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1、商务英语课件厦门大学第一学期Chapter 1 An Overview of Business Writing商务英语写作概论 Objectives:1. Understand the importance for business people to have a good command of modern business skills;2. Identify functions of business writings;3. Know the characteristics of good business writing;4. Appreciate why courtesy is l

2、isted as an important factor in business writing;5. Tell the differences between a good writing and a poor writing.Chapter 2 Adaptation and Selection of Words适应读者合理选词Objectives:1. Discuss why adaptation is so important in business writing;2. Identify the usual procedures to follow in adapting your m

3、essage;3. Satisfy your audiences needs in different circumstances in business writings;4. Master the general principles of selecting the right words;5. Avoid improper words under various circumstances.Chapter 3 Construction of Effective Sentences and Paragraphs有效地组织句子和段落Objectives:1. describe how se

4、ntence length and sentence design are related to adaptation;2. discuss the effect of sentence length on emphasis;3. explain the principal causes of unity in sentence, paragraph and longer units of writings;4. identify redundancy;5. understand the importance of topic sentence.Chapter 4 Writing for Ef

5、fects商务写作的特殊技巧Objectives:1. discuss what effects you need to communicate in business writing and why;2. analyze the essence of you view point;3. identify old language of business;4. discuss the major transitional devices;5. explain the direct order and its writing strategies;6. determine which situa

6、tions require using the indirect order and what strategies to take in indirect order;7. discuss what elements of a letter can help build goodwill.Chapter 5 The Structure and Style of Business Letters商务书信的结构与格式Objectives:1. name the seven essential parts of a business letter;2. name the six specializ

7、ed parts of a business letter;3. know the layout of the envelope;4. know the design and placement of a business letter;5. understand the punctuation styles;6. understand different styles of a business letter.Chapter 6 Invitations and thank- you letter邀请函和感谢信Objectives:1. understand the general struc

8、ture of invitations and thank- you letters;2. apply the general structure in wring invitations letters;3. identify situation in which different special goodwill letters are written;4. apply different techniques to special goodwill messages.Chapter 7 Notes and Announcements便条与通知Objectives:1. apply th

9、e basic principles of clear writing in notes and announments;2. identify the suggested plan used in preparing notes for leave;3. identify the plan used in letters of resigation;4. identify the indispensable qualities of letters of congratulation;5. identify the suggested plan used in condolence lett

10、ers;6. discuss the effective ways to compose announcements.Chapter 8 Letters of Application申请信Objectives:1. explain why it is important for you to write a good resume;2. determine what sections should be included in a resume and what elements should be emphasized;3. distinguish the four different ki

11、nds of resumes and select most appropriate one for the specific situation;4. use the guidelines when you write a resume;5. write an effective resume;6. format your resume in an acceptable way.Chapter 9 Resume简历Objectives:1. explain the importance of resume letters;2. determine what should be include

12、d in a resume letter and what elements should be emphasized;3. distinguish the two different kinds of resume letters and select most appropriate one for the specific situation;4. use the guidelines when you write a resume letter;5. write a effective resume letter;6. format your resume letter in an a

13、cceptable way.Chapter 10 recommendation letters推荐信Objectives:1. explain the importance ofrecommendation letters;2. determine what should be included in arecommendation letter and what elements should be emphasized;3. distinguish the two different kinds ofrecommendation letters and select most approp

14、riate one for the specific situation;4. use the guidelines when you write arecommendation letter;5. write a effectiverecommendation letter;6. format your resume letter in an acceptable way.Chapter 11 Memorandum, Informal, Short Reports备忘录与非正式的短篇报告Objectives:1. describle the functions of memorandum;2

15、. identify the format of memorandum;3. tell the differences between formal and informal reports;4. discuss the characteristics of shorter reports and kinds of short reports in work place;5. write memorandums and short reports under the guidance of your instructors.Chapter 12 Proposal and Formal Repo

16、rts意向书与正式报告objectivesTo give a brief introduction to what is a Proposal and a report;aware of the samples for notes and study them;To practice using the useful words and expressions.Chapter 13 Establishing Business Relations建立业务关系Objectives:1. understand the necessity of writing letters of establish

17、ing business relations;2. know the characteristics of writing letters of establishing business relations;3. tell the difference between a good letter and a poor one.Chapter 14 Inquiries and Requests日常询函Objectives:1.identify the characteristics of inquires and requests;2. be familiar with the format

