题答案。第4题 A commonB popularC rareD usual【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:3.5分【答案解析】精解 形容词辨义题。该空的信息点在后文“but it is still a common childhood disease in developing countries。”所以可推断该句应该与后句形成对比,即“软骨病目前在西方发达国家已不多见。”故选C)。第5题 A addedB subjectedC ownedD reducted【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:3.5分【答案解析】精解 动词辨义题。该句意在说明软骨病还会引起骨痛,虚弱和牙齿问题。与前文构成递进关系。故选择A)。第6题 A lossB lackC insufficiencyD shortage【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:3.5分【答案解析】精解 名词辨义题。此处是一个名词的并列。前文提到骨痛,虚弱和牙齿问题,所以可以推断此处所指的应该也是一种疾病。muscle loss意为肌肉损伤。故本题答案为A)。第7题 A slowB gradualC p

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