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本文(7 译林英语 9年级上册 Unit3 Teenage problems 单元基础与拓展 教师版.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

7 译林英语 9年级上册 Unit3 Teenage problems 单元基础与拓展 教师版.docx

1、7 译林英语 9年级上册 Unit3 Teenage problems 单元基础与拓展 教师版Unit3 Teenage problems Period 1 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit一 基础闯关全练1 词汇A 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示写出单词。1 Millie got low_(分数) in the exam.2 When he heard the bad news, he went_(发疯的) .3 Poor health d_ her to give up her studies last year.4 There is going to be

2、an English e_ tomorrow. Prepare for it and try to get good grades.5 -Where is Sally, Kate? -P_ shes gone to the library, but Im not sure.6 There is a club for t_. It often helps to solve t_problems.7 The light is_(开着), but no one is in the room.8 He is very selfish and has no c_ friends. He is lonel

3、y at times.9 The radio is too n_. Please turn it down.10 I didnt sleep well last night, so I feel s_ now.Keys: 1-5 marks; mad; drove; exam/examination; Perhaps; 6-10 teenagers; teenage; on; close; noisy; sleepyB 从方框中选择短语并用其适当形式填空be on; drive.mad; make lots of noise; lose weight1 The football fan _if

4、 his favourite team loses the game in the World Cup.2 I cant have a good rest for some boys_outside.3 You are not heavy at all. So you dont need to_.4 Someone must be in the room for the light_.Keys: 1 will be driven mad 2 are making lots of noise 3 lose weight 4 is on3 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空词数不限1 吃得太多对你的健康不

5、好。 Its bad_.2 学生应该每天花至少一个小时进行体育锻炼。 Students should_at least an hour taking _every day.3 我没有足够的时间做家庭作业。 I dont have _my homework.4 昨晚,那些噪音几乎快让我疯掉了。 Last night, the noise almost_.5 他通常在测验或考试中获得高分。 He usually _.6 你要学会管理你的时间 You should learn to _.7 每个人都不时地有些问题 Everyone_.8 我没有足够的睡眠,所以上课常感到困。 I dont _, so

6、 I often _in class.9 你的父母有时间陪你吗? Do your parents _you?10 我没有亲密的朋友一起聊天。 I dont have_.Keys: 1 for your health to eat too much 2 spend; exercise 3 enough time to do 4 drove me mad 5 get high marks in tests or exams 6 manage your time 7 has problems from time to time /at times 8 get enough sleep; feel s

7、leepy 9 have time for 10 close friends to talk with/ to Period 2 Reading基础闯关全练1 词汇A 根据所给的英语解释,用合适的单词填空1 Tom is always an honest boy. I never _(to feel uncertain about something) what he says.2 How could Jack make such a mistake? I cant _(form a picture in ones mind of something or somebody) what he

8、had in his mind.3 We should go easy on (对.宽容)that young boy. Its not good to be too _(making sure the rules are obeyed) with him all the time.4 To solve the problem, the first step is to find out what the _( the thing that makes sth happen) is.5 My grandpa _(start to have a skill, ability, etc.) the

9、 habit of jogging in the morning many years ago.Keys: doubt; imagine; strict; cause; developed B 用所给单词的适当形式填空。6 MVP is short for the most _(value) player in a game.7 You should find out more information before making your final_(choose).8 Thanks for offering us such useful _(suggest).9 The baby has

10、been _(wake) for ten minutes. He is waiting for his mother to feed him.10 Zhang Yimous new movie Going Home is worth_(watch) twice.Keys: valuable; choice; suggestions; awake; watchingC 从方框里选择合适的词组并用其正确形式填空。Deal with; stay up; on time; dream of; be crazy about11 Its not a good idea _ till midnight to

11、 prepare for your exams.12 If the job cant be completed_, the whole project will be influenced.13 I have_ being a basketball star like Kobe Bryant since I was a child.14 My mother used to _South Korean TV dramas like The Man From The Star.15 Helping students build confidence is a problem. But Mrs Wu

12、 has her own ways _ this problem.Keys: to stay up; on time; dreamed of/been dreaming of; be crazy about; to deal with2根据汉语意思完成句子,每空词数不限1 交卷前你应该仔细检查答案 You should check your answers carefully before you _ your paper.2 为了保持健康,我们别无选择,只有健康饮食和加强锻炼。 To keep fit, we_ eat healthily and take more exercise.3 这

13、部电影很值得看 The film_.4 你的建议对我们很有价值 Your advice is _.5 熬夜看电视对我们的健康有害 Its bad for our health_TV.6 他的爷爷痴迷于收集古币 His grandfather _ ancient coins.7 我对足球的喜爱已经成为一个大问题了 My_has become a big problem.8 此处禁止吸烟 People _smoke here.9 如果你不接受我的建议,你会陷入困境的 If you _, you will_.10 不要待在外面太晚了 Dont _ too late.11 他们按时到达了吗 Did t

