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1、长沙导游词作文3篇最新篇长沙导游词作文3篇长沙导游词作文3篇长沙的旅游胜地也有很多,比如:太平街,小西门,天心阁,白沙古井,岳麓书院等等一些名胜古迹。下面是为大家带来的长沙导游词作文,希望大家喜欢。篇1:长沙导游词作文早上好!欢迎大家来到美丽星城 长沙,首先请允许我代表旅行社的全体员工对大家的到来表示最热烈的欢迎,欢迎参加本次组织的 红太阳之旅 ,因为我们走的是红色路线,。韶山又是太阳升起的地方,所以我们这次旅程就叫红太阳之旅。自我介绍一下吧,我是本次红太阳之旅的导游,我姓赵,为了方便大家可以叫我小赵,那在小赵的左手边,是咱们的司长师傅X师傅,X师傅开车技术好,经丰富,待人热情,所以我们坐他的

2、车尽可以放心,大家在旅途中有什么问题尽可以提出来,小赵和X师傅会尽全力为各位服务,好了,让我们共同拥有一个美好的旅程!我们的旅程开始了,那现在在我们脚下是有着 三湘第一路 的著名的五一大道又叫五一路,它代表着长沙的明天,长沙的繁荣地带就是从这里辐射开来的,始建于1951年5月1日,所以因此而得名,是当时第一条柏油马路,路幅只有9米宽,可随着时代的发展,交通的发达,9米宽远远满足不了往来穿梭的车辆。直到201X年花费了5个月的时间进行整修,也就是我们现在看到的全心界的五一大道,她东起火车站,西止湘江一桥,全长4138米,路幅宽达60米,为双十车道,五一路的交通算是井然有序,可司机们大多不愿走这条

3、路,这是为什么呢?原来在这条道上有3套电视监控设备和6个电子眼,一不小心很容易被抄牌,所以司机们是有又爱又恨了!那五一大道的源头在哪里呢?她就是大家身后的长沙火车站,她于1975年施工,1977年竣工,与上海火车站北京火车站合称中国三大火车站,那在火车站的中间有个钟楼,钟楼高63.7米,钟楼在整点会奏响优扬的东方红乐典,仿佛在告诉大家,您已经来到了一代伟人毛主席的故乡 湖南。而在钟楼上方有一个建筑,那小赵就请问大家,觉得她像什么呢?对,她就是红红的火炬。或许会有人问,既然是火炬,为什么不随风飘扬呢?而是笔直冲向蓝天呢?对于这个问题小赵得给大家解释解释了,因为在火车站建成之前,正值文-革时期,设



6、现在就来了解一下湖南省的省树,它便是广玉兰树,它是从广州引进过来的一个树种。长沙市的市花呢,是杜鹃花,看杜鹃那可要到乡间去了,每当三四月份,红艳艳的杜鹃开满了山头,别提有多漂亮。湖南省的省花呢,是芙蓉花,自古以来,湖南就有芙蓉国之称。毛主席的诗句说的好, 芙蓉国里尽朝晖 。芙蓉呢,也分为木芙蓉和水芙蓉。那小赵就请问大家:水芙蓉是什么?木芙蓉又是什么呢? 呵呵!木芙蓉是木兰花,水芙蓉则是荷花。好了,现在咱们到芙蓉路了,芙蓉路的旁边呢,是长沙新建的芙蓉广场,大家可以看到中间的一个雕塑,那就是浏阳河之女,大家肯定被她长长的秀发所吸引了吧?浏阳河之女的头发有九个弯,象征着浏阳河的九道弯。这不禁让我们想

7、起了优美动听的浏阳河,那小赵在这里献丑了,给大家唱一首浏阳河,希望大家能喜欢。好了,现在我们看到的这栋底层有白色和平鸽的大楼就是著名的平和堂商务楼。平和在日语中的就是和平的意思,意为和-谐发展。这里有一个中日合资的大商场,日本股东占60%的股份,中国股东占40%。在平和堂建成之前,这里出土了全国最多的竹简,那上面记载着楚汉三国时期的历史,现在在平和堂的六楼还设有陈列,大家在购物之余不妨去参观。在平和堂的前面就是五一广场,广场中间有一个巨大的音乐喷泉,每晚八点,音乐喷泉会随着音乐舞动起来。那现在请大家往五一广场的上面看,可以看到一个象眼睛的小房子,那里就是大眼睛直播室 金鹰之声。篇2:长沙导游词

8、作文长沙虽然比不上繁华的香港,比不上大气的北京,但仍旧有她自己的美丽。长沙是个一美丽的地方,这里有美丽的天心阁,爱晚亭。晚上,灯光如同天上的星星,一闪一闪。长沙的春天鸟语花香,春风习习。阳光三月,花艳丽无比。市花杜鹃花更是无法形容了。夏天,被称做 四大火炉 之一的长沙更是热得不可开交。蝉热得直叫 知了,知了 ,狗热得吐舌头,鸡耷拉着翅膀。白天,小朋友们不管天气如何照样出来玩,他们玩得热火朝天,连太阳公公都忍不住探出头来。秋天,树叶纷纷落下,果子熟了,农民伯伯笑红了脸。大雁南归,蚂蚁和松鼠已经在准备过冬的粮食。冬天,大雪纷飞,小朋友们可高兴了,因为可以打雪仗,堆雪人了!树叶一片也没有了,许多小动

