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1、5416+医学英语2013年春期成人教育(专科)医学英语期末复习指导 2013年6月修订 第一部份 课程考核说明1考核目的通过本次考试,目的在于使学生掌握医用英语的日常用语和相关的专业术语,切实提高用英语进行以医学为主题或与医务工作相关的场景的简单的交际、阅读能力和翻译能力。2考核方式本课程期末考试为开卷笔试,考试时间为90分钟。3. 适用范围、教材本复习指导适用于重庆电大成人教育专科护理学专业的选修课程医学英语。本课程考试命题依据的教材采用彭丽主编,电子科技大学出版社出版的现代医用英语(上)(2003年9月第1版)。4命题依据 本课程的命题依据是医学英语课程的教学大纲、教材、实施意见。5考试

2、要求考试主要是考核学生对重要的医用英语知识和词汇的掌握以及用英语进行简单的医用交流的能力。6试题类型及结构考题类型及分数比重大致为:排列题(20%),词组英译汉(20%),段落英译汉(25%),阅读理解(20%),句子汉译英(15%)。第二部份 期末复习指导第一模块 实用英语会话一、重点掌握1. 句型练习2. 描述某一症状的词汇归纳、情景和临床两大类会话。3. 情景会话。涉及门诊挂号、内科、外科、急诊科、眼科、妇产科和治疗等科室;临床会话涉及高血压、白内障、糖尿病、骨折和更年期综合症等常见疾病。二、一般掌握练习。包括听力填空、角色扮演、词汇复习和短文阅读起步。第二模块 医务英语应用文的阅读 一

3、、重点掌握医务英语应用文的阅读。 内容包括病历、化验报告、临床检查、临床记录、药品使用说明书、医学类广告等。二、一般掌握同时练习活动中还配有听力、口语、词汇和阅读练习。第三模块 医学英语阅读 一、重点掌握1. 医学英语精选的英文文章的阅读理解。2. 对医学英语表达特点的理解。二、一般掌握1. 构词法。2练习,包括听力、词汇和补充读物以及药品使用说明书。第三部份 综合练习题一、 Put the following sentences into the right order. 1. 1234567891011AA: Have you got a medical record?B: Yes. Fi

4、fty cents, please.C: No. This is my first visit.D: Thanks. Here is your medical record. Print your full name on the front cover.E: Ok, I will. By the way, could you please tell me how to get to the Neurology Department?F: Well, Im afraid you have to get one.G: All right. Should I pay for that?H: Tak

5、e the elevator to the 7th floor. Every consulting room has a number on the door. Room 5 is just on your right.I: You are welcome. Bye-bye!J: Thank you very much.K: Here you are.2.1234567891011AA: Excuse me, where do I queue to register?B: That is the line for new patients. The registration fee will

6、be 1 yuan. Pay over there, and they will give you a registration card. Fill it in and bring it back to me.C: Whats the problem?D: In the case, youd better go to the Medical DepartmentE: Oh, good. Thank you.F: Since this morning Ive had a high temperature, and I feel generally wretched.G: Is it very

7、busy?H: Which way do I go?I: Normally yes, but today you are lucky.J: Go up to the second floor, and youll see it sign-posted to the right. Give the doctor your registration card.K: You are welcome. (The patient queues up, and shortly reaches the window. After getting a card and filling it in, the p

8、atient takes it back to the desk.) 3.1234567891011CC. Doctor: Good morning, Mrs. Jones. How are you feeling today? A. Patient: Very bad.B. Doctor: Whats the matter? You came here the day before yesterday and you seemed to be all right then.D. Patient: Yes. But I noticed some bloody discharge this mo

9、rning.E. Doctor: Have you had any pain in your abdomen?F. Patient: No, Im not.G. Doctor: You are not due for another ten days, arent you?H. Patient: Yes, a little. But not regular.I. Doctor: Lie down on the couch. Let me give you an examination.J. Doctor: Well, the fetus is in a good position and it

10、s heart is strong and the beat is regular. Dont worry about the bleeding. But youd better stay in the hospital for observation.K. Patient: Ok. Is there anything wrong with me? 4.1234567891011CC: How are you, Miss White?A: I have a pain in my lower abdomen.B: How much did you lose?D: Im not feeling v

11、ery well.E: Have you had any discharge since that menstruation?F: In what way?G: Quite a lot. On the second day, I changed my towels almost every hour.H: When did you see your last period?I: Yes. Its sort of yellowish-green.J: You should have a pelvic examination and vaginal smear.K: Twenty days ago

12、. It usually lasts five days. But this time it took eight days.二、Translate the following into Chinese. 1. consulting room 2. urinalysis 3. anesthetic 4. pigment 5. unbutton 6. infect7. contaminate8. gastric9. hepatitis10. gastroenterology11. vitamin12. sugar coated13. unguent14. registration office1

