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1、湖北省新高考联考协作体学年高一英语下学期期中试题04280121湖北省新高考联考协作体2020-2021学年高一英语下学期期中试题考试时间:2021 年4 月23 日14 :00 16 :00 试卷满分:150 分祝考试顺利 注意事项:1.本试卷由四个部分组成。其中,第一、二部 分 和 第 三 部 分 的 第 一 节 为 选 择 题。第 三 部 分 的 第 二 节 和 第 四 部分为非选择题。2.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。3.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B 铅笔把答 题 卡 上 对 应 题 目 的 答 案 标 号 涂 黑; 用 0 .5 毫 米 黑 色 签

2、字笔回答非选择题,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。4.考试结束后,将试题卷和答题卡一并交回。第卷(共95 分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30 分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5 小题;每小题1 .5 分,满分7 .5 分)听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的 A 、B 、C 三 个 选 项 中 选 出 最 佳 选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后, 你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What i s Mari a goi ng t o do nex

3、t ?A .Prepare f or her hist ory cl ass . B .Go t o her physics l ect ure . C. Hel p Ti m wit h his project .2. When does t he conversati on most pr obabl y t ake pl ace ?A .I n t he mor ni ng . B .I n t he aft er noon . C .I n t he eveni ng .3. Where does t he conversati on most pr obabl y t ake pl

4、ace ?A .I n a t heatre . B .I n a super mar ket . C .I n a cl ot hi ng st ore .4. Where does t he conversati on pr obabl y t ake pl ace ?A .I n a rest aurant . B .I n a school . C .I n t he poli ce st ati on .5. What are t he speakers pl anni ng t o do ?A . Go ho me . B .Look f or a j ob . C .Buy a

5、new house .第二节(共15 小题;每小题1 .5 分,满分22 .5 分)听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6 段材料,回答第6 、7 题。6. Where does t he conversati on most pr obabl y t ake pl ace ?2021 年春季湖北省普通高中联考协作体期中考试高一英语试卷(共8 页) 第1 页A . At a h

6、ot el . B . At a bus st op . C . At t he trai n st ati on .7. When will t he wo man arri ve at t he trai n st ati on ?A .I n 15 mi nut es . B .I n 35 mi nut es . C .I n 20 mi nut es .听第7 段材料,回答第8 、9 题。8. How di d t he man sound at first ?A . He was a littl e tired . B . He was ver y happy . C . He f

7、 elt bored .9. What do we know about t he Dra ma Cl ub ?A .St udent s shoul d pay so me f ees t o j oi n it .B .St udent s need t o show t heir perf or mi ng t al ent t o j oi n it .C . Onl y a f ew st udent s have i nt erest i n t he cl ub .听第8 段材料,回答第10 至12 题。10. What does t he wo man suggest doi

8、ng ?A .Buyi ng a sport s car . B .Buyi ng a s mall f a mil y car . C .Selli ng hi s f a mil y car .11. What season i s it ?A .Spri ng . B . Aut u mn . C . Wi nt er .12. What i s t he possi bl e rel ati onshi p bet ween t he speakers ?A . Husband and wif e . B .Fat her and daught er . C .Fri ends .听第

9、9 段材料,回答第13 至16 题。13. Why di dnt t he man want t o go danci ng ?A .Because he di dnt have t he ti me .B .Because he di dnt li ke danci ng .C .Because he was ver y tired .14. What di d t he man suggest ?A . Wal ki ng on t he bri dge .B . Wat ch t he bri dge ga mes .C .I nviti ng so me fri ends t o pl

10、 ay bri dge .15. When will Janet co me ar ound ?A . At about 8 a . m. B . At about 4 p . m. C . At about 8 p . m.16. Who i s calli ng Janet ?A . The man . B . The wo man . C . To m.听第10 段材料,回答第17 至20 题。17. What questi on di d To m ask t he speaker ?A . How t o st ay healt hy .B . How t o make fri en