18、and style of requests;3. writer a request for information, catalog, product, service and etc.;4. compose effective requests for information or action.Chapter 15 Replies回复函Objectives:1. know the general structure of neutral and positive messages;2. write letters saying yes to inquires;3. write effect

19、ive replies;4. convey unsolicited informational messages clearly and completely.Chapter 16 Declining a Counteroffer拒绝还盘Objectives:1. identify the types of negative messages;2. explain the features of the indirect organizational plan and know when it should be used to convey negative news;3. select a

20、 distribution method appropriate to messages that convey negative news.Chapter 17 Orders订单Objectives:1. know the basic structures of writing orders;2. make sure what information should be included in a order letter;3. understand the importance of the opening to the order letter;4. to show your appre

21、ciation to the sender in a proper way.Chapter 18 Complaints and Claims投诉与索赔Objectives:1. identify the characteristics of the direct approach of writing complaints and claims;2. understand the general structure of writing complaints and claims;3. know how to state the problem directly, give enough fa

22、cts and end positively.Chapter 19 Adjustments to Claim Letters索赔复函Objectives:1. identify the characteristics of adjustments to claim letters;2. understand the general structure of adjustments to claim letters;3. apply the general structure in adjustments to claim letters.Chapter 20 Urging Establishm

23、ent of Letter of Credit催证Objectives:1. identify the characteristics of urging establishment of L/C;2. understand the general structure of urging establishment of L/C;3. apply the general structure in urging estalishment of L/C. 商务英语教学大纲一、课程的重要性随着中国经济国际化的步伐加快,给商务英语教学带 来了机遇的同时,也带来了挑战。英语在商务上的应用,远远超越贸易领

24、域,渗透到经济生活的各个方面。商务英语写作能力也就成为国际商务人员走向成功的关键 之一。商务英语写作是一门应用性极强的英语课程,作为经济学领域的学生教学的补充和扩展,得到学生和企业的普遍欢迎。商务英语写作不仅提高了我校学生在职 场中的竞争力,也满足了社会,尤其是应对国际竞争形势的需求。二、课程介绍(一)课程的重点和难点在于帮助学生培养自己的写作习惯、写作方法、写作技巧,打造自主学习能力;打好扎实的商务语言基础;注重和培养跨文化交际意识,全面提高学生的语言综合运用能力;以英语为工具,深入钻研了解自己专业的学术前沿和实际业务,进而为专业英语的学习打下坚实基础。商务英语写作课程教学难点有:经贸英语词

25、汇、经贸英语函电套语以及格式;有关经贸业务知识。在于利用较少学时提高学生语言综合运用能力,尤其是将商务英语写作技巧、指导原则与有关商务知识和经 验有机结合和灵活运用的能力,不断英语思维能力、英汉转换能力和写作能力;增强学生的创新能力和自主学习能力,分析问题和解决问题的能力,尤其是学生的分 析创造能力和判断能力。(二)教材为了使学生具有较强的英语综合写作和应用能力,本课程目前使用的现代商务英语写作教材,由胡英坤教授主编,并由外语届权威出版社外语教学与研究出版社出版,被列入高等学校英语拓展系列教程商务英语类教材,也是教育部大学外语推荐教材,并于2007年被评为教育部“十一五”规划教材,在国内同类教

26、材中处于领先地位。商务英语网络课程资源建设基本完成,其中的网络课件和教学堂件对教材内容进行了丰富和补充,并提供了大量的课内、课外练习和案例,供学生自主学习使用。课程教学除涵盖一般的商务交易往来函信,还包括求职信函写作、公共关系函信写作、商务报告、意向书、 商务报告等商务应用文。另外补充了很多商务专业知识,以拓展学生的专业知识。除了学习内容更有新意、更体现时代气息之外,教学手段、教学方法、教学模式都 在不断创新和进一步优化,课堂教学采用PPT课件,并结合多媒体技术和网络资源建设,全方位来培养学生的商务英语写作能力。三、课程的教学目标通过本课程的学习,商务英语写作的教学目标是:在英语专业基础知识和

