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1、潘基文联大千年发展目标问题高级别会议发言中英文潘基文联大千年发展目标问题高级别会议发言Remarks by UN Secretary General to High Level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly on the Millennium Development Goals20 September, 2010 New YorkMr. President of the 65th General Assembly,Distinguished Heads of State and Government,Mr. President of the 6

2、4th General Assembly,Excellencies,Ladies and gentlemen,大会第六十五届会议主席先生,尊敬的各位国家元首和政府首脑,大会第六十四届会议主席先生,诸位阁下,女士们,先生们,Welcome to the Millennium Development Goals Summit. I thank the worlds leaders for being here in such impressive numbers.欢迎大家出席千年发展目标问题首脑会议。我要感谢如此之多的世界各国领导人莅临。We are here because the fight

3、for a more prosperous, stable and equitable world is at the heart itself of the mission of the United Nations. We are here because ten years ago, meeting here at the highest level, the international community promised to spare no effort to free the entire human race from want.我们来到这里,因为争取建立更加繁荣、稳定和公平

4、的世界是联合国工作的核心。我们来到这里,因为十年前国际社会在此举行最高级别会议,承诺将不遗余力地使全人类免于匮乏。The eight Millennium Development Goals were a breakthrough. Together, we created a blueprint for ending extreme poverty. We defined achievable targets and timetables. We established a framework that all partners, even those with different view

5、s, have been able to embrace.八项千年发展目标是一大突破。我们共同绘制了消除极端贫穷的蓝图。我们制定了可实现的目标和时间表。我们确定了所有合作伙伴、甚至是有不同意见的合作伙伴都可以接受的框架。We brought new urgency to an age-old mission. And now, we have real results. New thinking and path-breaking public-private partnerships. Dramatic increases in school enrolment. Expanded acce

6、ss to clean water. Better control of disease. The spread of technology from mobile to green. We have more development success stories than ever before. The transformative impact of the MDGs is undeniable. This is an achievement we can be proud of.我们赋予一个古老的使命以紧迫性。现在,我们取得了切实成果。建立了新思维和具有开拓性的公共-私营部门伙伴关系

7、。入学人数大幅增加。更多的人获得清洁用水。疾病得到更好控制。传播了从移动到绿色等各种技术。我们拥有比以往任何时候更多的成功发展故事。千年发展目标产生的变革性影响不容否认。这是一项我们可以引以为豪的成就。But we must protect these advances, many of which are still fragile. And the clock is ticking, with much more to do 但是,我们必须保护这些进展,因为其中许多进展还十分脆弱。时间正在分分秒秒地过去,而要做的事情却还很多很多There is more to do for the mot

8、her who watches her children go to bed hungry a scandal played out a billion times each and every night. There is more to do for the young girl weighed down with wood or water when instead she should be in school. And more to do for the worker far from home in a city slum, watching jobs and remittan

9、ces disappear amid global recession.还要为看得自己的孩子饿着肚子上床睡觉的母亲做更多事情这是一出在每个夜晚都要上演亿万次的丑剧。还要为本应去上学却背负着沉重木柴或挑水的女童做更多事情。还要为远离位于城市贫民窟的家、眼睁睁地看着工作和汇款在全球衰退中化于无形的工人做更多事情。You all know where we stand - the gaps and the gains, what works and what doesnt work. The reports we have put before you are filled with statist

10、ics, analysis and recommendations everything we need for effective policies and programmes. We have led you to the river. So what are we asking of you today? To stay true. True to our identity as an international community built on a foundation of solidarity. True to our commitment to end the dehuma

11、nizing conditions of extreme poverty.大家都知道我们的立场无论是差距和结果,亦或什么是可行的,什么是不可行的。我们向大家提交的报告载有数据、分析和建议,其中包含我们制定切实有效政策和方案所需要的一切。我们把一切都摆在各位眼前。那么我们今天对大家的要求是什么呢?坚持不懈。坚持我们建立在团结基础之上的国际社会的身份。坚持你们对结束不人道的极端贫穷状况作出的承诺。That means making the smart investments in infrastructure, small farmers, social services. and above a

12、ll in women and girls. On Wednesday I will launch a Global Strategy for Womens and Childrens Health our best chance for a multiplier effect across the goals.这意味着对基础设施、小农户、社会服务,尤其对妇女和女童作出明智投资。我将在星期三发起妇女和儿童保健问题全球战略这是我们为所有目标实现倍增效应的最佳机会。Being true means supporting the vulnerable despite the economic cri

13、sis. We should not balance budgets on the backs of the poor. We must not draw back from official development assistance a life-line of billions, for billions.坚持不懈意味着即使在经济危机中也要支助弱势群体。我们不应让穷人承担平衡预算的负担。我们决不能背离官方发展援助这是一条价值数十亿之巨的生命线,也是数十亿人的生命线。It means truly fair trade and action on climate change. Defer

14、ring the tough decisions to future climate conferences. and future generations only increases the costs. We need to set a course towards sustainable practices.这意味着进行真正公平的贸易以及就气候变化采取行动。把艰难的决定留给今后的气候问题会议和后代,只会增加成本。我们需要确立实现可持续做法的道路。Being true means addressing inequality, both among and within countries

15、. Even in countries that have registered impressive gains, inequality eats away at social cohesion.坚持不懈意味着消除不平等国家间和国家内的不平等。即使在已取得可观成就的国家,不平等依然在不断侵蚀着社会融合。And it means reconsidering conventional wisdom. Recovery from the economic crisis should not mean a return to the flawed and unjust path that got u

