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高考英语第二轮专题复习 词汇讲义.docx

1、高考英语第二轮专题复习 词汇讲义高考英语第二轮专题复习 词汇讲义 词汇讲义I 押韵题型(押头韵、押尾韵);答案总在相似中,如果有三个一样,基本上就在其中了。4 The rain as heav and _A_ the land as fldedA nsequentl B ntinuusl nstantl D nsistentlntinue v 继续,连续; ntinuall adv 不断地,频繁地(时断时续地); ntinuusl adv 连续不断地。说不停的咳嗽时,ntinuall是间歇的时断时续的咳嗽,ntinuusl是一直不停的咳嗽。nsequentl adv 因此,所以;(heav r

2、ain大雨, light rain小雨)nstantl adv 始终如一地,连续发生地;nstant teperature 恒温nsistentl adv 一贯地,一致地; nsistent ad nsistent pli 一贯的政策。36 I hate peple h _ the end f a fil that u havent seen befreA revise B rerite reveal D reversererite v 重写,改写; revise vt 修改,修正; reveal vt 揭示,揭露;reverse vt 颠倒,使反转,使反向。(vers是词根,表示转动;re是

3、前缀,表示向相反方向)42 There ere n tiets _D_ fr Fridas perfraneA preferable B nsiderable pssible D availableperfrane n 表演,演出,演奏; perfr vt pssible ad 可能的动词后加able构成形容词通常表示“可的” read -> readable aept -> aeptablensider vt 考虑; nsiderable ad (数量或尺寸)相当大(或多)的。preferable ad 更好的,更可取的;Pvert is preferable t pr heal

4、th 贫穷总比不健康好。available* ad 可获得的,可利用的,可支配的。(重点词)33 In general, the aunt that a student spends fr husing shuld be held t ne-fifth f the ttal _D_ fr living expensesA aeptable B appliable advisable D availableliving expenses 生活费; aeptable ad 可接受的; appl vt 申请,应用; appliable ad 可应用的,适当的,合适的;an appliable rul

5、e 切实可行的规则。 a slutin that is appliable t the prble 适合于这个问题的解决方法。advise vt 建议; advie n 建议; advisable ad 明智的,可取的。4 It is ur _A_ pli that e ill ahieve unit thrugh peaeful eansA nsistent B ntinuus nsiderate D ntinualahieve unit thrugh peaeful eans 通过和平手段取得统一; nsistent pli 一贯政策6 In Britain, the best seasn

6、 f the ear is prbabl _A_ springA late B last latter D laterlate ad 晚的,晚于通常时间的; late spring 晚春、暮春; last ad 最后的,最终的;later ad 更晚的(late的比较级)、时间概念后一半的;只适用于表示某个世纪的后半期; The later tentieth entur 二十世纪的后一半。latter ad (两者中)后者的; frer ad (两者中)前者的;9 Se peple uld lie t d shpping n Sundas sine the expet t pi up nder

7、ful _B_ in the aretA batteries B bargains basets D barrelsbatter n 电池; bargain n 特价商品; Its reall a bargain 你真会买东西,不是说真便宜。baset n 篮子; barrel n 桶; nderful bargain 物美价廉的商品;bargain v 讨价还价;3 Reeber that usters dnt _D_ abut pries in that itA debate B nsult dispute D bargainII 构词法题型(词的转化,合成,派生);构成符合形容词的名词和

8、数量词一律用单数。(见下面2个例题)31 Despite the nderful ating and ell-develped plt the _B_ vie uld nt hld ur attentinA three-hurs B three-hur three-hurs D three-hurs用连字号构成的形容词中的名词一般不用复数形式。A three-da urne =a three das urneA t-hur eeting=a t hurs eeting᠄都是“不管,尽管,任凭”despite和in spite f 后面都接名词性成分 如名词、动名词、名词性从句 用法

9、基本一致 但他们后面接句子一般用despite/in spite f the fat that 的结构 that后是同位语从句 这样比较正式 English beae the ffiial language in spite f/despite the fat that the ppulatin is largel hinese267 Prfessr hite rte a _ reprt esterdaA t-thusand-rds B t-thusands-rd t-thusand-rd D t-thusands-rds6 _B_ his sister, a is quiet and des

10、 nt easil ae friends ith thersA Dislie B Unlie Alie D Liinglie vt 喜欢; dislie vt 不喜欢,厌恶; unlie prep 不象;alie ad ≈ adv 同样的(地),相象的(地);The tins are s alieliing n 爱好,嗜好 III 近义词含义比较;44 There ere se _A_ flers n the tableA artifiial B unnatural false D unrealunreal ad 不真实的(不是真实世界所拥有的,虚幻的); false ad 具有欺骗性的