14、hey arrive_?12 我期盼着收到你的来信 Im _ hearing from you.Keys: 1 hand in 2 have no choice but to 3 is well worth watching/seeing 4 valuable to us 5 to stay up to watch 6 is crazy about collecting 7 love of football 8 are not allowed to 9 dont take my advice; get into trouble 10 stay out 11 on time 12 looking

15、 forward to3 单项选择1 The novel is great. Its well worth _.A read B reads C reading 2 -We must be strict _ourselves.A with B on C in D by3 Now all Chinese couples _to have two children.A allow B allowed C are allowed D were allowed 4 My parents dont allow me _ late. A stay up B to stay up C stays up D

16、staying up KEYS: CACBPeriod 3 Grammar 基础闯关全练1 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1 Sometimes you need someone to share your _(担忧的事) with.2 I asked Mr Wang some questions in the last e-mail, but I havent got his _(答复)yet.3 When no other _(方法) works, its worth a try.4 Its difficult for the local government to _(解决) the pol

17、lution problem.5 There was nothing but _(安静) in the room.6 How many _(字典) do you have at home?7 To_(谁) are you writing this e-mail now?KEYS: worries; replies; method; solve; silence; dictionaries; whom2 用适当的连词填空1 -Can you tell me_ the next World Cup will take place? -In about four years.2-Do you kno

18、w_Mr Wang will go to Nanjing? -Im not sure. Maybe he will drive his own car there.3 -I wonder _ the meeting tomorrow will last. -At most two hours.4 -Do you know_Li Ming will go to Shanghai for? -To visit the Expo Garden.5 -I dont know _ the sports meet has been put off till next week. -Its said tha

19、t a hurricane is on the way.6 -Do you know _ the bag over there belongs to? -It should be Li Hongs.7 -Can you tell me _ you can pay for the coat? -I can pay 100 yuan at most.Keys: how soon; how; how long; what ; why; who/whom; 3根据汉语意思完成句子,每空词数不限1 你认识那个青少年辅导员吗? Do you know that _?2 不要吵,我需要安静 Dont mak

20、e noise. I _.3 我不知道我可以去何处征询意见 I dont know _.4 你可以问你父母如何处理这个问题 You can ask your parents how to _ this problem.5 咱们去看电影, 好不好? _go so see a film, _?6 为什么不呆在家里面呢? _stay at home?7 关上窗户如何? _closing the window?Keys: 1 youth worker; 2 need silence; 3 where I can ask for suggestions/advice; 4 deal with; 5 Le

21、ts. shall we 6 Why not 7 What/How about 4 单项选择 (2016各地中考)1 -Dad, can you tell me_? I miss her very much. -Next month, dear. A when will my mum come back B when my mum will come back C how my mum goes to work D where will my mum go2 -Daniel, could you tell me _? -Certainly, in Brazil. A when the 2016

22、 Olympics will be held B when will the 2016 Olympics be held C where the 2016 Olympics will be held D where will the 2016 Olympics be held3 -Im a new reader. Could you tell me_? -Certainly. Two weeks, and you can renew them. A how long can I keep the books B how long I can keep the books C when shou

23、ld I return the books D when I should return the books 4-I wonder_. -Yes, of course. A why we will visit this museum B when we will get to the museum C whether the museum is worth visiting D what we can see in the museum5 -Could you please tell me_? -OK. I will go to Beijing next week. A where will

24、you go B how you will go to Beijing C when you will go to Beijing D why will you go to Beijing 6 -Could you tell me_? -Every four years. The 24th will take place in China in 2022.A how long the Winter Olympic Games last B How long do the Winter Olympic Games last C How often are the Winter Olympic G

25、ames held D How often the Winter Olympic Games are held 7 -Do you know_? -Yes. They are from New York. A what do the tourists do B where the tourists are from C what the tourists do D where are the tourists form8 -Could you tell me _every morning? -Sure. I have to catch the school bus. A why you get

26、 up early B why do you get up early C why did you get up early D why you got up early 9 -I wonder _. -Its about an unusual experience of a little girl. A who wrote the book B what the book is about C how I can get the book 10 Tom was not listening carefully, so he failed to hear _. A what the teache

27、r said B how the teacher said C what did the teacher say D how did the teacher say 11 -Could you tell me _ at this time last weekend? -I was studying for the exams. A what you were doing B what were you doing C how were you doing D how you were doing 12 Yesterday the teacher told us the earth _the s

28、un. A goes around B went around C is going around D would go around13 -I have a toothache. What should I do? -_ A Lucky you! B Youd better work hard. C Why not see a dentist? Keys: 1-5 BCBCC 6-10 DBABA 11-13 AACPeriod 4 Integrated skills & study skills.基础闯关全练1 根据句意及所给汉语写出单词。1 My brother loves English, Maths and _

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