16、s into trouble in the first place.这意味着对传统智慧作出重新思考。摆脱经济危机不应意味着重新回到当初让我们陷入困境那种有缺陷和不公正的道路。Excellencies,诸位阁下,Despite the obstacles, despite the skepticism, despite the fast-approaching deadline of 2015, the Millennium Development Goals are achievable.尽管存在障碍,尽管有人持怀疑态度,尽管2015年的最后期限迅速迫近,千年发展目标依然可以实现。This y

17、ear I visited nearly a dozen countries in Africa and saw for myself what is possible. At the Millennium Village of Mwandama in Malawi. at the Songhai community in Benin I saw innovation integrated projects and perseverance.今年我访问了十几个非洲国家,亲眼目睹了什么是能够做到的。在马拉维的千年村里,在贝宁的桑海社区,我看到了创新,看到了综合项目,看到了锲而不舍的精神。We m

18、ust reward such faith with resolve of our own. By using the tools we have. By delivering the resources we need. And, above all, by exercising political leadership. I urge you to make the Millennium Development Goals your own.我们必须通过我们拥有的工具,通过交付我们需要的资源,尤其是通过发挥政治领导作用,用我们自己的决心奖励这种信念。我敦促大家把千年发展目标作为自己的目标。

19、As our Nigerian citizen ambassador said in the short video that was screened as we were taking our seats: “Were waiting on you, world leaders”. And as Mingas of Mozambique sings in the MDG song, “Eight Goals for Africa”: “We have the power, at this very hour.”在我们就坐时正播放一个简短视频,尼日利亚公民大使在视频中说:“世界各国领导人,我

20、们正焦急地等候着你们。”莫桑比克的明加斯在千年发展目标歌曲“非洲的八个目标”中唱道:“此时此刻我们拥有力量。”None of us can be truly fulfilled while so many lack the basics for a life in dignity. None of us should be able to rest easy knowing the fear and despair that pervade the human family. Let us make this investment in a better future for all. The

21、re is no global project more worthwhile. Let us send a strong message of hope, of fundamental hope. Let us keep the promise.如果有如此多的人缺乏基本条件过上有尊严的生活,我们没有人会真正有成就感。如果知道人类大家庭弥漫着恐惧和绝望,我们大家都不能高枕无忧。让我们为所有人实现更加美好的未来作出这项投资。没有任何全球性项目比这更有价值。让我们发出强有力的希望讯息。让我们履行承诺。同心协力 共创未来在二十国集团领导人第四次峰会上的讲话中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛2010年6月27

22、日,加拿大多伦多Work in Unity for the Future-Remarks by H. E. Hu Jintao President of the Peoples Republic of China At the Fourth G20 SummitToronto, 27 June 2010尊敬的哈珀总理,各位同事:Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Dear Colleagues,很高兴来到多伦多参加二十国集团领导人第四次峰会,同各位同事共同讨论推动世界经济全面复苏这个重大议题。首先,我谨对哈珀总理和加拿大政府为本次峰会所作的积极努力和周到安排,表示衷心

23、的感谢!我还要感谢大家对上海世博会给予的宝贵支持和帮助。It gives me great pleasure to attend the fourth G20 Summit in Toronto and discuss with you the important subject of promoting full recovery of the world economy. Let me begin by thanking Prime Minister Harper and the Canadian government for their active efforts and though

24、tful arrangements for this meeting. I also wish to take this opportunity to express thanks to all of you for giving valuable support and assistance to Expo 2010 Shanghai.在二十国集团成员和国际社会共同努力下,世界经济正在逐步复苏,但复苏基础不牢固、进程不平衡,存在较大不确定性。部分国家主权债务风险持续上升,一些系统重要性金融机构的问题集中暴露,主要货币汇率大幅波动,国际金融市场动荡不定,大宗商品价格高位震荡,各种形式的保护主义

25、明显增多。这表明,国际金融危机深层次影响尚未消除,世界经济系统性和结构性风险仍十分突出。我们要深刻认识国际金融危机深层次影响的严重性和复杂性,继续发扬同舟共济、合作共赢的精神。With the concerted efforts of G20 members and the entire international community, the world economy is gradually recovering. But the recovery is neither firmly established nor balanced and there are still quite m

26、any uncertainties down the road. Sovereign debt risks continue to rise in some countries. A host of problems have been exposed in some systemically-important financial institutions. Exchange rates of major currencies fluctuate drastically and international financial markets suffer from persistent vo

27、latility. Commodity prices hover at a high level and protectionism of various forms is notably growing. All this shows that the deeper impact of the international financial crisis is yet to be overcome and systemic and structural risks in the world economy remain very serious. We must fully recogniz

28、e the gravity and complexity of the deep impact of the international financial crisis and continue to work in a spirit of unity and win-win progress.匹兹堡峰会提出的“强劲、可持续、平衡增长框架”对世界经济长远健康发展具有重要意义。为了推动世界经济尽早进入强劲、可持续、平衡增长,我愿提出以下建议。The Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth launched at the Pit

29、tsburgh Summit is of great importance to the long-term healthy growth of the world economy. I wish to offer the following proposals concerning the efforts required for bringing about strong, sustainable and balanced world economic growth at an early date.第一,推动二十国集团从应对国际金融危机的有效机制转向促进国际经济合作的主要平台。当前,世界


31、际经济合作和全球经济治理中发挥核心作用。First, we need to turn the G20 from an effective mechanism to counter the international financial crisis to a premier platform for advancing international economic cooperation. The complex world economic situation makes it necessary for the G20 to play a guiding role. We need to

32、take a longer-term perspective and shift the focus of the G20 from coordinating stimulus measures to coordinating growth, from addressing short-term contingencies to promoting long-term governance and from passive response to proactive planning. We should strengthen coordination of macroeconomic policies among G20 members, keep the right intensity of our policies and support countries hit by the sovereign debt crisis in overcoming the current difficulties. We must act in a cautious and appropriate way concerning the timing

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