11、,假的,伪造的; false passprt/evidene, false teethunnatural ad 不自然的,经常用修饰人的行为举止,表示做作的,矫揉造作的。artifiial ad 人造人为的 artifiial leg 假肢artifiial leather 人造皮 genuine leather 真皮4 hen peple bee unepled, it is _ hih is ften rse than la f agesA laziness B pvert idleness D inabilitlaziness n 懒惰; pvert n 贫穷; pr ad 贫穷的;id

12、leness n 无事可做(中性,有时也有贬义含义); inabilit n 没有能力,没有办法。IV 搭配关系问题;extent n 程度; t extent 到达程度,在程度之上; extent 只能和t搭配。T a ertain extent, I a respnsible fr the dela 在一定程度上,我对拖延负有责任。 bet vi 反对; bet + t + 动名词(动词的ing形式)。Peple bet t sing 越越多的人反对吸烟。 betin n 反对; betin + t + 动名词(动词的ing形式)。There is n betin t ur pening

13、the ind http:/su/你开窗没有什么不可以的。V 形相近,意相远;-XXXX-XX-41 The bridge as naed _A_ the her h gave his life fr the ause f the pepleA after B ith b D fr ause 事业; be naed after 以的名字命名;42 There ere n tiets _D_ fr Fridas perfraneA preferable B nsiderable pssible D available preferable ad 更好的,更可取的;38 _ the Revluti

14、nar ar, the United States as an English lnA Inferir t B Superir t Prir t D Preferable t 具有比较意味的形容词只要与介词t搭配即可表示其比较级。 super- 表示在上方,超过inferir ad 低于的,劣于的; superir ad 高于的,优于的; prir ad 在之前的Revlutinar ar 特指美国独立战争;send ad 第二的(含有比较意味,也与t搭配)30 aner is send nl _B_ heart disease as a ause f deathA f B t ith D f

15、rbe send t 仅次于He is send t nne 首屈一指,无与伦比;43 It asnt suh a gd dinner _ she had prised usA that B hih as D hat suh that 如此 以至于 ; 9 Aerian en ere _D_ the right t vte until 1920 after an ears f hard struggle the right t vte 选举权A ignred B negleted refused D deniedsb + be + _ + sth 空格处应为能加双宾语的动词;den v 否认,

16、拒绝;den sb sth 拒绝给予某人某物;refuse表示拒绝时强调主观的意愿,den表示“拒绝”时相对客观,是客观条的限制,使得拒绝。一些特殊的动词:第一点:frget 忘记; 反义 reeber 记得;这两个词后加动词不定式表示将要进行的行为;这两个词后加动词ing形式表示已经做过的事情。注意:动名词与现在分词形式一样,但含义不同。这两个词后加动词ing形式都是动名词。frget t d sth 忘记要去做某事; frget ding sth 忘记做过某事;reeber t d sth 记得要去做某事; reeber ding sth 记得做过某事;62 I reeber _B_ t

17、help us if e ever gt int trubleA ne ffering B hi ne ffering hi t ffer D t ffer hiffer vt 提出,提供; ffer sb sth / ffer t d sth hi ne ffering 如果改成 his ne ffering 也正确。动名词的复合结构:凡是一个动词的后面可以加动名词,就可以加动名词的复合结构。动作发出者 + 动名词;当动作发出者名字给出时:名词所有格 + 动名词;当动名词的复合结构在中出现,且动作发出者在前中提过时:形容词物主代词(宾格)+ 动名词。形容词物主代词:his, her, , u

18、r, their, ur。代词宾格:hi, her, e, u, us, the。第二点:ant 想要; ant t d sth 想做某事; ant ding 客观需要或缺乏。48 ur hair ants _B_ ud better have it dne trrA ut B utting t ut D being ut注意:ant ding 中ding表示的是被动含义。18 This r is s dirt that it ants _A_A leaning B t lean being leaned D leaned第三点:ean 意味; ean t d sth 打算做某事,意欲 ;ea

19、n ding 意味着,的意思是2 Theres a an at the reeptin des h sees ver angr and I thin he eans _B_ truble reeptin des 接待台A aing B t ae t have ade D having ade-XXXX-XX- The hildren ent there t ath the irn ter _D_A t eret B be ereted ereting D being eretedath 看电视用,看比赛用; see 看电影用; 感官动词ath, see, hear; 感官动词 + 名词(代词)

20、+ dbe ereted 强调的是动作的结果; being ereted 强调的是动作的过程。6 The engine _D_ se and steaA gives up B gives in gives aa D gives ffgive up 放弃; give in 屈服,让步; give ff 释放,放出(烟和气体);give aa 泄露,走漏风声;婚礼中新郎的父亲把新娘的手交给新郎的过程;赠送礼品。7 The anager prised t eep e _ f h ur business as ging nA t be infred B n infring infred D infri