27、基本技能方面已经得到强化和提高, 并且在学生已学完或正在学习与商务英语写作的内容密切相关的“国际贸易实务”等课程的基础上,了解经贸英语函电的英语知识和有关经贸业务知识,对学生进行 严格的阅读、翻译、写作等基本技能训练,培养学生实际运用语言的能力和独立工作能力。学生通过本课程的学习和训练,将了解现代国际商务书面交际的规律和特点,掌握国际商务写作的原则和技巧,同时了解读者的商业心理和 心理接受过程以及文化差异在书面交际中的作用,熟练掌握国际商务交际的原则和技巧、语言和行文特点,全面培养和提高商务英语书面交际能力,熟练并有效地起 草文体得当、表达准确和语言效果良好的各种商务英语应用文,成功地达到国际

28、商务交际的目的,同时具备较强综合分析能力和解决问题能力,成长为综合素质较高 的高层次应用型国际化的复合型人才。四、学习方法商务英语写作具体体现了学生应用语言的实际能力,既强调专业的基础知识,又重视英语语言的应用能力。商务英语写作是交互式的情境交际,拥有强烈的语境标志。(一)掌握专业词句所谓基本词汇和基本句型应与高级经贸英语课和高级经贸口语课的基本词汇和基本句型相互渗透,相辅相成。所以学生要准确理解课文,必须弄懂一笔交易的来龙去脉,做到一丝不苟,掌握如何准确的表达各种商务环境的情景。要熟悉课文。(二)案例分析学生可以通过案例分将内容、对象、语言、知识等多种要素结合在一起的情境,进行创造性的学习,

29、培养学习的热情和兴趣。学生在案例分析和讨论中综合运用自己的商务知识和英语能力,写出具有实际内容和针对性强的文章,锻炼运用商务英语写作手段处理实际问题的能力。(三)情景模拟学生可以通过模拟商务情景和案例,确定各类商务文书的写作任务,学习不同类型的商务文书的写作 格式和规范、了解它们在商务活动中所起的作用、熟悉各种文体的写作风格,进而起草通俗易懂、简明完整、清楚正确的商务文书,建立有效的沟通,实现从理论到 实践,再从实践到理论的提升,提高学生分析问题和解决问题的能力。(四)大量练习商务英语写作是实践性很强的课程。要提高写作熟练程度需要通过大量的接近现实生活的活动,使学生在学中做,在做中学,强化知识

30、和技能。要写出规范、得体和有效的商务信函和文件,需要进行大量的练习。 五、课程特点(一)以学生为中心在创新的教学模式下,采用“以学生为中心的互动式教学方法”,提高了学生对英语学习的兴趣,同时课堂教学做到尽可能地接近真实语境,有效地培养了学生的语用能力。学生需要跟各个层次和行业的人士进行沟通,在此过程中,学生自觉主动思考如何将商务文化与商务理念贯穿于实践中,从而培养了学生自主学习的能力。另一方面, 外延模式的操作形式使学生感受到极具挑战性,也很大程度上激发了他们的学习兴趣和热情。(二)教学模式灵活多样基于计算机/网络的教学与课堂教学相结合,能激发学生扩展性学习。采用启发式、讨论式、研究式的教学,

31、注重培养学生获得知识的能力及创新精神。 “案例教学与情景教学相结合”等方法得到广泛应用,并已取得较好的教学效果。这种教学模式打破了课堂灌输的传统模式,突破了传统教学的局限性,不仅有益于对课堂教学内容的巩固,还能很快检验课堂教学的效果,促使教学双方及时检讨课堂所学与现实操作的差距。六、课程内容 商务英语写作课程体系共分20章,总讲授课时30学时。教学 内容分三大部分,内容包括:第一部分(14章)商务写作的基本原则和技巧;第二部分(512章)商务信函写作理论结合实例阐述和说明各种信函(社交 书信、申请信、简历、推荐信、通知、便条等)的写作原则和方法,报告写作,介绍较短的非正式报告(备忘录、意向书及其他非正式报告)和正式报告等;第三部 分(1320章),商务函电。其中,第一部分是基础知识,用10的时间掌握基本的原则和技巧;第二部分是各种商务信函(重点),用30的时间要学会 使用;第三部分(重点中的重点),要求用60的时间掌握商务流程的背景知识,熟识各种商务信函的应用。学时分配表 教学内容 学时 标题第一章1.5商务写作概述第二章1.5适应读者合理选词第三章1.5有效地组织句子和段落第四章1.5商务写作的特殊技巧第五章1.5商务书信的结构与格式第六章2邀请函与感谢信第七章1.5便条与通知第八章1.5申请信第九章1简历第十章1.5推荐信第十一章

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