11、ds .C . How t o sol ve gr owi ng pai ns .18. How many suggesti ons does t he speaker gi ve To m?A . T wo . B . Three . C .Four .19. What shoul d To m eat ?A .Food hi gh i n fat . B .Sweet f ood . C.Fresh vegetabl es and fruit .20. Whatspr obabl y t he man speaker ?A . An expert i n healt h . B . A c

12、ook . C . A shopkeeper .第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50 分)第一节(共15 小题;每小题2 .5 分,满分37 .5 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A 、B、C 和 D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。2021 年春季湖北省普通高中联考协作体期中考试高一英语试卷(共8 页) 第2 页AMagazi nes can get your st udent s t o ent er t he worl d of Engli sh speakers , read i nt eresti ngarti cl es and i mpr ove t heir

13、l anguage skill s . Today we are goi ng t o i ntr oduce t he most popul armagazi nes t hat may co me i n your cl asses .St udents Weekl yThi s i s a weekl y magazi ne publi shed by a Thai co mpany , whi ch has a hi st or y of 25 years .The readers of t he magazi ne are mostl y t eenagers of mi ddl e

14、 l evel . Here you can fi nd arti cl es on t he t opi cs of educati on , ent ert ai n ment , current aff airs , l at est event s , and song l yri cs . I nadditi on , t here are al so so me vocabul ar y and gra mmar exerci ses t o memori ze t he newl y -l ear ned mat eri al .Nati onal Geographi cThe

15、magazi ne i s bei ng publi shed si nce 1888 . It mai nl y cont ai ns arti cl es about geography ,sci ence , hi st or y and worl d cult ure . It s l anguage i s a littl e bit co mpli cat ed , and t hatswhy t hi s resource will suit onl y f or hi gher - l evel st udent s . A part fr o m arti cl es , y

16、ou can al so fi nd a huge coll ecti on of phot os of nat ure .Reader s Di gestThe magazi ne was f ounded i n 1922 . It i s a general i nt erest f a mil y magazi ne , publi shed t enti mes a year . Here you will fi nd i nspiri ng tr ue st ori es about peopl e and what t hey have done ,so me f unny mo

17、 ment s i n t he li ves of personaliti es . And you can al so read arti cl es about how t obe responsi bl e parent s .SunsetThi s i s a lif est yl e magazi ne t hat first was publi shed i n 1898 i n t he USA .It f ocuses mai nl yon traveli ng , ho me and gar deni ng , lif est yl e , f ood and dri nk

18、 . The magazi ne i s f ull of a mazi ngpi ct ures and i nt eresti ng arti cl es about pl aces i n t he Unit ed St at es . The magazi ne i s suit abl e f or st udent s wit h mi ddl e or hi gher l evel s .21. Whi ch magazi ne has t he l ongest hi st or y ?A .Sunset . B .St udent Weekl y .C . Nati onal

19、 Geographi c . D .Readers Di gest .22. What does Sunset mai nl y f ocus on ?A . The vocabul ar y and gra mmar exerci ses .B . The geography , sci ence , hi st or y and worl d cult ure .C . The f unny mo ment s i n t he li ves of personaliti es .D . The lif est yl e and f a mil y lif e i n A meri ca

20、.23.It i s possi bl e t hat t he readers of t he t ext are . A .t eenagers . B .parent s . C .st udent s . D .t eachers .BOn hi s first day as an air port offi ci al t asked wit h COVI D - 19 preventi on and contr ol , WuGe was assi gned t o prepare a waiti ng area at Pu dong I nt er nati onal Air p

21、ort specifi call y f or transiti ng passengers .The t ask woul d have been chall engi ng f or most peopl e , but Wu t ook it and qui ckl ydi stri but ed t asks t o hi s coll eagues . Toget her , t hey cl eaned and di si nf ect ed t he area , set zones f or checki ng peopl est emperat ures and filli