21、ngeep sb + 分词; infr v 通知,告知; infr sb f sth 通知某人某事情eep e infred 使我被告知。61 I shuld lie t rent a huse, dern, frtable and _B_ in a quiet neighbrhdA all in all B abve all after all D ver allall in all 总而言之;abve all 首先,尤其是;after all 毕竟,终究;verall 全面的,总体的in a rd 总之,in shrt 简而言之,in nlusin 最后,总之,t su up总之,总而言之

22、。62 _B_ e have finished the urse, e shall start ding re revisin rA Fr n B N that Ever sine D B nn that 既然,由于(相当于sine); ever sine 自从以。与that搭配且后面可以加句子的几个表达形式:n that 既然,由于; in that 因为; exept that 除之外。exept后面加名词或代词;exept that后面加句子。63 hat u have dne is _D_ the dtrs rdersA attahed t B respnsible t resista

23、nt t D ntrar tbe attahed t 连接,附属; This shl is attahed t Beida 这所学校附属于北大。respnsible t 对负有责任; resistant ad 反抗的,抵抗的; ater resistant 防水的。be ntrar t 与相反(相违背)。64 hn regretted _A_ t the eeting last eeA nt ging B nt t g nt having been ging D nt t be gingregret ding 后悔做过某事; regret t d sth 遗憾的做某事(应用语境非常有限)。63

24、 e regret t infr u that the aterials u rdered are _B_A ut f r B ut f st ut f reah D ut f pratieut f r 失业; ut f reah 够不着 ithin reah 够得着; ut f pratie 缺乏练习。6 The _ in spite f the extreel diffiult nditinsA arried ut B arried ff arried n D arried frardin spite f 尽管; arr n 坚持,继续。66 rs Brn is suppsed _A_ f

25、r Ital last eeA t have left B t be leaving t leave D t have been leftbe suppsed t d sth 应该(理应)做某事。37 Hes athing TV? Hes _D_ t be leaning his rA nn B nsidered regarded D suppsed regard as 把认作 Beteen 1974 and 1997, the nuber f verseas visitrs expanded _A_ 27%A b B fr t D in69 hildren h are ver-prteted

26、 b their parents a bee _A hurt B daaged spiled D haredspil vt 宠坏,溺爱70 hen r nes gets ld, he ill _B_ ver his business t his snA tae B hand thin D gettae ver 接管接收; hand ver 移交,交出; thin ver 仔细考虑; get ver 克服,战胜。4 e are interested in the eather beause it _B_ us s diretl hat e ear, hat e d, and even h e f

27、eelA benefits B affets guides D effets affet vt 影响; effet n 影响。46 ill all thse _D_ the prpsal raise their hands?A in relatin t B in ntrast t in exess f D in favr fin relatin t 与相比; in ntrast t 与形成对照;in exess f 超过,超出(一定的限定范围); in favr f 赞同,支持。47 hildren are ver urius _D_A at heart B in persn n purpse

28、 D b natureat heart 在心理,在内心; heart 强调的是内心的感情,ind 强调的是思维,头脑,sul 灵魂in persn 亲自,本人; n purpse 有意的,故意的; b nature 生性(天性)使然。48 The ath as anelled beause st f the ebers _A_ a ath ithut a standard urtA beted t having B ere beted t have beted t have D ere beted t having49 The teaher desnt perit _ in lassA se

29、B t se sing D t have a seperit v 允许,准许; perit sb t d sth 允许某人做某事; perit ding 允许做某事。22 These bs, hih u an get at an bshp, ill give u _A_ u needA all the infratin B all the infratins all f infratin D all f the infratins27 I have n betin _B_ ur str again bet t + 动名词A t hear B t hearing t having heard D

30、 t have heard28 The lthes a persn ears a express his _B_ r sial psitinA urisit B status deterinatin D signifianeurisit 好奇心; deterinatin 决心,决定status n 身份,地位; signifiane n 意义,重要性; 29 B la, hen ne aes a large purhase, he shuld have _D_ pprtunit t hange his indA aurate B urgent exessive D adequate aurat

31、e ad 精确的; urgent ad 紧急的,紧迫的; exessive ad 过多的,过度的; adequate ad 充足的,足够的。33 Beer is the st ppular drin ang ale driners, _A_ verall nsuptin is signifiantl higher than that f enA hse B hih that D hathse指代的就是他前面的ale driners3 I didnt n the rd I had t _ a ditinarA l ut B ae ut refer t D g verl up 查阅; l up a rd in a ditinar 在字典中查单词;ae ut 辨认出,搞明白refer t 提及,涉及 referene n 参考书目; referene r 资料室;38 I t

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