13、5. first-aid room 19.urinalysis 20.anaesthetic三、Translate the following into Chinese. 1. Advil contains ibuprofen, which was once available only by prescription. Just one Advil is as effective as two regular aspirin. Yet clinic studies show that Advil is

14、 gentler to the stomach than aspirin.Doctors have recommended Advil over 30 millions times for so many types of pain.The next time arthritis pain goes to work on you, choose what so many doctors recommend. Advil!Before taking any medicine, read the label carefully and follow directions.2.CAUTION: Ke

15、ep out of the reach of children. May cause excitability (兴奋性) especially in children. May make your child sleeply. Avoid activities requiring alertness (机敏). Talk to a doctor before use in children with a breathing problem such as chronic bronchitis, glaucoma, heart or thyroid disease, high blood pr

16、essure, diabetes, serious kidney or liver disease or on other medication (药物). If condition does not improve within 5 days, talk to a doctor.WARNING: Do not use if carton is open or if printed nech seal or inner mourth seal is broken.3.Three out of four people have gingivitis,an early form of gum di

17、seases .(You may have it and not know it . ) Listerine fights gingivitis. It kills germs. Of all leading non-prescription mouthwashes, Listerine Antiseptic is the only one accepted by the American Dental Association. Brushing and flossing may not be enough . So see your dentist and use Listerine reg

18、ularly. It s there to protect you .4.A 60-year-old woman presents to the emergency department having collapsed at home . She gives a three-day history of increasingly severe pain in her left wrist . She had been unable to use the hand for 24 hours . There is no history of injury to her wrist . On ad

19、mission ,she had features of osteoarthritis and a hot swollen left wrist with a temperature of 39 o C .四、Reading comprehension. 1.Food poisoning refers to any illness caused by eating contaminated food. The food may contain toxins produced by organisms, bacteria and other poisons.Food poisoning rema

20、ins a fairly common illness affecting about one in three perople each year. It is particularly prevalent in the summer months when foods have been left out of the fridge for some time.Most people have experienced food poisoning at some time and it can occur in both restaurants and in the home. Howev

21、er, careful hygiene and food hanling practices can prevent most cases of food poisoning.The mass production of ffod has increased the opportunity for food poisons to infect large populations. It is now possible for food to become contaminated in one country and cause outbreaks of food poisoning in a

22、nother.The US National Food Safety Initiative attributes 9000 deaths and between 6.5 million and 33 milion cases of food poisoning annually to food poisoning. It is believed there are 9.4 million cases of gastrointestinal illness in England annually.Read the passage and decide whether each of the fo

23、llowing statements is true (T) or false (F).1. People who have eaten contaminated food may suffer from food poisoning.2. Food poisoning is rare in our daily life.3. Food poisoning usually occurs in winter.4. The mass production of food has decreased the opportunity for food poisoning.5. Food poisoni

24、ng is a kind of gastrintestinal illness. 2.Malaysian teenager Chornam Yap presented the Australian doctors with a great challenge when he arrived for life-saving surgery three weeks ago.A tumour the size of a football was threatening the boys life. Doctors in Kuala Lumpur told Tuck Choon Yap his son

25、s tumour was inoperable. In weeks, or maybe months, he would be dead.Today, Chornam, 13, bears a surgical scar across his chest and a healthy grin. “Im very happy and really thank all the doctors who saved my boys life,” Mr. Yap said.Pediatric surgery department chief Hock Tan and surgeon Chris Kirb

26、y performed the eight-hour operation at the Womens and Childrens Hospital two weeks ago.Mr. Kirby praised the blood donors highly, “Those five people although we dont know their names are as important to Chornam as the rest of us.” The 780g tumour occupied the left half of Chornams chest, pushing hi

27、s heart aside, curving his spine, bowing his ribs and restricting lung function.It is reported that the hospital had agreed to the surgery at below cost and staff donated their time. The Australian Chinese Medical Association also donated $2000. Read the passage and decide whether each of the follow

28、ing statements is true (T) or false (F).1. Although the tumor was very big, the surgery was not too difficult.2. The Australian doctors were very successful in saving the boys life.3. Fresh blood was more important to the success of the surgery than the doctors.4. The boys heart was in the left side

29、 of his chest.5. The operation was not as expensive as it could be.3.Preparation for operationBefore a patient has an operation he should be carefully prepared for it both mentally and physically. He should be as clean as possible both internally and externally.The night before the operation he shou

30、ld be given a warm bath, and a day or two earlier, a shampoo. His teeth should be brushed twice a day, and the mouth rinsed with an antiseptic solution three times a day.The patient should not be given anything to eat on the morning of the operation, and probably only a very small amount of food the

31、 night before.He is usually given a warm cleansing enema to empty his colon and just before he goes to the operating theatre he should be given a urinal or bedpan to empty his bladder. The area that is to be operated on must be carefully shaved. These precautions make the operation easier for the surgeon.The patient is taken to the operation theatre about twent

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