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1、句子成分一句子成分(1)词类:英语词类分十种:名词、形容词、代词、数词、冠词、动词、副词、介词、连词、感叹词。1、名词(n.): 表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称。如:boy, morning, bag, ball, class, orange.2、代词(pron.): 主要用来代替名词。如:who, she, you, it .3、形容词(adj.):表示人或事物的性质或特征。如:good, right, white, orange . 4、数词(num.): 表示数目或事物的顺序。如:one, two, three, first, second, third, fourth.5、动词(v

2、.): 表示动作或状态。如:am, is,are,have,see .6、副词(adv.): 修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,说明时间、地点、程度等。如:now, very, here, often, quietly, slowly.7、冠词(art.):用在名词前,帮助说明名词。如:a, an, the.8、介词(prep.): 表示它后面的名词或代词与其他句子成分的关系。如in, on, from, above, behind.9、连词(conj.): 用来连接词、短语或句子。如and, but, before .10、感叹词(interj.)表示喜、怒、哀、乐等感情。如:oh, well,

3、hi, hello.英语句子与汉语句子一样,都是由单词按照一定的规则所组成的。不同的词类在句中所起的作用是不同的。因此,只有搞清不同词类在句中可充当哪些成分,才能正确分析、理解句子的含义,并能准确地遣词造句,逐渐达到流利地说出地道的英语。 【问】什么是句子成分?英语句子包含哪些成分?【答】组成句子的各个部分叫做句子成分。它包括:主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、表语和宾语补足语等。【问】各成分在句中的作用如何?分别由哪些词及短语充当? (2)句子成分1.主语:是句子要说明的人或事物,是句子的主体,一般由名词、代词、数词、不定式或动名词等充当。如: The car is running fast.

4、/ The girl can sing many English songs.(名词) We are students. / This is my pen . Yours is on the desk.(代词) One of my classmates is from Shanghai. / Two and three is finve.(数词) The blind need more help.(名词化的形容词) Its bad manners to spit in public. (不定式) Eating too much is bad for your health.(动名词) 【注意】

5、若不定式短语作主语常用it作形式主语,而把真正的主语(不定式短语)放在句后。.2.谓语:说明主语的动作或状态,也是句子的主体部分,一般由动词充当。动词分为实义动词、连系动词、情态动词和助动词。实义动词单独作谓语,连系动词与表语一起构成谓语,情态动词与省略to的不定式构成合成谓语,助动词与动词原形共同构成谓语部分。如: 由单一动词作谓语:We are Chinese. / He has an English- Chinese dictionary. 情态动词加主要动词:We can play the piano. / You must see the doctor. 助动词加主要动词构成谓语:S

6、he is talking with her sister. 【注意】谓语与主语在人称与数方面要相互照应。3.表语:用于说明主语的身份、特征或感受,一般由名词、数词、形容词、分词等充当。常用的连系动词有:be,look,get,sound(听起来),feel,become, smell,turn,taste(尝起来)等。如: They are workers.(名词) Two and three is five.(数词) The story is very interesting.(形容词) M y job(工作)is teaching English.(动名词) She is at home

7、.(介词短语) I feel terrible.(形容词) The dish tastes delicious.(形容词) He is here (副词) Its getting dark. / He got very angry. 4, 宾语:是及物动词所涉及的对象,是动作的对象或承受者。一般由名词、代词、不定式及动名词等充当。如: He is doing his homework. / I saw a plane in the sky just now. (名词) They did nothing this morning. I want three./ Please pass me th

8、e first. (数词) She wants to go home.(不定式) We enjoy playing football.(动名词) 【注意】有的动词可接双宾语,间接宾语指人,直接宾语指物。这类动词常见的有:give,buy, tell等。如: He bought me a book yesterday Xiao Liu bought a dictionary for Tom.(直宾间宾) 有的动词常用不定式作宾语,而不能用动名词。这类动词有:want,wish, hope等。如: I hope to see you again. 有的动词一般只用动名词作宾语,而不用不定式。这类动

