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1、12份外研社英语八年级上学期模块检测题及答案【12份】2015-2016初中八年级外研社英语上学期模块检测题及答案目录八年级上学期英语模块检测(一) 1八年级上学期英语模块检测(二) 6八年级上学期英语模块检测(三) 10八年级上学期英语模块检测(四) 16八年级上学期英语模块检测(五) 21八年级上学期英语模块检测(六) 26八年级上学期英语模块检测(七) 31八年级上学期英语模块检测(八) 36八年级上学期英语模块检测(九) 41八年级上学期英语模块检测(十) 46八年级上学期英语模块检测(十一) 51八年级上学期英语模块检测(十二) 572015-2016外研社初中英语八年级英语上学期八

2、年级上学期英语模块检测(一) Module 1一、单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从下列各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( ) 1. - How about _hiking this Sunday? - Great! Id like _with you.A. to go; going B. going; to go C. going; going D. to go; goes ( ) 2. There are some mistakes in your homework. You should _in your notebook. A. write

3、 down it . B. write it down C. write down them D. write them down( ) 3. Dont forget _ speaking English every day. A. to practise B. practising C. practises D. practise( ) 4. - Why not go to Lao She Teahouse(老舍茶馆) tonight?. - .A. Thank you B. Sounds great C. It doesnt matter D. Sorry to hear that.( )

4、 5. He cant answer this question, so he wants to ask the teacher _ help. A. for B. with C. in D. to( ) 6. Id like you to give me _ on how to learn English.A. some advices B. some advice C. an advice D. a few advices( ) 7. Its a good idea _ in the sea. A. swim B. swimming C. swam D. to swim( ) 8.Our

5、teacher often advises us _computer games a lot. A, to play B, playing C, not to play D, not playing( ) 9. Its very important for us _ some healthy food every day.A, eat B, eating C, to eat D, eats( ) 10. -Bob, its getting cold outside. _ take a jacket?-All right, Mum. A. Why not B. Why do you C. Why

6、 did you D. Why dont二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。My name is Liu Yuqing. I will never 11 my first English teacher, Miss Yang, because I learned a lot from her. Miss Yang is a young woman. She has a round face 12 big eyes. There is always a 13 on her face. She taught me

7、 English when I entered the school. When I first met her, I was 14 and couldnt speak a word of English. She said to me, “Come on! Dont be shy. You can do it well.” She always 15 me with my English when she was free.Every day, she prepared (准备) her lessons 16 before class. When she came into the clas

8、sroom, she said hello to 17 . She tried to make every class 18 . She had all kinds of activities in class and tried to make every student speak English. After class, if we had problems with studies or life, she would give us some 19 .With her help, my English 20 a lot and she was very happy for me.

9、Miss Yang is really a good teacher.( )11. A. see B. forget C. remember D. tell( )12. A. in B. of C. on D. with( )13. A. message B. mouth C. smile D. club( )14. A. shy B. sad C. happy D. strict( )15. A. sent B. matched C. helped D. filled( )16. A. clearly B. carefully C. loudly D. badly( )17. A. ever

10、ybody B. anybody C. somebody D. nobody( )18. A. tiring B. boring C. interesting D. bad( )19. A. news B. time C. money D. advice( )20. A. needed B. improved C. knew D. took三、阅读理解(共13小题;每小题2分,满分26分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。A Do you like telling jokes in your English study? Jokes can make your w

11、ords colourful and interesting. If (如果) you make people laugh, you can know that people are interested in your topic.In order to get jokes, you can watch comedies or talk shows on TV. When you hear David Lettermans jokes in his programme, youd better write them down. Then you can have more jokes to

12、tell when you talk with others. If your English is good enough, you can also write your own jokes to tell at a party or to break the ice before a speech.How to make your jokes more interesting? Not all the English words sound funny. Some English words sound funny by themselves, while others can get

13、a laugh only in phrases and sentences. You have to choose. Different people may have different feelings on a joke. So dont be sad if others dont laugh after you tell a joke. After all, telling English jokes is just a way to help you with your English study. ( ) 21.If people laughed after you told a

14、joke, they might be your topic.A. bored with B. sad about C. interested in D. good at( ) 22. From the passage, we can guess that David Letterman may be a(n) .A. movie actor B. English writer C. language learner D. host (主持人) of a talk show( ) 23.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passag

15、e? A. Almost all the English words sound funny.B. Your words cant be interesting without jokes. C. You can write your own jokes to get a laugh.D. People always like the same jokes when they listen to a talk show.( ) 24. What is the best title for the passage?A. Colouring Your Life. B. Making Friends at Parties.C. Famous English Jokes. D. Learning English by Telling Jokes. BEnglish is one of the important subjects. And there are many ways for us to learn it well. But I think it is not easy to do s

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