9、物也过冬去了。小朋友们都在温暖的家里看着着这美丽的雪景。长沙一年四季景色诱人,不管白天还是黑夜,她永远都是一幅慈祥的面孔。长沙的小吃更是让人眼花缭乱,有臭豆腐,刮凉粉,烤红薯,葱油饼,口味虾,唆螺。真是让人数不胜数,连口水都忍不住流了下来。长沙的旅游胜地也有很多,比如:太平街,小西门,天心阁,白沙古井,岳麓书院等等一些名胜古迹。可是俗话说话得好 人无完人,金无足赤 长沙的美中不足是环镜不好,处处可以看见垃圾,空气受到了很大的污染。长沙是我们共同的家园,等我长大以后一定要把她见建设得更加美好,成为一个更加引人注目的城市。篇3:长沙导游词作文长沙市,简称长,别称 星城 、 楚汉名城 ,同时也是湖南

10、的省会,我的家乡。山水洲城是大自然赐予长沙最宝贵的礼物。这块美丽的土地在历史上写下了太多美好的华章:诗圣杜甫留下了 正是江南好风景,落花时节又逢君 的千古绝唱;宋代张轼、朱熹在岳麓书院两度教学;更有一代伟人毛泽东驻足于橘子洲头,意气风发、激扬文字 一提到长沙,人们就自然想到橘子洲头、湘江风光带。橘洲,有人说它是一幅画,桃李争春,渚清沙白,橙黄桔绿,素裹银装。橘洲,有人说它是一首诗,来往天流天地外,天下古今人物是非中。发思古幽情,主大地沉浮。橘洲,是镶嵌在湘江中流的绿色明珠,是长沙人民的骄傲。湘江风光带全线风光带充分体现了湖南自然风光,环境优美,是游人观光小憩的好去处,也是市民晨练晚游的佳境。湘

11、江是长沙的母亲河,它滔滔南来,汩汩北去,过昭山而进入长沙城,经三汉矾又转向西北,至乔口而出望城县,再过岳阳入洞庭,流经长沙市境约25公里。湘江两岸赤壁如霞,白砂如雪,垂柳如丝,樯帆如云,构成美丽的长沙沿江风光带。说到长沙,自然也少不了美食。湘菜是中国的八大菜系之一。今日长沙的特色小吃早已闻名于世:麻辣小龙虾、铁板鱿鱼、臭豆腐、酸辣粉 吃在长沙,口舌生津, 食 尚之趣,如 吃 如醉。在星城的街头巷尾,有多少传统小吃让人在等待,又有多少新潮小吃让人企望。随着城市的不断扩大、变迁,一幢幢高楼大厦拔地而起。同时,马路两旁也是绿树成荫,我们如同住在花园里。笔直、宽敞的大道清洁、干净,城市的交通日新月异,

12、新建的营盘路隧道使城市化建设上了一个新台阶;武广高速加速了中部地区与沿海城市经济的交往,大大提高了人们的生活水平;而即将建成的城市地铁和轻轨也大大方便了人们的出行。201X年长沙、株洲、湘潭城市群正式被批准为全国资源节约型和环境友好型建设综合配套改革试验区,成为中部崛起的 引擎 ,带动了中国内部的经济发展。曾被报刊评价为, 长株潭经济一体化无论是经验还是教训,无论是成功还是挫折,都将给长三角、珠三角、环渤海地区这些后来者刻骨铭心的启示。 相信长沙的明天一定会更加美好。我爱我的家乡,我的美丽星城 长沙。附送:长沙导游词英文3篇长沙导游词英文3篇长沙是个一美丽的地方,这里有美丽的天心阁,爱晚亭。晚

13、上,灯光如同天上的星星,一闪一闪。下面是为大家带来的长沙导游词英语,希望大家喜欢。篇1:长沙导游词英语Good morning! Wele to the beautiful star it - hangsha, first of all, please allo me, on behalf of all the staff of travel agenies as the armest ele the arrival of ou, ele to the red sun tour of the organization, is the red line, beause e go. Shaosha

14、n is the rising sun, so this journe e all red sun.To introdue mself, I am the red sun tour guide, m name is zhao, in order to failitate ou an all me xiao zhao, on xiao zhao left, that is our diretor of master, master X X master drive tehnolog is good, the rih, treats people the enthusiasm, so e all

15、an be at ease in his ar, ou have hat problem an arr out on the road, xiao zhao and X teaher ill tr our best to servie for ou, ok, let s have a great journe together!Our journe began, and that is no under our feet ith a openning the first all the a of the famous ui avenue and no.3, it represents the