9、词有:enjoy,practise等。如: He practises speaking English every day. I enjoy reading story books 有的动词后接不定式与动名词含义不同。 a)stop to do(不定式为状语)表示“停下原来的事,去做另一件事”,stop doing表示“停止做某事”。如: I stopped to talk with him.(我停下来与他谈话。) The students stopped talking when the teacher came in.(老师进来时学生们停止谈话。 注意:英语中带有宾语的谓语动词叫及物动词,

10、不带宾语的叫不及物动词。及物动词后必须跟上宾语意义才完整,不及物动词本身意义已完整,后面不跟宾语。 You may use my pen. / Do you like fish? ( 及物) Dick swims very well. / The sun rises in the east. (不及物) 不及物动词可加介词再加宾语 We are listening to the music. They are talking to each other.既可以作及物动词又可以作不及物动词的词: My mother teaches in this school. / She teaches En

11、glish. We are studying. / We study English. We began our lesson at nine. / The lecture began at nine.5. 直接宾语与间接宾语。 有些及物动词可带有两个宾语,其中一个指物(直接宾语),另一个指人(间接宾语)。我们称为双宾语。 动词+间接宾语(人)+直接宾语(物) He bought me a pen. 6. 定语:用于修饰名词或代词,一般由形容词、名词、数词、不定式等充当。如: What a beautiful kite it is!/ They have a clever son.(形容词)

12、She is a math teacher.(名词) There are two students in the classroom.(数词) This song is vey boring. (代词) Do you know the young man over there? (副词) We have something to do tomorrow.(不定式) The man in blue is my brother.(介词短语)简单句的五种基本句型1主语 + 系动词 + 表语1)Our city is at the crossing of some important railways

13、. 主语 系动词 表语2)The city will become rich.主语 系动词 表语在这类结构中最常用的系动词是: “变化”类:_. “感官”类: _. “持续”类:_. 其他:(似乎)_ _ (证明是)_你的故事听起来很有趣。_.把鱼放在冰箱里,否则它会变坏的。_.这种炎热的天气将会保持几天。_.这个计划证明是可行的。_.2主语 + 谓语1)Building has started. 主语 谓语2)The train leaves at 7:40.主语 谓语_搭配:The teacher teaches well. The child walks very slowly._搭配:

14、The girl looked at the picture. The children ran to the forest.我每天起的很早,走到小花园,坐在凳子上。小鸟在树上欢快的歌唱,鱼儿在池塘里自由的嬉戏,我玩得也高兴. _.3主语 + 谓语 + 宾语1)The boss employed five more workers.主语 谓语 宾语 2)My brother takes care of the vegetable garden.3)Few students like taking exams.4)He forgot to close the door.5)I hope I ca

15、n speak English fluently. 他因为车子开得太快而违反了交通规则。_.他拿出一瓶啤酒,很快将其喝光。_.他许诺给我一个礼物。_.4主语 + 谓语 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语1)He has fetched us some new textbooks.主语 谓语 间接宾语 直接宾语2)Grandma cooked us a nice meal.主语 谓语 间接宾语 直接宾语 3)The man told the girl that he wants to test her the subject. 4)The boy asked me if I could speak Ch

16、inese.可接双宾语的常见动词有:ask, answer, give, offer, send, bring, pass, tell, show, teach, promise 顺便问一下,她把钱付给你了吗?_.下学期谁教你们生物?_.Mr. White告诉我为什么他要出国。_. 5主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语1)The villagers didnt allow them to do this.主语 谓语 宾语 宾语补足语 2)I will keep the box in the shade. 3)We found him a very good pupil. 4)She le

17、t me stay in the company. 5)We kept the room clean. 6)We heard the girl singing the song. 7)He got his hair cut short. 该句型中的“宾语 + 宾语补足语”又叫做“_” 他总是把他的卧室收拾得干干净净。_. 我建议他多读点书。_. 他修了机器。_. 我们选他当班长。_答案: 1-5 CBDBB 6-10 ACBAB 11-15 CBDBB 16-20 ACBAB 二、动词1) 表示动作中状态的词叫做动词。 2) 根据其在句中的功能,动词可分为四类,分别是:实义动词(Notiona