22、ng out f or ms . It wasnt until t he first passenger st epped i nt o t he waiti ng area t hat Wu fi nall y t ook a break fr o m hi s wor k .Bor n i n sout h west er n Chi nasChongqi ng , t he 46 - year - ol d began wor ki ng at Pu dong2021 年春季湖北省普通高中联考协作体期中考试高一英语试卷(共8 页) 第3 页I nt er nati onal Air po

23、rt i n 2007 and i s currentl y an offi ci al l eadi ng more t han 300 st aff members of t he Shanghai air port aut horit yssecurit y check and pr ot ecti on depart ment .As t he nati onsbusi est air port f or overseas travel ers . Shanghai Pu dong I nt er nati onalAir port i s currentl y battli ng t

24、 he COVI D - 19 wit h cl osed - l oop management . Duri ng t hi scriti cal peri od , Wu and hi s coll eagues have been assi gned t o a speci al t ask f orce i n char ge of separati ng overseas travel ers i nt o vari ous cat egori es , sendi ng passengers t o quaranti ne ( 隔 离) spot s and saf eguar d

25、i ng passengers duri ng transf ers .“Thi s j ob requires care , responsi bilit y and har d wor k . Our t ea mmat es have sweat all overt heir bodi es as t hey have t o wear N95 f ace - masks and pr ot ecti ve suit s all t he ti me . Each of uswal ks at l east 30 ,000 st eps ever y day . So meti mes

26、we even hit 60 ,000 st eps , ” he says .Wuswor k as t he gr oup l eader i s nonst op . Breakf ast i s so meti mes t he onl y meal he has i na day . Wu says he tri es hi s best t o reduce waiti ng ti me f or passengers . He has al so arranged f or hot wat er and bi scuit s t o be made avail abl e f o

27、r passengers ar ound t he cl ock .24. What was Wu Ge assi gned t o do ?A .Reduce waiti ng ti me . B .Prepare hot wat er and bi scuit s .C .Prepare a waiti ng area . D . Hel p passengers fill out f or ms .25. Whi ch can best descri be Wu Gest ask ?A .I nt eresti ng . B .Demandi ng . C .Encouragi ng .

28、 D .Fri ght eni ng .26. Why di d Wu Ge and hi s coll eague have sweat all over t heir bodi es ?A .It was hot at t hat ti me . B . They carri ed passengersluggage .C . They had t o wal k a l ot . D . They wore pr ot ecti ve equi p ment .27. What can be t he best titl e f or t he t ext ?A . Wor ki ng

29、at t he Air port . B . Hel pi ng passengers at t he Air port .C .Li vi ng a busy lif e at t he Air port . D .Fi ghti ng COVI D - 19 at t he Air port .CThe worl d i s fill ed wit h s mart , t al ent ed , educat ed and gift ed peopl e . We meet t hem ever yday . A f ew days ago , my car was not r unni

30、 ng well . I pull ed it i nt o a garage and t he youngmechani c had it fi xed i n j ust a f ew mi nut es . He knew what was wr ong by si mpl y li st eni ng t o t he engi ne . I was a mazed . The sad tr ut h i s , great t al ent i s not enough .l a m const antl y shocked at how littl e t al ent ed pe

31、opl e ear n . I hear d t he ot her day t hat l esst han 5 percent of A meri cans ear n more t han $ 100 ,000 a year . A busi ness consult ant whospeci ali zes i n t he medi cal trade was t elli ng me how many doct ors and denti st s str uggl ed fi nanci all y . It was t hi s busi ness consult ant wh

32、o gave me t he phrase , “ They are one skill a way fr o m great wealt h . ”There i s an ol d sayi ng t hat goes , “Job means j ust over br oke. And unf ort unat el y , Iwoul d say t hat t he sayi ng appli es t o milli ons of peopl e . Because school does not t hi nk fi nanci ali nt elli gence i s i nt elli gence , most wor kers “li ve wit hi n t heir means ” They wor k a

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