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1、必修3第四五单元知识点第四单元一、单词拼写 根据读音、性和词义写出下列单词。1._ n. 天文学家 2._ n. 大气层3._ adj. 猛烈的 4._ vt.&vi. 使爆发5._ n. 系统 6._ adj. 有害的7._ n. 发展 8._ adj. 全球性的9._ vi. 依靠 10._ vi. 存在11._ n. 出席 12._ adj. 失望的13._ adv. 逐渐地 14._ n. 重力15._ vt. 减少 16._ n. 质量17._ vt.&vi. 使高兴 18._ n. 方法19._ adv. 一般地 20._ vt. 耗尽22._不同;不像23._不喜欢24._ 基本

2、的,基础的25._ 乘;增加二、单词运用 根据句子的结构和意义,在空格处填入一个适当的单词,或者用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. As a young man he didnt know he was _ world fame later on. (win)2. Most parents dont allow their children _ because it does harm to health. (smoke )3. _ he sent me a gift made me happy .4. _he sent me made me happy .5. It is a surpri

3、se_Pluto is no longer considered a planet in our solar system.6. A great dust cloud formed in the sky _ out the sunlight. ( block)7. The universe began _ a “Big Bang” that threw matter in all directions.8. As for me, _ you can pass the exam _on whether you will work harder than before .9. Zhang Ming

4、 as well as I_ the members of the foot team .both of us are of playing football.10. The rain prevent us from _ out for picnic this afternoon.三、词语派生 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. She _ him with her belief and her competence. (energy) apology 2. With the _ of the society. We live a better life than before .(devel

5、op)3. Smoking is no doubt _ to your health. (harm)4. we are going to hold a party on Saturday evening. we shall be very glad to have your _(present)5. Though he is an orphan, he leads a happy_ (exist)6. Women and kids are often hurt in family _ (violent)7. Although they are twins, they are very _(li

6、ke).8. The news _us. When we heard the _news, we felt _ (disappoint)9.Though he failed in the exam, the teachers words were a great _ to him. (encourage)10. Do you know the _who is talking to Li Mei, who studied in our school. (physics) 四、词组互译 将下列词组或短语译成中文或英语。1. 既然_ 2. 冷却_ 3. 依靠_ 4. 欢呼_ 5. 灭绝_ 6. 爆发

7、_ 7. 轮流_ 8. 及时_ 9. as a result of_10. get the hang of_11. prevent from_12. block out _13. in all directions_14. give birth to_15. sooner or later_16. fall over_五、词组运用词组填空 根据句子提供的语境,从第四大题中选一个适当的词组并用其适用的形式填空。1. He got to school _ though it rained heavily.2. He was unable to go to work _ a result _ his

8、 fall from the horse.3._you are a student, you should study hard as the parents and teachers wish.翻译填空 根据汉语意思,从上述短语中选一个适当的词组完成句子。4. 她想存点钱买房,因此不想那么早生小孩 。 She wants to save some money for apartment. So she has no plan to _ to a child so soon. 5. 你能解释他们为什么吵起来了?你知道他们俩原是好朋友呀。Can you explain the reason wh

9、y the quarrel _between them .You should know they were close friends.6. 如果人类不注意保护环境,很多物种就会灭绝。If Man dont pay attention to protect the environment .Most species will _ 句子翻译 从上述短语中选择适当的短语翻译下列句子。7. 那男孩摔到了,摔破了头。_8. 掌握学习方法对每个学生都重要。_9. 我是否去旅游要视天气而定。_10. 从各方而来的人们欢歌起舞。_六、语法填空 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处

10、填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 China has a fast-growing space program. A 1 _(success) Moon mission would be the third major event in the history 2 _ Chinas space program, after the launch of their first orbiting satellite in November 1999 and first manned mission, 3 _Yang Liwei orbited(运行) Earth fourteen

11、times on the Shenzhou V on October 15, 2003.The Change program, named after a lovely girl in a Chinese story who 4 _ (take) a magic potion(药)and flied to the Moon, will be a three-part series of missions 5 _ will finish in about 2020. In addition to the orbiter Change 1, the Chinese space agency is

12、planning a mission to land a rover on the Moon, 6 _ (hope) to collect material that will be returned to Earth. 7 _ (final), these missions may lead to manned expeditions to the Moon - or to the possible 8 _ (develop )of a permanent(永久的), manned Moon base. 9 _ entire mission series should last about

13、thirteen years, for a total cost of about 14 billion Chinese Renminbi (equal to 1.73 billion U.S. dollars). In addition, China may cooperate with Russia in its Moon exploration program 10 _ is tentatively planning on signing a ten-year cooperation agreement in 2007.七、基础写作 用括号中所给词翻译下列句子,然后将这些句子联成一篇5句

14、话的连贯的短文。1. 神州六号的成功发射使李华很振奋,他决心更努力地学习,希望将来亲自到上太空。(cheer up;make up ones mind)_2. 李华担心发生意外,因为强大的吸引力会阻止一般物体远离地球。(prevent.from)_3. 李华一直想掌握天文学方面的知识。(get the hang of)_重要考点:1. spread (spread, spread) v.伸展, 展开, 铺, 涂, 敷, 摆, 传播, 散布Who spread these rumours? 谁散布的这些谣言?She spread a cloth on the table. 她在桌上铺桌布。运用:

