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本文(学年春季学期人教版PEP小学五年级英语上册教案及教材分析全册精写.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!



2、如下:五年级上册变化较大的板块是主情景图。五年级上册分解了这两页的内容,在左页安排了一个新的板块Lets start,左页下半部分是一首歌谣,通过说唱歌谣初步展开话题。右页是简缩成一页的主情景图,呈现本单元的词汇与会话。首先是Lets learn这一页,把五年级上册同四年级下册对比一下可以看出,五年级上册对单词的学习提高了要求,要求能达到听、说、读、书四会掌握。原来四年级下册的Lets learn部分的单词只要求能够听、说、认读,单词的书写是在Read and write部分完成的。四年级下册的Read and write部分要求学生四会掌握一组句子和几个单词,五年级上册分散弱化了这一部分的难

3、度,要求学生在Lets learn部分听、说、认读单词之后就达到正确书写的程度。与前几册相同的是,这一部分仍然提供了替换句型,教师可以引导学生在句型当中学习新词。除此以外,Lets learn这个板块下面复习巩固词汇的活动也由前几册学生用书中听听做做或吟唱歌谣的形式过渡到各种结对和小组活动。另一个改动较大的板块是Lets talk一页。五年级上册Lets talk这一页增加了一个新的板块Lets try,这是一个听力练习,用来进一步熟悉Lets learn部分的新词或感知Lets talk部分的新句型。五年级上册的Lets talk同前几册相比,浓缩了情景对话、呈现了重点句型,并提供了小图进行

4、替换练习。Lets talk部分下面增加了结对或小组活动,旨在巩固所学的新语言。Read and write一页基于课程标准二级目标针对阅读和写的要求调整了教学目标。二级目标提出:要求学生能够在图片的帮助下听懂、读懂并讲述简单的故事。能根据图片或提示写简单的句子。针对这样的要求Read and write这一部分增加了需要写的句子:四年级下册是要求会写410个单词和一组句子,五年级上册要求会写两组句子,并在语篇阅读后增加了填充句子等形式的练习,用来考察学生的理解程度。在下半页新增加了任务型活动,巩固复习所学语言。五年级上册教材的第二个特点是滚动复现旧话题、融合旧知识,带出新语言。五年级上册的话

5、题大都是前四册曾出现的旧话题。U1 My new teachers U3 My friends (Book 3)U2 My days of the week U2 What time is it? (Book 4)U5 My new room U4 My home (Book 3)作为新话题出现的只有Unit 4 What can you do?和Unit 6 In a nature park。但学习Unit 4 What can you do?中的功能结构时也可以从四年级上册Unit 1 My classroom的动词短语中找到线索,如:sweep the floor、clean the w

6、indow、clean the board等。这样的安排可以不断滚动复现旧知识,带出新语言,分散、弱化难度,让学生在温故知新的过程中不断展开进一步的学习。五年级上册教材的第三个特点,也就是本套教材一个一贯的特点是:双向式交流,跨文化交际。本套教材力求让学生了解英语国家情况的同时,也学会用英语向外国人介绍自己国家的情况。这样,学生在与外国人交流时,不仅仅是听者,也能做到有话可说,真正实现跨文化交际。比如:五年级上册分别在各单元Good to know这个板块介绍了中国名字当中姓在前名在后的习惯,以及西方国家与星期有关的常见节日;介绍了中国表示良好祝愿的传统美食,以及与家务劳动有关的安全常识;另外

7、还介绍了西方常见建筑物的英语名称和我国国宝大熊猫的有关知识。这样的设计编排巧妙融合了与各单元话题相关的中西方不同的文化生活内容。本册教材的第四个主要特点是:以语言为媒介,各学科有机结合。教育部在制定新课标时强调学科整合,学习英语除了用来进行交流,还可以用来学习其它学科的知识。为此编者在语言材料中适当引入了其它学科如数学、历史、生物等方面的内容,具体编排时既考虑到各学科内容之间的相互贯通,又考虑到不同年龄段孩子的生理、心理特点,如:五年级上册第二单元的Lets start部分安排了一个谜语和食物金字塔,向学生渗透健康饮食的意识。第四单元的Task time部分要求学生完成一项家务调查后将数据用图

8、表形式表示出来,将语言知识与数学概念相融合。Unit1 What does she look like? Period 1 总第1个教案一、教学目标1、能听懂、会说新单词tall, short,young,old, round ,long.2、能掌握What does she look like? Shes tall and has long hair等描述外貌的句型3、能正确运用What does she look like? Shes描述人物外貌特征。二、教学重点及难点重点:掌握四会单词tall, short,young,old, round ,long.句型What does she l