16、hangsha tomorro, hangsha boom radiates XX from here, is founded in51 on Ma 1, so hene the name, as the first asphalt road, the road onl 9 meters ide, but along ith the development of The Times, traffi developed, 9 meters ide far annot satisf the shuttle vehiles. Until 201X, spent five months time to

17、 repair, that is hat e see no, ith all m heartOf 51 avenue, east raila station, est hek the xiangjiang river bridge, a total length of 4138 meters, up to 60 meters in length, road for double tenth lanes, no.3 traffi is orderl, but most of the drivers don t ant to go this a, is this h? On the road th

18、ere are 3 sets of original and 6 digital television monitoring equipment, arelessl is eas to op brand, so drivers is have a love-hate relationship!Where the soure of the ui avenue? She is behind the hangsha raila station, she onstrution in75, pleted in77, ith the Shanghai raila station Beijing raila

19、 station alled China s three largest train station, that in the middle of the raila station there is a lok toer, toer 63.7 meters high, the lok toer at the top of the hour ill be plaed best oung s east is red LeDian, as if to tell ou that ou have e to the generation of a great man of hairman MAO s h

20、ometon - hunan. In the lok toer above, there is a building that xiao zhao exuse me everbod, think hat is she like? Yes, she is the red torh. Mabe someone ill ask, no that is the torh, h not be aving? But go straight into the blue sk? Xiao zhao to the problem have to explain for everbod, beause befor

21、e raila station built, es at a time - leather, stlist designed to float to the left her, said there ill be left; In the designed to the right, sa again afraid ill have the right, then, designer simpl put her into a straight at the torh of the above. In fat, she is ver like a speialt: let s hunan aps

22、ium frutesens var, she is our hairman MAO s favorite kind of food, she also is a smbol of our people of hunan hot and enthusiasm, not to have suh a saing: people are not afraid of spi sihuan, guizhou people is afraid of hot, hunan people are afraid of not hot.Ok, no let s Yuan Guling overpass, h all

23、ed Yuan Guling overpass? And not alled Li Guling the angjialing overpass? Beause it is said that in the large piees of the earth that is inhabited b a ertain famil. So in the onstrution of the bridge as named after had to. It is built don, in addition to the beautiful and also have the effet of ease

24、 the earthquake. Can anone ho has both advantages and disadvantages, hunan is a rain provines, if enounter rain eather, the bridge ill be aumulated rainater, formation ater bring pedestrians through the troubles and inonveniene aused. I m afraid this is hou onl hite ater rafting and line!That is on

25、the right-hand side of the xiao zhao shaoshanlu, beause as not to shaoshan road, then built the road; Shaoshan.Good, that ou pa attention to have a look at the trees on both sides of the tour bus, it is in the it of hangsha ere: amphor trees, amphor leaves small but, under the big amphor tree is a g

26、ood plae to enjo ool air, using amphor tree of amphor ball an drive midge ath ants, took a fe piees of amphor tree he Ye Qing ashed into the mouth, an also be sober refreshing. About the amphor tree,In hangsha, there is suh a loal ustom, it is the parents to marr the daughter of a set of amphorood f

27、urniture is ver deent. On the left hand side, xiao zhao is ele road,72, President Nixon s visit to ele the President of the United States and to build a road. Aross the ele road is a red and hite building, she is 2 hospital of hunan provine the government.Were made, xiao zhao mentioned that e re her

28、e to learn about the tree of hunan provine, it is the magnolia tree, it is from guangzhou introdued a tree. Suiting the it of hangsha, azaleas, see the ukoo that an ant to ent to the ountrside, three in April, hen the brilliant red ukoo open full of hills, not to mention ho beautiful. Fan suiting of

29、 hunan provine, is a hibisus, sine anient times, hunan is knon as lotus ountries. Chairman MAO s poem sas, the kingdom of the lotus from zhaohui . Lotus, also an be divided into ater and otton rose hibisus. Then xiao zhao, please everone: hat is ater lotus? Cotton rose? Ha ha! Cotton rose is magnoli

30、a, ater lotus is lotus.Ok, no let s to lotus road, beside the lotus road, hangsha is the ne lotus square, ou an see in the middle of a sulpture, that is the daughter of liuang river, ou must be attrated b her long hair? The daughter of liuang river nine urved hair, a smbol of the liuang river nine b

31、ending. It reminds us of the beautiful sounds of liuang river , the produt forms to the draing that xiao zhao here, give ou sing a song liuang river , e hope ou enjo it.Oka, no e see the underling hite doves building is the famous peae hall business building. Peae in Japanese is the meaning of peae,

32、 meaning and harmoni development. There is a sino-japanese joint venture of shopping malls, Japan aounted for 60% of the pan, shareholders shareholder China aounted for 40%. Before peae hall as built, the unearthed here most of the ountr s bamboo slips, hih reords the hu the histor of The Three Kingdoms period, no the peae of the sixth floor displa, also has people in shopping ma ish to visit.In front of the hall of peae is the ui square, square in the middle there is a huge musi fountain, at eight o lok ever night, musi fountain ill dane ith

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