15、用spread翻译下列句子。(1)消息传得很广。_(2)鸟展开翅膀。_(3)这种病正在迅速蔓延。_2. disappoint vt. 使失望 拓展:写出disappoint的适当形式。(1)_ adj. 令人失望的(2) _adj. 感到失望的(3) _n. 失望搭配:翻译下面搭配。(1)be deeply disappointed _(2)adisappointingresult_(3)bedisappointedat/about /in/with_(4)be disappointed to hear_(5)be disappointed that- clause _ (6)to ones

16、disappointment _(7)in great disappointment _(8)be a disappointment to sb. _(9)get over ones disappointment _运用:用disappoint的适当形式填空。 (1)Tom was very _ at the _ result.(2) But Henry proved a _.(3) President James A. Garfield was shot by a _ office seeker on July2, 1881.(4)Myparentswillbe_withmeifIfailt

17、ogetthemasterdegree.运用:用disappoint的适当形式填空。 (1)Tom was very _ at the _ result.(2) But Henry proved a _.(3) President James A. Garfield was shot by a _ office seeker on July2, 1881. _ office seeker on July2, 1881.(4)Myparentswillbe_withmeifIfailtogetthemasterdegree.3. force n.力量,暴力 复军队vt.强制,强迫The mora

18、l force is on our side.道义的力量在我们一边。The policemen forced the criminals to give up their arms.警察迫使罪犯放下武器。搭配:熟记下列词组或句式搭配。force sb. to do sth./force sb.into (doing) sth.强迫某人做某事force ones way into the house强行闯入这座房子force ones way through the crowd强行挤过人群force ones way in/out挤进/出 force a smile强作笑容force the d

19、oor open用力把门撞开make a forced landing(飞机)迫降join/combine forces with与联合/通力合作 by force用武力或暴力运用:用force翻译下列句子。(1)地心引力的力量使物体落地。_.(2)他们被迫一天工作12个小时。_. 4. harmful adj.有害的, 伤害的Fruit juice can be harmful to childrens teeth. 果汁可能损坏儿童的牙齿。搭配:熟记下列搭配。be harmful to对有害 do harm to sb. =do sb. harm对某人有害处do mare harm tha

20、n good弊多利少 come to no harm没受损害运用:翻译下列句子。吸烟有害健康。_5. development n. 发展The government is encouraging the development of small businesses. 政府鼓励发展小公司。搭配: mental development心理发育运用:翻译下列句子。随着工业的发展,空气污染变得越来越严重。_重要词组1. depend on 取决于,信任,信赖;需要You have to prepare the next question depending on what the person sa

21、ys. 你要根据那个人所说的话准备下一个问题。搭配:熟记下列词组或句式搭配。depend on/ upon sb./sth. to do sth. 指望着某人/某物做某事depend on/upon sb./sth.doing sth. 指望某人/某物做某事depend on it that相信,指望That ( all ) depends.= It (all) depends 视情况而定depend on/upon it 无疑地,确信地运用:翻译下列句子。我可以信任你吗?_?2. cheer up (使)高兴起来,振奋起来The news cheered him up.这消息使他高兴起来。C

22、heer up! Our troubles will soon be over.振作起来!我们的困难很快就会过去。运用:翻译下列句子。想办法高兴点儿, 生活并不是那么糟!_3. break out (战争、火灾等不愉快之事)突然发生,爆发Fire broke out during the night.夜间突然发生了火灾。运用:翻译下列句子。第二次世界大战是1939年爆发的。_联想:填入适当的介词或副词。(1)break _(机器)不了,失效了,失败了(2)break _拆散,解散,结束(3)break_挣脱,逃离(4)break _闯入,突然(接song, laughter等)4. now t

23、hat 由于,既然(=since)Now that the kids have left home, weve got a lot of extra space.孩子们都离开家了,我们住着就更宽敞了运用:根据汉语意思完成英文句子。(1)既然你长大了,就不应该依靠你的父母。_, you should not rely on your parents. (2)既然已完成了工作,你就应该好好休息一下。You ought to have a good rest _.5. in time 迟早,最后(sooner or later, eventually);及时,不迟(=early or soon en

24、ough)They learned to accept their stepmother in time. 他们最后学会了接受他们的继母。Will we be in time for the six oclock train?我们来得及赶上6点钟那趟火车吗?运用:翻译下列句子。总有一天我会遇见她。_ 辨析 in time指在某个时限之内的“及时”;而on time指按时刻表中的某个时间点来说的“准时,按时”。 联想:填入适当的词,完成下列短语。(1)_ times 有时 (2)_ the time 一直(3)at _ time 一次 (4)at _ time曾经(5)at the _ time 同时 (6)_ time _time 不时,偶尔(7)_ the first time 第一次 (8)in _ time立刻(9)_ the times过时的(10)_ the time being暂时的 第五单元:一、 单词拼写 根据读音、词性和词义写出下列单词。1_ n. 大臣;部长2_ n. 女王;王后3_ n. 大陆;陆地4_ adv.向东; adj.向东的5_ vt.& vi.包围; 环绕6_ adv.极端地7_ vt.& vi 定居;解决;平静下来8_ prep.在.之内; 不越出9_ vt&vi n.边界;国界与.接壤10_ adv.稍稍;轻微地11_

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