9、ook like? Shes难点:用What does she look like? Shes结构描述人物的外貌特征。三、教学准备单词卡片和图片、画画工具、教学挂图、教学磁带等。2、教学步骤Step 1 Warming up1、师生问候。2、复习人体各部位的单词(1)在黑板上画一个人脸,边画边问:Whats this? Its a nose/eye/hair/an ear.This is a face. A round face.(2)运用句型:touch yournose,eye,ear ,head,hair,hand,leg, foot,face.朗读2遍,翻译一遍。Ear ,ear, t

10、ouch your earect.Step 2 Presentation and drill1、引入新知。把我们班新来的一名同学悄悄叫出去不让大家看见,然后问大家:we have a new student this year. Whats her name?What does she look like?先用中文猜猜新同学的长相高矮,头发短长,眼睛鼻子的大小,脸型等。然后边谈论边板书新单词tall, short,young,old, round ,long.板书完以后,让学生自学单词:理解词义,猜猜读音。然后教几个来认读,如果有读得非常好的同学,就让他们来当小老师教大家来读,发现有错误的马上

11、进行纠音。单词中有难点young, round的发音比较难掌握,多练习几遍。接着来记忆单词:我们现在来开展比赛,看谁能最快记出这些单词,老师先带拼几遍,然后比赛。2、教学句型。我们要询问某个人长得怎样,应该用什么英语呢?出示句子:What does she look like? 带读三遍,然后指名学生读,纠音。再教答句:Shes tall and she has long hair.带读,纠音。分组问答。学习She has two big /small eyes. She has a big/small nose.Step 3 Practice1、游戏听音画画:listen and draw:

12、 She has a round face.Shes short. She has two big eyes. She has a big nose. She has two small eyes. 2、听课文B,C部分录音,跟读。家庭作业:熟记新单词,和同学或家长描述同学或父母亲的长相。Period 2 总第2个教案一、教学内容和目标: 1、能理解并能表演课文A部分。2、能正确运用句型描述外貌特征。3、培养学生欣赏赞美他人的美德。二、教学重点及难点:重点:正确理解课文A部分,能表演A部分对话。难点:理解并表演课文A部分。教学准备: 单词卡片、教学挂图、教学磁带三、教学步骤Step 1 War

13、ming up 1、师生问候。2、利用卡片复习单词: tall, short,young,old, round ,long.3、复习句型课文C部分。Step 2 Presentation and drill:学习课文A部分。1、listen answer: (1)How many people are there in this dailogue?Who are they?(2)Where are Peter and Lingling ?(3)What does the new Chinese teacher look like?(4)Is she beautiful?答案:Peter and

14、 Lingling.Sunshine School.Shes not tall.She has short hair.Yes,shes beautiful.2、理解课文A部分的含义。3听CD跟读4. 自由朗读课文。5.表演A部分。Step 3 Practice 四人一组设计对话,谈论一下组内同学的外貌,然后上台对话,让大家猜猜描述的是谁。老师先示范:I have a friend. Shes short and she has long hair. She has two big eyes .She likes reading.She wears pink T-shirt. Whos she?

15、 Please guess.让学生自由练习3分钟,然后上台来描述,大家猜测。家庭作业:读熟课文A部分,能和同学或者家长流利的对话。Period 3 总第3个教案一、教学内容和目标1、复习课文A,B,C,表演对话A部分。2、理解课文D,E,F.3、抄写课文标题和新单词3、教学重点及难点二、重点:理解课文D,E,F三、难点:理解课文D,E,F四、教学准备练习本,单词卡片和图片、教学CD等五、教学步骤1、师生问候。2、复习本课新单词,重点在于检查学生的掌握情况:让学生拼写出单词的每个字母。3、表演A部分。4、学习课文D部分:(1)听录音.听之前先引导学生浏览要回答的问题,让学生带着目的性去听,边听边

16、画记一下。(2)听完之后,让学生思考并填写表格5分钟。然后对答案。5、E部分。先让学生描述英语老师的外貌:身高,头发,脸,眼睛。然后完成E部分,请几位把答案写在黑板上,订正。6、学习F部分:先听再跟读。7、书写课文标题和新单词:强调一下书写格式。家庭作业:抄写单词3遍,记好,默写一遍,准备第二天课堂上听写。教学后记:Unit 2 Id like a hamburgerTeaching aims:1. Knowledge aims Learning the new words and sentences just likea hamburger/ sanwich/ feel hungry/ Id

17、 like a hamburger/ ./ would you like some sanwich?/ I feel hungry and so on.2. Ability aims Improve the students oral English and let students know something about like or dislike something, know some words of things and drink and so on. Let the students can make communication with each other.3. Mor

18、al aims We must attend the class seriously.Teaching methods: Reading. /Listening. /Talking. /Singing. Play Games.Making actions.Teaching aids: Computer/TV/a tape recorder / brushMain points and difficulties:New words Expressions and sentences Period 1 总第4个教案Step 1. Revision1. Greetings.Good morning.