18、l Verb)、系动词(Link Verb)、助动词(Auxiliary Verb)、情态动词(Modal Verb)。 说明:有些情况下,有些动词是兼类词,例如: We are having a meeting. 我们正在开会。 (having是实义动词。) He has gone to New York.他已去纽约。 (has是助动词。) 3) 动词根据其后是否带有宾语,可分为两类,分别是:及物动词(Transitive Verb)、不及物动词(Intransitive Verb),缩写形式分别为vt. 和vi.。 * 英语动词是句子的核心。它既决定着句子意思的表达同时又决定着句子的语法结

19、构。难怪有人说,英语是动词和介词的语言。可见研究动词的用法在英语学习中是十分重要的。 (一、) 分清及物不及物: 分清动词的及物不及物是在英语学习中必须解决的首要问题。动词及物与不及物通常有以下几种情况: a主要用作及物动词。及物动词后面必须跟宾语。可以用于:主谓宾;主谓双宾;主谓宾宾补结构。如: He reached Paris the day before yesterday. Please hand me the book over there. They asked me to go fishing with them. 类似的还有:buy, catch, invent, found,

20、 like, observe, offer, prevent, promise, raise, find, forget, receive, regard, see, say, seat, supply, select, suppose, show, make, take, tell. b主要用作不及物的动词。不及物动词后面不跟宾语。只能用与:主谓结构。 This is the room where I once lived. 类似的还有:agree, go, work, listen, look, come, die, belong, fall, exist, rise, arrive, s

21、it, sail, hurry, fail, succeed. c既可以用作及物又可以用作不及物的动词,其意义不变。如begin 都是作开始讲。everybody , our game begins. let us begin our game. 类似的还有:start, answer, sing, close, consider, insist, read, learn, prepare, pay, hurt, improve. d既可以用作及物又可以用作不及物的动词,其意义完全不同。 这类动词作不及物动词是一个意义;而作及物动词时却是另一个意义。如lift作不及物动词时是指烟雾的消散。we

22、 saw the mountain when the clouds lifted. 作及物动词时是升高;举起。 He lifted his glass and drank. 类似的还有:beat vi.跳动 vt. 敲、打; grow vi.生长 vt.种植 play vi.玩耍 vt. 打(牌、球),演奏 smell vi.发出(气味) vt. 嗅 ring vi.(电话、铃)响vt.打电话speak vi.讲话 vt. 说(语言) hang vi. 悬挂 vt.绞死 operate vi.动手术 vt. 操作 练习题:选择填空:1. _ will leave for Beijing. A.

23、 Now there the man B. The man here now C. The man who is here now D. The man is here now2. The weather _. A. wet and cold B. is wet and cold C. not wet and cold D. were wet and cold3. The apple tasted _. A. sweets B. sweetly C. nicely D. sweet4. He got up _ yesterday morning. A. lately B. late C. la

24、test D. latter5. The actor _at the age of 70. A. dead B. died C. dyed D. deaded6. _ were all very tired, but none of _ would stop to take a rest. A. We, us B. Us, we C. We, our D. We, we7. He found the street much _. A. crowd B. crowding C. crowded D. crowdedly8.I think _necessary to learn English w

25、ell. A. its B. it C. that D. that is9. The dog _ mad. A. looks B. is looked C. is being looked D. was looked10.I will never forget the day _ I joined the army. A. that B. when C. in which D. where11. _ will leave for Beijing.A. Now there the manB. The man here nowC. The man who is here nowD. The man

26、 is here now12. The weather _.A. wet and coldB. is wet and coldC. not wet and coldD. were wet and cold13. The apple tasted _.A. sweetsB. sweetlyC. nicelyD. sweet14. He got up _ yesterday morning.A. latelyB. lateC. latestD. latter15. The actor _at the age of 70.A. deadB. diedC. dyedD. deaded16. _ wer

27、e all very tired, but none of _ would stop to take a rest.A. We, usB. Us, weC. We, ourD. We, we17. He found the street much _.A. crowdB. crowdingC. crowdedD. crowdedly18.I think _necessary to learn English well.A. itsB. itC. thatD. that is19. The dog _ mad.A. looksB. is lookedC. is being looked D. was looked20.I will never forget the day _ I join

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