19、 /Afternoon everyone. / How are you? /Who is on duty today? Whats the weather like today?2. What fruit/food/drink do you like?Step 2.Presetation1. Have a match between boys and girls, to see who can say out more fruits/drink words. Learn the new words and phrases: cold drink/ feel/ hungry/ bun/ help

20、.T take an apple and ask: would you like an apple? Help Ss answer the question in this way: Yes, Id like one./ No, thank you. Ask Ss practice the dialogue with other things.Step 3. Drills1. Listen to the tape.2. Read after the tape.3. Read out the words and sentences according to the computer.Check

21、up the result.Act the text.Step 4. Exercise1. Remember the words.2. Read Part A after class. Period 2 总第5个教案Step 1. Revision1. Greetings.Good morning. /Afternoon everyone. / How are you? /Who is on duty today?2. Go over the words and sentences in part A and B.Step 2.Presetation1. Show some cards of

22、food and fruits and ask Ss look and say out the words quickly. Make sentences according to the pictures giving. Can use the sentences learnt last class.Learn to say the sentence pattern:Do you have any drink/fruit cards?Yes, I have. / No, I dont.Step 3. Practice:1.Draw and make the cards.Play the ca

23、rds game.Ask and find the cards, which can collect the whole cards of one thing, who can win the game.3. Read out the words and sentences according to the computer.4.Check up the result.Step 4. Exercise1. Remember the words.2. Read Part A after class. Period 3 总第6个教案Step 1. Greetings and RevisionT:

24、Class begins.S: Stand up. Good morning/afternoon teacher.T: Good morning/afternoon. Sit down please.S: Thank you!Revision.1.Words: feel hungry /cold drink /bun /buy /water /soup /vegetables /breakfast /lunch /pepper /salt /forget /remember /tomorrow /borrow2. Sentences: Id like some cakes/buns/. Wou

25、ld you like ?Im hungry, Id like .3.Understand the text of part D. 4.Lead the students to finish the exercise in part E and F.Step 2.Presentation.1.Learn Part D: ask Ss the text by themselves, find out the new words and sentences.Ask student to explain the meaning of the text.Finish the exercises.Ste

26、p 3. Drills1. Read Part D after the teacher.2. Prates by themselves.3. Look at the pictures and finish part F.Step 4. Exercises1.Do the exercises books Part C and part DTry their best to recite A and B. Teaching notes:Unit 3 Do you want some rice?Teaching aims:1. Knowledge aimsLearning the new words

27、 and sentences just like water / soup/ vegetables/ breakfast/supper/lunch/pepper/salt/ Do you want some soup? /Yes, please./No, thank you.2. Ability aims Improve the students oral English and let students know something about like or dislike something, know some words of food. Let the students can m

28、ake communication with each other.3. Moral aims We must attend the class seriously.Teaching methods: Reading. /Listening. /Talking. /Singing. Play Games.Making actions.Teaching aids: Computer/TV/a tape recorder / brushMain points and difficulties:New words Expressions and sent Period 1 总第9个教案Step 1.

29、 Revision1. Greetings.Would you like to say “hello” to you friends?2. What food do you like?Step 2. Presentation1.Have a match between boys and girls, to see who can say out more fruits/drink/food words. Learn the new words and phrases: water / soup/ vegetables/ breakfast/supper/lunch/pepper/salt T

30、take an apple and ask: Do you want an apple? Help Ss answer the question in this way: Yes, please/ No, thank you. Ask Ss practice the dialogue with other things.Step 3. Drills1. Listen to the tape.2. Read after the tape.3.Read out the words and sentences according to the computer.Check up the result

31、.Act the text.Step 4. Exercise1. Remember the words.2. Read Part A after class. Period 2 总第10个教案Step 1. Revision1. Greetings.Good morning. /Afternoon everyone. / How are you? /Who is on duty today?2. Go over the words and sentences in part A and B.Step 2.Presetation1. Show some cards of food and fruits and ask Ss look and say out the words quickly. make sentences according to the pictures giving. Can use the sentences l

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